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_ ]..],x. tÓ1 ta-

1 ..:..l) KOZOtt
-;r:zdé sben

. .:szonyát
-.,:.rk közti , &,d

_ j ):jni itt iS
., ., .z:r'akat, - ::-
::e 9olí 1_9 to read an interview
soin_q i with the oscar winner Javier Bardem. A1l the
: , ::lá]ni. ;,.-"lts of the interview have been removed. Choose the right question
from the
.:- )zjrint ne :, \-I tO fill
\-Il I to fill the gaps
o2nc (/|-7\ 'l'ho,o;"is one question
|-7). There +L^+ -,^-- J_
^_^ n,.^^+i^_ that you do not need. Write your
. , -rc T L^-^ j^
:- =:i) több- ers in
in tha
the h^-^-
boxes t.^l^.-,
below. There ^,^ _
is an example (0) at the beginning.
._. ::. a kri-
Oscar ,the Girl
_ .. , :;.-l
g\. 3Z
- , -Joloas
' :.. ;-goldá-
0. This is the first time that I'm
,. ... =:..t. ha-
play,ing a leading man in a romantic comedy. It was
_-: - . :3szben

_- .._-:rk egy
a conscious decision in my early career to wait for
;- ril] tá-
lllore complex roles to come. The complexity of
:.:,-táftáSt Chigurh was a kind of dream. In '.Vicky Cristina'',
I'm with three beauties. I was afraid no one in the
audience would believe they'd ever be with me.
1. I want to understand everything
:_ ]Sr3 iS about their minds. It is imporlant for me to think
.. _.rábbi about how they relate to other people.

2. I starled my career early. When I

rvas 6, my mother, who is a well-known actress in
Spain, cast me in a movie for television. It was a
littie moment where a guy puts a gun to m}, head and I have
to laugh, but when I
laugh, I'm also supposed to cry. I liked it immediately.

3. some actors need to work for the money, but money is not a
priority for me. I don't have the need for a lot of cars or houses.

4. The spanish are tough. They criticize my work and say I sold
I've changed a little bit, but everyone around me has changed a lot.

5. No more bad boys. But I don't see Chigurh as evil. You don't
have to like the characters you play, but you have to undersánd
them and you must
always defend them.

walk anywhere. I dol hat and dark glasses
and I can
need to know personal
ubo u t or h.,",
o."o,; ;;";,:.fl'í "li:} Jjí #:i., lot of people. the press
the enemv. is now *í !c
]rí ü§ü-
No, from the ages of 19
as an extra ln .noui., to get moriey
;;;;;ij;,]fl::ilrr#i;'#"1i?;,'"xi*", ll g" lu;
xesl2008/09/07 /stylelindex.html#pageName=O7coven.) lrr,flu@ü
nUrr,!: "J[

A m
fl §
B In Spain,
fi".',P" ::: f]:l: cters b e fore yo u p l ay
|,jj ;areluagÁen,ri;;;,h:.Delore
they :often :h,*a You PlaY th
qUlul§ l
e m ?
]Dil[fií ú lsi

M jii].r
YOU won the Oscar.
y_ou WOn oscar, how
ho* w".. success in America. After
*"." .,^,,
voll -:^^'.:::'rvu
fré 2í é Áback home?
C yott n'o*, a ^^.i.^l_ 1 .'.Y_.1"." You treated ^::ii:l"r.:nding
D í 3::::,i,li,:,^": T :,v:kY
cd# ;;'ifiil? ]$L,M
§ Eliflü
L:nunr ft
]!tí ,M
ü,í ,]rri]]nlü

F *, 1M;u

G f::I::T:eiving
lots of scrif;
How has fame changea you.
ilÖ;, would play avillain? 5Tr l ,]nr[N!!

H u ru]ll,ru*
|re lou satisfied wú what you eanr?
I Did you always
feel this r""Ó r*lrr"
moviesl T* ]rfl§; T
Sorszárn012l iT9Pnrm]
Megoldás E 4 ];i:,,.qnlimt

l' nr§l

-rg Tas
iJ,[t.[ í nütr
** o.Á

ffiú fl§r*i|




:>>ja and I can
];:- :]3l details

Fj,,l_a _:_*\.§a
,-, ::ass is now --,:]-,;]l Der il is the largesl carnivorous
;: i.:, nlars]]pial (a mammal that has ,&,'.,_,.' |n:L>,
- -- _': : .]
_. ..Irr.orked
Pl-ruch) inAustralia.
, -;.rell}, -..,
_, , _-- ".
:eck, It is the size of a small tenier
: ,,-, 1 Coven.)
- , - , .s a tai1 of between 9 to 12" long. It
_- _, .\::enrell large head with shatp teeth,
- , ,., :.:i ears and piercing dark eyes.
-: :>]]-.J]oian Devil is now only found on the
.,a. After . ,- : >:::. of Tasmania. It is a scavenger so it
. -. : :',. -lnd near human settlements. .*-i-

-:-.',;]-.]il Der ils by nature are not aggressive until it comes to food. Then they protect
: ..:-.ü lnd even may kill another Devil that wanted their catch.
- ,, - ;]--]JIl Der ils prefer to eat carrion, that is dead animals. They will eat anything lying
- ^:+í ú thers: , ,_] J, ]lrl matter how old and rotten. Their powerful jaws will help them crush bones
=+::crrona . , ' .., .-rn destroy the whole carcass, meat, fur and bone, leaving nothing to pollute the
_ : :',::].nt, They can though kill other animals such as snakes, birds, lizards, small
_ _] .s and lambs.
-,-';]...]il Devils are very 1oud especially when there are a lot of them at one carcass,
_ -: .., scare each other off. They have arange of sound, from barks to screaming! This
._.:;:_-..:1g and their fierce looks gave birth to their "Devil" name.
::_=:.:g occurs at the male's home, which the female visits for a period of 2 weeks or
. ..snlanian Devil babies (Joeys) are boí r blind and deaf and little more than a grain of
- -: .:: size.
--.: Trsmanian Devils'numbers were very low due to them being killed by both settlers
;:J, huntels. The Tasmanian Tiger was also an enemy of the Tasmanian Devil. Now with
.:: Tiger ertinct, and protection from the govemment their numbers have stabilized, and
j:- no\\,on the increase.
_: : nnish Tasmanian Devils are often hit by cars as they feed on animals killed on roads. Accidents
. ,: :_i&I€St .rd disease also account for some losses, and many young devils are attacked by adult
].=:: is an )el ils.
(http //Australian-animals. net)

0. The Tasmanian Devil is

\) the oldest night bird.
B) the last mammal that is active at night.
C t the 1argest meat-eater marsupial.
D ) the largest carnivorous marsupial in Africa.


8. The Tasmanian Devil has 15. Tas
A) a pointed pink tail. _\) t
B) a white collar around its right leg, Btl
C) a very tiny head. Cll
D) sharp teeth. Dll
9. The Tasmanian Devil can be found Sorgt
A) all over the world, M€
B) only in Tasmania.
C) far from human settlements.
D) in the forests of New Zealand.

You are

The Tasmanian Devil

A) only fights for food.
B) is aggressive áll the time.
bores h
C) kills whoever passes its way.
D) is a good fighter by nature. rI
1t. The Tasmanian Devil is an environmentalist because
A) it eats rotten things.
B) it prefers to eat carrion. _\ team ol
C) it eats up the whole carrion. \\i'lrld Re
D) it eats lizards, snakes and lambs as well. o.-
The tke
12. The Tasmanian Devil's name s__:í ) Lí tL

A) originates from its voice. Har ing d

B) is in connection with its cry and look. 3[9ng rhe
C) expresses the range ofsound it can produce, ft.pJ irtr
D) was given by a discoverer. Ltrnd,trn S
13. The Tasmanian Devil babies Pala-e m
A) are called Joyes. capinl T
B) are as big as a potato. High Co
C) cannot see and hear. _l__:l-t p_E
D) are born in the pouch, aí hJ.)ekt
As a r:-t
14. The number of Tasmanian Devils is inea,easing 'reí E
A) as the government has taken actions to save them. 1,]a§t &
B) because farmers kill them. ;r_.\rrad
C) because hunters have disappeared. Tire rcn
D) because there is more canion than befqre. rrr4ressit
Ctlí TlIDlE

r5. ,..:l:nian Devils are threatened

'-. :r road animals.
3 :l cars.
_ :} } oun_s criminals.
] :r adults.
Sorsám 0 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15
oldás C

\"'- are eoing to read an article about a new Guinness record. Some phrases
have been
]3]ltr\ €
d from the text. Choose the right phrases from the list (A-1)
to fill the gaps
. n-]] t. There is one extra phrase
that you do not need. Write you. un.*.rs in the
r..res belolr.. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Longest ,I{ours

\ :iem of 6 lawyers from Sky set a new Guinness

Record on Saturday 30 August 2008 for
0. _ run three-legged in 24 hours.
]he three-legged legal eagles started out at
r _ll't 3.nl. from Richmond Park in West
]jar ing done a 16. they then headed
-- before taking the Kings
:_tTng the river to Putney,
Road into town. On their way they passed historic
Lt-rndon sights including Battersea Power Station,
the LondonEye,Nelson's columnandBuckingham
Palace much 17. tourists visiting the
capitai. They got to the finish line at the Malawian
High Commission on Grosvenor Street at about
-1.30 p.m. before heading 18.
and celebration in soho.
,{s a team of three pairs, the Sky employees walked a
total of 61 miles between them. If
that were not a 19. in itself, they did this in traditional African dress. on the
hottest daY in August, with temperature's reaching a sweltering
27 degrees,the brightly
coloured African clothing 20.
_ helpedio keep them cool.
The team raised much needed furd, 2l. The team has so far raised an
impressive í 7,000. In Malawi there is t.acher to every 6l pupils. Rural
communities are 22-
_ "u,'.ntt1
of teacher's accommodation to encourage teachers

.lsrngol nyQlyböl

to move to those areas in need

help go to build
accommodation to meet this need
(www. gulnnessworldrecords. com)
A to the delight of
B big enough challenge
D in desperate need
E for a well deserved
F carried out by tourists
G lap of the park
H worn by the team
I for projects in Malawi
Sorszám 0 16 l7 18 l9 20 2l 22
Megoldás C

You are going to read three interviews about school holidays.

After the article you can
find some statements (23-28). Decide whether they are
1r;, false (F) or we do not
'*" ietter
know (DK) because the text does not say. Write the coneci
after the sentence.
There is an example (0) for you.

How Much Diií Christmas? 23.

Sarah Owen, teacher, London

Being a teacher, you think about school all the

time. You think about what you're teaching, 25.
how you're,teaching, how to make it interesting
and relevant. I've got tons of marking to do, 2ú
too. Still you need the time to be a normal
peí son again. I think a lot about the children 27.
I teach; our school has a lot of refugees, for
example. I had such a nice Christmas in the 2a
countryside and I felt sorry for the ones I teach
who were stuck in London.
:i_f go to build : -.-:]1: . :.. lerent. Dorset
i c:.d:ecords.com) ,,
e had other things on my mind. My younger son stafis full-time school in
-* _':i intending to put him on the schoolbus, so it's at the back of my mind how
.,. .:: ;hat. but he seems pretty excited and he knows the
other children. I haven't
j;: son do any homework over the holidays I don't think he's been given any.
s--htrol holidays could be divided better; the summer is too long, especially for
::ents. I think the children get bored, too. Two weeks over Christmas is about

.:- *. 3."-k. aged 17, from Liverpool

, : -: . 3 .:;ite a long time off. We broke up on December
l8 and we don't go back until
2l ),, :, ,.33§. but I'm not complaining. Most teenagers do think about school during the
::-, s ':3.-ause of all the pressures on us. I'm lucky enough not to have A-level modules
.:].-.:]\. I think it's imporlant to take a break and come back refreshed. I've been
;:: . ] stl I har e been thinking about my university options.

nic]e vou can (www. guardian. co.uk/education)

l r,ai \\ e do not
the sentence.

0. Sarah Orven can't get rid of thoughts about school even during her
Christmas holiday. T
23. She has corrected and marked the tests of all her classes.

24. She couldn't run away from London and envied those who had their
holiday in the countryside.

25. Liz Robertson has two children, and both of them go to the same school.

26. Liz as a parent is satisfied with the length and timing of school holidays.

27. Marcus is a school-leaver and is going to take A-level exams in June.

28. During the holidays Marcus combined relaxation with some work that
rtas left behind.

- í ,*ryF!!l}a
í 9_ "Jd3}iE,o.ro.1 s rlqol nyelvből

A B C D a
0. has have had was
7, dead disappeared extinct expected
8. endangering endangers endanger endangered
9. beginning start begin beginners
10. than as that there
11. not no no one none
12. on in along by
l3. greatest great greatly greater
14. fallen fall felt felt
15. their they it its
l6. some al1 both they

Sorszám 0 10 ll 72 13 l4 15 16
Megoldás 1 4}

Teenage StaieÉ ffird Books

A teenage skateboarder 0, rolled into the record books after becoming

the \.-El
youngest and fastest pelson t" t."*1
tt* 1?
Ben,Stiff, 18, of lpswich, 18.
of Britain on a skateboard.
Land's End in just 28_ dals .i, duffii., -----by,tut"u*.a from John o'Groats to
- tt * ihe previous record. on his 'Journey''
he raised moneY for Corda, a charity that
works to prevent hear1 disease and stroke
close friend Sophie St Ledger 19. , after
died from a stroke at the age of 15 in

"To say it's been fun is a huge understatement-

and to say it's been easy 20.
be a lie," said Ben, "But there hasn't once --.-----.-----*-'--
been a time I wanted a"É r". ,o:


learnt to skateboard when he was 11, began his record-breaking
D at John O'Groats last month in an attempt to raise awareness
ra§ _ -:]-3]S u-)f stroke among young people.
:- -: ]3st tbur rveeks he has experienced
-_;:] hills of the Scottish Highlands
-::igered -, - _:.r3 Distnct, hear.y rain, fluctuating
*-,:.:ers ^-: -:::;:eS 22.
ti- =
_ ' =,_=: :r,,-,und 40 miles a day, raising almost

.:l]lil\ and friends were in Land's End on
]J:\ ltr congratulate 23.
_Gs-.s1 ' -.;linq the end of his 980-mile record-
re.: -:-:r::g ridÉ ,
I§ .. .:razing that Ben has not ---24. _
- :-.:_e:ed rvhat is an incredibly difficult
:,-- :rhausting joumey but has broken
,-: :3ct-lrd as well"' said Jenny Jenks, a
l{ l5 l6 -: , .-s\\,oman for Corda. "He has done a(n)
25. iob of not only raising thousands of pounds for Corda, but also
. j.slng awareness of strokes. A11 the money 26. by Ben's trip
3.1 into the Ben Stiff Fellowship Fund and will be invested into further research on
ijrs at stroke in the young."
gr o & te to B en's cause vi sit wwwj ustgiving. com/boardfreeb ornfree.

]<: S :le words :::D: lr-rrryv.telegraph.co. uWtravelltravelnewsl2465672lTeenage-skateboarder-ro11s-into-

:,:: ::_:]-} the list record-books.html)
i :,= .t There is
r--,_. ,-:.
\ length E would I nearly
3 raised Has J trip
C him G should k incredible
D just Has L travelled
::.: :.,-trn]ing the
Sorszám 0 l7 18 19 20 2l 7,, 23 24 ,1 26
_-: : :iateboafd.
Uroats to
Megoldás F
]r: . ..iourney''
3:- :::!rke. after


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