Multiple Choice Questions For POLIO Reading

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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Eradicating Polio
Multiple Choice Questions
Circle the correct answer.
1. The worst polio epidemics in the U.S. occurred in the
a. 1940s
b. 1950s
c. 1960s
d. 1970s

2. The disease polio is caused by

a. Bacteria
b. Allergy
c. A virus
d. Autoimmune disorders

3. Who developed the first vaccine for polio?

a. Louis Pasteur
b. Albert Sabin
c. Joseph Lister
d. Jonas Salk

4. In order to be protected against polio, how many polio vaccinations were


a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

5. Polio continues to exist in underdeveloped areas, especially in

a. Africa
b. South America
c. Central America
d. Australia

6. What famous American is supporting the eradication of polio?

a. Jimmy Carter
b. Bill Clinton
c. Bill Gates
d. Hillary Clinton

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