Lesson 2 Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation

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Cordillera A+ Computer Technology College

Bersamin Bldg. Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800

E-mail add.: cactcollege@gmail.com, Tel. No.: 0746275254, FB Page: @cactcollege




Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Identify the different roles of the criminal investigators;
2. Explain the golden rule in criminal investigation.
3. Perform simulated investigation procedure following the golden rules;
4. Apply the functions of a criminal investigator.


The purpose of crime scene investigation is to help establish what happened at the crime and to identify the
responsible person or people. Carefully documenting the situation at a crime scene and recognizing all- important
physical evidence is often times vital to properly collect physical evidence do this. The ability to recognize and properly
collect physical evidence is often times vital to both solving and prosecuting violent crimes. Actions taken at the outset
of an investigation at a crime scene can play a pivotal role in the resolution of a case. Careful, thorough investigation is
the key to ensure that potential physical evidence is not tainted or destroyed or potential witnesses overlooked.

From the perspective of forensic science has come to mean the application of the natural and physical science to
the motion of matters within a legal context. Forensic Science can be viewed as a tripartite structure consisting of a
collection, which pertains to the science investigation, Examination, which pertains to the medical investigation and,
presentation, which pertains to the courts. A forensic case will involve all aspects of each of the three structured
elements, each being as important as the other. It is obvious that there needs to be a shared approach for the successful
end of each case. Each step in forensic science must be done in an exact order, therefore it can be assured that the
investigation can have few doubts about what is being debated. The crime scene investigator must focus the attention
on the first aspect of the three-step structure, Collections and Scientific Investigation. To determine what should be
done at crimes scenes, how crime scenes should be handled and what steps must be followed to ensure that all
evidence is uncontaminated as when the crime was committed.

The functions for crime scene investigators may vary according to the geographic location, the size of the law
enforcement agency, or simply the size and scope of the crime scene. Within larger cities, for example, crime scene
investigators may be hired to perform specific duties, such as DNA or fingerprint collection, while smaller locations may
require crime scene investigators to tackle any number of tasks at a crime scene. Determine whether or not a crime has
been committed.

The crime scene investigator must adhere to the same set of regulations and the same protocol, which generally
includes: The initial phase of a crime scene investigation involves identifying and recognizing the scene and the physical
evidence to be collected. A crime scene leader is generally responsible for this initial, organizational phase, which
involves approaching the search using an organized method or pattern. This may mean identifying the number of CSI
professionals on the scene, the size of the area, and the extent of the crime scene. Recognizing the scene and the
physical evidence at the scene is crucial as to ensure that the evidence is not compromised in any way and that it can be
identified, processed, and packaged in an organized fashion. This phase of the investigation also involves identifying the
resources and equipment that may be needed and identifying and addressing any safety concerns or hazards.
The next phase involves documenting and processing the physical evidence. This is clone through written notes,
diagrams, reports, photographs, and sketches. This information must be comprehensive, accurate, and factual, as it may
be used by forensic scientists in the laboratory, by law enforcement officials, and in a court of law. Once the crime scene
has been properly assessed and all information has been recorded, it is the job of the crime scene investigators to
recover the physical evidence at the crime scene through a number of technical and scientific methods and procedures.
Proper care must be taken at all times to ensure that the physical evidence is collected and preserved according to strict
standards. The type and scope of a crime scene investigation will vary from case to case. Jurisdictions will want to
carefully consider the procedures in this guide and their applicability to local agencies and circumstances.

Criminal Investigator is so-called the superstar in the process of investigation. He must be capable of observation and a
rational thinker. Many times, a police investigator is being tested with his discretion.

Discretion is the wise use of one's own judgment. He is also a person who can carry the objectives of criminal

Characteristics of Investigator:

1. Perseverance - refers to the steadfastness, persistence and resolution to bring the desired conclusion in spite of
obstacles connected with criminal investigation.

2. Endurance - this is the ability to last physically and mentally hence; he must have the extraordinary physical and
mental energy, enduring sleepless nights and tiresome days.

3. Incorruptible Honesty and Integrity - in the practice of his art, there is the ever temptations of money, women and
drinks where these are present in every corner playing tricks of temptations.

4. Intelligence and Wisdom of Solomon - This is very important in order that the investigator could easily decipher
falsehood from truth and separate the gain from the chaff.

5. Acting Activity - It is the ability to go down to the level of the minor, the prostitute or the slum dwellers, or the level of
the other professionals or the members of the elite.

6. Mastery of the Oral and Written Communication - This is important in order that he will not suffer setback in getting
the accurate facts especially in the preparation of reports and or transmittal of information.

7. Keen Power of Observation and Description - These are very important in crime scene investigation and in interview
and interrogation.

8. Courage - It is the moral fortitude to tell the truth no matter who will be hurt.

9. Power to "Read Between the Lines" - This is the ability of the investigator to interpret the words or phrases
encountered in the process of investigation in their deeper meaning in order to arrive with an accurate meaning of a
certain statement.

10. Working knowledge of criminal Law, Evidence, Criminal Procedure, and Special Penal Laws.

11. Working Knowledge of Martial Arts and Firearms Proficiency - He will find himself in many occasions that he will be
alone in confronting, arresting, bringing to headquarters and interrogating the suspect.

Other Qualities of Investigator

1. Superior reasoning ability - the ability to analyze logically a multitude of facts and determining how they
interrelate. This is related to critical thinking. This method of reasoning challenges one to adopt an attitude of
fair-mindedness, intellectual caution and openness to questioned common or assumed beliefs.
2. Imagination and Curiosity
 Imagination is forming mental images of what is not present or creating new ideas by combining
previous experiences.
 Curiosity is a desire to learn
3. Intuition - immediate apprehension or cognition, quick and ready insight.
4. Observation ability - the ability to observed, noting and recording of facts (using the sense of seeing and

 Philippine National Police (PNP) Criminal Investigation Manual (2011).
 Villaluz, J.et.al. (2014) Special Crime Investigation. Wiseman's Book Trading, Inc.
 Future Criminologist (2017) Criminal Investigation and Detection. Retrieved on August 14, 2020 at

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