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16 Personalities Reflection

The personality I got was ESFP-Entertainer. 54% extroverted, 57% Observant, 56% Feeling
and 56% Prospecting. I was surprised with my results since I have always been a very shy
and sometimes anti-social person. I have set the personal goal to be more outgoing and enjoy
life as it is, and it has shown results. I identify with most of my weaknesses, like being
vulnerable to criticism and when I encounter it, I feel backed into a corner, and it is hard for
me to face it. I get bored very easily since I always have the need to be doing something that
excites me. I tend to avoid conflict a lot because I hate fighting with someone, especially
when it is about minimal things.

My skills on the other hand seem to be useful and connected to a career I want to pursue in
the future. My main skills are enjoyment in working with other people, liking to make people
happy, hence careers that involve working with others and for others to make them happy is
important. Entertainers are considerate natural event planners, sales representatives, trip
planners, wonderful counselors, social workers, personal coaches, between a lot more. The
one thing these have in common is that they all represent excitement, which is a crucial factor
for us to live right. I personally prefer making people happy by creating beauty instead
(showing and sharing my creativity with others), and some examples of careers that include
this creative side to it are music, fashion, photography, and interior design.

I feel like this was a fully accurate depiction of my personality since it guessed one of the
paths I would like to follow in the future, which is Interior Design. I would like to study
Architecture as well. According to this survey, I possess the necessary skills to be successful
in Interior Design which makes me excited! Interior design takes a lot of creativity and
willingness to make people happy, which is one of my traits. It is worth mentioning that
another important quality is I can brainstorm so many ideas and quickly grasp new methods.
Entertainers have the constant desire to make the environment as friendly and enjoyable as
possible and I work very well in dynamic environments. I also tend to adapt very easily since
I can match the intensity of any situation

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