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Fundamental Beliefs I (Lesson 1 of 12) Teacher’s Guide GROW

Religious Instruction. The Bible provides the best religious Academy

instruction. Through its pages, we come to know God as our
Creator and Sustainer, but more than that, a loving personal God
who gave His Son as a ransom for our sins. The Bible also reveals THE BIBLE: THE TEXTBOOK ON SALVATION
how God wants us to live happy and satisfied.

B. For our correction (II Timothy 3:16) Ever bought an appliance that after sometime became difficult to use?
The Bible is like a mirror that allows us to see our own reflections Instead of tinkering, the best thing to do is to reach for its manual. It will
and see the dirt on our faces. When we study the Bible, our sins-- provide you with a step by step guide on how to operate and care for your
wrong thoughts and actions, and imperfection of character are pointed unit.
out before us. Would it not be wonderful if life also can have a kind of a manual--a book
C. To give us hope. (Romans 15:4) that we can refer when things go difficult or wrong in our lives? Christians
The Word of God provides hope and strength to face our burdens and claim there is such a book-- the Bible.
trials in life. It contains stories of people who overcame because God
upheld them. It gives many wonderful promises from God that we I. WHAT IS THE BIBLE?
can cling to when we face seemingly insurmountable difficulties. A. It is actually a LIBRARY.
The Bible also provides hope against sin and death. It tells about The term “bible” originally meant books. It is not a really single
salvation in Jesus, and depicts to us the dramatic events at the close of book, but a collection of 66 books considered as some of the best
human history when righteousness will reign once more. literatures ever written.

D. For us to believe in Jesus and be saved. ( John 20:31) B. It’s an AMAZING BOOK.
We have gone through many important functions of the Bible, but the Some of the things that amaze us about the Bible are:
main reason why we have the Bible is for us to know and believe in
1. Its Literary Supremacy. The Bible is the most published, most
Jesus Christ. All our strivings to read and study the Bible comes to
translated and most circulated book. There are other books that
no avail if we fail to discover Christ in the Bible and accept Him as
rocked the world, but none can come close to how the Bible
personal Savior. He is what humanity needs.
influenced human civilizations. For example, modern science is
born out of the biblical view that the physical world is orderly and
SUMMARY: understandable. This is the reason why many of the great pioneers
The Bible is the authoritative word of God to man. It serves as our measure of science were from Christian backgrounds. Democracy also, as
for truth, a source of guidance and hope but most importantly, it is shows we have it today, arose within the ranks of Bible believers
the way for humankind to experience salvation in Jesus Christ. championing the value of every man.
2. Its Unity of Thought and Message. A period of 1,600 years
Do you believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, and that it passed before the Bible was completed. About forty different
constitutes the rule for faith and morality? authors coming from diverse historical periods, cultural
My answer: ________ backgrounds, and conditions in life wrote the Bible. Yet what they
produced can be collected and bound as one book as if written by
a single author. The reason for this is the amazing unity and
harmony in their contents.
3. Its Textual Reliability. Under the search light and scrutiny of
modern scholarship, the modern copies of our Bible are by far
more accurate reproductions of their original documents than that B. Recognition of the written documents. (Deuteronomy 31:26)
of any modern copies of ancient literature. These prophetic writings came to be acknowledged as inspired. Some
were right away taken as authoritative while others took a longer
4. Its Historical Accuracy. Two examples that prove the historical time, but all were eventually gathered together and deemed as part of
accuracy of the Bible are: the authoritative Word of God.
a. The Hittites- They are often mentioned in the Old Testament
C. Reproduction of the inspired documents. (Deuteronomy 17:18)
but not in any other ancient documents. Skeptics used this to
They were painstakingly hand-copied to assure accuracy and were
falsify the Bible, but in the late nineteenth century, the ruins of
given out to other groups of believers as well. The earlier copies of
the Hittites were excavated. Today, no historian in his right
the Scriptures were written on plant materials called papyrus, the root
mind would question that they once existed.
of our present word paper, and animal skin called parchment. These
copies were then rolled into bundles which were called scrolls.
b. Nebuchadnezzar- Ancient Greek history never credited to him
Another book type that came later was the codex it is made of
the greatness that he was ascribed in the book of Daniel. This,
individual pages bound together by a spine. This is the dominant
again, was used to discredit the Bible until the digging of the
book type today. The ancient surviving copies of the Scriptures
city of Babylon and it was discovered that every brick contains
became the basis for the text and translations of our Bibles today.
a stamp of the name of the city’s builder, that name was
5. Its Amazing History of Survival. Its journey in history down to A. For our learning and instruction. (II Timothy 3:16)
the present time abounds with many inspiring stories, and also The Bible provides us with the most important instructions and
with many horrendous acts by its enemies. Those who treasured information any man could possibly have.
the book willingly gave their lives for it, while those who wanted
it extinct acted out their most villainous deeds. At the end, the 1. Answers to Life’s Fundamental Questions. Man is always in
Bible survived to the present time as a book to be reckoned by all search for answers to life’s big questions: what is he, where did
men in all ages. he come from, why is he here, and where is he going?

C. It is the WORD OF GOD. (Luke 11:28) The Bible teaches that we are created by God to be objects of
Not that each word in the Bible are literal words of God, but that He His love. He destined us to be with Him forever, only that sin
guides the writers so that what they wrote accurately reflects His spoiled this plan. It also teaches that God is now doing
thoughts. At the end the Bible is nothing short of being messages everything so that we can be reconciled with Him, and that the
from God, or as we call today, the Word of God. world can be restored to the paradise it once was.

II. HOW DID WE GET OUR BIBLE? 2. Morality. Ours society is in chaos morally. States endlessly
create laws. Each generation puts up its own value system and
Since we say that the Bible came from God, some might think that the tearing down the previous ones. Every person speaks of his own
Bible just dropped from the sky as a parcel from God complete with a principles and beliefs.
leather binding and a gold edge. No, instead it went though several
stages before it reached our hands. In contrast to these varying and passing human opinions, the
moral codes of the Bible stand firm as a rock. We have the Ten
A. Writing down of the messages coming from God. (Daniel 7:1) Commandments in Exodus 20, the Beatitudes, in Matthew and the
God communicated to the prophets in various ways like dreams, visions, Golden Rule . These are only some of the moral codes found in
and voices. Then, under the influence His Spirit, the prophets wrote the Bible that are honored by men in ages.
down these messages.

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