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When was the last time you...

A. Choose and ask your partner 2 questions. B. Choose and ask 3 follow up questions:

When was the last time you flew in an airplane? Who did you ___with /______ / ______?

When was the last time you took a bus? Where did you________?

When was the last time you traveled by boat? What did you ________/________/______?

When was the last time you took a train? Why did you _____?

I (____________________________) last-- year, day, month, week, night, season.
yesterday-- morning, evening, afternoon.
____ years ago.
when I was _____ (years old).
A When was the last time you flew in an airplane?
B I flew in an airplane last February.
A Where did you go?
B I went to the Philippines.
A Who did you go with?
B I went with my boyfriend.
A What did you do?
B I went swimming in the ocean. I went hiking and I saw beautiful scenery. I tried new food.

When was the last time you...

A. Choose and ask your partner 2 questions. B. Choose and ask 3 follow up questions:

When was the last time you flew in an airplane? Who did you ___with /______ / ______?

When was the last time you took a bus? Where did you________?

When was the last time you traveled by boat? What did you ________/________/______?

When was the last time you took a train? Why did you _____?

I (____________________________) last-- year, day, month, week, night, season.
yesterday-- morning, evening, afternoon.
____ years ago.
when I was _____ (years old).
A When was the last time you flew in an airplane?
B I flew in an airplane last February.
A Where did you go?
B I went to the Philippines.
A Who did you go with?
B I went with my boyfriend.
A What did you do?
B I went swimming in the ocean. I went hiking and I saw beautiful scenery. I tried new food.

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