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The Wrongway Legacy Generation Five, Part One: Footprints

Last Time...
Ralph returned and Maddie finally got to put her fighting skills to good use. Ariel also returned, and cast a spell, making Fiona, Robin and Austin's newborn baby, a mute. Maddie expressed some of her concerns about heirship to Lee, who told her she had nothing to worry about. Elizabeth passed away and a large wake was held, in which most of the family attended. Maddie kept Lee company, Hex and Lavender got talking, Leda got left out and Lance made sure Gold, Elizabeth's granddaughter, was okay. Hex, Lavender, Lee and Maddie sat down to discuss heirship, and Maddie expressed she didn't want it. Unfortunately, Maddie doesn't have much choice...the success of the lines was also explained. Maddie decided she wanted no part of the legacy, that she wanted to see the world...and so she left town on a bus, while Lee watched, worried.

Sound familiar? If not, I recommend taking a look back. :) Just a thought.

Hex had looked all over the place for Lavender, and wasn't surprised to find her at the window in her room. When she was deep in thought, he would often find her there. Lavender? He asked, quietly, what's wrong? She turned to face him.

We haven't heard from Maddie since she left for uni, Lavender said, voice breaking. In order to cover up Maddie's disappearing act, Lee had taken her advice and told the family she was studying at La Fiesta Tech.

She's a student, Hex reminder her, gently, they barely have time for class, let alone for getting in touch with home. Remember your uni years? I got too drunk and threw up in your car as a student, Lavender remembered, fondly. Don't remind me of that time, Hex laughed, I was a student, once, we both know she's probably having the time of her life on campus.

I need to know she's okay, though. I need to know she can handle this legacy, Hex smiled again, Then we'll visit her in a few weeks time. We'll drive up to La Fiesta Tech, and go see her. It'll be great. I hope so, Lavender replied, I honestly hope so. ***

Since getting off the train that morning, Maddie had found the infamous promenade of Desiderata Valley, as advertised in the tourist guide she had read in Veronaville. Unfortunately, the promenade didn't look quite as nice as the brochure.

Bit run down, Maddie thought to herself, as she eyed the burnt out cars, messy alleys and quiet promenade, but it could be worse. With a concentrated gaze, Maddie searched the promenade for any signs of a hotel.

Unable to find any, Maddie looked around for someone to ask. This was the problem with arriving in the morning, very few people were out. Luckily, a jogger was out running in the morning sunshine. Excuse me? Maddie called, Can you help me?

I'll do my best, the man said, what can I do for you? I just arrived here this morning, and I'm looking for a hotel, Maddie searched the street once more with a quick glance, but I can't seem to find any. A hotel? the man repeated, We don't have any. They closed down years ago, when I was just a kid. No hotels. Right. Is there anyone looking for a lodger or something? Maddie bit her lip.

We can try the local paper, if you want, the man offered, with a smile. That could be good! Maddie returned his smile, Thanks.

Tell you what, the man continued, how about we look for lodgings over breakfast, my treat. Maddie frowned a little. Seeing as you're new in town, and everything, the man clarified. You're a complete stranger, offering to buy me breakfast, Maddie said, slowly.

Oh, I see how it is, the man raised an eyebrow, a man can't ask a woman to breakfast, even though his intentions are innocent. Fine. I wasn't asking you on a date, I was just going to buy you a grilled cheese sandwich, but- Who has grilled cheese for breakfast? Maddie asked, cutting him off. A hint of a smile came up on the man's face, My friend...she's a little eccentric. Come to breakfast and see for yourself.

Fine, Maddie agreed, I suppose I've got nothing to lose. Excellent, the man started walking down the promenade, I'm John, by the way. Cool. I'm Maddie. ***

Natasha Una's face lit up into a smile when she saw who was walking through the door of her diner. John! I wasn't expecting to see you so early, Natasha said. Maddie stepped in after him, And you've brought a friend! I'm happy for you. Finally, you have a friend other than me.

I have friends, John chuckled, this is Maddie, she's new in town. Oh! Welcome! Natasha replied, beaming at Maddie. And she's unfamiliar with the custom of cheese for breakfast, John explained, playfully, I think it's our duty to educate her. Absolutely, Natasha said, and I take my duty very seriously.

As they sat down at one of the tables in Natasha's diner, Maddie grinned at John, grateful she was already settling into the town. In some places, it took a little longer. Desiderata Valley clearly wasn't one of those places. Sorry, I forgot to ask if you wanted a coffee, John said, with a smile, so, um, do you want a coffee? No, it's fine. I haven't drunk coffee since I lived in Belladonna Cove. The number of times Chastity and I would go for a coffee...I'm off coffee for life, I think.

Ah, so you're a bit of globe trotter, then? John grinned. You could say that, Maddie shrugged, I've been to a fair number of places. Nowhere abroad, like Takemizu or Twikkii, though. Still, you've seen the world, you've lived a little, John paused, thoughtfully, I've done nothing but work. What do you do? Maddie asked, curiously.

Maddie never got an answer as Natasha sat down at the table, two plates of grilled cheese. You know, Natasha said, cheerfully, if you're looking for a job while you're in Desiderata, I could use another set of hands here in the diner. Maddie looked at her sandwich in thought, But it's so quiet here. It's only early, John chuckled, Una gets busier at lunch and dinner.

I'm flattered by your offer, Maddie smiled, but aren't you worried that I'm a stranger? Any kid I hire to man the till is going to be a stranger to me, too, Natasha pointed out, besides, any friend of John's is a friend of mine. John returned Natasha's smile, Now it's just finding her somewhere to stay...

Breakfast first, then home hunting, okay? Natasha replied, happily. I can't disagree with that, Maddie added, this sandwich is the best I've ever had. ***

Home hunting began by visiting John's place, first. Apparently, he wasn't man enough to spend the day in his tracksuit. He's such a baby, Natasha stated, playfully. John wore a matching smile on his face. Just because you don't work out, John rolled his eyes, I'll only be a second. Maddie, who had been silent for awhile, spoke up, Can I ask something? You just did, but go on, John replied.

Why are there boxes everywhere? Maddie questioned, with a smile. I just moved back here, John replied, nonchalantly, you're not the only one to have lived in Belladonna Cove. He travels a lot, Natasha explained, as John left the room, for his job.

What's his line of work? Maddie asked. I don't even know, he doesn't like talking about work so we just never discuss it, Natasha shrugged, before changing topic, So why Desiderata? It was just next on my list of places to visit, Maddie smiled, I've been travelling a long time, now. Well, hopefully you'll like it here, Natasha said, enthusiastically, Right! Home searching! ***

Minutes later, and John walked back into the room, dressed and smelling fresh, Any luck? None at all, Maddie answered, frowning, as far as finding a place goes, your town is the hardest. Hmm. Well, we're no longer much of a tourist town... John shrugged, Nowhere at all?

Natasha closed the internet browser, tired. She hated technology and computers, the blinking lights and screens gave her a headache. Slumping back her chair, she sighed, John, I think she's going to have to stay with one of us. But neither of us are really set up for lodgers right now, John pointed out. You may have a point there, Natasha sighed, What are we going to do?

John turned to Maddie, What are you like to live with? I mean, have you shared with other people before? Sure. In Strangetown, I lived with five other girls. That was crazy, there was a fight every other night, Maddie replied, truthfully. She didn't add that she missed them all. So you'd be okay with not having much space to yourself? I slept in a sleeping bag on the sofa in Belladonna Cove, does that answer your question?

This might not work out, John warned, I'm used to my own space. But if you don't mind having a mattress on the floor, you can stay here. Maddie folded up the paper and stood up, That's fine. I won't get under your feet, you won't even know I'm here. We'll talk rent later, okay? John said, firmly. Maddie nodded, and folded her arms. ***

Austin, terrified that being mute would stop his daughter from having friends, encouraged Fiona to bring home classmates after school. Not all of them understood. Georgia Newson wrinkled her nose, Want to play? Fiona nodded her head, with a hint of a smile on her face.

Why can't you talk? Georgia asked, curiously, Is it because you don't want to? Fiona shook her head. She wished she could talk. Is it because your parents never taught you? I didn't even have parents and I got taught how to talk.

A bad decision, Garrett Newson added, taking a deep breath of the air. He loved the sunshine. Shut up, Georgia snapped at him. To Fiona, she asked, Do you have any swings? Fiona shook her head. She wasn't enjoying Georgia's company, why did she choose to bring Georgia home? This is stupid, Georgia cried, I'm going to sunbathe.

Ignore her, Garrett advised, she hates that. Fiona offered a smile. Just because you can't talk doesn't mean you're stupid! Garrett announced, Want to be friends? Fiona nodded, enthusiastically, and gave him a grin.

I've always wanted a friend, Garrett admitted, in a small voice, but I'm too shy to talk to many people. Fiona gave him a confused look. We'll be good friends you can't talk and I don't really like talking! The smile on Fiona's face returned.

How about a game of cops and robbers? Garrett asked, I will know you're shooting at me even though you can't make gun noises. Fiona looked delighted, and formed a gun with her hand. Garrett grinned, and the pair of them spent the afternoon running around the garden in silence. ***

It was getting into the afternoon when Natasha finally decided she needed to get back to the diner. While Maddie wandered around and got her bearings with her new home, John saw his oldest friend out. This will be good for you, John, Natasha said, honestly, you need to understand what people are like outside work. I'm fine, John shrugged, you worry about me too much.

If you didn't work so much, I wouldn't have to worry so much, Natasha pointed out. Hidden round the corner, Maddie smiled, So he's a workaholic. That's a new one. Stay awhile, this time, please? Natasha asked, You were barely here three weeks last time.

Before John could answer, Natasha pulled him into a hug. He smiled, and hugged her back. I'll try and stick around a little longer, this time, he offered. Thank you, she smiled, pulling away.

If you need anything, phone me, Natasha told him, grinning. Likewise, John answered. See you at breakfast, she replied, and with that, she walked away, back towards the diner. ***

By the time the evening arrived, Maddie was settling into her new home. She started working through her list of things to do when she arrived in a new place the top thing on that list was to phone Lee. Hey, Lee! How's life? You're in a new place, aren't you? How can you tell?

Maddie, it's a routine. You send me one letter from each place, and phone me once, when you arrive, and you think that's fine. You mean it's not fine? Maddie, it's been two years. When are you coming back? I expect that kind of talk from my mother, Lee, not you. I'm serious.

I am out here, living, Lee! That legacy crap they've got in the desert isn't living! Living, right? Part of life is responsibilities, you know. If this is about that heir thing, I don't want to talk about it, Maddie replied, firmly, I've been all over the map, Lee! I'm much happier living like this. You know I've been all over the map, too, right. Every place you said you were, I've been looking for you.

Why did you do that? Because Ralph and Ariel have gone missing, and I need to know you're safe, Lee chuckled, you're not the only one who's experienced some crazy things. That room mate of yours in Riverblossom Hills? Let's just say that was a night I'll never forget. And a night I never want to discuss with you. Where are you?

Maddie sighed, Desiderata Valley. But you don't need to come here, Lee. Yes I do. We don't know where Ralph is gone, and I don't want to be held responsible for not being there if he finds you. I'll see you soon. Lee hung up, and Maddie sighed again, putting the phone back on the wall. Maddie couldn't truly escape home, home was following her now. Maddie! Called John as he entered the room, I want you to meet someone!

The woman who entered with John immediately reminded Maddie of some of her friends from the past two years mostly of Chloe, from Strangetown, in the way that she dressed. Hi, I'm Sharon. I'm John's girlfriend, the woman said, with a grin. Oh, he has a girlfriend! Natasha said he didn't have any friends, Maddie winked, and Sharon laughed. John shook his head, but he was smiling, I'm just going to go make some coffee. Back in a second.

The minute John left the room, Sharon's expression changed, Don't even think about stealing him from me, Oh, you're one of those girlfriends, are you? The ones who are nice to me when he's around, but of course, the minute he disappears... I'm serious, Sharon scowled, I don't care who you are, but you can't have him. Sharon, did you forget to put on a pair of trousers today? Or do you normally just wear your shirts with stockings? Maddie asked, with a grin. Sharon narrowed her eyes.

Do I look like I'm joking? Sharon demanded. Probably not, but I've been through all this before. Crystal Vu was surprisingly protective of Lazlo, even though I was dating Pascal at that point. What? Don't worry, I'm not going to tell John about this, because it never works, Maddie shrugged, and you can have John. I'm not interested.

Moments later, John stepped back into the room, and Sharon's nice smile was restored. Maddie rolled her eyes and began to walk away. You coming, Sharon? John asked. Sharon beamed. Of course, Sharon replied, and gave Maddie one last meaningful look before following John out of the room. Guys are blind, Maddie thought to herself as she walked away, though I thought John was smarter than that. ***

So I was kind of confused. John seems like the guy who would know if his girlfriend was two-faced, Maddie concluded, with a scowl. Natasha laughed a little. John doesn't understand people, Natasha replied, he works too much to really have a grasp of social stuff. Then how does he have a girlfriend?

That's just a label, Natasha said, cheerfully, Sharon's in it for the woohoo. I heard a rumour she's sleeping with her sister's husband as well. Really? Maddie shook her head, thinking about Don and his many lovers, And John has no idea? I don't think so, Natasha replied, thoughtfully, he's not home often enough to really notice, I suppose.

Natasha wandered over to the counter, and smiled, while Maddie stood there in thought. Why does he have to leave town? Maddie asked, frowning a little. He goes where he is hired to go, but I don't know much more about it, Natasha shrugged, like I said, he hates talking about it. Maddie was about to ask why John had been living in Belladonna Cove, when the diner door opened.

Hi, you sell food, right? The guy asked, as he walked up to the counter. Natasha nodded, enthusiastically, We have something for everyone, providing that everyone likes grilled cheese. The man laughed, Sure! I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich.

While Natasha made the sandwiches, Maddie stood at the till and smiled, So, are you from Desiderata? No, the man replied, with a smile, I'm from Bluewater Village. I work at work of the Langrabb Computer Companies there. Got a call out to fix a machine here. Isn't this a bit far for you to come and fix a computer? Isn't Bluewater near Pleasantview? Maddie frowned. She'd heard of Bluewater before, but never been there.

Nah, it's not too far, the man said, I used to drive up here as a teen with my friend, Gilbert. His Mum used to own a property on the prom, and we'd stay there most weekends. Sounds like fun, Maddie replied, thinking of the properties still on the prom and how run down they were. It was, the man agreed, so are you from Desiderata? No, I'm from a tiny little town about an hour away from Sim City.

The man smiled, Sim City is miles away from here, you're further away than I am. Probably, Maddie agreed, it's a nice change. I'll bet, the man paused, hey, if I bring Gilbert up here this weekend, do you want to hang out? Me and Gil know Desiderata really well, we can show you some of the night life, if you'd like.

That would be excellent! Maddie replied, I don't know anything about Desiderata, really. Cool, the man nodded, it'll be fun! I'll write you down my number, so you can get in touch, Maddie grabbed a napkin from under the counter, I'm Maddie, by the way.

I'm Chester, he said, taking the napkin and putting it into his pocket, and we're going to have a great weekend. You know it, Maddie grinned, as his sandwich arrived, I'll see you soon. ***

That's it for this time! I can't believe we're over half way into the legacy now! So to commemorate the occasion, I got Jim and Ralph together. They look so happy to be together again, don't they? :P Thanks for reading!

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