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to blow out [blow avs} 5 to stop (burning) 0 [starp (’bsiramn)] +B She blew the candles out on her birthday cake to brush up (on) sth [bral ap (any) to renew rn) | need to brush up on my shooting skills to care for Deere fr] to like flank] a3 | don't care for fizzy drinks - | prefer water to cling on (to sth) Un a] of 04 to grasp (greesp) ol He told me to cling on as the motorbike gets accelerated to cool off thus ost} to soothe; to become (cool) {sud brkam (ku $ Please, Sir, let the coffee cool off a bit before drinking to cut back {kat back) \ to reduce IA {ous} sg If | don’t cut my spending back, Hil be out of money by next week to cut out kat at) to carve; delete kay; drt} mS want to lose some weight, so | cut sweets out of my diet to get off (getaf to exit Cegait} rat We got off the bus and walked to my house to lie around (lararaong] to be (lazy) fbi Tex a Most days he would usually just lie around the house to dress up 2 get on ides a8} re ee to overdress Non) reenter a Teower dre ol ‘ntl We need to dress up for the Christmas party! =a {faand avt] to discover Did you find out who took the cookie? [dr'skavar] to fool around {ful@raund) to waste (time) @3) {worst (aur) Se ‘Stop fooling around - this is serious! | think we got on the wrong bus to grow out of [groo aot av] to become (mature) [br kam (maton) & He stl bites his nails, but hopefully he'll grow out of it to hang out thaeg aot) to entertain [entar tezn] Jeff doesn't hang out in the city centre anymore to lie down [lat davn] torest [rest] eA He lay down on the bed in order to relax to lighten up {lortan np to ease Ea tia} Lighten up! That was just a joke! to live up to lv ap te] to fulfil ifort) The concert didn't live up to my expectations : z =a fe s swine || as rachyru, saayaaTn BIAHOBHTH SHAHHA, HABHYKM ——mroGyrn, nomoGarnca Bowa sanyna csiuku Ha caoemy Mei notpi6o sinHoevTu cao! Sue mo6mio ragosaxi Hanoi, # TopTi 20 AHS NapORmKeHHA HaBvdKn eTpinsGn ie moénua resoean semmemnenneenen iaamenal Soman $s “Abssinen ; . = ‘Tpumatuca MiyHo (3a WoCe) oxonogKyBaTu; GHONOHOE VERT ckopouyarn, sMenuysaTn Bin ckagas meHi TpuMaTUch Cep, 6yab nacka, naitre Kasi 7 . Mio, 60 MoTOUYiKn HaGnpae TPOXN OXONOHYTH, Mepw HK Ikuyo & He CKOpoYy cBOi Mite tom Tai ox airTparn, HaCTynHOrO TOKE y mene He 6yge rpowien Bupisatu, BuKnioYaTu (3 BMXOAUT 3 TpaHcnopTy Conaweyanr 6y™ = payiony) HeNPOAYKTUBHuM, neAaunm A xouy Tpoxi cxynkyTH, Tomy - sienkmounna cononKe 3icsoro ~—- Mw eliuin 3 asro6yca i niwnn sen io word Gynnsey Binbwicts avis six sassuyali npocto Gaiignkysae Baga : 2 a Ee 7a OARTATHOR OcblLIn cigaT Ha aBTobyc, notsr, MpMASITH, WG BianownTn ocoGanenx noni nlraK. HenapEoa canis anayTIEA Aymaio, mu cinu He Ha Tot Bik npunir Ha sixkko, W086 Ha HoBopi4Hy BexipKy! apTobyc poscna6uTuich nisHasatnca nepepoctu/ ctatw HagTo 3acnoKolosatica, AopocnmM ans opsry, gansta poscnaGnstuca, crasarn menu cepiiosHum Bit sce we kycae Hirti, ane, Poscna6ca! Lle 6ys npocto Bu pisHannca, xTo B3aB news? —_cnoglisaiocs, BiH Mepepocte ue —»»>KapT! » aon ex | nyctysatu (3 MoxKanBicTIO nposoguTn 4ac aunpapaosyearu (cnonisanis) He6arkenux Hacnigkis) Mepectat nyctysaTi - ue Dxech 6inbule He nposoguT’ Konuepr He evnpagnae moix cepitosHo! _ 4ac y ueHTpi Micra cnopipak’ to look after to stand around tok ‘ator a (staendaraund] oe to baby-sit Se to be (on feet) z {beri sit) [bir oni ie We stood around in the cold for about an hour, waiting for the Could you look after the children demonstration to start while I'm out? to look around to stop over {lok a'racnd] [stp over] to observe to stay jab zai) [ster) | stopped over in Bangkok for a She spent the afternoon looking couple of days on my way back around the town ‘to move in to take away [muvin] ~~ [terk s'wer} to dwell ea to remove {dwell & [remux) She has moved in with her The waitress took our plates boyfriend away to move out to stand back [mu ant] [staend bak] to leave (a dwelling) to move {lev (er dwelsn) [muy] LY Please, stand back, it's She moved out as she was tired dangerous of living there eS SS try on Itrar ern} to wear [wear] to pass down {pees doo) to transfer Crraensfosr} © eral o The legends of this tribe have been passed down from father to son over the centuries | tried the jacket on before | bought it to settle down to try out (‘seta davon] to marry [meri] aa You need to try out that product first Do you think he'll ever settle down and have a family? to turn over [ta:rn ‘oovar] to switch [swat{] oe Are you watching this TV show or can | turn over? to turn up (tatn 9p to make (louder) [mer (laed)] fe 'm cold, could you turn the heating up please? to wake up [werk ap} to arise; to cognize [S'raxz; kog are] We need to wake up to the fact that the Earth’s resources are limited - to watch out for [wa:tf aot fr] to pay attention [per 'tenfen} ey Watch out for his latest movie, that will be released next month to enlarge {ilras) The TV cami foe TV cameras zoomed in on The house backs onto a narrow alley to back onto [back ‘e:ntu} to be (in front) [bi: an frant} = asa | x HarnsgaT, aGat™ npo Korock | cToaTu, cToBGMuUTH; THHATHCA ra | Mu cros6uainn Ha xonopi 6nn3bKO rogMHy, “eKalo4u Ha nowaToK AeMoHCTpAL Un moxeTe en HarnaHyTy 3a piTomn, nok meHe He Gye? 2 estan | nepemuxatu, neperopaTn Bu quanTece uio nepenayy, 4H #8 Moxy nepeMKHyTu? x ome] aynunutaca Ha Hi (y nogopoxi) ornsgatu (micyesicts) Ha sBoporHbomy winsxy A Bova nposena nicnsobinHifi vac, —_aynmHnaca Ha ReKinbka Arie y ornsgaioun micTo Bawrkoxy nepeikpakaru, sacenstucs (8 —-3aGuparu, BiquocuTH nomeuskaHHa) Bona nepeixana 0 coro OcpiuiatrTxa aa6pana Hawi xnonya Tapin«n 2 nae = BucenaTucs (3 noMewKaHHa) © CTOATH Ha BigcTaHi, BiAiliT Bona sucenunace, 60 BTOMMnact TaM KUTH Biniigire, Gype nacka, Ye HeGesne4HO: a nepegasarucs, nepexoguTn Npumipstw opsr Big Korocb crapwioro mononwomy Jlerexan yboro nnemexi nepenasannos Big GatTeKa AO Anomipas kyptky, nepul Hirk etka npotarom cTorite kyne ti a 3 — me Remninas gaBecru cim'o; noyaTH KUTH i W /BaTH, CraGinbHum kuTTsNM Foarynams, MeO Ak Bu AyMaeTe, BiH KonV-HeByAS TOMHe KUT CTAGINBHIM KUTT wy To6i noTpi6 Poaae mers ore Cnepury 106i norpi6Ho NpOTECTyBaTH Wel TOBAD a pose 36inbwyBatu (3ByK, Temnepatypy) Meki xononHo, Moxe, yA macka, 3inbuliTU TeMnepaTypy onaneHHn? | npoknaaruca, yesigomniosatn Ham notpi6Ho yesigomuTu, WO pecypcn Semni o6mexeHi —S = oviay— 6yT yBarkHum, WO6 nomitaTa uyocs/ Koroce, cnigkysaTn Cripkyiire sa tioro octannina ghinowom, aki a'aauTecA Hactynkoro micaya * — npw6nwKaTn s06paxenua, nokasysaTH BenvkuM nnaHom Tenesisiitni kamepy noxasann ii OGnu4uA BeNUKUM MsaHOM 2 enema are GyTu oGeprenum, crosTH enuHoro Ao 4oroch ByavHok croirs «cnimHoto» fo Byabkoi anei to be tuck away to come back to go off [br tak a'wer] [aa] [kam bak} —_ (gon o:f] to be (hidden) ero to return to spoil 7 {bi: (hrdan)) 0} Ire ta:en] spatl] Van's house is tucked away at Robbie hasn't come back from The milk went off because | the end of the road the store yet forgot to put it in the fridge in to come on - go together fetal eS thar ein] Ae (900 talgeBar] to invite @ 7 to activate to match itn vart] Caekravert et) We had to call in a plumber The central heating comes on you think these colours go because the sink was leaking automatically together? to live through to do up to go with (hv @ru} [du np} [goo w28] to survive to fasten to suit [sa'vnars] Cfeesan] (sul He may not live through the operation, but it’s his only You must do up your safety belt Those shoes don't go with that chance in the back of a car Gress ‘to clean out to do without to jot down {Win aot {du wr bavt] {d30:t dav) to rid to endure to note {eed} lun'dor} {nost] it There's no mayonnaise left, so I carry a notebook so that | can yoursioset clean out alljunk in oui nave to do without it jot down any ideas 7 es to clean up UP: ‘ tks 90 na to tidy peeneir [taxdi] We were detained after school in order to clean up the laboratory to welcome fF] ‘She opened the door and let me in Nick loves fixing up old cars to come apart to go for to line up {kam apart} {900 fo) eQ flaxn ap] to tear to choose B to align af teed) hua} {olamn) My boots are coming apart at Instead of margarine, | always go He lined the bottles up against the seams for butter the wall * a aa [e ae 6yTM saxoBaHvM, TAKMM, WO OBePHyTHCA, NpnitT SHOBY neyearnca, auMuKaTUca BaxKKO 3HaiITM Monoxo sincyeanoca, Tomy Bynuvox Bava saxonanii y PoGi we He nosepHysca 3 Wo # sa6ys noKnacTH Moro & Kil Boporn MaraauHy XONOBMNEHUK sikanxatu (maitctpa, BMnKaTHcs, no“nHaTH noepHysaTice, Ao6pe poGitHuKa) mpautosaTn (npo TexHiky) BurnAgaTH pasom Ham Tpe6a 6yno sinknuKara CaHTexHika TOMy, uyo pakoanHa LeHtpanbHe onaneHHa Bu aymaere ui Konbopu po6pe nportikana BMMKAETSCA ABTOMATUNHO. BUTTIAAeIOTb PasoM? nepexutu Baxky/ GonicHy gauinuniogamn, npucTi6atn, nigxoawTn, nacysaTn cuTyauiro sap’asysaTn Bit moxe He nepexxumn Bu noamski npncre6Hytu calli onepauito, ane Ye eguHui toro pemirts Geaneku Ha SagHbOMy Ui sepeanKn He nacy!oT 20 waHic cupitti aBTo Uporo naarts j = ] . BuuuuaTu, pos6upaTn cnpasnstucs, o6xoquTuca SaHoToBysaTu, wengKo 6e3 4oroch sanucysatu Mationeay He sanmumnocs, To6i notpiSHo posi6patu Bech TOMy BAM AOBeQeTBCA OGiiITHCA A HoWy GnoKHOT, WO6 A mir MoTnox y wacbi Gea Horo) SahoToaysaTu 6ynb-ski Inei = =e == = toumsen an HapoquTu nap, peenbHo pemontysaTH mayoxarn, nponyaKaTn: npwGnpam Hac satpymanu nicna wkonn, Hik mio6uTe pemoHTysatn cTapi Bova sigunxnna ppepi i Wo6 HaBecTn nag y naGoparopii —_aBTOMO6ini snycTuna meHe = = 5 ° eco] ow fm Sa eae posxoquruca (no weax), su6upary; nparnytu, cTaBuTM, wnKyBaTH woch/ Posnagatuca AocaraTn korocb y paAoK Moi 4epesiiku posxoasteca no A saeKan BuGupaio Macno Bit nocrasne nnawiks 8 pagoK sax _ 3amicTe Maprapviqy — nocrinn ee to mess up {mes ap} to disarrange {otsa'rernds) They messed up the room and left stuff all over the place to pay for {perfor to buy {ban I paid 20 pounds for the book to pay off (per af} to repay (a debt completely) (exper ()) We have to pay off the debt within two years to pick sb/ sth up [otk np] to collect [ket] My husband usually picks up the kids after school to pile up. {paxl mpl to accumulate fekiurmjalent) The ironing is piling up as | hate doing it to pull up (pol ap) ree Rk My mom asked me to pull up the blinds poGurn Gesnan, GpyauuTa Bonn spo6unu Geanaa y Kiutarti Ta noBcionM sanvumnn peXi nnatutu 3a wWoce Sl sannarue 20 cbytris 3a uo KHury | cnnayyeatn 6oprn noBHicTio Mn nosiHii nosHicrio siinnataTn Gopr npoTAroM AB0x poxia sa6upaTn Mit Yonosix sasenvah sa6upac nied ai wikonn HakonwuysaTucs, Has6upyBatuca Hakonuuunoct GaraTo peveit Ana npacysaHna, Go 9 HeHaBnpry Ye pours niguimarn Mama nonpocuna mexe nigusTn >xant03i to put aside to stick with Ipotasard] e (strk wi) to devote rs to follow [avout] (faloo) Try to put aside at least 20 He said that he is going to stick minutes a day to read a book with the traditions to ask for sk for] to request vkwest] | asked for the menu to put away to throw away [pot o'wer) [Brow o'wer} to hide & to dump {asd {darmp] She folded the towels and put He read the magazine and then them away in the cupboard threw it away to put out to turn down ipotacd {tem dav] >, to liquidate £4 to lessen SS Tlikwedert] [lesan The room was too hot, so she He put out cigarette before turned the heating down entering the building to ask out eck aut] to invite (for a date) kn'vant (fo exert) Se He wanted to ask her out but was too shy to ask over [eosk ‘ouvor] to invite (for a visit) lan'vant (fa ex veer) i They have asked us over for drinks on Friday to rub in to use up rab) & {iuzp) fal & to deplete toe SQ tit He applied the cream on his palm and rubbed it in ‘Someone's used up all the milk to see about ‘to warm up [si ebaot} [wo:rm ap] to consider fie to heat Ikar'sidar (hit You can just warm up the leftovers from yesterday in the microwave You should see about getting your hair cut eT AS to show off to zip up teow tem ag] to highlight & to button That bat] The shirt really showed off his new tie He zipped up his jacket to break in [bres an) to interfere Lintar'fr] (i I'm sorry to break in on your conversation, but there is a problem to bring around (AmE)/ round (Br) = ‘bran a'raund/ brin raund) to persuade to per Chin Initially they refused but | managed to bring them around 8 My dad called me up to tell me the good news to call up ko‘ np] to phone fon) siaknanaru, supinatn (4ac, oTpumysaTacs npocuru rpouwi) Cnpo6yitre suginatn xoua 6 20 XBINVH Ha AeHb, WoO NownTaTH «—_—Blt CkasaB, uo a6upaeTecA KHUry AoTpyMysarucs TpapMuin AA nonpocue meHto KslacTu Hagaq, Ha cBoe Micue BuKngaTn sanpowysatu Ha sycTpil/ noGayenHs Bix xotie sanpocutu ii Ha Bowa cknana pywHnKi i Bin npownras kypHan, a notin noBaverHA, ane Gys saHanro noknana Hasag y Wwacby BukuHys itor copom'aanneni FacuTH, npunwAsTu ropiKHs smeHwysaru (sByK, sanpowysaTn Temnepatypy) Y kimari Gyno HagTo apKo, Bin saracue curapety nepea Tomy Boxa SMeHuINna Bot sanpocani Heo BRNETHY Tum, AK aitTn Ao Gynisni Tewnepatypy onaneHHAa iitaainded SSS pa a repesueary, expyuarven 8 eral (pew) BTpa4aTu, BMKOpucToByBaTn posmosy BiH HaHic Kpem Ha JonoHio i . Beene lo nepeGuaaic, ane € stupas iioro npoonema XToo® BUKOPHCTAB yoe MONOKO noaGatu npo wock pOairlaayu rovosy Eey NepekonysaTn, amosnatn Cnows Bi MoxkeTe npocro posirpiri sepredh esllet seats To6i cnig noaGaTu npo C8010 sannwikn BYOpAWHbOI DKi y fe RS renee cTpwKky MikpoxeunboBi nevi TenecbonysaTn axyenTysaTH, MAKPECMOBTH — acri6aru GnutcxasKy Milt TaTo noAsBCHNe MeHi, LYO6 Copouxa pidicho nigxpecnionana Cee cae eco lioro HoBy KpaBaTKy Bint sacteGuys niqKak to clear up to get away from to go into Ikrar ap) @ [get a wer fra:m) = (goo ‘intu] to deviate (| to elaborate : Cee b iMaberat S Could you clear these points up Do not get away from the point She didn't go into any detail before we go any further? as you answer the question about the job to come out with to get around (AmE)/ to go on {kam aut wr] oO round (BrE) {908 en} to announce [get araund/ get ravnd} ——_((¢9)) to continue [snauns] to spread a kan tanju:] [spre] She comes out with some good The news soon got round the ideas village Go on with you speech, please to face up to to get through to to hang up [fers ap tu) (get Gru: tu) [heen ap} to confront to reach to end (a call) {ken fen] trie) fend (a) Some people struggle to face up to the fact that they are getting old ! cannot get through to her He started shouting so | hung up to fall for to give away to have sb on =a lo: fox) iv awe, ihavorn} to succumb to reveal to prank {sa'kam) (e'viell Upraenk) He is too smart to fall for that He gave away all of her best They said they'd | trick friend's secrets were having me on Put they to fit in with to give sb away to hear from [fst in wr) lovelwed 2° (hrar from) to confirm to expose to be (informed) (kan farrm] lak spouz) [bi:an'forrma) His rudeness yesterday fits in She thinks no one knows how with what | have always thought much she likes him, buther face We haven't heard from her for of his behaviour gave her away! ages to get at to go along with to keep off [get at] [g00 a'ta:9 wad] & [kip af] to criticize toagree “ to avoid Chetssaz] (eri fe'vard) That's only my opinion, stop She'l never go along with this She kept off the subject of her getting at me idea divorce Noscuiosatu feTanbHiwe Yu Mornu 6 BM neTanbHiLe FOACHMTH Yi nyHKTH, Nepen THM, IK MM MPOBOBKUMO? i =| BucnoBnioBatucs, BucTynaTH {is 3anBoto) Bona sucnosnice xopouii igel * IS com BigxoguTn ia Temu aucKyci He sinxonp aig Tey, Biqnopigaioun Ha sanuraHHA noumpiosatucs (npo incbopmauito) Hositiin ckopo nowmpunnicr no ceny (0Giduian sce ceno) AeTanbHo oGrosopionatu, Baapatucs B NoAPOGUUi Boia He snasanaca 8 NoppOGuUi WOR POGOTH 2 coma Big6ysaTuca, npogoBxKysaTu Bynb nacka, nponosxylite caoIo npomosy = oonme | npuiimatu HenpuemHni cbaxr, aMmpuTuca Bararsom mops Bako ApMiHsTH TOA (bak, LO BOHM crapivore = cranes niggasatuca 6pexni (secTuca Ha 6pexnio) Bilt saaqro posyMunit, wO6 nigqgarvca Ha yen TpIOK nigtseppkyeaTu camp Vioro suopawiHe xamerao nue nigrBepaino Mow AyMKy NpO iioro nosepinky KpuTuKkysaT Le nie Mos AymKa, nepecral KputuKyBaTu MeHe AonsBOHIoBaTucA, BocTykysaTica Ao Koroch AA He Moxky Ao Hel oABBOHITHCS nporosopuTnes, poskpuTn ceKpet Biv poskpus Bci cexpeT cBoci Halikpauiol nonpyru BygaBaTn, BUKpMBATH Bona aywac,wo Hixto He sHae AK Bit Th logobacTecA, ane o6nu4ya Bugano ii! “ cnc sasepuiysatu Tenecbouny PosMony, knactu cayxaBKy Bint novas KpmuaTH, Tomy & Nloknas cnyxaBKy ropopuTn Henpasay, Wo6 nloxkaptysaru Hay KMMOcb, posirpyaatn Bonu ckasanu, wo nporpan ane 80H posirpanu we oTpumysaTu sBictky, 4yTH npo koroch, Mu 6a Hi¥oro © pokie He yynu Big Hel a are noroppxysaTucr Bova Hikona He noroguTecA 3 lew Igecto uKkaTn neBHoi TeMM, He rosopuT™ Boxa He rosopuna npo NPMAMAY Ggoro posny4eHHA to let on Uetan o to confide ante She let on to a friend that she'd lied in court to mix with (imnks wad) to communicate [ka'mjunakert} iy John is very good host. He knows how to mix with the RR I've tried to get him to open up to me, | did not succeed to open up [oupan ap} to talk (frankly) {tock (fraegk) to point out [pamnt avt] to emphasise Do femfasaxz) OAS He pointed out that | only had two weeks to get the whole thing finished I's an interesting idea and | think he put it across well to put across ipotakras) to clarify [klerafay} to put through (pot 6ru} to connect thainekt} Could you put me through to customer services, please? to speak up [pik ap) to speak (more loudly) spk (marr ‘laodli] Bs Speak up please! | can't hear a word you're saying to bes down a oe [rant) (A Did you take down the phone number? to talk over [tark ‘oxvar] to discuss (asks) Se && We talked over the problems in our relationship, but couldn't sort things out to wrap up. (rp ap] © to cover U (havor} Have you wrapped up Jenny's present? ‘to write up (rant to finish {fan} Have you written up that report yet? to yak on Ueekan) to chatter ['tfetor] He yacked on for an hour to bring along [bran a'la:n) to develop [dvelap} ie Her coach has brought her along a lot in the last six months Gy My parents brought me up strictly to bring up someone [bran 4) to nurture (nator) to run into {vn antes] to encounter in'kavnter] Tt Iran into my boss at the supermarket to butt in [bat an} to intrude ban'trusd) It is rude to butt in when two people are having a discussion to call back Tko:! book] =. Irena cam & 6 [evtasrn (ex kas) Why didn't you call me back? to call for sb kar far] to come (to bring someone) {kam (bra ‘samwan}) Vl call for you at eight p.m. posnosigarn, ainuraca ‘cexpetom BoHa posnoina apyrosi cexper npo Te, wo BoHa Opexana B cyl ropopurn ronocniwe Tosopu ronockiwe, Gyn nacKa! A eaarani Te6e He yo ao a] posewsatm, qonomarath crapara Kpauynm(-o10) Ti tpeep aonomir iti cratn 3HaYHO KPaLolo 3a OCTAHHI wicTe Micauie: cninkysatuca, 3HaxoQuTH cninby MoBy DpkoH ay>ke xopowuit rocnopap. Biv sHac, ak crinkyearncs 3 ion aaeinemumeenieienen ia 100 cigar Bigeepto rosopuTn ‘A Hamarasen amycuTy Horo siggepro norozopumu, ane Ges yonixy nosinomnstn, Haronowyearn Bit nosigomme, wo y meHe € MWe ABA THXKHI, 14O6 BCE sakinwurrn a pos’acHiosaru, 3posymino BuknanaTn Ue uikasa ines, i, # aymaio, Bilt suiknas fi uinkom sposymino 1 — s’equysatu (no Teneory) 4u mornu 6 Bu 3’enHaTY MeHe ig cepsicom oOcnyroyaaHns KnigHTiB? sanncysaru, savoTosysaTn Bu sanncanu Homep Tenecbouy? oGrosopiosaTh Mu o6rosopmnm npo6nemn 6 HauuMnx CTOcyHKaX, ane He Mornit Bupiwurn ix 2 cen o6roptatu, ykyTyBaTH Bn sanakyeann nomapyHoK ana Deni? AoBoauTu pO KiHYs, sakinyysaTn Bu axe aakinsnnn HanvcaHHA usoro aBiry? 7H, Ha6py Sanasnamn Bik ronopus 6eanepectanky uiny roanny BMxoByBaTn AMTHHY Moi Garbku meHe cysopo auxosann a some Hatpanumn Ha Koroc! BunapKoso 3ycTpiTH Sl natpanue Ha csoro HauasibHuka y cynepmapKer Se ea a Scene BTpyyaTuca Hepeinuiso srpyyatica, Konn ABOE monen BNCKYTYIOTS mu ac nepenssoniogaTn Yomy 7 He nepegsBoHe meHi? = ma saxog_uTn/ saiDKaKaTn 3a kumoce A sainy 3a TOGO o BocEMit Beuopa to catch up (on) to count in {kaet{ ap (arn) g [kaon] to regain to include (ex gem] & fan'klu:d) Let's meet for a chat - | need to catch up on all the gossip If you're going for a pizza, you can count me in to clear out to deal with {ktor aot} (ai! wid} to vacate to work iver ett] {wa:rkta'ru My landlord's given me a week | prefer to deal with the same to clear out of my flat salesperson each time ‘to come about to do sb out of sth {kam a'baot) ee {du aot av) to happen & to deprive Capon BQ tn Why did this meeting come about? He did me out of my rightful inheritance to come along to drop in {kam alain) i] [ararp an} to join to visit tesa) BBB ORS We're going to the cinema. Do phere betaibr oe | dropped in on George on my way home from school to come into to fit in [kam ‘intu:) (ft an} to inherit to belong fon hers] {orien | didn’t fit in with the other people working there to fizzle out Ctral ave] a’ g They went to different to negate Inxgert) Universities and thei just fizzled out" She came into a bit of money when her grandfather died to come up against [kam ap a'genst] to confront Ikan rant] Zi : if you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out tionship to get along {get a'le:n) to be (amiable) Ibi: (exmiabal)) So, how is Cindy getting along with her classmates? Fortunately, | get on with my boss to get on with [get a:n wid] to be (friends) [bi: (frendz)} to get together [get to'gedar) to gather Ugee0ar] We got together in the pub fi drink ors to hang around {haen a'raond} to loiter [oxtar] My friends and | were hanging around the theater trying to get tickets to lap up the op] to appreciate [e'prifiert] He lapped up their praise to invite in vat to let (inside) § 20 ph Hae The neighbours invited us in for coffee a econ || mm ce HaponyxyeaTn cnpasH; 6yTM ——sakmouaTWB Komal naguatu, 6yTH B xopoumx 8 Kypci 31 co6010 crocyHKax Dasaii syctpinemoce, w06, noTepeseHuTin, MeHi OTPIGHO AAkwo en s6upacreca Haniuy, To To ak Cikgi napnae 3 6ytw 8 Kypcl ecix nniroK MoxeTe BpaxyBaTu | MeHE onHoknacHiankanu? smo | a aa a ewixgpKaTn, sanmwarn Micye aru cnpasy 3 4uMocb/ nagHatn 3 KAMOCe kumoce Aomosnachuk nas Medi 51 sipnaio nepesary maru TwKAeHb, WOO BuixaTH 3 cnpaay wopasy 3 OpHuM Ha wacta, a napHaio 3 moim keapTupn nponasuen 6ocom o mcm ay ao imal sin6yeatucs, tpannatucn nosGasnsTuca Yorock, a6upatues, aycrpivaTuca 3 3aBaqnTu spoGuTH Woce kumoce (o6maviom) / . Bi sasaqne meni orpumaru mii Mu aycrpinuca 8 nai, wo6 omy sig6ynaca ya syotpiy aakoHHnit cnagoK eunath a i SSS eee, . aol == nitw 3 Kumoce, Aony4urca 3axopuTH Ao Koroce 6e3 TunsTucs, KpytuTucA Gina Aomosnenocti Moroes. Mn 3 apysawm kpytunuca Mu tigemo 8 Kio. Xovewnitws —¢ aapiras go AbKopama Ha®KONO TeaTpy, Hamaraio4nce Hamu Aoporoio si uikonu AoaoMy AictaTa Keureit = ee — = = ae napoK oTpamata 6 cnago snucysatuca, siayysaTh uityeaTw; Haconoaxysatucs Apuhanexhicre go KoMnaHil ; rpoxn ‘He Bip4yBae, Wo HanexaB AO Poors ae rpyn iHwux nopel, aki Tam 2 p ii aiayce TeoemoTe Bin uikyeae noxsany ain winx siemens ws seen ay a cTMKaTucA 3 npoGnemamu eXORUTH HaHiBeyb Bea maa sanpowysaru (e rocti/ 8 6yAnHoK) AKWIO Bn siTkHETeCA 3 Bown niuinit 3 pisni TpyaHowamu, noBigomre, i a yhisepcuTeru, xii siquocun flonomoxy SimWin HaHiBeU Cyciau sanpocunn Hac Ha kasy to let down sb [let daon} to disappoint {dise'poant} You will be there tomorrow - you ‘won't let me down, will you? to make of [mesk av to think [oink What do you make of him? ‘to make up i {rezk ap} They are always arguing, but to reconcile (rekansat they make up very quickly to make up to sb {mexk ap tu} to flatter (ator He made up to her until she agreed to help to mix up Frmaks a Le Ly to confuse ee Re | always mix those two sisters up because they look alike to pay back {perbaek] to tprePey money a) reper (il Only borrow money if you're sure you can pay it back to pick on (ouk ar] to mock [mark] Why are you picking on me? to put off [pet a] to delay ee “ His rudeness really puts me off to see (sb) off 8 Hp Isi: o:f) to say goodbye | went to the station to see them off {ser gud bar} ‘to show up Loo ap) to come [B Tkam] | waited for nearly half an hour, but he didn't show up to start off (sb) start of] to make (laugh) {rexk ef | was trying to be serious, but their comment started me off to stick around [stk aravnd} 2 to remain (in a place) a [rxmean fin expless) He’s late, but I'll stick around for another few minutes before | leave posvaposyeamu, nigsogum Koroch, sap KU NAyTAIO UWAX BOX Bn Gynete Tam sastpa, an He cectep, Tomy Wo BOHN Fi niwoe Ha Boksan, Wo6 nigpenete Mexe, Yu He Tak? BUTAaIOTb OfHAKOBO nposectu ix atu aymKy nopepratu 6opr S'RBAATUCA, NPMXOAMTH Noswwaitre rpowi, tinbKu - AKUJO BNeBHEHi, Wo SMOKETE Sl 4eKana maixe nisroguiin, ane LLJo en Aymaere npo Heoro? nosepHytu Gopr Bin He MpMiAWOS SS a= : poscmimurn Korocb MupuTncs, nepectasaTy HacmixaTica, ppaxKHMTH ruipatnca A Hamarasca 6y™n cepitosHuM, Bouw seeKpH cnepesaiorica ane ixkit KoMeHTap poscMiLiMe meHe ane MMpATECA AY:Ke WBUAKO omy Bi HacmixacTeca 3 MeHe? ignewysatucs, Gyr aoSpum —_BIAKNaAaTu Ha notin yekaTn, sanmwaTnca Ha MeToIOuioce oTpuMaTH.— BIRWITOBXyBATH eaKwii 4ac Biv nianewysascs j0 Hei, Noro rpy6owi cnpasgi mee Bix sanisHioeTeca, ane a AONOKH BONA He norozumacn ——«SBLWTOBXyIOTS hKMiKaIoTS noveKalo ule fexinoka xSMTAN, onomortn sigpasy) nepu Hix nit to stick together [sttk ta'gedar) to support (each other) [sa'posrt (istf ‘ndar)) AB We're a family - we have to stick together to blow away {blow 3 wer = to amaze 99 This a movie will blow you away to calm down arm dae to relax i Calm down and tell me what's wrong to take after to blow up to carry away tterk setar} {lov ap {keri wes! to be (alike) to get (angry) to enchant [bi: (olor) Iget (zenari] an tent] They blew up when they heard He takes after his mother to take sb in {tek to shelter The family took in the three homeless kittens to take sb out [texk act] O20 to go (for a date) Aig [goo (fa:r ex dert)} He took her out to 4 restaurant last Friday night to tell apart KS {tel 'porrt] to differentiate [dsfo'renfiert} They're twins so | cannot tell ‘them apart to turn to Ies:rntul to ask (for help) Eventually she turned to her aunt for helo feesk (for help] what | had done wrong) to break down [brexk dan) to cry 2s Q When we gave her the bad news, she broke down to bring back [ern bak) to remind [e'marnd} Visiting my old schoo! brought back memories of when I was a student to burn out [b3:rn aut] to get (tired) foet (tarrd)] Riley had gotten bumed out from working for seven years at the same office to burn up [bs:rn ap} to enrage tinrerds} @ It really burns me un, to upset to The beauty of music carried him away to chicken out thhkan aot) to get (scared) fact (skerd)) It seems to me that you'll chicken out to come round (eam raond) to reconsider ee Lrkenstdon Os At first she didn't like the idea, but she came round to cut up kat] Lnp’set] Her reaction really cut me up away [ar 3 wer] to fade i @) The last notes died away and the atidianea iret inta annlaiice, sacnoKotwsatu(ca) nigtpumysatu onnH opHoro, 06’enHysatucs Sacnokoiitecs i cKa>KiTb MeHi, Uo He Tak saxonniosaT, sa4apoBysaTn Mn cim's, mu rioBuHHi nigrpumysarn onNH OAHOrO Len chine TeSe spasuTe Pantoso poscepauTuca GyTu cxoKnM Born posceppuanes, Kon Kpaca mysuku nosHicnio TOMyAH, WYO # HaKOIB saxonmna iioro Biv CxOKUii Ha C8010 MaTip npwimatu y cBoemy Aomi, nouwHaTu nnaKaTu snakatnes i He 3po6uTn npuxnerurin Meni sgaerecs, TH ansKaeuica | Cim's npuxuctuna Tpbox Kou mu nosigomunu itt norany He 3po6mu yboro Gesnominx KoWweHsT HOBMHy, 8OHa NoMasia nuaKerh SminMTH CBOIO AyMKy sanpowysarn KyAucb, waranysaTH, BUKMMKATH Nokpnsatoun sci suTpaTn cnoraan ‘ ~ Bipeinyeatua moei crapoi Cnovarky ti ys inea He Bit sanpocvs ii go pectopary komm EvKnikamo cnoragMnpo ©. ~—«-coqoGanaca, ane Bova aminuna Baevepi MuHynoi n’sTHiAY) Te, ak # Gye y4Hem e010 AymKy siapisumTw/ pospisnsra nai sracaTu, suropaTu (eMouiitHO) ——xsuniopatw, sacmy4yaarn peu ma 6 Palin emouitio europa Bou Grustiokn, Tomy 9 He uepes poGory 8 oaHoMy ofpici Hi peaxuin ain money pospiovain nporarou cekin poxIe ene" ANCHO S2cMayrana 3Bepratues (sa Aonomoroto) chneto poscepaxyearnea SarHKaTH OcrakHi Horn aaTanxny, | rages Speuiroio, soHa s8epHynaca sa BuGyXHynl onneckaMn RonoMoroio Ao TiTKH Ue niowo mene aye cepmune to freak out to hold back to play at Erik aot o85 [hoot baek) pler at] to lose (control) to hinder to pretend {luz (konto Uhandor} (pri'tend) He is playing at being the | freak out when people touch He spoke slowly to hold back his perfect father to impress his my hair anger friends to get down to to keep from to put up with [get daun tu) kip fram] [pot np wid] to start (working) El to restrain to tolerate (start ( wosrkon] [eistremn} ('evtorest] | couldn't keep from arguing with —_| can't put up with my Its time to get down to work her neighbour's noise any longer to give up to pass for to shake up {awvap] [pms for] Usk ap} to quit to resemble to shock that} Wi irtzemb] tok) [have given up trying to help The news of her death really them You could pass for the king shook me up ‘to go in for to live for to warm to [goon fo) {iv fn {wasrm tu] to undertake to admire f& to start (liking) (andar'texk] fd'mazr] {stort (atkin) | confess I'm beginning to warm I don't really go in for sports My son lives for sports toit to gross out to look forward to to sink in {roas aot {lok forward tu 0-6-6 {sink mn] (83 to appal to expect to realize e (poet tte spet trian gel Horror films gross me out, so | |'m looking forward to meeting How many. times lo | have-ta‘tell don't watch them you you this before it sinks in? to hit on to monkey around to switch off [hat an} [manki a'raund) {swatfo:f) eX to flirt to be (naughty) to ignore (fir) Ubi (rat) itor] 'm afraid | just switch off when Some guy hit on me while | was The police officer told the drunks _she starts telling me about her standing at the bar to stop monkeying around problems BTpavaTu CamoKOHTpoNe (4epe3 emouii), 6oxeBonitu ce | A Comesonito, aKiYO MOU TOpKaioTEcA Moro BoNlOCcA 6patuca (3a po6oty), 3aliHsTuca YMMoch jac Gparuca 3a poGory Sqapatucs, BTpayaTu (HaRito), npunwnaty Sl Ginbwe He Hamaraiooa onomaratu im cTpumysatu (emo! BiH rosopue nosinbHo, Wy06 crpmmat cailt rHis ™ = KoHTponionaTw/ cTpumyeaTu co6e Sine mir cTpumatuca Bin cymepeyKu 3 He! cnpwiimatu 3a Korocb/ Wjoch (kum He €) Bac 6u mornu cnpnitHatn 3a kopona BgasaTu Koroce, npuTBopatuca Bin npuTsopseTece igeanbHuim GaTbKoM, Wjo6 BpasHT™ cBCIx apysia Tepnitn Ave Moxy Ginbwe Tepnina wym Moro eycina om wu wokysaTu, cTpHBOKUTH 3eictka npo ii cMepTb pi”icHo Wokysara MeHe 1° mut saiimatuca, 3axonniogaTuca ‘moc A cnpapali He saxonnioioca cnoprom ‘0 6yTH orugHHM at Mei oruasi chinbmu okaxis, Tomy nix He AMBNIOCA BusBAATH CHMNaTitO, sannystuca Akuiice xnoneub sannuseca Ao exe, KonW # cToana y Gapi saxonniopaTncs/ KUT» 4umoce Midi citi >kuBe cnoptom yekaTu 3 HeTepninhaM 513 HeTepnitiiaM YeKaio Ha cTpid 3 TO6OIO oat Gewketysatn Noniyeticexuit ckasas NMAKaM, LWO6 BON a 06 BOHM NpMNMHN Gewketyearn cameras NpussHo crasutuca, nowHaT noRoGaTucA SisHaioca, MeHi Ye nownHae Mogo6atuca novatu Bipuu, ycsigomuTu (nepesaxto HeraTuBHi nogii) Cink pasia MeHi noTpi6Ho ue cka3aTy, LOO AO Bac piMWN0? = oat Biakmouarucs, He ssepTaTH yearn Boioca, wo a npocto aukniouaioca, KON BOHa NomHae posnoBigaT Medi npo cxoi npoonemu to take back to take off [terk bark) w Iterk orf to remind ope to leave (the ground) [ermaznd] o Liev (Ga grated) The machine chops up tree That song always takes me back branches to when I'was at university The plane took off right in time to wear down to eat out to ask after to take back {terk bark) to remind w {remarnd © That song always takes me back to when I was at university to wear down [weasr daun] to exhaust lag'za:st} Their continual nagging just wears me down to weigh on {were} to pressure Uprefed Problems at work are weighing on him to be booked up [br okt ap] 9 to be (occupied) {bio Kapand) “s" The scheduled flights were all booked up with journalists to check in tec — to register = Iredgertan Let's go eat dinner after we check in at the hotel to chop up [afarp ap) to cut lent] The machine chops up tree branches fist aw to dine (at a restaurant) {datn (at ex restorarnt] When | lived in Spain, | used to eat out all the time to get to fect to ich = & We need to get to the train station at exactly 9 AM to read up on {rig ap on] to learn Llsera} I've been reading up on Japan as I'm going to live there next year to sit back {srt baek) to get (comfortable) {et (kamfartabel)) a | will drive - you just sit back and enjoy the view to take off fterk aif] to leave (the ground) {liv (89 gravnd)) The plane took off right in time to ask after (sk eer a to inquire 8 2 lon kwat] I met Bob and he asked after you to bring around [bran a'ravnd! to revive [nvvarv) ie Medics tried to bring him around to bring on [brzn a:n) to cause Headaches are often brought on by stress to burn off [bs:rn of] to lose z & Swimming can help you burn off unwanted calories to check out [nek act] to depart [arpa je Guests have to check out of the hotel before midday to stop off istapor to visit (quickly) ('vrzrt ('kwrkli)) We stopped off in Paris for a couple of days bef Sup ys before heading to come down with [kam dasn wrd) to become (ill) [by'kam (=H) | think I'm coming down with flu amywysaTn HocTanbrysarn, HaranyeaTn Us nica saexqu Haranye MeHi po moi cTygeHTCeKi pokn Hapisatw, py6aTn Ua mawntia py6ae rinkn qepes Jlivak anetis akpas BYacHO BUCHaxKyBaTH KOroch ixne noctilive Hutt npocto BUcHAKyE MeHe tuo | astm Ha Koroce, Npurkivysaru, Hepsyaarn Npo6nemn Ha po6ori aaanaTe Ha Horo us Popo 6yTu sa6poHboBaHum/ saiiusum nosHictio (6e3 BinbHux micyb/ yacy) Boi sannaxosani peficu Gyan Sa6poHbosaHi KypHAniCTAMN ™ son | peectpysatuce, sacensTuca (@ rorens) Alazaitre nigemo Ha sevepio nicna peecrpauii 8 roveni icTm B pectopaHi Kon 9 kuna 8 lenaxii, a Bece vac ina B pectopakax aictatucs, nocaratn Ma nosiiii nicratuca no SANISHVYHO! CTAHUil PiBHO Oo 9 patiky cneuianbHo Bue4atu, aisHaBatucs incbopmayiro, uTaioun A ByunTysae incbopmayito npo SinoHit0, OckinbKu # 36upaioca TaM KUITH HacTynHOro poKy spy'4Ho cupiru, cnepuince Ha cnmaky A sectumy mawitny, an NpocTO apy4Ho cApBTE | HaconomKyiiteca siyoM uikasuTvcs, sanutysaTh npo suecb camonouyrra A aycrpiecs 2 Bo6om, i ait TUTaB, AK TH ase npwsoguru fo Tamu Meauku Hamaranucs npusectn Horo go TAMA BuknnkaTn Crpec wacro enknukae ronosHni Ginb » emt cnantosatu (npo Kanopii MnasaHHa more gonomorty BaM cnanuTu He6axali Kanopil © aso BucensTuca (3 roTento) Tocti nosnxHi sucenutucs go nonypHs » aa idkapKaTH, BigsigaTH Wock Ha KoporKuli ac Nepen tum, sk supywintn Ha NIBACHE, nh SynMHAAMCE Ha Aekinoka gris y Napwxi » Bare | saxBopiTn (noGaumTu nepwni cumntomu) 51 aymalo, wo @ saxsopi Ha rpun to tear off (trar o:f] to rip (np) He tore off his shirt and jumped into the stream to fill out (fl aot} A to get (fat) Iget (faet)) Jane filled out so much in her face that | almost didn't recognize her to keep away [kip a'wer) to conceal [kan'si:l) Medicines should always be kept away from children to cut down {kat davon) to curb ther} I'm trying to cut down the amount of coffee | drink during the day to flip out {fup abt) to infuriate ban'fariert} I nearly flipped out when she told me she and David were getting married to keep down [kip dao to try (not to vomit) [trax (no:t tu "vost The food was so horrible that | struggled to keep it down to disagree with {atsa'gr: 20} e to harm J a aR Spicy food disagrees with me to get down Saree al The doctor says | get my cholesterol levels down to leave out liv aot) to exclude K’sklua) You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you're on a diet Zz, z Hey, quit dozing off! This is the best part of the film! to eat away to get up {get ap] to rise Re ee | get up at seven o'clock on weekdays to go down with [ita wes} [oon dan wd} to ruin Ce to get (sick) trust} [oct (sk) Half of Martha's class has gone The disease eats the liver away down with flu to make out [metk aot] to fake {fexk) He made out that he was ill so that he didn't have to go to school to pass out [pws aut] to faint [fernt] was hit on the head and passed out to fight back {fart back) to defend a (artend) The course teaches women how to fight back if attacked to grow up [grou ap] to become (an adult) ttt {br kam (a'dnt) When | grow up, | want to become a rock star! to puton {pot on} to gain (weight) Ge {geun (wert) 've put on 2kg in the last month apunrTa 9 oe60 woct (npo rnaquiatu ‘Tpamatu nogani onsr) Dyxeitt Tax cunbHo nornanwana Bix sipsas ia ce6e copouxy i Ha OGAMMYi, LO A MaipKe He Tlikn sa6%pu cnig tamara cTpuoHys y piuky anisHas fi nogani sia airen SE aes 3pusatnca, 6oxKeBoniTH cTpumysatn 6ntosoty o6mexysaTn BxKUBAHHA Sl Hamaraioca o6mexuTH KinbkicTs KaBM, AKY 9110 A nepp He s60Ke80ni8, Kon ‘qa 6yna Hacrinskn Kaxnnea, WO A NegBe CTpuMaB EnioBoTY He BKmo4aTH AO CKnaAy Npotsrom AHA Bona ckagana MeHi, WO oapyxyeTaca 3 asngom noravo Bnansatn, WKOAMTH i Tixap Kame, wo mi pine Bu moxere He skmo¥aTn Macno Focrpa inewxigmans;ana mete Te Spy SNatBOR y Ye peyenT, AKWO BM Ha AieTi apivars pokuaarucs Baasat™ Ei, npanuin ppimarul Le Bin saasas xsoporo, ToMy HoMy insay! A npoKwpatocs 0 cbomilt ropMH Halikpatya 4acTuHa cbinbMy! a Ip we He TpeGa Gyno iTw AO WkON sHMUyBaTH/ pyliHysaTH gaxopim (va inebeKuitHy Brpayarn cBigomicte noBinbHo = XBopo6a nosinsHo sHnuye lonosuxa MaptuHoro Knacy 51 sgapueca B ronosy i nesinixy saxeopin Ha rpun sHenpuToMHia claGimarwcn, Sixmudrmn cose Sa SSS =a HaGuparn Bary, Toscriwara Kype eure xiKOK, AK BaxMWATH ce6e, AKUYO Ha HVKX HanapaloTe ‘On # BMPOCTY, A XO4Y CTaTH ‘A notoscriwas Ha 2kr ga POK-sipKoio! — octaHHii micau L to slow down to blow in to close down [sloo dau] {blow an} [klows davn} = to unwind to appear to stop (activity) (ala Lonard] pul {step (ek vat] SS The doctor told me | should siow He blew in from Toronto early All schools are closed down down and not work so hard this morning because of the snow storms to stay up ‘to burn down to come across (etenagd sir dan kam aka] I to be (awake) x to incinerate to find (accidentally) {bio werb) n'a) fef ffaind (zekso'centalil I came across my old school The kids were allowed to stay up Do not allow a candle to burn reports when | was clearing out till midnight on New Year's Eve down completely my desk to wear off to burst out to empty out {wer arf bast aot] {fempri at to weaken (gradually) to remove (contents) {'wikan (greedsuali} {ei muy (kantents The police were ordered to The effect of these pills wears empty the people out of the off in a few hours «Don’t gol», he burst out bunker to account for to call off to fall apart {okkavnt for] {hort of] S (fot'aparr) to describe to cancel =O to crumble [er'skrarb] (keensal] ley [krambal] They had to account for all the ‘The concert had to be called off money that has gone missing because the singer was ill My old boots are falling apart to be left over to call out . to fall down Ibtlef ‘cover ikeslaws] > (fat dawn} to remain ( (8 to scream f #6 ilps mem) So [skrism] {ka 'lzeps| If there’s any food left over, put it | heard someone calling out my Jack tripped and fell down in a in the fridge name from a distance puddle to be thrown together eo to get away with [br Grou te'gedar} = to obstr [get a'wer wid) to meet rAitae ee aio] to manage (without sth) (accidentally) iS nel Ca rmaenads (wr dat sth] [nit (aks dental] Do you think we could get away Christy poured grease i , . gi y We were thrown together by sink aot ee ie, Seep precont oration chance at a conference aged the drain up iat wal BectTu cnokiiHui cnoci6 Hecnogisaro 3’aBnaTuca, KUTT npn6yearu Tlikap okasas, wo a nosvneH BeCTH croKitiHiwin cnoci6 >eviTTa | He Npayionarn TaK Bi npv6ys is TopoxTo pao- BaxKO paki saumnaru (npunuHaTH BisneHicte) Bei wkonn sauuneHi vepes cHirosi Gypi He nsiratu cnaTn Dita possonexo He sacnHaTn 20 nisHo4i HanepepopHi Hosoro Powy He naire caiuyj aropirn noBHicTIO. surykysa™ Uj Ta6nerKn nepecratore nist sepes kinsKa roan He tiga!» - Burykhys Bit NoscHiopaTn ckaconysaTH i gosenoca seitysaru npo aci Konuepr ckacyaany, Tomy L4o pou, ski sHinKsTiA ” cnigak 3axsopis FomocHo BuKpMKysaTH sanvwaTuca HeBMKOpucTaHWM Akwo sanmuinnaca HeBuKopncrata bka, noKnanit foe A nouys, ak xToce ananeky TOSOCHO BIKPMKHYB MoE iM’A BunagkoBo sHaiTH A eunaaKoso sHaiiwos Capi winbsi gonosini, KonM NpwOupas Ha cacemy croni cnycrowysam, cnopoxHionatn Noniyeticekum Haxasann BunyyvTn Mopei 3 6yHKepy Posnanatuca, Pospantopatucn Moi crapi 4o6oTH posBamioloTecr nagat Dpkex cniresysca i gnas y Kanioxy one a sacmivysaTn, sa6msaTH oGxopmrucs Mu Hecnogisario ayctpinuca Ha Ak au ymaete, mu Morn 6 KoncbepeHu oGiTCR NMWe OAHUM WapoM chan fie ua ith avin? Kpicti Hannna macTuno B naKORMHY. i BOHO 3acMiTUNO CTIK to get out [get act} to disappear [diso'prr] wt The dog got out because | left the door open to hide out hard avt} to lurk ark) i Criminals often hide out in these empty apartments to look on {lok a:n) to observe fab'zerv] The crowd have just looked on as the old lady was singing to give out [givact] to stop (functioning) istap ( fankfonz] Grandma had to have surgery because her knees gave out to keep out [kip ant not to enter no:t tu enter] ft He locked the room and put up a sign asking people to Keep out to luck out (Unk aot] to be (lucky) Ibi: (lak) $e lucked out to meet the love of my life to go around {goo 9taond to be (enough) [bi: (@'naf}) fp There aren't enough chairs to go around ‘to knock down to hit ose ‘She was knocked down by @ bus to make into [mexk ant] to convert [kan'vssrt) on te Vd like to make these pieces of wood into a sculpture to go beyond to lead up to {gov bijarnd) {lid ap tu} to excel to precede fok'sel {pris Their demands go beyond common sense | was very anxious in the time leading up to the event to run across [enn akrass} to face SX fers) If you run across this problem, give me a call and I'l help you to hand down fhaend daon} fo to pass ro) This necklace was handed down to my mother by my grandmother to leave bet {liv br harnd] to forget (something) fy I left behind my keys in the restaurant to run around {ran 9raond] to be (busy) thi bra) s I'm exhausted - I've been running around all morning to head off [hed of] to prevent [prtvent] The company is putting up wages to head off a strike to lock in {lok in} tk He would lock himself in his _ oom for meditation to bump into [bamp ‘intu] to crash thre " A cyclist bumped into me today on the street Sannwatu, noKupaty, BTiKaTH cnoctepiratn s60Ky Cofaxa BTeKna, Tomy Wo | Snounnui acto xosaioTEcA 8 Harosn npocto cnocrepiras, ak sannuine gpepi Big4nHeHnMn Wx nopoxkHix KBapTUpaAX crapa nadi cnisana BIAMOBNATH, BUXOAMTU 3 NaAy, He saxoquTH, He nponycKaTH uyactuTy, Math sAa¥y noripwysatica Bin samkHys kimnary i nocraeMe Ba6ycio gosenoct onepysam, —— sak, aKuit npocie opel He MeuiinificHo nowactuno 60 cra fi Koni noripurysascr = saxoguTa SYCTPITH M0608 CBOTO >KUTTA BucTayaTn Ana BCIX 36ueatu (TpaHcnoptom) nepepooutn TyT He BucTasuTs cTinbuis Ha 6 xoTis nepepobuTn ui Bobt iv 36unn asto6ycom wMaTkM gepesa Ha CKyMmTypy BUXoANTH 3a pamKu/ Mexi Coa ae Hecnopisano craKatuca (3 npo6nemow) . AGys 7 Huh + AKuWo Bu aiTKHETECR 3 Uie!o Tex sumorn suxonaTe 9a pankn — LOB AYKE CTYPEOBAHA nape ~ Fuss Bu SrmneToeN AC Spoponoro rnysay BAM AONOMOXKy nepegasaTu nitw i sa6yTM Wocb, sanMuMTH 6yTH Aye saiHsTHM, Girath y cnpapax Ue Hamucto nepenana moi SlanchaxeHnis, a Aye mami mon GaGycn A sa6ye cecil kniouiy pecTopaki alist Beck paHoK ee ee, Koroce, noraHomy) micyy oT" KOroch y akomyce —pisatuca Komnania ninsuuiye sapnnatn, i - Croropni wa Bynnyi 8 a uo sanobirtu crpaiiky Bik! samkHysea 8 CBoi KimHaTi “Opi Ha BynMLi B MeHe ana wenn spisasca Benocunenuct to run out (of) to watch out to go over [rrnast (ov)} (watf aot] [900 ‘ouvar] to end to be (careful) A\ to browse {end} {bi (kerFal {bravz] We've run out of sugar, so I'm Watch out - there's ice on the We went over our notes before going to the shop road the exam to set back to cross out to hand in (set back] Uhrars avt] thaend xn} to delay Seer to overscore =e to submit farlen 2x Loover'skor isab'mit} The opening of the new She crossed out her mistakes Be sure to double check your ‘swimming pool has been set and wrote the correct answers answers before handing in the back by a few weeks above them test to stay away from te arop out be a i [ster a wer fra:m] 7 on a _ 8 to evade to leave (studies) to maintain ua? frverd) Uy (stad [mexn'tein] | kept at painting and finally He dropped out of schoo! at 14 finished at 3:00 a.m. He told them to stay away to get over with to let out nay oer [get ‘ovver wid} [let aot) to spend (the night) to get (sth done) to be (over) [spend (89 nat) {get sth dan Tht (ower) : I'll be glad to get these exams ene aes nee conn over with My history class lets out at 4:15, to strike on to give back to look at {stratk a:n] oo fot bak {lok ot) to discover a to return sth to check [d'skavorl 3 (ea'taen (sth) (tekd | struck on the solution when | Has she given you those books Can you look at my essay was out with my dog back yet? sometime? to turn off Faget terough to look over itm of [tok oover to change (the route) y tolace to skim [skim] [nfeands (8a ravt) tes) I'm just looking over what you've written She successfully got through her We turned off the main road ores sakinuysatucn, He GyTu oSepexinm, cniqysaTn —_nepernalyTu, noBTopuTH Sannuurucs Y Hac 3aKiH4MBCA UYKOP, TOMY # Mu nepernanynu Hawi sanucn ay 8 arash Bynsre oGepexti, Ha Aoposi nig —_nepemicnitroM % ee a al saTpumypatn nepexpecaura apanatu ua nepesipxy Bowia nepexpecnina cad O608'aaKo80 nepesipte cao! Bigxpurta Hosoro GaceltHy Towmnkit i Hanitcana 38epxy signosigi nepen Tin, ak spaBara saTpHMari Ha KinbKa THKHia npaswnbHi signosis TeCT Ha nepesipKy = =e be SS =a ommnaTn, He HaGnwxKaTuca KugaTu HaByaHHA npogosxysatu BUKOHyBAaTH (woot Baxxe) A npoposxysas manioaty i, Bitt ckasas im Tpmmarcs nopani | Biv KuHys wkony y 14 poKis Hapeusmi, 3akiuue 0 3 paky memiicuieiemiemeeee Nepenouysarn, sanmwaTucA ——oGyrTu/ saKinuysaTH sakinuyeaTuca (HaBYaHHA, Ha Hid y Koroch: Henpuemny, ane HeoGxiany ypox) posory Sl BYopa nepeHoHyeas y APYSIB —_ 6yny papwii HapeurT ~ Mia ypox ictopil sakinuyeTscA 0 “epes yparaH NOKIHYMTH 3 YMMU icnMTaMy 4:15 ~ — = ‘ae 7 Haeaniee pour Hecnoaigani nose; ™ eee eet acini PHYTH Komyce WoC nepernanyru, wos ouHuTH uboro yMoBax) SI npnaymae anpiwenia RpOGrEMH, KOMH TYNE 3 MCCS UH nosepHyna BOK BeM UY Ui mornin 6 Bit AKO cobannle Hur? NepernavyT Moe ece? = 2 fees... __ SMIHUTH HanpaMoK pyxy, agepratn 3 4oporh Jaciigto Cknacru icrur; = Saxiuypatn ’ wsvaKo nepesiputa/ nepernanyTu Wock Mu asepnynn 3 ronosHol noporn " ™ HOt Boba yoniuno cknana icnumry A nvwe weupko nepernspaio Te, wo su Hanucann to look up to sneak out to spread out {lek np] {snick acs] > {brspred aut) to improve to escape i to lay {im’pruy] (r'skerp) [lex] | managed to sneak out of | hope things will start to look up| the room without the teacher He spread the cards out on the in the new year noticing me table to narrow down to take in to catch on { nerow dav] [reskan} tkastforn} to limit to comprehend to become (popular) [omzt] [ko:mpre'heng! (br kam (‘papjaler) We've managed to narrow the | had to read the letter twice Why did electronic gadgets list down to four points before | could take it alll in catch on so fast? to pass around to take sth out to come over ina aac terkaut kam oove] to spread =) to fetch Y foimpress {spred] Ute fmn'pres] The teacher passed the handout He reached into his bag and Heary care cveramaTeat around took out a book enthusiast to put together to trip up to come up with [put taigedarl [trap ap] to stack to confuse Isteek] [kan fu] You buy it in a kit and then put it together by yourself {kam ap wed) to create bee tks onthe last question Next you need to come up with Viippediup name for your product to rub up on to work at to eatup [rnb apein} [warrk at] [itp] to refine [ZA to persevere toconsiitia irom] Qi parsovan to cons [need to rub up on my You need to work at improving Thastbce Portuguese before | goto Brazil your writing money lve vested oP a fhe to set up to zone out . to fall behind (staal 3 Doon al 5 fe brhatnd] to establish to disregard vg £0 be {in the back) Se (no ba) (vsteeis) Timi {dtsr'go:rd} She zone out during the lecture The runner fell behind his She set up a bookshop in Beijing because it was so boring teammates during practice a ig no =a nokpauurnca suGnparues, sucAnsaTH poakuarn, poaknanamn, poscrenatn Meni sqanoca sucnnsHyTi 3 Cnopiisaioca, wo 8 HoBoMy poul | KiMHaTH Tak, WO BYMTeNb MeHE ce NoKpawyuTecA He nomiTHe BiH poskiHys KapTOUKi Ha CTin o6mexuTu, sB0AKTH AO Uinwom posyunn woes, 6pam™ crasatw nonynapHaMm Ham Baanoca ssecTu cnucoK go ~— ogenoca agivi suratu nuicr, Uomy enekrpoxii npucTpoi Tak MOTHPEOX NYHKTIB Nepui HK A sMir 8ce sposywiTn eo Gran MONysIApAMMM? ™ ston | — sj posnasarn euimarn cnpasnaTn BpaxeHHsa Bik gorarHysca no cymKin i H asus Bp@KeHHA Vinten poagas posppyiinn | GhiKEE eUIry oe Cee ee eknagaTn 3 4acTHH spo6ur nomunky, 364BaTH 3 1 i 1 ” qn 1aTH (iqet0, piWeHHs) naxTenuKy nay fon ep l Bn kynyete foro 8 Komnnekti, a notim cknagaere 3 4acTvH 5 spo6us nomunky 8 Dani sam norpi6Ho npwaymarn cawocrinHo ocTaHHbomy niuTaHHi HasBy ANA BaLOTO NPOAYKTY = SSS SS i oe z owe Biquosmiopatu sHaHHA aycwn moKnanan som nornuxaty, BYKOpMCTOByBaTH (4ac, rpowi, npoctip) Meni notpi6Ho sigHosirrn cBo10 NopTyraiceky, NepUL HK A nolay Ao Bpasunii To6i noTpi6Ho BoKnacTH (06 BgockKoHaNWTH - syQn ae ed @oxposui pUHOK BUKOPUCTAB i K cain THe sci rpouii, aKi a eknayas gacHoBysaTy, CTBopIoEaTH, = = RECS ieerssa Bigkpmsatn He KOHYeHTpyBaTu yeary, : iruopysatn Binctasaty a Bona sigxpuna kHurapHio 8 n Mexii Boda He KoHueHTpysanace Ha ia sao TpeHyeata Giryy nex, 60 Ta 6yna HYAHOIO 8iAcTasaa aj ini to lock up (lak ap] oo to close (everything) —_ |g) {ious (evri8sn) lou Sandra, could you lock up when you leave the office? to follow up {foro np to learn (more) [sen (mar) & The idea sounded interesting and | decided to follow it up to get across [geta'kra's} a to convey [kan'ver} (yy This is the message that we want to get across to the public to hurry up hast ap] to rush You'll be late for your flight if you don't hurry up to keep on kien) to continue — [kan'tinju] They kept on working after dark to keep up with sth/ sb (kip xp wad] to catch thet] He walks too fast and it’s really hard'to keep up with him to take to {rerk tu} to accustom [evkastam] a ‘She's taken to walking along the beach after work to think up {8mk ap] to invent teivert] I don't want to go tonight and I'm trying to think up an excuse to turn into tera ‘ti = to evolve a eve > The caterpillar tums into a butterfly after it comes out of its cocoon to get into {get antu] to begin [br gxn} a She's been getting into yoga recently to get round to {get ravnd tu) to manage (to do sth) ['maenads (tu du: sth)} After weeks of putting it off, she finally got around to painting the bedroom to go through [gos Bru) to suffer [eafar) She has gone through a lot of troubles to lose out (on) {lo:st act (orn}] not to gain [na:t tu gem! 2 pe Because | was so sick last week, Host out on the chance to see my sister She's saving up for a new bike to save up sew ap] to economize {iko:namarz) to settle into ((setal ant] to adjust [o'dsast] It took Jill months to settle into her new home to withdraw to allow for {alav for] to take (into account) [terk (antu: a'kaont] ‘The journey should take two hours, allowing for delays eB She refused to back down and was fired to back down [back daon| to retract vera to back out tones oe ® [wi0'ére} Nigel backed out at the last minute z mel gaxpueaTu eci qaepi ta aikna nocniwatn, po6urn woce nepea Tum, ak NoKMHyTH wenguie 6ynianio on Ps == Bupo6naTu 3emuKy, 3BMKaTH Caxppo, 4 morna 6 TH sakpuTA Bci ABepi Ta BikHa, AK iTMMeWS BM SaniaHuTecs Ha pelic, Kujo -—-«BoHa sBuiKna NporymtoBaTHicA odicy? He 6yaere nocniwat nisxem micns PO6OTU » — ae oom | m2 ‘amen | aisHapatuca Ginbue, Mpoposxysatu (po6uTu ujoch —_—sBuranysaTn Aosigysatuca sHoBy i 3HoBy) Ines seyuana uikaso, i Bupiwne AisHATUCA Tipo Hel Ginbwe 5 He xouy finn ctoropHi im Hamaraioca snragatn BunpasaaHHA Konu cremuino, Bonn NpopoBxyBasu npaytosaTn AoHocHTn (inhopmauito) Ue Te nosigomnenna, aKe Mun xo4eMO AOHECTH 70 TpomagepKocTi noumnatn saiimatnca/ sayikasutnca pianbHictio HewogasHo ova novana savimaTuca Horowd BCTUraTH 3a KMMOCE, ITH B Hory 3 KMMOCb, 6yTH B Kypci soroch Bi xogut saHaAto WBMpKO, | BilicHO BaxKO BCTHTATH 3a HUM prpayatn MoxNMBICTE, WAC Serpatue wake NObaNTH cecrpy, Tomy Wo 6ys xBopHit MuiHysTOrO TWKHA amintosatucs, Repersopiosarucs, Possusaruca Tycenuus nepetsopicerecs wa MeTenuka nica Toro, ak Bona Bniige 3i coro KoKoHA Span fo yearn, spaxoaynarn Moisaka nosviHa Tpvearn gsi ANH, BpaxOBYIO4N saTpMRAKI cnpomortnes, HapewiTi 3po6uTH WoC Ticns toro, ak npoiuino Aekinbka TwkHiB, OHA, HapeLTi cnpomornaca roap6ysam cnambHio nepexusaTu (Aocsia), npoiTu epes wyoce Bona npoiiuina 4epes Garato TpyAHOUWis SBNKaTH, OCBOIOBATUCA Dpxin norpi6Hi 6ynw micaui, wo6 oceoiucs y CB0EMy HOBOMY pOMi Noctynarues, siamosnsrn Bin caoei nosnyii - Bova He saxorina n ' jocrynumce, Tomy ii 3BinbHunMW . = es ekonomuty, Bigknagatu rpowi Bova siaknagae rpowi Ha Hos! Benocunen me nepenymysatu Haiip>ken nepenymas 8 ocTaHHio xBMAUHY to bargain for/ on cicreany Gg @ Ibi: (redi) We hadn't bargained on such a long wait to blend in/ into [blend an/ ‘antu:) to assimilate fa'umalert] ffi We tried to blend into the crowd to build on [bald orn} to raise We must build on our brand awareness to develop the business, to club together [klnb ta gedar] to contribute (money) [kon trabjuct ( mani] For my thirtieth birthday, my friends clubbed together and bought me a watch to do away with [du atwer wid) to abolish [aba] sg} The United Kingdom did away with the death penalty in 1965 to end up {end ap] to find (oneself) [faind (wan'self] He always ends up doing what Alan wants to do to head for thed forr] to move (towards a place) [muy (tworrdz er plers)] val It's getting late - I'm heading for home to jump at [asamp at] to grasp resp] I'd jump at the chance to go and live in Japan to lay down o=9| to define eal The rules were laid down in the early nineteenth century to lay out Ter aot] gS to arrange AG (reins The flower garden was tastefully laid out to look ahead Ilok athedl Qn to plan (in advance) } [plan (an ava] Be The house is big enough for us now, but we're looking ahead to look out {lok aos to beware (br wer Look out! There's a car coming! to look up to {lok ap tu} to respect [nvspeket] wr She looks up to her mother to pick out ok aot] to select [sale] we Pick out a dozen oranges for me ea He stood by her throughout the trial as he believed her to be innocent The black lettering really stands out on that orange background to stand by [staend bar) to encourage [an'ka:t2a3) to stand out [steend avt} to be (striking) (bi: (strana) to stick to [stzk tu) to-comply IW {kom plan} alos The Prime Minister decided to stick to the original plan despite the criticism in the media to talk into [tok intu] to convince & She didn't want to let me go, but | finally managed to talk her into it ovikysatu/ GyTH rorosum AO npsmysatu, pyxatucs AO nosaxaTn Moroce Mu He 6ysm rorosi Tak poBro Cra niso - a Gyay npamysaTh yeKaTn onomy Bola nosaxkae cs010 Mamy snupatues (2 iHWMMM nogemu, —_ BXONUTHCA Sa MoxKNMBOCTI peunma) Mu Hamarannca anutuca 3 516 BuKopicTas MoxnnsicT> Big6epir ans meHe pecaToK HaTOBNOM Noixatu Ta KTH B ANOHiIT anenbcnHis ae eed pogpnsatu, noKpawyysaTn panty) saTBepaxysatn (npasuna, npoueaypn) Bix nigrpnmysas ti npotarom ‘Cboro cyfoBoro npoyecy, Ma nosniii noxpaurrn BnisHaBaHicTh Hauoro 6peHxny, Npasuna Synn ecravoaneni Ha OCKi/IbKW BBAXKAB, UO BOHA He 110 posein yu Glaitec nowariy XIX cronirta oan xupaTucs> (rpownna posrawosysam, === irpousen). posmiuysaru, scraHosnioparn 6yTu aye nomiTHum, BuginaTuca Do moro TpyausToro AHA ‘eH MOI APYSI ; ceeypwcer| KynAIW uot Keitunk 6ys poaminjennii si =.= opin Hane ito roan cmaKom BiinaeTeca Wa uboMy opairesony (hori ckacosysatm, nos6ysaTcn posaymysaTn npo maAGyTHe, aymatu Hanepen npurpumysaTics, He aminopaTH Y 1965 poui Cnonywexe Byputox gocuiTs BennKii AA Npem'ep-minictp supine He Koponiscrso cxacygano nae 3apas, ane MiA AyMaeMo IPO aMiviopaTa NowaTKOBHi NaH, cmepTHy Kapy aiioyTHe HesBakalo4n Ha KPMTIKy B gaco6ax MacoBdi IHcbopmalii pespnoran orn STS] Ea pesynbrari (cTaTn, spo6utu i a) 6yru o6a4nuM, nunbHyBaTH Monat B kinyesomy pesynerari sin ‘262M POOMTTE Te, LO XONE Ane O6epexto! Astomobins Bona He xorina signyckeTH HaGruKacTecsl __ mete, ane a amir ii BMOBMTH to talk out of {to:k act av) to dissuade © [dr'swerd] They were trying to talk me out of my decision ‘to match up meet} ap] Their accounts of what happened that evening don't match up to yield to Ui ww to surrender [sairendar] B | tried hard to resist, but in the end | yielded to temptation and ate it all The rest of the staff backed her up when she complained about working conditions to back up {back ap] to help [help] to carry out (keri aut] to perform [perform] Iwas only carrying out orders ‘to come by ikam bax} z to achieve (ee fein] pe award is not easy to come to throw out [8roo at) to expel Ey tak'spel He was thrown out of school for smoking to turn around [tar:n a'raund) to make (better) {menk beter) They were losing but they turned things around in the second half of the game ‘to water down ['wortar dao] to soften [sa:fanl The report was watered down by the committee to weigh up {wer ap] to evaluate Ss irveluert] ae They weighed the pros and cons up Carefully before deciding bit dacn] to reduce (the price) {( {ri'du's (69 pra] They tried to beat us down on the price, but we remained firm to bring out {bray aot] to launch lla:ntfl The band are bringing out a new CD in the fall to call at Ike: at] to visit (quickly) veart( kw ay | called at the office to pick up my laptop before coming here to occur [ks] to come down kam daon] to decline Ow [dr klazn} Prices always come down after Christmas. to come up {kam ap] Opportunities like this don't come up every day to count on [kaunt o:n} to rely (evan) w We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support Se fo carry on with [keri arn 28} to resume (ezum Just carry on with what you were doing to count out [kaunt aut) 4 to subtract (stat) i He count out £250 and paid me nepeKouatu He poGuTn WoOce, noctynatucs, niggatnca BiqmosnaTn MKOHYBaTH, sAivicHioBaTH A Hawaranaca crpumarneb, ane Bow Hamaranica BigmosuTn Bpeurri-pewr nigganace cnoxyci MeHe Big Moro pilieHHA Ta dina Boe Sl nmwe BuKoHysae Hakagn 36iratucs, o1 niatpumyeatn oTpumatu, AictaTu WoC! ixni nonce npo Te, Wo ‘Tpanwnoca boro Be4opa, HE nockapKunaca Ha yMoBt sbiraiorecr po6omn Taky Haropony BaXKKO OTPMATH BuraHsTM, BiaxMnsTA Toprysatucs, «s6nsaTu» Yiky —nagatu, sHMDKyBATHCA Born Hamarannion ToprysaTuios oro surtann 3i wikon 4epes WOO UHM, ane MU SanMWwancA Liv saBxkAM SHMKyIOTbCA NicnA kypikha HenoxuTHiiMn Pisnsa sminiopaTu Ha Kpalye Bupo6nsTH/ BunycKaTH LOC s'ABNATHCA, CXOAMTH (NnPO na npopaxy conye) Boxw nporpasanv, ane 8 apyrit nonosmni rp nowanu rpaTH Bocenm rypr sunycKae HOB =~ = Taxi moxknusocri He kpaue KoMnakT-AMCK SIABIRIOTCA LYODHA pos6asnaTu BopOI0, spoGuru KopoTKuit BisMT, pospaxosysaTw/ noknagatncs: now’akwysaTn, «aa6iratm» Ha Korock nocnaGniopaTn Mu cnopigaemoca, Wo Ai aa6ir 8 ocpic, wo sa6paTn amoxKemo pospaxoayeaTu Ha Bilt HoyT6yk, Mepis Hk Bay noctiltHy cnisnpauio Ta Komiter nocna6ue sai npwiixaTa cionn nigrpumKy el NPonOBkyBaTH AianbHicTS pinpaxosysa™ ouintosaTw, spaxysaTn Nepeg tim, sk npaiiaaru n i 250 cyuis ' . IpocTo npoposxKyiiTe poouTA Bik eigpaxyeas piuienns, BOHM perensHo annarue MeHi SBAK'NM noc i Mikyen Te, Wo BH poounH cTepninris | 3% to die for to float around to go by (eat or {Root sracnd) {900 ba] to crave 2 to be (nearby) to elapse & [krery) (bi: ( mar'ban)} [aes] John is floating somewhere I'm dying for the weekend- this around the office, because | Ten years went by before we week has been so hard heard his voice saw each other again to do over to get ahead to hand out [du ‘oovar] [get athed] [heend act) EX to remake to prosper to distribute = [ri'meriy Uprasspar) (arstabju} Keep doing your essay over until © Some people will do anything to A girl was handing out leaflets at it is perfect get ahead at work the station to fall off to get back ‘to head up [fal asf] [get bak) [hed ap) to shrink to restart € ) to lead tren] (an activity) tied] Lei'storrt (en ek tavati] Demand for new cars is falling I need to get back to work, don't He headed up a Miami-based off bother me legal team in 2006 to fall through to get out of to help out (fo: rus Soa [get aot av help aut] to fail to avoid to help (financially) fel Ww {ovord] thelp fanaa) ‘There is still a risk that the whole _|'said | wasn't feeling well and Her parents helped (her) out with deal will fall through got out of the extra work a £500 loan i to give off aa os my ‘onan comp! to produce to wait (6) tea pli:t} iets Ipra'du:s} La [wert] i That tiny radiator doesn't give off You could hold on - she'll be free {med app form eae Foucoild hy to fill up to jack up (fal ap] ‘to go about [d3aek np] to pack (with sth) [goo a'baot} to lift park (wid sth] to proceed (uf) woprce iF Too many spam emails are filling We jacked the car up and up our inboxes Let's research how to go about changed the tyre __— painting the house * res | se roe | 8 reson | Ay2ke cunbHo xoriTa 6yT™ peck nopaa munatn (npo 4ac) Decare pokis miiyno, nepus FI nye xouy BuxigHux, yer Tpxon pect nopan e ompici, Tomy Hix Mu sHOBy noGa4nnn OAH TwkDeH Sys Ay Ke BaKKUM lo 8 4yB Horo ronoc ogHoro me resoe | 0 von | ne tos nepepo6nsu (posory, npousitarn, aocaratu ycnixy —_ posasaru ujoce (8 intep'ep) KOHKpeTHomy micui) Mpoosxyitre nepepobnatu CBOIO CTATTIO, NOKH BOHA He Denki mop GypyT> po6uTu Be, isu posgasana nucTieki Ha CTaHe AocKoHANoIo iujo6 pocarara ycnixy 8 pO6OT!—BoKaani se == i rs nagar, sHwxKysaTicA nosepratca (Ao cnpas, ouontosaT, KepyBaTu rpynioiw (cTapaTu menuimm y Kinbkocti) —_gianbHocti) Meni noTpi6Ho nowepHyTucA AO 2006 pou BiK oNonME, Tonur Ha Hosi asromoGini nagae —_ poGoTm, He TypGyit MeHE opnandny KoMaHay 3 Masami = === ae = He Bin6yTucs, nposanuTuca yxuxatu (po6oTu) ponomortu (fat Komycb rpouwii, spobMTH 4MioCe po6oty) 5] ckasaB, Wo mloraHo fi 6aTeku ponomornu (iit) IcHye psitk, Luo BCA yrona nouysaioca i yHuKHyB 3 noavikow Ha 500 ebyxTis npopanuTsca AopaTKoaci poboT crepniiris oo moe | oe nee sanosHionar (bopmy, axkery) BMAinsTH, BMpoGneTH (renno, uekaTh cpitno, sanax a6o ra3) A sanosine anKery Ta Ueit xpinxitHuit paaiarop He Bn Moxere saueKaTw, Bona ony6nikyeas ii syginae Gararo Tenna sBinsHuTECA Hepes XBMTMHY = moos me cece ganosHionaTH/ HanoBHIoBaTH §=——npuctynaTu no, 7 ~ KT ania Bam) raunny (ane Pen Hagro Gararo cnam-nvctis Fasaitre nocniaumo, 9K 3anOBHioIoTe Halli NOWTOBI npuetynuTn Wo bap6yaaHHa ve CKPUHEKI 6yAVHK\ aptomooisie “ Munianann paminani UM to live on avon} as to use (money for life) [¢ {juz (‘mani for larf)) The job provides enough to live on We'll look into the problem and come back to you when we have the information to look into Tok ‘intu:) to explore tek'splo] to look through [lok Gru:) to read (quickly) {red (kw looked through the article to plate up [nleze ap] to serve [sai] Plate up and drizzle with sauce to print out (print aot] Can you print out a copy of that letter for me? Ee, She's pulling down over $100,000 a year ‘to pull down {pol dan) to earn Lorn) to ring up Iran np Ee to enter (figures) Y=] Lentar (‘frajarz)) I'm sorry, | rang up the wrong amount The fact that he is against the merger does not rule it out to rule out [rus aot) to eliminate [Flimanest to scrape up/ together ekrexp ap/ ta gear] ra to raise a1 somemoney) © J [rere (sam mani] She had scraped up/ together enough money for college to see out {si ave to accompany (to the door) [okampani (tu da da:r)) fA My secretary will see you out to see to {si tu) to deal zs ea | must see to getting the dinner ready They'd sold out of bread by the time | got there to sell out [sel aot to send off [send o:f] to post [poost] & Have you sent off your application form yet? to sign sth for sb tsaen fr] My boss was out for the day, so | signed her letters for him to sign out (sain aot] to record (a departure) [evkord (erdrparrtfer) ele Don't forget to sign out before you leave to sit down {sit davr] kK The nurse sat me down in a chair to slip up Sy {sip 00 to make (an error) | slipped up because | was too nervous [metk (en ‘erar]] to sniff at isn at] to neglect You shouldn't sniff at a job ‘opportunity like this [nrglekt} >xuTn ga (nesHy cymy) BBOANTH CyMy B KacoBOMy anapari PoGora npiHocuTs pocTaTHbo Bae, # apia HenpasunbHy Uv av exe signpasunn sawy TPOUE!, Woo 3a HX KUT cymy saseKy? BUKmo4aTH Korocb/ WyOCb, nignucysatu Bia uuvioroce apaxarn Hesignosiquim imeni AocnigxysaTu, gishapatnca Mu gocnignmo npo6nemy i Toi cha, wo Bi npoTH Mii 6oc 6ya BincyTHid oqMH NoBepHeMOCA JO BAC, KONM MA OB epHaHHA, He BKMIONAE Taky eH, TOMY A nignioysas nucTH ‘OTpIMaeMo WO iHcbopMayito MoxninBioTe Big ior imexi nepernanyTn “36mparu (rpowi 4u ini sunucysaties npM BMxORi pecypen) Bova si6pana poctaTHbo rpowielt Ans HaBYaHHA y He saSyabTe sunucatucs, nepus Sl nepernanys wo cra Konepxi HK BMIATA HaknagaTu bky Ana nonayi nposoquru nocagutu Koroch Haxnapire ioxy i nonniire + Megcecrpa nocaguna mexe Ha coycom Mit cexperap nposene Bac crineys posapykosysaru (Ha matu cnpasy/ 6patucs 3a Apunrepi) woe Bu MokeTe posapykyBarit KonIO | noBVHeH BgATUCA Sa A nommnunace, 6o HanTO boro niteta Ana MeHe? NpwrotysaHHa Bevepi Hepsysana cn HexTyBaTH, He CxBamoBaTH Bona sapo6nse noHag 100 ; Tues onapie y pik Bonn poanpoaann xni6 0 Toro To6i He cailn HexTysaTH TAKO!O acy, AK A AicTABCA TYAN paKaHcieo to stand up to take on. to aim at/ for {staend ap] e teen) [erm at/ 4 to bear to seek ber] (sik) I've been standing up all day and ‘| don't want to take on too much We're aiming for a 10% increase 'm really tired work in sales to stay on to take over to bring up sth [ster a:n} [terk ‘oovar] ‘bran np] to be (delayed) to succeed to initiate = {bi exe) Y (sols irnfiet & Gill decided to stay on at Who'll be taking over from Anna —_| hate to bring up business at university to do further research when she retires? lunch to step up to take up to come off (step np} {texk ap] =] {kam of] a to reinforce to occupy to become [an fr] [exkjopatl (successful) [br kam (s9k'sestal) Police have stepped up their This desk takes up too much | was surprised when the plan efforts to find the man space come off so easily to stick out to tee off to draw up [stk aot] th ofl to be (noticeable) to embark {bi: (nootrsaball] lam'bark] to prepare rl teen By There was a handkerchief The new project will tee offnext The contract was drawn up by sticking out of his jacket pocket month ur solicitor to drop off to take apart to work in {texk por} jwa:rkan] (e {drop ott to disassemble to specialize to decline (gradually) |\/\, [.¢1sa'semba] ‘spefslar] {drklann (graed3uali The demand for Blackberry She took the photocopier apart She said that her husband works smartphone dropped off after to see what had got stuck in it in marketing iPhone entered the market to take aside to work on teks a are teeta to call (to talk to advance solve in private) [ad'vaens] Fehice kat (te:kan pretvat)] It took us a long time to get | was immediately taken aside the problems get over s wit by the manager Tim loves working on old cars system with the computer cTosTu, scrasaTn pat na ce6e Hayimosarucs, nparHyTh A cToAs BeCe HEH, in AYKE Ane xowy Samu Ha ceGe Ma HauineHi Ha s6ineweHHs BTOMNeHM 3aHianro Sararo poboTn nponaxkie Ha 10% ‘satpumysaTues (nicna nepefimara (nocany, " nopyulyeaTH Tey, rosopuTH pooorm, ypokis) KepisHuuTeo) po woch Tinn supiume sarpumatica B yrisepcuTeri, Woe npaujosaTu Hag nogansuiumn Xro nepefime nocapy ARMM, A HeHasupxy rosopuTn npo AOcHippKeHHsMK KONM BOHA BME Ha NeHCIO? SisHec nia ac obiny nocuntosaTu, s6inbwysaTa sgammatu (4ac, micite) crasatu yeniwHum | Tloniyia nocununa cacl sycHANs, (9m grin galimae sanapTo A Oye spmeosanii, KonM nial Wo® sHaiTu HonoBika Gararo Micus Tak nerko ycniwHo BTinuscA exeneitenn nounHaru, sanyoKaTn nonito rorysaTn AokymeHTn Is kweHi Horo nip>kaKka Hosni npoext posno4HeTbon * KoHTpakt 6ys nigrotosneHvnA \GTMpSANEL AYOTKS, HacrynHoro MicAUA Hau anBOKATOM Hn posi6patn Ha wacTu Meorynoso amenulyaeTACr; nigsosuTn Bora posi6pana coroxoniioganbHwi anapat Ha MacTuHi, Wo6 noGaynTi, LO Tlonurr Ha cmaprébox Blackberry Bora cxasana, wo Tl wore ameHUMBCA NicAA TOTO, AK SACTPAMNO B HLOMy npayjoe y ccbepl MapKeTHHry iPhone euiiwos Ha pHHOK oKanKarM Korock Ha SSS al npuBatHy posMoBy oe npayopatn gHaiiTn pileHHa; no¥yBaTMcr mo Kpauye eprxep BiApasy NOKNVKAS 6araro 4acy, ee ean MarTHy POSMOBY Tin mo6uTe npaujosau Han Ham stano6unocn iyo epi npoonemu 3 cTapnmn astomosinawi, KownvorepHoio CHCTEMO!O to go ahead [goo ahead) to proceed (according to a plan) [prov si (e'kordin tu ex plaen)] The construction of the bypass goes ahead despite the protests from environmentalists ah I think we should keep to our original plan to keep to kip tu) to follow [fa:los) to put forward {pot farwardl to propose lore % Sarah put her own name forward for election to the tennis club committee to put into {oot sntu} om to devote wy [dr'voor] fe | have put a lot of work into this project to sort out israel oe to fix fas] Le Has the firm sorted out its tax problems yet? to sound out isaund aot] Q to identify fl (ardent The company conducted a survey to sound out public opinion to look back {hok beck] to reminisce [rema'nas] When | look back | can see Where we went wrong Having faster computers would make for a more efficient system to make for [mek fae) to enable [herbal] to miss out on mts at on to lose (a chance) “4 {lua (ertfans) ill ‘Anna missed out on the promotion. to pull out {pol ave] to detach [er'taet{] We can cut project costs by pulling out all non-essential staff to put up {pot ap] to suggest {sa'dsest} x It was Bob who originally put up the idea of the exhibition to run over tn ‘over to exceed } ti w The meeting ran over by twenty minutes to see through [si Gru) to finalize They had a lot of difficulties in implementing the project. but the team saw it through successfully The contract sets out all the details of the agreement to stand for {sternd for] = to represent cE repr zent ma Uncle Sam stands for the US to stand up for {[steend ap foie) to protect [pra'tekt] @ He's the kind of manager who will always stand up for his staff to start out to [sta:rt aut tu) to intend Lan'tend] I didn’t start out to become the boss- it has just happened to start up [storrt ap] to open (a business) oopan (er ‘branas) Oi 888 The firm started up on a shoestring budget nponosxKysatn (pyxaTnch 3a \cyBaTu, NponoHyBaTH HanaroquTu woce, nnaHom) posi6patuca 8 womycs Bynisnuureo o6'isay Capa sucyryna cao im'a Ha NPOOBKyETECA, HeSBArKaKO4n BnOOpM Ao KowiTery TeHicHoro Un dipma exe eupiuina cect Ha npotectu exonoria Kayoy npo6ren is nogarkamun? BKNaQaTH B Wyoce, posnuryaary, qishasaTuca Mpuceatutu 4omycb 6arato aycmne/ wacy yer umloc AYMKY: AoTpumysatues Yorock F aymato, Wyo Mu nos Alexnas . Kownavia nposena onuryaaHHa, OTpMMyBaTuCA cB0rO Tppeet Sararo poSomu B uelt Wwo6 goBinatica AyMKy FlovarKogoro mnaHy rpomapceKocti aymaTu npo MuHyni ornagatuca 06 nepunit sanpononysas jagag, A fom Bec oararetrinca igelo opranisosyBaTu BuCTaBKy AsppKo Cem npegcrasnse CLUA amu, npuasoguTa —-epeswulyearu nimir, nigtpumysaru, omanen Pp ss 3aTpumysaTnca saximiern HaspHicts wenpwnx "t it Bik is Tux it Komn'iorepis npusBepe AO KepignuKie, aKnih NipBULeHHA ecbeKTHBHOCTI Syctpiy sarpumanaca Ha 3a@kqu niatpumye cacix encTemn ABaAYATS XBMIVH cnigpoGirHuxie Brpavatm waHc, He Aocaratm —-—«- aBepUyBATH atu Hamip Y Hux BHHMIKNO BaraTo TpyaHouis y peanisauyi npOeKTY, Tanna BtpaTuna MoxNUBICTS ane Komaxpa ycniHo Horo He MaB HaMipy ctasatu CKOPUCTATHCR SHIDKKOIO sabepwina Gocom, ue npocto cranoca ren anopmaconynarn omens, =< Biaxpneatn 6iaHec Mu moxkemo ckoporuTu surtpaTH ; ha nipoek", Akio Biasty-nmo Morosip snesitmoe (noacHioe) Bech ApyropAAHHA nepcoHan Bei perani yront ipa siakpina GisHec is HeBenukuM 6Op>KeTOM to think through [81k Gru:] to contemplate ['ko:ntamplezt] el Think it through before you make a decision ‘to throw up [Broo np) to generate ['dgenarest] The talks threw up interesting possibilities to turn out fes:m aot] to manufacture [meenie feektfor} Ss 3559) The factory tums out three thousand units a day The company weeded out the underperforming sales representatives CEO called in the lawyers to wind up the company to wipe off {warp o:f] to erase [rrers} to weed out [wid ao to ditch [et to wind up [wand ap} to close [Koo] All their customer information was wiped off by a virus to wise up [warz ap] Sy to become (wiser) mented g Employers are starting to wise up to the fact that people want flexible working hours to bring about [bran a'bant] to breed [bri We hope that our peaceful means will bring about change to bring off {bran of] to overcome Lowvar kam] cil How did he manage to bring that off? to get around to {get araund tu) to do (finally) (du: (fasnali} a Til get around to doing my homework after the baseball game to get in {get n] to enter [entar] a What time did you get in last night? to let up (let ap} to become (better); x to cease i 000 wm (‘betar} sis) | hope the rain lets up for t weekend wore to pull in {poten} ry to attract == [otk] BER Their last tour pulled in millions of fans to put in {pot an} to install fan'sta] aft They had to put in a whole new central heating system to tear down {ear daon) to demolish BA [dr'morhf) a) They tore down the old hospital and built some offices to turn in ten 2 fo submit arg (sab'mat) | had to turn the paper in late because of my grandfather's funeral to bawl out {bat aot) 8% to scold ay [skould | could never baw! out my kid like that to blow over [bI00 ‘oovar} to dissipate ehsapert] xp The scandal blew over within a fortnight "ycsinomnionata, mynpiuiarn ——-sanyuarw, s6upaTa Po6oTonasui nowmHaior yosigomnogaru Te, wo nog O6pymairre ye, nepus Hix xouyTb rHy4Koro pobouoro ‘Ixne octaHue Type si6pano Tpwnmamn piwenHs rpacbixy MInbiiOHM WakyBanbHAKis cTBOploBaTn, BUpOGNsTH nopomkysaTh, npusBoqMTH BcTaHOBnioBaTH ao Mu cropisaemocs, wo Haul Bovik nosuiki Gynn acTaHosuTH Neperosopu nopopunn uiKasi MupHi sacoGu npusBEAyTe AO uinkom Hoay cucTemy Mork nMBOCTI amit UeHTpanisHoro onaneHHa eunycKaTs, ampoGnsTn yeniumo anopatuca Saaog supo6nae Tpu THceui AK flomy BAaNocA ycniHo 3 Bown shecnu crapy nikapHio | OAMHMYe 3a AeHE um snoparnca? noGyayaann kineKa oqpicis noa6ysaTuca, aMganaTn Hapeulti qo6patucs AO spyyaru, nopasatn Moroc/ SpoOuTM WoC Komnanis nos6ynaca A Hapeurti spo6nio AomausHe Meti nosenocs nisHiwe nopaTn HeecbeKTuBHMX ToproBux 3aBnaHHA nicna rp B OKyMeHTU 4epes NOXOPOH Moro npegcTasHukis: 6ackeT6on Bina sakpusatu (nignpuemcrao, npu6ysatu; noctynartu (8 “nastu, KpmyaTH Ha KOrocb opranisayito, Gishec) yxisepcurtet) Terepanbvii anpeKTop cKnniKas aggoxarie, Woo saKpvTn O xorpilt roquni Bu npuiiwina AG wiKonu Tak He manna CBCIX koMnaHiio Minnysiol HOMi? nite angansiru, cTuparn woce Er Nokpautyaarn 3aKinsyBarnen (npo pou) Yes incbopmauia npo ixHix. knigurie Gyna euganena sipycom 1 cnopisaioon, wo ouy Ckatigan cTux npoTAroM ABOx SaKIWSTECR Ha BUXIBHIX TWKHIB to boil down to {box daen tu) to summarize ['samararz] The problem boils down to one thing - lack of money to catch up with [kart] ap w2d) to trigger (trouble) [tragar (traba)] ato ope His lies will catch up with him one day to come out [kam aot] to be (published) Ibi: ( pablafy) The exam results will come out in August to figure out to understand A) { andar'stzend] Ca If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening again to get behind {get brharna] to withhold {v8 hood] orl Make sure you don’t get behind in your bills ‘to get down sb {et daon} to make (sad) Imexk (s2d)] ( The miserable weather in winter really gets me down to look down on [lok daun o:n) to disrespect [hsr'spekt] Be He looks down on his colleagues on because he thinks he's better than they are to own up [oun ap] to admit jod'mat) Nobody owned up to breaking the window Teams of athletes were pitted against each other to pit sb against sb [prt 'genst} to compete {kam pit] to come to {kam tu} to result (in sth) [evant an sth] Fi Operation may be needed, but we hope it won't come to that ‘to crack down {kreek davon] to intimidate lan'temadert) The teacher started to crack down on student tardiness to fall out ta: aot} pu, to quarrel @ ? Pews:al They fell out over the decision and hardly speak to each other any more to give in lows ve WA 2 yield They gave in when the police surrounded the building ‘to go away {gon aves) to leave = A RE Go away and leave me alone! to psych out [satk aot) to depress [dz'pres] Both athletes were trying to psych each other out to run down [ran dav} to criticize Pkertssazz] He's always running himself down to kick out tak act 8 to banish ['bensf] Greg got kicked out of school for fighting to set off [set orf] to provoke a4 She's finally stopped crying - don’t set her off again

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