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(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

Part I: Answer all of the following multiple choice questions

1. What is the colour version of your exam? No point will be given to you for this
question if you do not choose the colour version of your exam correctly, or do not
mark your ID number correctly in the MC answer form. (Check your ID marking in
the MC form right now!!)

( )
2. Find the limit lim → | |

a) -2 b) 2 c) 4 d) e) Does not exist

3. Find the value of k that makes the following function continuous everywhere.

+3 +1 2 ≤0
(x) = sin √
√ cos + ≥0

a) Does not exist b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4

(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

4. Which of the following is a horizontal asymptote of the function f(x) =

a) y = 1 b) y = 2 c) y = d) y = e) None of the previous

5. Let f(x) = 4 . Find the derivative f’(π)

a) 4 ln 4 b) - ln 4 c) ln 4 d) 1 e) 4

6. Find the slope of the tangent line to the curve defined by the equation
x ln y + = 9 at the point (3,1)

a) − b) − c) d) e) -1
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

7. To find an approximate root of the equation √ − cos = 0 by Newton’s

Method, the iteration formula is:

a) = −

b) = −

c) = −

d) = −

e) = −

8. Find the limit lim →

a) √e b) e c) e d) 1 e) 0

9. How many real roots does the equation +2 + 3 − 6 = 0 have?

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

10. Given the graph of the derivative function f’ of f as shown below, how many
inflection points does f have?

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2 e) 1

11. Find the absolute maximum of the function f(x) = 4 cos sin − 4 sin on the

interval − ≤ ≤ .

a) 0 b) 2√3 c) 3√3 d) 4√3 e) 4

√ √ √
12. Which of the following gives antiderivatives of
√ ( )

√ √ √
a) − + b) + c) − +

√ √ √
d) + e) − +
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

13. Cancelled

14. Let f be the function defined by

1 + |sin |
f(x) =
which has an inverse function denoted by g. Find the derivative g’(0).

a) -2 b) 2 c) -1 d) 1 e) 0

15. Find the value of the definite integral ∫ 6 sin cos (cos ) + 1 .

a) 4√2 + 1 b) 2√2 − 1 c) 2√2 − 2

d) 4√2 − 2 e) 3√2 − 2
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

16. Given the graph of the function y = f(x) as shown below, find ∫ | ′( )|

a) -3 b) − c) d) e) 2

17. Suppose a continuous function f satisfies the equation

2 sin + ( ) =2

Find the function value f(π).

a) – π b) π c) π − 2 d) π + 1 e) π − 1

18. Find the limit lim → ∑ by identifying it as a definite integral.

a) b) c) d) e)
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

Part II: Answer each of the following questions.

19. [10 pts] A rectangle with perimeter 150 cm is rotated about one of its sides to
generate a cylinder. What is the dimension of the rectangle (i.e., length and width)
in order to get the cylinder with the largest possible volume. Justify your answer
for full credit.
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

20. [10 pts] A coned-shaped reservoir (vertex down) is full of water. Assume that the
water evaporation at a rate proportional to the water surface area A = A(t)
exposed to the air at time t (in seconds), with proportion constant equal to 3, i.e.
the rate of decrease of the amount of water in the tank is -3A.
a) Show that the rate of change of the depth of the water in the reservoir is
independent of the dimension (i.e., top radius R and height H (in centimeters)
of the reservoir. [8 pts]
b) What is the rate of change of the depth of the water in the reservoir? [2 pts]
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

21. [13 pts] Consider the function f(x) = for −∞ < x < ∞, with

( )( ) ( )
f (x) = − ( )
and f (x) = ( )

a) Determine all critical points of f, and at each critical point determine both the
function value at the critical point and the behaviour of f
(local max/min/neither) [4 pts]
b) Find the concave up interval of f. Justify your answer for full credit. [3 pts]
c) Using the appropriate scales on the axes in the given grid, sketch the graph of
f, and indicate all its local maximum or minimum point (s), inflection point (s)
and asymptote (s). [6 pts]
(MATH1013)[2016](f)final~=cnemueu^_53547.pdf downloaded by kpchanaf from at 2022-11-29 12:52:39. Academic use within HKUST only.

22. [13 pts] Let f be a twice differentiable function. Circle the correct answer for each
of the following statements. Justify your answer.

a) The function f and the function F defined by F(x) = ∫ ( ) ( ) must

have the same number of critical points.

The statement of (a) above is: True False

b) If f′′ < 0 on the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, then f has at most one critical point in
the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 6.
The statement of (b) above is: True False

c) If f′′ > 0 on the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, and f(0) = 1, f(6) = 3, then

( ) ≤ 12

The statement of (c) above is: True False


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