GNRS 554P Clinical Reflective Journal Assignment - 349435666

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GNRS 554P - Clinical Reflective Journal Assignment

In approximately 3-4 pages of content and using APA format (title page, headings, references –
if used), reflect on the QSEN Core Competencies for Undergraduate Nursing (Links to an
external site) along with APU's standards of Professionalism as described in the student
handbook. Assignment may be written in 1st-person tense. See grading rubric associated with
this assignment. Online submission via Word Doc only (not Pages).
Please complete the following:
(1) For each Core Competency below, articulate how you applied it to your clinical
experiences at your assigned clinical facility. Comment on a minimum of 2 components in
each section, as applicable.

(2) What went well during your clinical experiences? What could have been done to
improve your clinical experiences?

Patient Centered Care (select 2)

● Institute and individualize plan of care (POC) with a focus on assessment and planning

● Communicate care provided and needed to each transition in care

● Implement interventions to address physical and emotional comfort pain and or suffering

● Describe the Pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy for selected patients

● Interpret patient assessment data

● Teach family patient regarding health promotion wellness, disease management, and

● Utilize comprehensive assessment data, incorporating the patient’s values preferences needs
and diversity.

● Provide emotional support to patients and their families. Describe spiritual needs and
develops interventions to meet them.
Teamwork and Collaboration (select 2)

● Communicates with patients, family and inter-professional team

● Demonstrates awareness of own strengths and limitations as a team member, asks for help
when appropriate.

● Able to give Handoff, with providers and transitions (SBAR)

● Understands roles of Health care team to meet the needs of patient

● Function competently within your own scope of practice as a member of the intra/inter-
professional team

● Demonstrates accuracy and relevancy in bedside report

Evidence Based Practice (1)

● Reference clinical based activities with evidence-based literature

Quality Improvement (2)

● Recognize the nursing and other health professions are parts of systems of care and care
processes that affect - outcomes for patients and families

● Identify Quality Improvement Projects in the care setting

Safety (select 2)

● Demonstrates effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and

● Adhere to national patient safety guidelines that affect outcomes for patients and families

● Implement strategies to reduce risk of harm to self or others

● Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory

● Communicate observations or concerns related to hazards and errors to patient’s families and
health care team

● Organize multiple responsibilities and provide care in a times manner

Informatics (select 2)
● Navigate and document within the electronic health record, where appropriate for clinical

● Apply technology and information management tools using critical thinking for clinical
reasoning and quality improvement to support safe processes of care.

● Manage data, information, and knowledge of technology in an ethical manne

● Product confidentiality of electronic health records

APU’s Standard of Professionalism (select 2)

● Demonstrate core professional values (caring altruism, autonomy, integrity, human dignity
and social justice).

● Maintain professional behavior and appearance per ELM Handbook

● Maintain competent confident and professional bedside manner

● Comply with the Code of Ethics Standards of practice and policies and procedure of APU,
Dept. of Nursing and Clinical Agencies

● Accept Constructive criticism and develop plan of action for improvement

● Maintain a positive attitude and interact with inter-professional team members, faculty, and
fellow students in a positive professional manner

● Provide evidence of preparation for clinical learning experiences

● Arrive to clinical site at assigned times; ready to receive report

● Demonstrate expected behaviors and complete tasks in a timely manner

● Assume full accountability for professional behavior during the experience and perform
within ethical/legal norms.

● Use time constructively, even when direct patient care with assigned patient is complete

● Accept individual responsibility and accountability for nursing

● Engage in self-evaluation

● Assume responsibility for learning

GNRS 554P – Clinical Reflective Journal Rubric

Criteria Ratings Points
QSEN Core Competencies 2 pts 1 pts 0.5 pts
& Professionalism
Full Marks Average Low Marks

For each Core Competency,

Student fully Student Student addresses 2 pts
articulate how you applied
addresses each addresses 4-5 of less than 4 out of 6
it to your clinical
QSEN QSEN QSEN competencies
experiences at your
competency and competencies and Professionalism
assigned clinical facility.
Professionalism and and/or student does
per instructions Professionalism not address minimum
(at least 2 and/or student components (i.e.,
Comment on a minimum of
components of does not address minimum of 2 per
2 components in each
each, as minimum competency, as
section, as applicable.
applicable). components applicable).
(i.e., minimum
of 2 per
competency, as
Clinical Experience 0.5 pts 0.25 pts 0 pts 0.5 pt.
Full Marks Average No Marks
What went well during your
clinical experiences?
Student Student Student does not
What could have been done addresses both addresses 1 out address both
to improve your clinical questions. of 2 questions. questions.

APA/grammar/content 0.5 pts 0.25 pts 0 pts 0.5 pt.

Full Marks Average No Marks
Paper must be at least 3 Paper must be at ANY of the More than one of the
pages of content. APA title least 3 pages of following: Paper following present:
page, headings, and content. APA is not at least 3 Paper is not at least 3
reference page included. title page, pages of pages of content.
Minimal grammatical errors headings, and content. APA APA title page,
present, if at all. Online reference page title page, headings, and
submission via Word Doc. included. headings, and reference page not
Minimal reference page correct or not
grammatical not correct or included.
errors present, if not included. Grammatical errors
at all. Online Grammatical present. Online
submission via errors present. submission not via
Word Doc. Online Word Doc.
submission not
via Word Doc.

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