Concerned Parties

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(google doc)This says that everyone in a company, no matter their job, should be allowed to report bad

behavior they see. This is important because it's fair and keeps the company honest. It means that
problems can be spotted and fixed quickly, no matter where they happen in the company. This helps the
company stay out of trouble and be a better, more ethical place to work.

(pdf) IF I report wrongdoing at work, it can be really tough. I might face problems like my coworkers not
liking me, damage to my career, or even losing my job. I feel torn because I want to be loyal to my
company, but I also want things to be fair. I'm scared that the media might pay attention and people
won't like me. How people see me can change a lot depending on how big the problem is. Some might
think I'm a hero, but others might think I'm just telling on people.

Companies can benefit from rules that encourage people to report bad stuff happening in the company.
But they need to figure out what rules work best, like giving rewards or protecting people from the

The public's opinion about me as a whistleblower can be affected by how obvious the bad stuff in the
company is. If it's easy to see, more people might support me. And if I get money for reporting, that can
change how people see me, maybe thinking I'm only doing it for the money.

People who make rules and laws should think about how different rules affect whistleblowers when
they make programs to protect us. Usually, giving rewards to whistleblowers is a good idea. It can also
be important to protect us from being judged by the public, especially when the bad stuff in the
company isn't easy to see.

Researchers are curious about why I do what I do as a whistleblower. They want to know what makes
me report bad stuff and how other people treat me because of it. They do this research to help make
better rules.

Lastly, what political party someone belongs to can affect how they feel about whistleblowing. Some
people care more about being fair, while others care more about punishing people who do wrong

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