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Note: In this work, I will gauge Clo1(level C-3) and CLO 2(level-A4).

CLO1(C-4): means that you will be test for carrying performance analysis of Ac machines.
CLO2(A4): to check your work how it is organised organisation?
Induction Motor (IM)

i. What do you mean by synchronous speed? And how it could develop in IM?
ii. What is the significance of a rotating magnetic field? How it could produce? Is it
possible to reverse the direction of rotating magnetic field? Explain with the help of
diagram in one complete cycle of 3-Ø input currents.
iii. Why IM is said to an induction motor? How the voltage could induce in the rotor
winding of IM? What are the requirements to develop the voltage in the rotor
winding? Use one loop of wire to explain it.
iv. How the torque develops in the rotor winding? What are the requirements to develop
the induced torque in the rotor winding? Use one loop of wire to explain it.
v. What is slip speed and slip of an IM?
vi. Why IM could not run at synchronous speed?
vii. Why rotor frequency of IM is not equal to stator frequency?
viii. Suppose if the supply frequency increases then what happens to the speed of IM? And
ix. In IM which winding is said to be armature winding? And why?
x. In IM which winding is said to be field winding? And why?
xi. What are types of rotors in an IM? What are the differences in their construction and
xii. Why IM has the higher starting current? xiii. Draw power flow diagram of IM.
Discuss how Pout could be calculated?
xiv. Under what condition and slip, the PAG would be maximum? Why torque has
dependence on it? xv. Why R2 is used to increase the starting torque? Draw also torque-
speed characteristic curve to explain it.
xvi. Why dc test is used to determine the stator resistance if IM. Whether it could be
determined from ac test and how? Give formula for Y and delta connected stator
xvii. What information we could obtained from no load test of IM? And how? Discuss the
procedure of no-load test. xviii. Sketch and label the shape of a typical induction
motor torque-speed characteristic curve.
xix. State the condition for pull-out torque in terms of model parameters?
xx. What are the methods used to control the speed of IM?

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