Burning With Need

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Burning with Need

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/50117527.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Character: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Additional Tags: Kink Discovery, Desperation, Piss Fic, Watersports, Eddie has a piss
kink, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Idiots in Love, Horny Evan
"Buck" Buckley, Horny Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Smut, Piss kink, Kinky
Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz,
Evan "Buck" Buckley Has a Large Penis
Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Buck and Eddie one-shots
Stats: Published: 2023-09-16 Words: 3,812 Chapters: 1/1

Burning with Need

by JamesPearce911


“Buck, what is going on?” he asked, sitting upright. “You’re fidgeting so much”.

Buck looked up quickly, peering at Eddie through one open eye. “Nothing, nothing I’m
fine” he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly.

“That’s a lie and we both know it” Eddie rolled his eyes and reached over to prod the skin
where Buck’s hand had been resting, eliciting a hiss from the younger man.

“Okay, fine, I’m busting. I gotta pee so bad”. Buck’s words ignited a fire inside Eddie that
he’d almost forgotten about.

Or, Eddie remembers he has a piss kink and Buck's desperation on a hike is a test of his


I've always been v sad at the lack of piss fics in this fandom. So I wrote my own *shrugs*.
Sue me.
Please enjoy!!

See the end of the work for more notes

The hot July sun was beating down on Buck’s bear back as him and Eddie hiked through Franklin
Canyon Park, enjoying one of the few days off that aligned for them. It was a weekday, so
Christopher was at school and, being bored and childless, the two men had decided that a hike was
exactly the right activity to pass the time. They’d driven through Beverly Hills to get to the bottom
of the trails, wistfully staring at the lavish homes and comparing notes on what they’d buy for their
family if they had that much money. Eddie, it seemed, went for the more understated homes,
generally single story with a large backyard, whereas Buck was of the mind of the more rooms the
better, picking out large sprawling mansions that Eddie claimed would be an absolute nightmare to

“It’s fucking hot out here” Buck complained as he wiped his brow, reaching into Eddie’s backpack
to fish out a water bottle, tilting his head back as squirted the cool liquid down his throat. Eddie
licked his lips as he watched Buck’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “Who’s idea was it to go
hiking in this heat anyway?”.

“You did, from memory” Eddie replied with a smirk, turning around so Buck could put the bottle
back in the backpack.

“Nah I’ll carry it, don’t worry” Buck patted Eddie’s shoulder gently. Both men had discarded their
shirts early on in the hike after they’d began to cling to their sweaty backs. Eddie thought Buck
looked incredibly hot with the strap of the backpack clipped across his chest, almost as though he
was wearing a harness.

Buck continued to take intermittent sips from the bottle as they walked, the ground sloping
upwards as they neared the small reservoir. Whenever they passed under the shade of the few trees
that scattered the area, Buck would sigh in relief as the oppressive sunlight was blocked out, much
to Eddie’s amusement.

“You’re so dramatic” he chided as Buck paused to breathe, leaning against a tree truck as he took
another deep drink from the bottle. “It’s really not that hot”.

“Says the Texan” Buck muttered, wiping his forehead once again as sweat threatened to drip into
his eyes. “I feel like I’m melting”.

Eddie chuckled and held out a hand, indicating for Buck to take it. “Come on, we’ll rest properly
once we’re by the water”.

It took another few minutes for them to reach the reservoir and Buck immediately plonked himself
down on the grass under the shade of a large tree, closing his eyes with contentment. Eddie settled
himself down on the ground next to Buck and began pulling out two bottles of juice and some
sandwiches he’d packed, anticipating Buck would be starving by the time they came to a stop.
Buck cracked open an eye at the rustling and sat up quickly, grabbing a bottle and a sandwich with
a delighted squeak.

“Ugh, Ed, I fucking love you” he moaned through a mouthful of ham and salad sandwich,
swallowing quickly before chugging down on the juice, a little dribbling down his chin.

“Figured you’d be hungry after all that exercise” Eddie replied, taking a bite of his own sandwich
and settling back against his elbows, surveying the world around him. The grass was dry and
yellow, feeling prickly under his skin and the trees swayed gently in the breeze. The sky was a
vivid blue, very similar to the colour of Buck’s eyes, Eddie noted absently, and completely clear,
not a could to be seen. Buck, stretched out on the grass next to Eddie, was another deal entirely.
The light sheen of sweat over his torso send Eddie wild as he watched Buck take another bite of his
sandwich, his bicep flexing as he bought the food to his mouth. Eddie wanted nothing more than to
reach out and run his hands over Buck’s well-defined abs, starting from the top and not finishing
until his hands were in Buck’s pants.

“So fucking thirsty!” Buck’s words bought Eddie out his reverie and his shook himself, wondering
if Buck had caught him staring. However it was clear that Buck was focused on one thing and that
was getting as much juice into him as quickly as possible.

“Chill out, Buck, you’re gonna need some for the hike back” Eddie laughed as Buck pouted at the
empty bottle in his hands.

“I’ve still got my water bottle” Buck replied, stashing the empty juice bottle in his backpack. He
laid back again, a hand resting lightly against his stomach. As much as he wanted to relax, Eddie
couldn’t help but be distracted by Buck’s constant fidgeting next to him, noticing that he was
rubbing his belly just above his pubic bone, letting out small inhales whenever his fingers pressed
into the slightly distended area. Occasionally his hand would shoot to his crotch, gripping himself
tightly, before he’d quickly pull it back and glace furtively around as if embarrassed.

After a few minutes of this, Eddie couldn’t take much more. He was a father of a young child, so
he knew what a person in desperate need of the bathroom looked like, and currently Buck was
ticking all the boxes.

“Buck, what is going on?” he asked, sitting upright. “You’re fidgeting so much”.

Buck looked up quickly, peering at Eddie through one open eye. “Nothing, nothing I’m fine” he
replied, his cheeks flushing slightly.

“That’s a lie and we both know it” Eddie rolled his eyes and reached over to prod the skin where
Buck’s hand had been resting, eliciting a hiss from the younger man.

“Okay, fine, I’m busting. I gotta pee so bad”. Buck’s words ignited a fire inside Eddie that he’d
almost forgotten about. Eddie was reasonably open about his kinks, and Buck and him had
explored almost all of them, but this was one he’d been hesitant to bring up. It’s not that he wanted
to be pissed on, or to drink it or anything, he just found watching it happen so damn hot. Something
about the relief on the person’s face being akin to an orgasm.

Eddie tried to sound as casual as possible when he replied to Buck. “Go find a tree or something
then, there’s no one around”. Buck flushed deeply at this.

“But what if someone appears and sees? I don’t want to get arrested for public indecency”.

Eddie let out a huff and pushed himself off the ground, holding out a hand for Buck and hoisting
him to his feet.

“Come on, let’s go fine you a nice, quiet spot” he instructed, leading Buck towards an area where
the trees were thicker and small, prickly bushes were clustered beneath the roots. “There” he said,
pointing to two trees relatively close together, the path a couple of hundred feet behind them. “I’ll
wait here”.

Buck looked around apprehensively before dutifully heading towards the trees. Eddie could hear
the cracking of twigs beneath his boyfriend’s feet and a quiet curse word as Buck clearly tripped
over a root, before disappearing out of sight behind one of the trees. Eddie was disappointed,
wishing he’d found a spot with a better viewpoint for himself. In the end, it was the soft sigh and
the sound of piss hitting the forest floor that spurred him into action.

Quietly, one foot at a time, careful not to step on any twigs or dry leaves, Eddie tiptoed forward
until Buck’s form came into view. Initially he could only see his boyfriend’s back but after
stepping forward a bit more and angling himself better, Buck’s entire body came into view and
Eddie’s mouth went dry.

Buck was standing in front of the tree, hips thrust forward and knees bent slightly, head bent as he
watched where he aimed. Eddie’s eyes ran from Buck’s blond curls, down his torso and following
his left arm until it came to a stop at his crotch. The lack of shirt meant Eddie had a completely
unobstructed view of Buck’s penis in his hand, having clearly just whipped it out of his shorts, his
other hand holding them in place just beneath his balls. Eddie watched, entranced, as the golden
stream of urine arced from the tip of Buck’s penis, the droplets catching the sun that streamed in
through the leaves above. The bark of the tree on which Buck was peeing had darkened with the
moisture and drops of Buck’s piss glistened on the wet leaves at his feet.

Eddie could feel his own dick beginning to swell in his pants as Buck’s dick twitched, squeezing
out the last couple of spurts. He watched as Buck quickly stroked up and down the shaft, shaking it
lightly to get the final few drops out, before opening the waistband of his shorts and tucking
himself back in again, taking a moment to adjust himself before stepping backwards and making to
rejoin his partner.

Eddie’s heart stopped as he realised that if Buck turned even slightly, he’d notice Eddie staring at
him. Flustered, Eddie quickly began to back up, trying to get behind a tree before Buck saw him.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite fast enough.

“Eddie?” Buck sounded confused as he walked towards his boyfriend. “Were you… were you
watching me just then?”

Eddie gulped. “No….?” he replied, not at all convincingly, earning a raised eyebrow from the

“Eddie, I thought we agreed we’d be honest to each other” Buck replied, crossing his arms and
leaning against a tree truck, his eyes boring into Eddie’s. “Were you watching me piss?”.

Eddie shivered at Buck’s wording. “Maybe” he whispered, not wanting to look Buck in the eye.

“Hey, look at me” Buck said, hooking a finger under Eddie’s chin, lifting his head so they were
face to face. “Does watching me piss turn you on? Is that it?”.

Eddie let out a small whine, stepping backwards. “Don’t make me say it, Buck”.

Buck laughed softly. “What are you embarrassed about, Ed? It’s not like we’re a terribly vanilla

Eddie flushed. “That’s not it! It’s just, this, this is weird, Buck. I didn’t want you to think I was a

“Is this any weirder than me wanting to be tied up and slapped in the face by your cock?” Buck
replied, smirking.

“No, I guess not” Eddie relented with a sigh. “I just didn’t know how to bring it up”.

Buck took a step closer to him and reached out a hand, cupping Eddie through his shorts, causing
his breath to hitch. “Well, now that I know, I guess I’ll just have to do something about it” Buck
breathed into Eddie’s ear, sending a shiver down his spine and a wave of arousal straight to his

“Fucking hell, Buck, don’t tease me” Eddie whined, gripping Buck’s wrist hard. The young man
sent him a playful grin and took Eddie’s hand, leading him back to the track. Just before they
started walking back, however, Buck dug around in his backpack, pulling out his water bottle and
taking a long sip, maintaining eye contact with Eddie the whole time.

“What are you doing?” Eddie asked, eying Buck suspiciously. A cheeky grin played over the
younger man’s face.

“It’s gotta be at least a couple of hours before we’re home, gotta stay hydrated” Buck replied with
a wink. Eddie’s eyes went dark with lust as he realised what Buck was doing and he gripped the
man’s face, pulling him into a fierce kiss.

“Let’s get going then” he growled and tugged Buck after him.

The way back was painstakingly long, both men extremely sweaty once they reached Eddie’s
truck. Buck, true to his word, had continued to sip away at his water as they hiked and by the time
they were in the parking lot, his bottle was empty and he was starting to squirm again. Sitting in
the passenger seat, Buck tried not to cross his legs together too much as his need built, every jolt of
the road sending uncomfortable shockwaves to his bladder. Eddie’s eyes kept flicking towards
Buck as they drove, biting his lip every so often as he watched Buck press the palm of his hand to
his crotch, praying he wouldn’t accidentally piss himself in Eddie’s truck.

Buck was practically bouncing off the seat with need when they finally pulled into Eddie’s

“Hurry up” he begged as Eddie fumbled with his keys in the lock, practically breaking down the
door when it was finally unlocked.

“Bathroom. Now”. Buck grabbed Eddie’s wrist and dragged the man down the hall, Eddie tripping
over his feet as he followed quickly behind the young man.

Buck shut the bathroom door behind himself and stood there for a second, gripping himself
through his shorts.

“How bad is it?” Eddie asked, his voice husky as he closed the gap between himself and Buck,
running a hand down the younger man’s chest.

“Pretty fucking bad” Buck let out as Eddie’s hand came to rest over his crotch, squeezing lightly. “I
really need to piss, Ed. What do you want me to do?”.

Eddie let out a deep, guttural noise in the back of his throat as he ran a hand lightly over Buck’s
swollen abdomen. “Let me hold it?” he asked quietly, holding his breath and praying Buck
wouldn’t say no.

Instead, Buck let out a small moan and rested his head against Eddie’s. “Toilet or shower?” he
breathed, his legs shaking with the effort of holding it in.

Eddie thought for a second before answering. “Toilet. I’ll clean up any mess”.

Buck didn’t need to be told again, hurrying towards the toilet and lifting up the seat. He sent Eddie
a reassuring look, holding out his hand for the man to join him. Eddie wrapped one arm around
Buck’s waist as he pressed himself against his back, using the other hand to swiftly bring Buck’s
shorts to his knees. Buck let in a sharp intake of breath as he felt Eddie’s hand wrap around his
penis, aiming it towards the bowl.

“Go ahead” Eddie whispered, his eyes fixed firmly on Buck’s penis, a giddy feeling spreading over
his body as he fully absorbed what was about to happen. Buck sighed and leaned his head back so
it was resting on Eddie’s shoulder.

“It’s – it’s hard. Not used to someone else holding me” he grunted as he squeezed, the pain in his
bladder building.

“It’s okay, baby, let go for me, I’ve got you” Eddie whispered, pressing a gentle kiss against his
shoulder. Buck moaned and a tentative dribble leaked out the tip of his penis, making Eddie’s heart
leap. After a couple more slow drips, Buck began to piss in earnest, the force of his need causing
his penis to twitch. Eddie marvelled at the sight of his hand wrapped around Buck’s penis,
completely in control of where his boyfriend’s piss landed. He could feel the urine flowing through
the organ, a buzzy feeling as though he was touching a live wire and the sensation almost send
Eddie spinning into the stratosphere. His own penis was hard, pressing painfully against the zipper
of his shorts and it took all of Eddie’s self-control to not take himself in hand and rub one out
against Buck’s back.

Buck let out a moan of relief as he felt his bladder deflate, the pressure in his abdomen lessening
with each passing second. If he was being honest, there was something amazingly intimate about
Eddie holding him while he peed. He’d never really considered piss play in the past but, if the hard
lump pressing into his ass was anything to go buy, it was clearly something they would be

“Feels so fucking good, Eddie” Buck whined as he released the final few drops of urine, his penis
pulsing in Eddie’s hand as he squeezed. Eddie began to gently stroke his hand up and down Buck’s
shaft, squeezing out the last few drops and shaking the tip as they beaded over his slit. Buck
shivered as Eddie’s strokes quickly moved from post-piss shakes to proper I’m-wanting-to-jerk-
you-off-right-now strokes. In a matter of moments, Buck’s cock was hard and twitching
delightfully in Eddie’s hand. Eddie removed the hand around Buck’s waist and spun him around so
they were facing each other, pulling Buck into a hard kiss, his hand never leaving Buck’s cock.

“That was so hot, baby” Eddie breathed against his lips.

“You liked it, huh?” Buck’s voice was husky as he pushed his hips forwards, fucking slowly into
Eddie’s fist.

“You have no idea” Eddie replied, sucking Buck’s neck and grinding his hips against Buck’s thigh.
Buck could clearly feel Eddie’s arousal against his leg, and he let out a throaty chuckle, reaching a
hand down to gently cup Eddie’s cock through his shorts.

“I think I have some idea”.

Eddie pulled back from where he’d been sucking hickies into Buck’s clavicle and began to slowly
kiss down Bucks torso as he continued to stroke his dick, until he was on his knees in front of
Buck, eyeing his penis hungrily. Buck had barely a moment to register Eddie’s position before
Eddie took him into his mouth, swallowing Buck’s cock whole. The noise that escaped Buck’s lips
was ungodly and he took a moment to thank his lucky stars that Christopher wasn’t home. He
could feel Eddie’s tongue licking the length of his penis while he sucked, his tongue occasionally
dipping into Buck’s slit, tasting the salty residue of his piss. Eddie bobbed up and down Buck’s
length, his fist reaching the excess his mouth couldn’t quite get.

“Fuck, Ed, you’re going to get me close if you keep that up” Buck warned, the feeling of Eddie’s
mouth around him and the relief of his bladder being empty enough to turn his legs to jelly. His
vision went black as Eddie teased his tongue under Buck’s frenulum and Buck’s hips involuntarily
surged forwards, his cock plunging further down Eddie’s throat.

Eddie looked Buck dead in the eyes as he sucked, hollowing his cheeks for maximum suction.
He’d dreamed of how it would taste to suck Buck off after pissing and fuck, if this didn’t exceed
every expectation he’d had. The taste was faint but there, tangy and salty all at the same time and it
drove Eddie wild. He’d never been this hard without being touched before and he could feel his
cock absolutely aching, begging for release. He twisted his hand as he jerked off Buck’s cock,
sucking in hard with each upwards stroke and opening his throat wide to accommodate Buck’s
impressive length as he came back down.

“Baby – shit – I’m gonna cum” Buck’s breathing was laboured and his hand threaded through
Eddie’s hair, messing up the usually perfect locks in a way that made Eddie look completely
frazzled, which he obviously was.

Eddie pulled off Buck’s penis with a wet pop and began to jerk it with fervour, opening his mouth
and sticking out his tongue. It was the sight of Eddie like that, face red, hair mussed, and eyes dark
with lust that finally pushed Buck over the edge. He let out a loud, deep moan as his orgasm
washed over him, his penis twitching repeatedly as he spilled into Eddie’s hand and painted his
face with his cum. About 70% of it landed on Eddie’s tongue, the rest coming to rest on his left
cheek and just above his lip. Eddie looked up at Buck, breathing heavily as he swallowed his cum,
licking his lips to catch the excess. Buck bent down and caught Eddie by his chin, puling him up
and crashing their lips together. In Buck’s opinion, there was nothing hotter than tasting himself on
Eddie’s lips and it made his cock twitch feebly.

Buck, knowing just how achingly hard Eddie must be, slipped a hand down his boyfriend’s torso
and quickly unbuttoned Eddie’s shorts, nudging his shorts and boxers down his thighs in one swift
movement. He broke the kiss with Eddie for a moment and looked down, taking a second to
appreciate how Eddie’s erection stood up at a 45-degree angle from his body, his slit glistening
with precum. His penis was red and the head shiny and Buck swore he hadn’t seen Eddie this hard,
this ready for him in a very long time. Wasting no time, Buck wrapped a hand around Eddie’s
leaking cock and stroked up and down, keeping a firm grip as he squeezed on the upstrokes, easing
off on the downstrokes. Eddie let out a filthy groan and bit Buck’s shoulder, his hips stuttering into
Buck’s fist. He’d already been teetering on the edge just from watching Buck piss and then
blowing him immediately after, the taste of Buck’s cum on his tongue almost sending him over, so
it wasn’t surprising that it only took a few quick flicks of Buck’s wrist before Eddie was crying out
into Buck’s shoulder, his legs shaking as he squirted Buck’s hip with his own release.

“Holy fucking shit” he groaned once his penis finally stopped twitching, Buck letting it flop back
against his thigh as he released it. “That was amazing”.

Buck pulled Eddie into a tender kiss, ignoring his cum on Eddie’s cheek, their lips moving in
tandem with one another. Eddie melted into the kiss, letting Buck take him apart with his lips and
bring him back together again as he wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist, their spent cocks
briefly rubbing against one another.

“Don’t regret asking me to piss for you then?” Buck smirked against Eddie’s lips as the older man
let out a quiet groan.

“That was literally all I’ve ever wanted, just to watch you completely let go in front of me. Was
one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen” Eddie admitted as he pulled back.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Not gonna lie, I enjoyed it a lot too. Definitely keen to try that again”
Buck pressed a soft kiss just above Eddie’s eyebrow before taking his hand, leading him to the
shower. “Should clean your cum off me before Chis comes home”.

Eddie hung back, admiring Buck’s naked form as the young man stepped under the blast of water,
Eddie’s cum running down Buck’s thigh and onto the shower floor.

“All good?” Buck asked as he rubbed soap into his torso, noticing Eddie watching him.

“Yeah” Eddie replied, stepping under the water, wrapping his arms around Buck’s waist. “I just
really fucking love you”.

Buck turned around in Eddie’s arms, pressing their wet bodies together, and kissed him slowly. “I
love you too, Ed. Thank you for trusting me with this”.

Eddie just hummed happily and rested his head against Buck’s shoulder. They were certainly going
to be exploring this particular kink further and Eddie couldn’t wait.

End Notes

Hope you enjoyed! This is my first time writing anything like this so feedback is much
appreciated lmao.
Who knows, maybe in the future I'll write more Eddie/Buck piss smut. The world is full of
Let me know what you thought!!

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