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• Conference about the Eart.

• Eat healthy food.
• Games about the causes of climate change.
• Conference about the climate change.
• Activity in groups: Who is the most damaging to the planet?
• Actions that we can do to sav the Earth and avoid the climate
• Make a Project in groups to avoid the climate change.
Hello dear participant, in this festival we are going to carry out different
activities where you can participate and enjoy each one of them and
the most important thing about this festival is that you can understand
that we have to protect the Earth and avoid climate change, which is
currently notorious. and dangerous for the Earth, and if we do nothing,
we will suffer the consequences in the future.
There will be conferences on the Earth and the issues of concern
today, then we have to eat something (healthy food), after this we have
more conferences on issues of concern today. Topics such as: Climate
change, consequences and actions that we can take to avoid it.
We also have to create a project that can be functional for the earth, in
this project we have to put all our imagination and skills, remember that
it is our world and we must take care of it for the future.

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