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Private Property :


written by : peachxvision

It was already ten in the morning, but the sky was dark as if something bad would
happen. Worried, I took my
phone and sent her a message.

Be careful. I love you.

Others find it weird that I kept telling her that I love her even if I never
received a clear reply to those three words.

A minute later, my phone vibrated.


I rolled over my bed, wondering what she felt for me for the nth time. It was
exactly two years after I confessed to
her my real feelings. I remember her smiling back at me that moment, as if she
didn�t hear anything, and then
asked me if I was hungry.

If you�d ask me if I was bothered, of course I was! Who the hell would not be? For
two years I kept waiting, I even
tried to like somebody else�but she�d always be there. She�d always be listening to
her mp3 player as the sunset
rays light her face, then after five seconds she�d look at me and ask, �You really
like her don�t you?�

Weakly, I�d reply, �I don�t. I love you more.� Then again, she�d listen to her
music as if I didn�t say anything.
I tried to resist the urge to reply to her vague smile, so I turned off my cell
phone then watched my favorite show
on television, or anything that might let me forget about replying to her message.
However, after ten hours of
fighting with myself, I turned on my phone.

I was reading her messages while hearing the news on television�

I�m inside the mall right now. Are you asleep? Could you go here with me?

I smiled at her text messages. Then I thought that maybe, not replying to her
messages was a good strategy to
catch her attention. I glanced at the news once in a while since the news story was
quite bothering.

Around a hundred people were trapped inside� Smoke is already eating the place�

Her nonstop messages made my night as I read the delayed texts. There were around
25 messages or more, some
were repetitive though. The texts contained have you eaten already or so you�re
asleep or random experiences
while she was inside a mall, as she mentioned in one of her messages. My smile was
irremovable because of her
messages, but the last one bothered me.


I replied to her what�s happening a lot of times, even called her but she was out
of reach. Nervous, I went to their
house in the middle of the night, but they weren�t there. I was walking back to our
house when I received the most
delayed message.

I love you.

Smiling, I walk back to my house. I jumped high, and then replied to her.
Greatest day ever! See you tomorrow! I love you!

Private Property :

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