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Immune system: The “seventh sense”

Jonathan Kipnis

Department of Neuroscience, Center for Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG), School of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

T he brain is our computing machine that integrates stimuli from the environment and orchestrates responses to these stimuli.
Here, I propose that the defining role of the immune system is to sense microorganisms and to inform the brain about them.

This is a tale of two systems. Both the it to compute activity to preserve the others (and of the brain as a unit). Some
central nervous system and the immune organism. But how does our supercom- circuits have more interconnections
system are composed of heterogeneous puter “sense” (and protect us from, when than others, and thus the impact of their
cell populations. Both encompass enor- needed) the microorganisms that live disturbance will be more widespread.
The Journal of Experimental Medicine

mous variability and heterogeneity within us (the commensals), surround When we are sick, for example, whether
within each cell type. Both release and us, or antagonistically invade us? Is it we are suffering from a minor cold or a
respond to neurotransmitters and cyto- conceivable that the brain would give more serious infectious illness, we feel

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kines. Both sense environmental stimuli. up on the ability to sense the world of weak and sleepy, and our appetite is de-
Both respond to deviations in homeo- microorganisms in which we survive? pressed. Sickness in children usually af-
stasis. Both use “synapses” for cell–cell I would like to propose that the fects their behavior, making them more
interactions. Both generate and store defining role of the immune system is to inclined to be comforted by cuddling,
memories. The two systems were be- sense the microorganisms and to deliver whereas the effect of a similar pathogen
lieved to live separately from each other the necessary information about them on adult patients may result in with-
to ensure a person’s health. Interaction to the brain. The immune response, drawal behavior. Although the circuits
between them, when it occurred, was therefore, should be hardwired in our modulating such behaviors are similar,
considered for decades as pathological. brain, which makes the immune system the immune input (immune neuromod-
Recent works from numerous laborato- our “seventh sense” (Fig. 1). ulation) in children and adults may differ
ries suggest that the time has come for There are several examples of im- sufficiently to change their behavioral
reappraisal of these assumptions. mune inputs affecting neural circuits.We manifestations from one extreme to the
Why would nature disconnect two have recently shown that IFN-γ, by di- other, yet in all cases molecules derived
such vital systems from one another? We rectly affecting the inhibitory neuronal from immune cells are implicated as
have evolved as multicellular organisms layers I/II, regulates circuits underlying potential modulators of brain function.
within an ocean of microorganisms. Pre- social behavior (Filiano et al., 2016). Sickness behavior could thus be viewed,
sumably, the evolution of our immune IL-17 has been implemented in sen- for example, as an overwhelming input
system is what has allowed us to prevail. sory function (Chen et al., 2017) and in into the brain via the seventh sense, re-
Our brain is a computing center, a su- social behavior (Shin Yim et al., 2017). sulting in interference with other cir-
percomputer that constantly surveys our The role of TNF and IL-1 in affecting cuits that receive the inputs. Similarly,
external and internal environments and neural circuits was demonstrated years an impaired or dysfunctional immune
responds to the plethora of cues they ago (Stellwagen and Malenka, 2006; system could lead to abnormal conse-
present (Fig. 1). We have five senses— Prieto et al., 2015). This is just a partial quences. Failure to properly sense the
visual, olfactory, gustatory, somatosen- list of immune signaling molecules af- pertinent microorganisms (pathological,
sory, and auditory. In addition, the vagus fecting neuronal function. commensal, or both) might trigger an
nerve delivers information about our Holding a conversation in a noisy altered immune response, with adverse
visceral organs to the brain, referred to place or with impaired hearing is diffi- impact on brain function.
by some as the sixth sense (Zagon, 2001; cult. Food tastes different when we can- This unified theory of neuroim-
proprioception, a sense of position and not smell it or feel its texture. The brain mune interactions could explain why
movement, is also often referred to as receives such sensations as stimuli and the elimination of certain types of im-
the sixth sense; Smith, 2011). Senses are computes its responses, but all relevant mune cells alters behaviors (Kipnis et
needed to report to the brain about the circuits are interconnected so that inter- al., 2004; Ziv et al., 2006; Derecki et al.,
external (and internal) environment for ference with one alters the function of 2010) in ways that are similar to those
Correspondence to Jonathan Kipnis:
© 2018 Kipnis This article is distributed under the terms of an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike–No Mirror Sites license for the first six months after the publication date (see http​://www​.rupress​.org​/terms​/). After
six months it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 4.0 International license, as described at https​://creativecommons​.org​/licenses​/by​-nc​-sa​/4​.0​/).

The Rockefeller University Press

J. Exp. Med. 2018 1
Figure 1. A schematic representation of the senses that are hardwired
in the brain. The senses that protect the individual from external and in-
ternal perturbations through a contact delivery of information to the brain
include the five senses, the proprioception, and the seventh sense—immune
input. The peripheral immune cells detect microorganisms and deliver the
information to the brain. Although neurons are the primary targets, when an
excess of immune information is delivered (in pathology), microglia respond
either as bystanders or as active players. (Note that arrows schematically
indicate inputs of senses into the brain circuits but not the precise position
of where each sense is being projected.)

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Filiano, A.J., et al. 2016. Nature. https​://doi​.org​/10​
resulting from overactivation of the im- inputs) approaches, it can be expected to .1038​/nature18626
mune system (Dantzer and Kelley, 2007; yield a better understanding of the an- Fu, X., et al. 2010. J. Neuroinflammation. https​://doi​
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plain why microglia, the only parenchy- By recognizing and unraveling the phe- https​://doi​.org​/10​.1038​/sj​.npp​.1301649
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may respond to these signals and impact
Prinz, M., et al. 2017. Nat. Immunol. https​://doi​
neural function or simply be an acti- Acknowledgments .org​/10​.1038​/ni​.3703
vated bystander that indicates an abnor- I would like to thank S. Smith for editing the manuscript
Shin Yim,Y., et al. 2017. Nature. https​://doi​.org​/10​
mal immune input but does not impact and Anita Impagliazzo for the art work. I also thank all
the members of my lab for their valuable comments
the progression of the disease. Smith, R. 2011. Gesnerus.
during multiple discussions of ideas presented here.
The suggestions above are enig- This work was supported by grants from the Na- Stellwagen, D., and R.C. Malenka. 2006. Nature.
matic because we have yet to recapitulate tional Institutes of Health (AG034113, AG057496, and https​://doi​.org​/10​.1038​/nature04671
the neuroimmune connectome—a de- NS096967).
Zagon, A. 2001. Trends Neurosci. https​://doi​.org​
tailed map of connections, interactions, The author declares no competing financial
and interdependencies between different Ziv, Y., et al. 2006. Nat. Neurosci. https​://doi​.org​
immune cell–derived molecules (mostly /10​.1038​/nn1629
cytokines) and neural circuits. Once the Chen, C., et al. 2017. Nature. https​://doi​.org​/10​
connectome emerges through empirical .1038​/nature20818
(single-cell sequencing) and theoretical/ Dantzer, R., and K.W. Kelley. 2007. Brain Behav.
mathematical modeling (clustering of cy- Immun. https​://doi​.org​/10​.1016​/j​.bbi​.2006​.09​
tokine receptors that may predict circuits .006
most susceptible to particular immune Derecki, N.C., et al. 2010. J. Exp. Med. https​://doi​

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