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Selecting the right person for a job is crucial for any organization’s success. Hiring someone
who is a poor fit for a particular role can lead to inefficiencies, decreased morale, and
ultimately hinder the company’s performance. Let’s consider an example of a person who
might be the “right person” in terms of skills and qualifications but is in the “wrong job”
within Wipro, a prominent IT services company.

Scenario: “Right Person for Wrong Job” at Wipro

Candidate: John

Background: John has a strong background in software development, with a Master’s degree
in Computer Science and several years of experience as a software engineer. He is highly
skilled in programming languages, software architecture, and problem-solving.

Position: Human Resources Manager

Issue: While John possesses excellent technical skills and a deep understanding of software
development, he lacks the necessary experience and aptitude for human resources
management. As an HR manager, John struggles to effectively handle employee relations,
recruitment, conflict resolution, and other HR-related tasks. His strengths lie in technical
expertise and problem-solving, which are not aligned with the interpersonal and people-
oriented nature of HR responsibilities.


Inefficiencies: John’s lack of experience and interest in HR tasks may lead to inefficiencies
in managing employee-related matters, resulting in delays and unresolved conflicts.

Employee Morale: Ineffective HR management can negatively impact employee morale and
satisfaction, as employees may feel their concerns are not being addressed appropriately.

Recruitment Challenges: John may struggle to identify and hire the right talent for various
positions, affecting the overall quality of the workforce.
Performance Management: John’s unfamiliarity with performance management processes
could result in challenges related to setting performance goals, conducting evaluations, and
providing feedback.

Misallocation of Resources: Wipro’s resources may be misallocated, as John’s technical

skills and potential contributions to software development are not being utilized effectively.


Reassessment: Wipro’s HR department could reassess John’s strengths and interests to

determine if there’s a better role within the company where his technical skills can be

Training and Development: Providing John with training and development opportunities in
HR could help him acquire the necessary skills and competencies for the role.

Role Redefinition: If possible, Wipro could consider redefining John’s role to include both
technical and HR-related responsibilities, leveraging his strengths while addressing the
company’s HR needs.

Internal Mobility: Wipro could explore opportunities for John to transition to a role that
aligns better with his technical background and expertise.


Selecting the right person for a job involves evaluating not only the candidate’s skills and
qualifications but also their compatibility with the role’s responsibilities and demands. In the
scenario described, while John is a skilled software engineer, he is not a suitable fit for the
HR manager role due to his lack of experience and inclination for people-oriented tasks. To
maximize employee performance and organizational success, it’s essential for companies like
Wipro to ensure that individuals are placed in roles that align with their strengths and


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tata Group is responsible for leading and overseeing
the entire conglomerate’s strategic direction, operations, and performance. This leadership
role involves making critical decisions to drive the organization’s growth, profitability, and
sustainability. The CEO works closely with the board of directors and other top executives to
set goals, formulate policies, and implement initiatives that align with the company’s vision
and mission. The CEO represents the company to stakeholders, including investors,
customers, employees, and the public, and maintains strong relationships with key partners
and regulators. Key responsibilities of the Tata CEO include:

Strategic Leadership: Develop and communicate a clear and compelling vision for the Tata
Group’s future, set strategic priorities, and lead the execution of business strategies across
various industries and sectors.

Performance Management: Monitor the financial and operational performance of the

group’s companies, ensure that key performance indicators are met, and implement corrective
actions when necessary.

Business Development: Identify growth opportunities, potential acquisitions, partnerships,

and market expansions to enhance the group’s presence and market share.

Risk Management: Assess and manage risks that could impact the group’s operations,
reputation, or financial stability, and implement risk mitigation strategies.

Corporate Governance: Uphold the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical
conduct, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Stakeholder Engagement: Cultivate relationships with diverse stakeholders, including

employees, investors, customers, government officials, and industry peers.
Innovation and Technology: Foster a culture of innovation and technological advancement
across the group, staying ahead of industry trends and disruptions.

Talent Management: Attract, develop, and retain top talent within the organization, creating
a strong leadership pipeline and promoting a culture of excellence.

Job Specification of Tata CEO:

The role of the Tata CEO requires a seasoned business leader with a combination of strategic,
operational, and interpersonal skills. The ideal candidate for this position possesses the
following qualifications and attributes:

Educational Background: A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field is typically required, while

an advanced degree such as an MBA or equivalent is often preferred.

Professional Experience: Extensive experience at the executive level, preferably including

CEO or top leadership roles within large and complex organizations, ideally spanning
multiple industries.

Strategic Vision: Proven ability to develop and articulate a clear and innovative strategic
vision for a diverse and multi-sector organization.

Leadership Skills: Strong leadership capabilities with a track record of leading teams,
fostering collaboration, and motivating employees to achieve exceptional results.

Financial Acumen: Proficiency in financial management, including the ability to analyze

financial statements, allocate resources effectively, and drive profitability.

Global Perspective: Experience and understanding of international markets, cultural

dynamics, and global business trends, given Tata Group’s widespread presence.

Ethical Standards: Unwavering commitment to ethical conduct, integrity, and corporate

social responsibility.

Communication and Relationship Building: Excellent communication and interpersonal

skills, with the ability to engage with a wide range of stakeholders and build strong
Adaptability: Demonstrated flexibility in navigating complex and evolving business
environments, responding effectively to changes and challenges.

Industry Knowledge: In-depth knowledge of the industries in which Tata Group operates,
along with a keen awareness of industry-specific trends and challenges.

Innovation Mindset: A proactive approach to innovation, technology adoption, and business

transformation to maintain a competitive edge.

Resilience: Ability to handle pressure, uncertainty, and ambiguity while maintaining a

composed and strategic outlook.

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