وداد ؛ جون 64,104;105

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Child had URTI one week ago then now he has

laod cough with cyanosis a-er the cough.
‫كان يقصد في الوصف ان الولد كحته قويه لدرجت انه بياخد نفس عميق‬
‫الكحه ويبدأ يزرق من كثر ان الكحه قويه‬. ‫قبل‬
No fever no vitals. What is the diagnostic test?
A. CT chest or CXR no sure
B. Tonsil culture
C.laryngeal swab

327.Patient ent 77 years on 3 antiyperiensive

medication, still not controlied, US was done and
show Asymmetrical k hat is your dx?
A - adult PCKD
B - Renal artery stenosis
C- Other choices unrelated at all

328.Patient P4 came for contraceptive method.

Patient had regular cycle but increase in bleeding
recently. Hx of CS, and endometritis after the
second CS which has been treated. Which of the
following is contraindication for IUD?
A. Hx of endometritis
B. Abnormal bleeding
C. Other things not relevant I couldn't remember
329.Patient 45 years old known case HTN and
treated for 5 years. She comes to the prevention
clinic. Vitals normal. BMI 38 What to do for her? U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
A. CT chest recommends screening for abnormal blood
B. Pap smear glucose and type 2 diabetes in adults 40 to
C. FOBT 70 years of age who are overweight or
D. Fasting blood glucose obese, and repeating testing every three
years if results are normal.

Pic of:

Inf mi
Hunch line purpora
Vsico urethral re ux
Falciparum malaria
524.-eldery k/c of poorly controlled DM comes with
ulcers on tip of three of his toes, diminished dorsalis
pedis bilaterally, what’s the initial management;
A- Amputation
B- Negative pressure dressing
C- surgical intervention
D- Depridment

525.-3day infant develop rash erythromatus on red

base all inv..normal ???
1- refer to dermatology
2-reasure and this is not a serious condition can
3-skin biopsy

526.-Case of COPD , absent gag re ex (nothing

about consciousness ) on sever respiratory distress
Ph:7.25 High pCO2 and low O, PO sat: 83, What is
your next best step:
A. Intubation and ventilation
B. Non invasive
C. High ow nasal cannula

527.-thyroid swelling move with swallowing and

protrusion of the tongue :
A- Thyroglossal cyst
528.-Pregnant lady at term presented to the DR with
regular contractions and fully a!aced and active
labour, during the delivery everything was normal • Instrumental delivery (Ventose and
except the baby head is +2 station,wthat is the next forceps if the CERVIX IS FULLY DILATED
-C/S wafa
- ventose
- stop oxytocin

529.-Septic shock case indicates adequate systemic

A-Cardiac index
B- Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SMVO2)
C-Central venous oxygen saturation (SCVO2)

530.-Highest causing factor of endometrial cancer:

A. late menarche
B. early menopause.
Early menarche is a risk factor
C. DM.
Not late menarche because of estrogen
D. progesterone tumor
The longer the duration of estrogen
exposure the higher the risk
In this case
It is DM
531.-27 y old fenale present with acute lower
abdominal pain radaite to left shoulder whats
is the highest diagnostic investigation
A. Pelvic CT
B. Abdominal MRI
C. Pregnancy test

532.-Bloody breast discharge, Intraductal

papilloma management?
A-Core needle biopsy US guidance

Answer: excisional Bx (WLE) to rule out ductal


533.prosthetic valve after 4 months what the

caustive organism

534.*Most common site of intussuseption:

535.pt with ST elevation mi in lead V5 V6
1-anterior mi
2-posterior mi
3- lateral mi

Answer: anteriolateral

536.case of plural e usion (ask about

heart failure

Pic of
mausoleum contagiosum
Rooting re ex
Pic (case of yellow vison)
Answer: digoxin toxicity
Pic of p.falciparum

537.Patient with pelvic fracture with what is

the next appropriate management?
A)folly catheterization
B)retrograde cystography

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