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1. ISRO was established in which year? a) 15 August 1949 b) 15 August 1969 c) 15 August 1972 d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer b) 15 August 1969 2. What is the full form of ISRO? a) Indian Scholar Research Organization b) Indian Space Research Organization c) Indian Station Research Organization d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer b) Indian Space Research Organization 3. Who is the first chairman of ISRO? a) Mylswamy Annadurai b) B. N. Suresh c) Vikram Sarabhai d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer c) Vikram Sarabhai. The Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation is the highest-ranked official of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the space agency of the India. The Indian Space Research Organisation in its modern form was created by Vikarm Sarabhai. 4.Where is the headquarters of ISRO? a) Chennai b) Mumbai c) Bengaluru d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer c) Bengaluru 5. How many satellites are launched by ISRO? a) 112 b) 101 c) 104 d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer c) 104. ISRO launches 8 satellites in its 15th flight of the ‘XL version of the PSLV — 5 foreign satellites and 3 Indian satellites (SCATSAT-1, PRATHAM and PISAT). ISRO launched 104 satellites, of which 3 were Indian satellites. It is the largest number of satellites launched on a single flight by any space agency. 6. Which was the first satellite launched by ISRO? a) Kalpana-1 b) Bhaskara c) Aryabhata d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer a) Kalpana-1Kalpana-1 was the first dedicated meteorological satellite launched by Indian Space Research Organisation using Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle on 2002-09-12. The satellite is three-axis stabilized and is powered by solar panels, getting up to 550 watts of power. 7. What is the name of first satellite built by India? a) Bhaskara b) Aryabhata c) Sputnik d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer b) Aryabhata. ISRO built India’s first satellite, Aryabhata, which was launched by the Soviet Union on 19 April 1975. It was named after the Mathematician Aryabhata. In 1980, Rohini became the first satellite to be placed in orbit by an Indian-made launch vehicle,SLV-3. 8. ISRO will launch India's second mission to moon called a) Chandrayaan-1 b) Chandrayaan-2 c) Chandrayaan d) None of these | © Click here to View Answer Answer b) Chandrayaan-2. Chandrayaan-2, India’s second mission to the Moon is a totally indigenous mission comprising of an Orbiter, Lander and Rover. After reaching the 100 km lunar orbit, the Lander housing the Rover will separate from the Orbiter. 9. What is full form of GSLV? a) Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle b) Geosynchronous Space Launch Vehicle c) Geosynchronous Scholars Launch Vehicle d) None of these @ Click here to View Answer Answer a) Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle. Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle abbreviated as GSLV, is an expendable launch system operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). 10. How many stages are there in GSLV? a)2 b) 5 c)3 d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer c) 3. Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark is the largest launch vehicle developed by India, which is currently in operation. This fourth generation launch vehicle is a three stage vehicle with four liquid strap-ons. 11. What is meant by PSLV? a) Polar Space Launch Vehicle b) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle c) Polar small Launch Vehicle d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer b) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is an expendable medium-lift launch vehicle designed and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). PSLV can also launch small size satellites into Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO). 12. Which is the latest PSLV launched by India? a) PSLV C32 b) PSLV C37 c) PSLV C42 d) None of these | ® Click here to View Answer Answer c) PSLV C42. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV- C42) of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) today (16 Sept 2018, Sunday) successfully launched two satellites — NovaSAR and S1-4 — from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota. 13. When was PSLV launched for the first time? a) 2008 b) 2016 c) 2003 d) None of these @ Click here to View Answer Answer b) 2016. The PSLV C37 mission, launched on September 26, 2016, was the first time that the rocket had inserted multiple payloads into two separate orbit altitudes. 14. How many stages are there in PSLV? a)4 b) 3 c)2 d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer a) 4 14. How many stages are there in PSLV? a)4 b)3 c)2 d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer a) 4 15. What is the full form of ASLV? a) Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle b) Air Satellite Launch Vehicle c) Augmented Space Launch Vehicle d) None of these @ Click here to View Answer Answer a) Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle. The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle or Advanced Satellite Launch Vehicle, also known as ASLY, was a five-stage solid-fuel rocket developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to place 150 kg satellites into LEO. 16. In which place Dr Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre is located? a) Sriharikota b) Thiruvananthapuram c) Bangalore d) None of these @ Click here to View Answer Answer b) Thiruvananthapuram. It is located in Thiruvananthapuram, in the Indian state of Kerala. The centre had its beginnings as the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) in 1962. It was renamed in honour of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, often regarded as the father of the Indian space program. 17. Where is the headquarters of DRDO? a) Mumbai b) New Delhi c) Bangalore d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer b) New Delhi. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (ORDO) is an agency of the Government of India, charged with the military's research and development, headquartered in New Delhi, India. 18. The Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was found in which year? a) 1969 b) 1966 c) 1962 d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer c) 1962. The Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was set up in 1962 by Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of the Indian Government under Dr. Vikram Sarabhai to formulate the Indian Space Programme. 19. Who is the current chairman of ISRO? a) K Sivan b) AS Kiran Kumar c) S Christopher d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer a) K Sivan. Scientist Sivan K is the Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). He replaced A S Kiran Kumar. 20. Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station located in which state? a) Kerala b) Andhra Pradesh c) Karnataka d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer a) Kerala. The Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station is an Indian spaceport operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation. It is located in Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram, It is currently used by ISRO for launching sounding rockets. 21. Find the odd one? a) A. S. Kiran Kumar b) Dr. K. Radhakrishnan c) Shri G.Madhavan Nair d) S Christopher ® Click here to View Answer Answer d) S Christopher. All three are former chairman of ISRO. 22. What is the full form of IRNSS? a) Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System b) Indian Regional Navigation Solar System c) Indian Research Navigation Satellite System d) None of these @ Click here to View Answer Answer a) Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System. IRNSS- 1A is the first navigational satellite in the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) series of satellites been placed in geosynchronous orbit. 23. Who is the chairman of Satish Dhawan Space Centre? a) S Christopher b) S. Pandian c) Satish Dhawan d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer b) S. Pandian. Satish Dhawan Space Centre or Sriharikota Range is a rocket launch centre operated by Indian Space Research Organisation. It is located in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. Sriharikota Range was renamed in 2002 after ISRO's former chairman Satish Dhawan. SDSC’s current director is S. Pandian. 24. When was launched the Chandrayaan I? a) 22 October 2008 b) 2 October 2008 c) 22 August 2008 d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer a) 22 October 2008. Chandrayaan-1 was India’s first lunar probe. It was launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation in October 2008, and operated until August 2009. The mission included a lunar orbiter and an impactor. 25. Which type of fuel is used by GSLV in its operations? a) Only liquid fuel b) Liquid in first stage and solid in second stage c) Solid in first stage and liquid in second stage d) None of these | @® Click here to View Answer Answer c) Solid in first stage and liquid in second stage 26. The experimental satellite SROSS abbreviation means? a) Stretched Rohini Satellite Series b) Space Rohini Satellite Series c) Super Rohini Satellite Series d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer a) Stretched Rohini Satellite Series The Stretched Rohini Satellite Series are a series of satellites developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation as follow ons to the Rohini Satellites for conducting astrophysics. 27. What is the name of the India’s Multi Wavelength Space Observatory? a) Astrosat b) Cartosat-2 c) RISAT-1 d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer a) Astrosat. Astrosat is India’s first dedicated multi- wavelength space observatory. It was launched on a PSLV-XL on 28 September 2015. 28. Which one is India’s first satellite exclusively used for educational purpose? a) NISAR b) EDUSAT c) INSAT-4CR d) None of these @® Click here to View Answer Answer b) EDUSAT. GSAT-3, also known as EDUSAT, was a communications satellite which was launched on 20 September 2004 by the Indian Space Research Organisation. EDUSAT is the first Indian satellite built exclusively to serve the educational sector. 29. Who is the father of modern space science in India? a) Satish Dhawan b) Vikram Sarabhai c) apj abdul kalam d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer b) Vikram Sarabhai. The Indian space programme was driven by the vision of Dr Vikram Sarabhai. In 1961, he was appointed member of the Atomic Energy Commission, when rocket science and satellites were areas of great interest in the international scientific community. 29. Who is the father of modern space science in India? a) Satish Dhawan b) Vikram Sarabhai c) apj abdul kalam d) None of these @ Click here to View Answer Answer b) Vikram Sarabhai. The Indian space programme was driven by the vision of Dr Vikram Sarabhai. In 1961, he was appointed member of the Atomic Energy Commission, when rocket science and satellites were areas of great interest in the international scientific community. 30. Which was India’s first remote sensing satellite? a) IRS-1A b) IRS-1C c) IRS-1G d) None of these ® Click here to View Answer Answer a) IRS-1A. The Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1A (IRS- 1A) was launched on March 17, 1988. IRS-1A is the first of a series of semi-operational/ operational remote sensing satellites developed by Indian Space. 1. Which Indian space agency is responsible for the Chandrayaan 3 mission? © (a) ISRO (b) NASA © (c) ESA 2 (d) CNSA o Answer: (a) 2. What is the main objective of the Chandrayaan 3 mission? (a) To orbit the moon (b) To soft-land on the moon (c) To collect samples from the moon (d) To study the moon's magnetic field Answer: (b) 3. Where will Chandrayaan 3 land on the moon? © (a) The north pole © (b) The south pole (c) The equator (d) The center © Answer: (b) 4, What is the total weight of Chandrayaan 3? (a) 3,843 kilograms © (b) 6,350 kilograms (c) 9,091 kilograms (d) 11,832 kilograms Answer: (a) 5. How many throttle-able engines does the lander for Chandrayaan-3 have? (a) Two 2 (b) Four © (c) Six © (d) Eight Answer: (b) 6. Who is the project director of the Chandrayaan 3 mission? > (a) Ritu Karidhal (b) K. Sivan © (C)A.S. Kiran Kumar (d) G. Madhavan Nair Answer: (a) 18. What are the benefits of Chandrayaan-3? a) It will help us to better understand the moon's history and evolution. © b) It will help us to assess the resources available on the moon. ©) It will help us to develop new technologies for future space missions. © d) Alll of the above Answer: All of the above 19. What is the future of Chandrayaan-3? © a) ISRO is planning to launch a follow-up mission, Chandrayaan-4, in the near future. b) Chandrayaan-4 will be a more ambitious mission, with the goal of landing on the moon's south pole and deploying a rover. c) ISRO is also planning to launch a human mission to the moon in the coming decades. d) All of the above Answer: All of the above 20. What is the name of the launch vehicle that will be used to launch Chandrayaan-3? © a) GSLV Mk.II © b) PSLV C43 © ¢) PSLV C53 d) GSLV Mk.II Answer: a) GSLV Mk.II 21. Where will Chandrayaan-3 be launched from? a) Sriharikota © b) Satish Dhawan Space Centre c) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre © d) Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station Answer: b) Satish Dhawan Space Centre 22. What is the expected launch window for Chandrayaan-3? a) July 14-23, 2023 b) August 23-30, 2023 © ¢) September 6-13, 2023 d) October 1-8, 2023 Answer: a) July 14-23, 2023 23. What is the expected duration of the Chandrayaan-3 mission? © a) 1 lunar day © b) 1 lunar week ¢) 1 lunar month © d) 1 lunar year © Answer: c) 1 lunar month 24. What are the risks associated with Chandrayaan-3? a) The lander could crash during landing. b) The rover could malfunction. Tc)he mission could be delayed or cancelled due to technical problems. d)All of the above Answer: d) All of the above 25. What are the hopes and aspirations for Chandrayaan-3? a) To successfully land on the moon's south pole. b) To deploy the rover and explore the moon's surface. c)To make new scientific discoveries about the moon. d) To inspire future generations of scientists and engineers. e Answer: d) All of the above 1. What is the landing date of the Chandrayaan 3 mission? A. 23 August 2023 B. 19 August 2023 C. 12 August 2023 D. 21 August 2023 Ans. A 2. What is the launch date for Chandrayaan 3 mission? A. 24 July 2023 B. 14 July 2023 C. 13 July 2023 D. 04 July 2023 Ans. B 3. The Chandrayaan 3 mission's rover is known as? A. Vikram B. Bheem C. Pragyaan D. Dhruv Ans. C 4. How much is the estimated cost of the Chandrayaan 3 mission? A. 1200 Crores B. 960 Crores C. 600 Crores D. 540 Crores Ans. C 5. Which launcher is used for Chandrayaan-3? A. GSLV B. LVSM C. GSLV-Mk3 D. PSLV Ans. C 6. Which time did Chandrayaan 3 touch the Lunar Surface? A. 6:02 PM IST B. 6:04 PM IST C. 6:05 PM IST D. 6: 06 PM IST Ans. B 7. What are the components included in Chandrayaan-3? a) Orbiter only b) Lander and rover only c) Orbiter, lander, and rover d) Lander and orbiter only Ans. B 8. What is the primary purpose of Chandrayaan- 3? a) Investigate the Moon's atmosphere b) Create a permanent human settlement on the Moon. C) Land safely on the moon's surface and perform scientific research. d) Retrieve samples from the lunar surface and bring them back to Earth Ans.C 9. From which of the following centres Chandrayaan-3 has been launched? a) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre b) Satish Dhawan Space Centre c) ISRO d) Dr. Abdul Kalam Island Ans.B 10. Which space agency is in charge for the Chandrayaan-3 mission? a) NASA b) ISRO c) ESA d) Roscosmos Ans.B 11. Who is the director of the Chandrayaan-3? a) K. Sivan b) M. Vanitha c) J.J. Robinson d) Ritu Karidhal Ans.D 12. What is the total weight of Chandrayaan-3 mission? a) 4,100 kg b) 3,900 kg c) 2,190 kg d) 5,200 kg Ans. B 13. Which part of the Moon is Chandrayaan-3 aimed to land? a) North Pole b) Equator c) South Pole d) Far Side Ans. C 14. Which of the following countries is the fourth to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon? A. China B. India C. Russia D. USA Ans. B 15. Who is the Rocket Woman of Chandrayaan 3? A. Moumita Datta B. Ritu Karidhal C. Nandini Harinath D. Tessy Thomas Ans. B

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