A Jobmania Guide On How To MHP

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Welcome all to a guide for the game


How to play the game using Max HP (MHP)

Brought to you by Brinith on the official Discord
Chapter 1: What is MHP and why should you play MHP
Chapter 2: MHP combos and cross-combos
Chapter 3: Playstyles
3.1. Standard MHP
3.2. Cursed MHP
3.3. Debuff MHP
Chapter 4: Primary MHP heroes
Chapter 5: Secondary MHP heroes
Chapter 6: Skills to pick up
Chapter 7: Relic progression
Chapter 8: Final thoughts
Hi everyone, and thank you for being here, please note that this is my first guide on Jobmania in general
so you may find mistakes here and there, all the information here came from my own experience as well
as many other players that I’ll credit if I quote them.

This guide was written on Dec-2022, so it may have already become obsolete when you read it, all the
jobs/skills/builds in this guide may not be correct anymore, take everything with a grain of salt.
Chapter 1: What is MHP and why should
you play MHP

MHP is short for Max Health Points, this is a playstyle in Jobmania that allows you to deal a
percentage of your HP as damage to the enemy, note that this DOES NOT cost you your HP or
anything, the damage just scales off your MHP, that’s all.

MHP is one of, if not the most simple playstyle to pick up in the game, and is very strong at the
same time if in the right hand. This is why i always recommend newer players to pick up this
playstyle to get used to the game mechanics, before moving to more advanced stuffs.

So how do you tell if a hero is suitable for a MHP build?

- Do they have a lot of MHP keywords in their passives/actives? Yes you can go MHP
- Do they have a high base MHP stat? Go for MHP
- They don’t have other stats end-of-action that could ruin your combo? MHP
- Or simply you don’t know how to build this random hero? Of course you could go for
That’s how versatile the playstyle can be. Of course not every hero is optimal, but at least they’re
usable with the MHP playstyle if you have no other plan for them.
Chapter 2: MHP combos and cross-

Combos is a mechanic in Jobmania, when you use skills with the same type of stat back to back,
the combo counter will start to go up, and of course, gives you benefits for each type of combo.
There are 4 types of combos (MHP, Str, Int, Agi), but for the sake of this guide, i’ll only cover
MHP combo.

When you use a skill like this:

You can see that this skill does 3 things using the keyword MHP:
1. Gives you 2 MHP Action Buff
2. Gives your enemy 2 MHP Vulnerable
3. Deal 15%/25% MHP damage to your enemy. Note that when you use a MHP skill, the
bigger number will be applied to you, and when your enemy is the one using this skill, the
smaller number will be applied. In this case, when you use this skill, you’ll deal 25% of
your MHP as damage to the enemy.
And since it does 3 things all based on MHP, it’ll increase your combo counter by 3.

So what do you get for building up the MHP counter?

1. Every 6 combo will heal you for 15% of your MHP (5 if you have MHP Master), this
means that at 6/12/18,etc. you’ll be healed, or at 5/10/15,etc. if you have MHP Master.
2. Every 10 combo will give you a Block skill (still 10 even if you have MHP Master), you
can either use the skill for more Protect, or discard it for 1 AP once per turn.
This is what the Block skill looks like

Cross-combo is a more advanced mechanic that works the same for all type of stats, not
exclusive to MHP, and it works like this:
1. Every time you use skills of the same stat, then interrupt with a skill of a different stat, it’ll
create what we called a cross-combo. Example: your MHP counter is currently at 5, if you
use a Str/Int/Agi skill now, it’ll create a cross-combo.
2. Not all cross-combos are beneficial to you, only cross-combos when the counter is at x5
or x10 is beneficial, which one to use is up to you.
3. When you cross-combo at x5, the cooldown of your hero’s skill 1 is decreased by 2, if
your hero’s skill 1 is already available, it’ll reduce the cooldown of your hero’s skill 2 by 2.
When you have a hero with very powerful skills, you could consider doing cross-combo at
x5 to continuously use their skills in combat without having to wait for multiple turns.
4. When you cross-combo at x10, the combat will skip 1 turn, of course you’ll still have
control. When you skip a turn like this, all your skills cooldown of course reduce by 1, and
most importantly, the enemy’s invulnerable buff will be gone, this is the main reason why
you’d want to do cross-combo at x10.
Chapter 3: Playstyles

3.1. Standard MHP
This is the basic playstyle of MHP, using the job Demon Possessor and spam Hadouken skills to
deal tons of damage to the enemy.

Jobs Name Comment

King of Fighters You choose this job to start with for the deck, and then switch
to 3 other jobs on the way, don’t use this job for your build, it’s
bad for MHP

Demon Possessor This is the main source of damage for all MHP builds, if you
have this job in the middle slot (main job), everytime you use
a skill, it’ll follow up with 15% MHP damage

Viking Legend Your source of MHP Master, with a very powerful switch skill,
very nice as an opener. Basically, everytime you switch in, it’ll
buff you, debuff the enemy, and deal dmg

Viking Hero A 4 star job, does exactly what the above job does with the
benefit of 1 more MHP boost, but of course, lower base stat

Surgeon 1 MHP boost, a switch in that heals for tons of HP, and your
source of cross-combo. If your combo count is at x3 or x8,
switch this in to cross at x5 and x10

Reincarnated Hero Your flexible slot 3 job if you have nothing better. +1 hand
size and AP is always good
Reincarnated Exactly like the above job

So for this build, you’d want to start as King of Fighters for the start deck, remove everything
except for Hadoukens. And for jobs, you’d want:
1. Demon Possessor: your main damage source, try to have this in the middle before
spamming your Hadoukens, and watch out for your HP since switch in to this job cost
you 30% of your MHP, you’ll heal back as you do MHP combo anyway
2. Viking Legend / Viking Hero: Your source of MHP Master
3. Surgeon / Reincarnated jobs / Flex: anything you want depends on which hero you’re

General rotation: Viking Legend -> Demon Possessor -> spam Hadoukens to deal damage and
heal up -> switch in Surgeon at x3 / x8 combo counter to cross-combo if needed.

Rotation if you want to reduce your hero’s skill cooldown: Viking Legend -> Surgeon

Rotation if your current MHP is low: Just keep Demon Possessor in the middle, don’t switch ->
spam Hadoukens to heal up

3.2. Cursed MHP

Another playstyle of MHP that includes the trait Curse Master (either from hero or job). By using
this style, you’ll negate the 30% HP cost of switch in Demon Possessor, you can discard curses
in your deck for AP, and skip optional curses when climbing the dungeon. This is my personal
favorite for both Normal / Pro mode climbing.

Jobs Name Comment

Crazed Exorcist Your bread and butter for the build. This job is your source of
Curse Master, it has the best starting deck for this build, and
also offers a great switch in

Demon Possessor This is the main source of damage for all MHP builds, if you
have this job in the middle slot (main job), everytime you use
a skill, it’ll follow up with 15% MHP damage

Reincarnated Hero Your flexible slot 3 job if you have nothing better. +1 hand
size and AP is always good

Reincarnated Exactly like the above job


For this build, you start with Crazed Exorcist for the deck, and keep it for your final build as well.
Remove the 3 Pray skills in the deck, keep everything else. For jobs:
1. Crazed Exorcist: this job has 1 MHP boost, a switch in that does 25% MHP damage, and
it introduces you to a new concept, which is MHP Sigils. MHP Sigils is like a status you
inflict to the enemy, and it stays there like a bomb, the next time you deal MHP damage
to the enemy, these Sigils will explode, dealing 4% MHP damage / sigil, and it ignores
invulnerable buff as well
2. Demon Possessor: does exactly what it does for Standard MHP build, but this time since
you have Curse Master from Crazed Exorcist, you can switch this in freely without
costing you your HP
3. Reincarnated jobs / Flex: anything you want depends on which hero you’re using

General rotation: Crazed Exorcist -> Demon Possessor -> Crazed Exorcist -> Demon
Possessor. This is the bread and butter of this build, by switching between these 2 jobs twice,
you deal tons of damage to the enemy with the cost of 0 AP, since everytime you switch to
Demon Possessor, you get 1 AP back. And after that, if the enemy is still alive, keep DP in the
middle and skills spamming.

Rotation which gives you 1 more AP: Crazed Exorcist -> Demon Possessor -> skills

Priority for using skills:

1. Blasphemy: this skill cost 1 AP, and give you 1 AP back, deals 25% damage to the
enemy, you’ll not lose your HP since you have Curse Master. This skill is number 1 in
priority because you need at least 1 AP to use it, don’t worry, you get 1 AP back anyway.
2. Holy Water: Heal + Damage + 0 AP, nothing more needed to say.
3. Exorcism: has highest damage potential, can go through invulnerable buff with the Sigils
mechanic + DP job in the midde, only cost 1 AP, but you can only use once per battle
since it has the Exhaust trait. Basically, you deal damage to the enemy, inflict Sigils on
them, and with DP job in the middle, it’ll follow up with a MHP attack, trigger those Sigils
right away.

3.2. Debuff MHP

This is actually not a different playstyle from the 2 above, just an addition to make things easier
for older players. So in this game, there are stat debuffs, and of course, that includes MHP
debuff. Each MHP debuff will reduce the enemy’s MHP by 10%, the maximum MHP debuff you
can inflict is 3 (5 if you have Debuff Master). When you climb really really high into the dungeon,
and by high, i mean F2000+, F3000+, you’ll begin to see enemies with tons of HP, to the point
where dealing normal damage is not enough. If you can inflict 4, 5 MHP debuffs on them on the
first turn = dealing damage up to 40-50% of THEIR OWN MHP.

Take a look at my Thanatos:

He has Debuff Master, and a Skill 1 which can inflict 4 MHP debuff. If i cross-combo twice at the
beginning of the battle, i can reduce the enemy’s MHP by 40%, if they’re not immune to stat
debuff of course. So how to do this?

Viking Legend -> Surgeon -> Viking Legend -> Surgeon: Cross-combo x2 and Soul Harvest is
ready. This costs 2 AP, you can then use the skill, switch to Demon Possessor to reduce the AP
cost to 1 and spam your skills like normally.

Note: i don’t really recommend this build for Normal / Pro mode climbing unless you’re aiming for
very high. But if you’re playing the latest mode that will be added to the game in a few days
(Heroes Mode) where you use 5 heroes instead of 2, and enemies can have up to 400k, 500k
HP, Thanatos with his Soul Harvest is an amazing Opener for your party.
Chapter 4: Primary MHP Heroes

As i said when we begin this guide, almost any hero can be used with the MHP playstyle if they
don’t have any other stats end-of-action passives which prevent them from building up MHP
combos. But for the sake of this guide, i’ll list out a few exceptionally good 5 star heroes for the
MHP playstyle.

Hero Name Comment

Dracozord High base MHP, hand size +1 and MHP end-of-action


Jeff MHP Master, Invulnerable first turn, Start combat with 3 MHP
buffs, MHP end-of-action heal, but he comes with 1 MHP
Nerf, usually used as 2nd hero

Death Thanatos Has like the highest base MHP in the game, Debuffs Master,
immune to the 3 most annoying statuses in the game

Life Titan 2 MHP Boost, 20% damage reduction, immune to special

elemental statuses

Automaton XYZ 1 MHP Boost, 3 Rage, immune to all elemental statuses, start
combat with 2 second chances

Queen Slime Bot 20% damage reduction, immune to all elemental statuses, big
end-of-turn heal, 2 active skills that can be used every turn
starting turn 2
Operation Big MHP Master, 10% damage reduction, MHP end-of-turn heal

Nerscylla 2 MHP Boost, Offensive Heal 2, inflict 2 Venom to the enemy

after every action

Gllutony Tons of HP and damage reduction, end-of-turn heal, start

combat with huge Protect

And probably many more which i couldn’t cover in this guide, you’ll just have to check and see
what works for you.
Chapter 5: Secondary MHP Heroes

As the time of writing this guide, there are only a few heroes which i recommend using as
secondary heroes for any MHP build

Hero Name Comment

Jeff Start combat with invulnerable buff if you have full HP, gives 3
MHP buffs at the start. The best secondary hero for any MHP
builds currently

X X Any heroes with Start combat with invulnerable buff if you

have full HP is usable.

If you only have Jeff, use him as your Primary hero, but when you obtain another good MHP
hero, use that hero instead and switch Jeff to your secondary.
Chapter 6: Skills to pick up

As you progress through the dungeon, you’ll have the chance to pick up / buy new skills, here
are a few suggestion on which skills to pick up and why

Skill Name Comment Where to Good traits

get to have

Supplement The best draw skill for MHP builds, you Random X
sacrifice 10% of your MHP to draw 2
more skills, 0 AP cost. 10% HP is like
nothing to you, you’ll heal up building
MHP combos anyway

Painful Draw Basically a weaker version of Random X

Supplement, cost 20% MHP instead of
just 10%, pick this up if Supplement is
too hard to find for you

Insanity Draw 3 skills for 0 AP, but you’ll have Random Incomplete
Draw to take 13 Insane, best with Incomplete
trait to remove it

Restart Give you 1 Second Chance for 0 AP Talking X

Button Cost, and you can give this to the Mainframe
Voidoll if he asks for stuffs on your
dungeon run

Inner Good heal + VRI removal for 1 AP, Archial First Strike,
Recycle doesn’t exhaust as well Broken

Nine Realms Very good MHP skill, amazing heal + Yggdrasil Demonic,
damage with the cost of 2 AP, you Broken
could consider pick this up if you
happen to fight Yggdrasil

Spiritual If you cannot defeat them, join them. Evil Majin X

Phasing This is your own source of Invulnerable Kuu
buff, 5 AP cost

And probably many more but you’ll have to experience for yourself.

Chapter 7: Relic Progression

When picking up treasure chests and roll a 5 on the dice, you’ll get relic fragments. Using these
fragments and different skills, you’ll be able to craft and reforge powerful relics that you could
bring along at the start of the journey to give you an edge. Here are some recommendation on
relics for MHP builds, which relic and which trait should you aim for:

Relic Name Recommended traits Rarity

Topaz Ring The first relic for every newbie-rings. You’ll get these Green
fragments everywhere very early in the game. You can
craft, upgrade and reforge for these 2 lines:
- Start combat with 1 MHP buff
- Start combat with 10% MHP protect

Weight Of Next tier in MHP relic, aim for these: Blue

The Land - Start combat with 2 MHP buff
- Start combat with 15% MHP protect

Blood Dragon This is where end game begins, you can have most Red
Flower usable traits here and Flowers are easy to farm in Pro
mode, so most people just use this for end game builds.
You can seek for these traits, depend on your hero / jobs
/ builds:
- MHP Master
- Start combat with 3 MHP buff
- Gain 1 MHP Boost
- AP +1

Járngreipr Hope i spell that right, this is the last tier in MHP relic, Yellow
and not needed most of the time since you can get away
with just the Flower, here are some traits to aim for:
- MHP Master
- Start combat with 3 MHP buff
- Gain 2 MHP Boost
- Hand size +1 (only Yellow rarity)
- AP +1
- Apply 10% MHP counter (only for counter build)

Jobmania Not a relic for MHP but a relic that can be farmed / craft / Yellow
Crystal reforge pretty easily, so i suggest you craft 1 ASAP
when you could and aim for these 2 lines:
- Hand size +1
- AP +1
And there’s your good for all builds relic, this is equal to
a Reincarnated job (you know how good those jobs are).
Chapter 8: Final thoughts

Finally, i just wanna say, this is not a perfect guide by any means, and these are of course not
the only ways you could play MHP or the game in general. By writing this guide, i hope that i can
help to clear up a few misconceptions within the newer players, and give them better knowledge
of the game, and reduce their newbie mistakes like i did when i was a newbie myself.

By following this guide, i hope you’ll have a better experience with the game, and when you get
used to the game mechanics, you could come up with even more broken builds on your own,
break the game if you could.

Last but not least, hope you have a great day and thank you for reading my guide.

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