C6 Restoration: Drama and Prose

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The plays are written in heroic

couplets, a form of metre Technic used called heroic couplet

perfected by JOHN DRYDEN
The tragic drama > heroic plays
Refers to the restoration of King Charles
Great deal of nonsense
Definition II to the throne of England in 1660
Men are brave woman are beautiful following a period of Parli-amentary rule.

The genre refer to English comedies written and performed in

the restoration period from 1660 to 1710
Imagination suggested the mad and the wild
It is an entertainment form which satirized the manner and affection of the
social class or multiple class
Types of drama • It is best to live a calm civilized life governed by reason.
Comedy which mirrored the manner of the day coverd by a smart veneer of
• The human brain has taken over and is in complete control:
George etherege His play The Man of Mode (1676) gives a picture of the
immoral manners of the society of the day, but has no proper plot, Comedy of manner
( first introducer ) • Good manners replaced passion.
Excellent example was William congreve’s the way of the world
What are the main characteristics of the
literature in Restoration period? • The themes of the new literature are town themes: politics,
(Representative writer )
the manners of the polite society and intellectual topics
The comedy of manner lapsed in the early 19 century but was revived
with dramatist such as Oscar wild in the importance of being earnest
and George Bernard shaw. C6 Restoration • No more Shakespearean nature pieces, no poems
about smelling flowers.

drama and prose • The restoration period marks the beginning of the scientific age,
1-Indoor theatre 2 Mar 2022

• An interest in philosophy: inquiry into the nature of reality

• 2-Operatic tragedies. With the Restoration, English
drama began again, inventing new
• 3-Introduction of women as players. techniques include:
They restore the king and the peace
Why it’s called that
• 4-Appeal for specific audience not everyone Because king Charles II came to the throne from the exile.

One of Dryden's best heroic plays is The Conquest of Granada (1670). Charles II the New king supported literature
His well-known play, All for Love (or The World Well Lost) (1678)
is in blank verse. It is based on Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra
The plays of the restoration period cannot be compared to
The first great name of this period the plays in the Elizabethan and Jacobean age. ( all are 16th century)
Historical background
John dryden
• One of the writers of the Restoration Age, who is brilliant in all forms, encloses and sums up its qualities.
During civil war there were strict people called The puritans
• He regards himself as the chronicler of the age. 1631-1700):
who close the theatre in 1642, and thus destroyed the
• Before the Restoration, he wrote an elegy on Cromwell. tradition of play making.

• When Charles II came back to throne from the exile, he wrote about this event.

• In 1660, with the plague, London fire and victory over Dutch he wrote Annus Mirabils (The Wonderful Year

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