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“It’s about time”

1. Introduction
2. Efficiency
3. Planning
4. Strategies
5. Resourses/Goals

1. Introduction (story of Didi)

● Didi is a very successful student, and her peers have always wondered how she is able
to get things done considering they have the same amount of workload. She asked:
“how many hours we have in a week?” → That’s something we should know without
● Time management is not simply putting things into a calendar/planner, it requires
strategy and discipline → it is a matter of how we use those hours → we need to be
aware of how many hours we have in a week → which we can apply critical thinking and
reasoning to this

2. Efficiency
● We need to know time is always limited
→ that’s why we need to care about efficiency (just like when we don’t have lots of money we
need learn how to budget, but when we have lots of money, you don’t have to be concern about what you
● more resourses, efficiency ↑
less resourses, efficiency ↓ (mostly)

3. Planning
● Time is the absolute frame of reference of our life
→ which is why planning requires critical thinking and reasoning

4. Strategies
① be aware of different value of time
→ not every hour is of equal value
the goal is to maximize efficiency/productivity

② the Art of Under-scheduling (mentioned in the book Cal Newport)

→ scheduling has to be strategic (to be strategic we need to know what works for you)
→ it is also important to make time for relaxation
→ at some point learn to say “no” to things you’re not interested

5. Resources/Goals
● It’s good to have goal, but not the most important part!
● We need to have the resourses for us to achieve our goals. Reaching our goals would
be more difficult with limited resources
→ which is why ensuring we have sufficient resources to achieve our goals is more

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