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Lesson 2 -

Bhashini Wijewickrama
By the end of this lesson, students will be
able to;
• Apply basic arithmetic operations.
• Describe two’s complement in integer
Learning • Describe sign-magnitude representation.
Outcomes • Describe floating point representation
• Compute arithmetic operations using
integers and floating point numbers.
Binary Arithmetic

• We are familiar with different arithmetic operations such as

addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in a decimal
• Arithmetic in a computer are done using binary numbers and
it is similar to the decimal arithmetic.
The rules of Binary Arithmetic

Binary Addition Binary Subtraction

A B Difference Borrow
A B Sum Carry
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 0 0
Binary Multiplication Binary Division
A B Difference Borrow
A B Output
0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
Division by zero is meaningless
• The sum of two binary numbers is calculated by
the same rules as in decimal, except that the
digits of the sum in any significant position can be

Binary only 0 or 1.

Addition • Any carry obtained in a given significant position

is used by the pair of digits one significant
position higher.
Add the binary numbers 10011012 and
11001102 .

Example 1 11
+1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 12
• Subtraction is slightly more

Binary • The rules are still the same as in

Subtraction decimal, except that the borrow in a
given significant position adds 2 to a
minuend digit.
Subtract the binary numbers 11101112
and 10011012 .

Example 2

−1 0 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 02
• The multiplier digits are always 1 or 0:
Binary • Therefore, the partial products are
Multiplication equal either to the multiplicand or to 0.
Multiply the binary numbers 11012
and1102 .

Example × 110
Binary Division
Devide the binary numbers 10011102
and1102 .

0 110 1
110 1001110
Example 110
Signed Binary Numbers

• In tradition we use the ‘+’ sign before a number to indicate it as a positive number and a ‘-’

sign to indicate it as a negative number.

• This method of representation of numbers is called sign-magnitude representation.

• However, on a computer this + and − representation is not convenient.

• Hence computer use three different techniques to denote signed binary numbers.

• They are sign-magnitude representation, one’s-complement representation and two’s

complement representation.
Sign-Magnitude Representation

• For signed binary numbers the most significant bit (MSB) is used as the sign

• If the sign bit is “0”, then the number is a positive value.

• If the sign bit is “1”, then the number is negative value.

• The remaining bits in the number are used to represent the magnitude of the
binary number in the usual unsigned binary number format way.
• For instance, an 8-bit signed binary number 01100101 represents a
positive number whose magnitude is 1100101 2 = 101 10 .

• In the given number 01100101 MSB is 0, which indicates that the number
is positive.

• Further, in the signed binary form, 11100101 represents a negative

number whose magnitude is 1100101 2 = 101 10 .

• The 1 in the MSB position indicates that the given number is negative.
Convert the following decimal values into
8-bit signed binary numbers using the
sign-magnitude format:
• −15
• +23
• -56
One’s Complement Representation

• One’s Complement, is another method which we can use to represent negative

binary numbers in a signed binary number system.

• Using one’s complement representation, the positive numbers remain

unchanged as before with the sign-magnitude numbers.

• Negative numbers, however, are represented by taking the one’s complement

(inversion, negation) of the unsigned positive number.

• Since positive numbers always start with a “0”, the complement will always start
with a “1” to indicate a negative number.
• Therefore, in the one’s complement representation the leftmost bit is 0 for positive

numbers and 1 for negative numbers, as it is for the signed magnitude representation.

• The process of changing 1’s to 0’s and changing 0’s to 1’s, is called as complementing

the bits.

• Thus the one’s complement of “1” is “0” and vice versa, then the one’s complement

of 100101002 is simply 011010112 as all the 1’s are changed to 0’s and the 0’s to 1’s.
Find the one’s compliment of binary
representation of decimal number −47
and +23?
• −47
Binary Value = 101111
Example Complement = 010000
One’s complement of −47 = 1010000
• +23
Binary Value = 010111
One’s complement of +23=010111
Two’s Complement Representation

• Using two’s complement representation, the positive

numbers are directly represented by their equivalent binary

• For the negative numbers, add 1 to the one’s complement

of the corresponding number.
Find the two’s compliment of binary
representation of −47 and 23?
• −47
Binary Value = 101111
Complement of +47 = 00101111
One’s complement of −47 = 11010000

Example Two’s complement of −47 = + 1

• +23
Binary Value = 010111
One’s complement of +23 = 00010111
Two’s complement of +23 = 010111
• The main advantage of two’s complement over the previous
one’s complement is that there is no double-zero problem plus it
is a lot easier to generate the two’s complement of a signed
binary number.

• Therefore, arithmetic operations are relatively easier to perform

when the numbers are represented in the two’s complement
Subtract with Two’s Complement

• Two’s complement is used in digital computers to simplify the subtraction operation.

• The subtraction of two positive numbers (M −N), both of base 2, can be done as follows:

Step 1. Add minuend M to the two’s complement of the subtrahend N.

Step 2. Inspect the result obtained in step 1 for an end carry.

(a) If in the end a carry occurs discard it.

(b) If in the end a carry does not occur, take the two’s complement of the number
obtained in step 1 and place a negative sign in front.
(a) Two’s complement of -10
Binary value of 10 = 1010
Complement of 101= 0101
One’s complement of -10 =10101
Two’s Complement of -10 = 10110
(b) Two’s complement of 11001111
Complement = 00110000
Two’s Complement = 110001
Using two’s compliment do the following

• 29−12

Binary value of 29 = 11101

Binary value of 12 = 1100

One’s complement of -12 = 10011

Two’s complement of -12 = 10100

+ 10100
Final Answer = 10001
Using two’s compliment do the following

• 15−38

Binary value of 15 = 1111

Binary value of 38 = 100110

Exercise: One’s complement of -38 = 1011001

Two’s complement of -38 = 1011010

+ 1011010
No carry bit. So take Two’s complement of
1. Do the following binary arithmetic.

(a) 1101.01+101.01

(b) 110001.110−10111.010
Assessment (c) 110001.11×101.1

Exercises (d) 1101.1×11.1

(e) 10111.110/1011.11
2. Give the representation of the following
negative numbers on a computer using two’s

(a) −19710

(b) −198710
(c) −4932110
3.Using two’s compliment do the following

(a) 9457−6785

(b) 5830−876

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