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See Pupil’s Book 1, page 75

9 Song worksheet: Let’s go to the park

Listen to the song again. Colour.

Super Safari 1 Family Fun PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

Super Safari 1 Pupil’s Book 1, page 75


Unit 9 Song: Guidelines for parents and guardians

Let’s go to the park,

The park is fun,
Let’s go to the park – everyone!

Swing on the swing,

Swing on the swing,
Swing on the swing,
The swing is fun.

Let’s go to the park, ...

Slide on the slide,

Slide on the slide,
Slide on the slide,
The slide is fun.

Let’s go to the park, ...

Round the roundabout,

Round the roundabout,
Round the roundabout,
The roundabout is fun.

Let’s go to the park, ...

Point to the different pieces of play equipment in the picture. Your child says the
words (swing, slide, roundabout). Mime swinging on a swing and say Swing on the
swing. The child copies the mime. Encourage him/her to say the sentence too. Repeat
for Slide on the slide. and Round the roundabout. (turn around for this last sentence).
Play the song. Encourage the child to sing and do the actions. Give the child crayons
to colour the picture in. When he/she has finished, ask about known colours (blue,
green, red and yellow) and encourage him/her to name the play equipment again.

Super Safari 1 Family Fun PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

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