Ielts-Day 1

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What languages can you speak?

What languages would you like to learn in the future?

How do you learn a foreign language?

How are languages taught and learned in your school?

Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from
your home in the future

You should say:

Where it would be
When you would like to go
How you would like to go there
What you would do there
Who you would go with
And explain why you would like to visit the place
Part 3

Where do people usually travel on holidays?

Why do some people think it is enjoyable to stay at home on


How do students who have taken a gap year differ from other

Do teenagers usually travel with friends or alone?

What do you think is the most desirable place for people to visit
during the holiday?

What does tourism have to do with cultural exchange?

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Languages
1. What languages can you speak?
I’m proficient in several languages. I am a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese, and I also speak
English fluently. On top of that, I have been learning French for several weeks. While I am not
yet fluent, I am making steady progress.

2. What languages would you like to learn in the future?

As someone who values communication and cross-cultural exchange, I am always interested in
learning new languages. In the future, I would like to learn Arabic, as I am fascinated by the
rich history and culture of the Middle East. Besides, I would like to improve my fluency in
English, as I’ll be studying in an English-speaking country soon. Finally, I have always been
interested in learning German, as it is an incredibly complex language based on rigorous rules
and logic. I believe learning German would be very rewarding.

I would like to learn French because I’m interested in traveling to Canada, specifically Quebec,
which is a French-speaking province. I was inspired to visit Quebec after watching a Korean
drama that featured beautiful scenes from the region. Being able to speak French would make
my trip so much easier and more enjoyable, so I’m motivated to learn the language.

3. How do you learn a foreign language?

In my experience, learning a foreign language requires a combination of formal
study, immersion, and consistent practice. I like to begin by learning the basics of grammar
and vocabulary through textbooks or online resources. Once I have a foundation, I try
to immerse myself in the language by watching TV shows, movies, and listening to music in that
language. I also try to practice speaking and writing as much as possible, whether that
means finding conversation partners online or keeping a journal in that language.

I personally think the best way to learn a foreign language is to go and talk to people who speak
the language as much as possible. By doing so, we could use and remember what we learn and
practice it until we make it our own. If you don’t have access to native speakers, another way
to learn is to create an immersive environment at home. For example, we can use social media
to find communities to chat with and to learn some authentic real English.
4. How is language learning and teaching in your school?
In my school, language learning is highly valued and supported. We have a range of language
classes available, including Spanish, French, German, and others. The teachers are highly
professional and enthusiastic, and they use a variety of teaching methods to keep the
classes engaging and dynamic. In addition to classroom instruction, we also have
opportunities for immersion through exchange programs. Overall, I believe that language
learning and teaching in my school is top-notch and has provided me with valuable skills and

The Chinese education system places a strong emphasis on things such as vocabulary and
grammar. Therefore, schools prioritize memorization and paper practice for learning these
things. While this approach helps students build a solid foundation, it can also kill the fun
of learning a new language, ultimately hindering overall language learning results.

Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home in the future
You should say:
Where it would be
When you would like to go
How you would like to go there
What you would do there
Who you would go with
And explain why you would like to visit the place
Part 3

Where do people usually travel on holidays?

Well, I think it depends on many factors, such as their budget, preferences, availability, and
location. Some people may prefer to travel within their own country or region, while others
may want to explore different parts of the world. Some people may like to visit popular tourist
destinations, while others may seek more off-the-beaten-track places. Some people may enjoy
relaxing on a beach or in a resort, while others may prefer more adventurous or cultural
activities. So, I think there is no definitive answer to where people usually travel on holidays. It
really depends on their personal choices and circumstances. But wherever they go, they can
have a wonderful and memorable time.

Why do some people think it is enjoyable to stay at home on holidays?

There are several reasons why some people may prefer to stay at home on holidays rather than
travel somewhere else. One reason could be that they want to save money and avoid the hassle
of booking flights, hotels, or tours. Traveling can be quite expensive and stressful, especially
during peak seasons when there are more crowds and higher prices. Staying at home can be
more economical and relaxing for some people.

Another reason could be that they want to spend more time with their family and friends.
Sometimes, people may have busy schedules and don't get to see their loved ones often.
Holidays can be a good opportunity to catch up and bond with them.

How do students who have taken a gap year differ from other students?

Students who have taken a gap year may have more self-awareness and confidence. This is
because they have had the opportunity to explore their interests, passions, and goals outside of
the academic environment. They have also faced new challenges and experiences that have
helped them grow and mature as individuals.

Another difference is that students who have taken a gap year may have more global
awareness and social skills. This is because they have been exposed to different perspectives,
issues, and problems that affect the world. They have also developed their communication and
interpersonal skills by interacting with diverse people and communities.

A gap year can provide many benefits for personal and professional development, as well as
academic preparation. However, a gap year is not for everyone and it requires careful planning
and research to make the most of it.
Do teenagers usually travel with friends or alone?

It depends on various factors, such as their personality, preferences, budget, and parents'
permission. Some teenagers may prefer to travel with friends, while others may enjoy traveling
alone. Some teenagers may have enough money and freedom to travel independently, while
others may need to rely on their parents' support and approval.

However, some teenagers may prefer to travel alone because they can have more flexibility and
independence. They can choose their own destinations, activities, and schedules without having
to compromise or negotiate with anyone. Traveling alone can also be more rewarding, as they
can discover more about themselves and the world.

What do you think is the most desirable place for people to visit during the holiday?

Some people may like to visit places that are relaxing and peaceful, while others may prefer
places that are exciting and adventurous. Some people may enjoy places that are familiar and
comfortable, while others may seek places that are exotic and challenging.

On the other hand, some people may prefer to visit places that have rich cultural heritage, such
as historical sites, museums, temples, or festivals. They may enjoy learning about the history,
art, religion, and traditions of different countries and regions. They may also appreciate the
diversity, the creativity, and the vibrancy of culture.

What does tourism have to do with cultural exchange?

Tourism has a lot to do with cultural exchange, because it involves people traveling to different
places and interacting with different people. Tourism can be a great way to learn about and
appreciate the diversity of cultures in the world. It can also be a great way to share and promote
one's own culture with others.
Then again, when tourists host visitors from other countries, they can also showcase their own
culture in various ways. They can introduce their guests to their customs, values, and beliefs
that shape their way of thinking and behaving.

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