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Classe : Bac

Nom du prof :M.Ben hammouda

Sousse (Khezama - Sahloul) Nabeul / Sfax / Bardo / Menzah El Aouina

Ezzahra / CUN / Bizerte / Gafsa / Kairouan / Medenine / Kébili / Monastir
Gabes / Djerba 73.832.000


Tense or Form (Review)

Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form.

First advantage of travelling is (visit).............................interesting places and

(meet)............................... new people. It is connected with (get)
................................. to know other cultures and traditions which is surely (value)
.................................... . Secondly, it is usually said that journeys educate, so whilst
travelling as (good) .................................... as exploration we can make our (know)
............................... wider. Also we become more experienced and ready to cope with
surrounding world if we learn something while (be) ......................... in journey.
Furthermore, travelling is the (good) ............................solution for those of us who
suffer from boredom or want to get away from grey reality and experience great
adventure. (Journey) .............................. give to people a little fun and also make
dreams come true.
On the other hand, journeys have some crucial disadvantages. Firstly, trips
especially foreign ones expose us to danger of disease or even (die)
................................ Travelling can lead to fall ill and maybe to expensive
(treat)............................... or in case of fatal accident like for instance car and aerial
one to death of many people. The next disadvantage is fatigue that (occur)
................................... while (travel).............................. Most journeys last very long
and it can make us (feel)........................... tired.


Writing (Part 1)
Guided writing
1) Develop the groups of words or phrases – given in order- into coherent
sentences. Add any missing words and put the verbs in the appropriate
tense / form.

➢ Travel / fun / broadens / mind / enlarge / knowledge / the world


➢ We / need / forget / daily routines


➢ We / travel / leave / troubles behind / escape problems


➢ It / opportunity / discover / cultures / civilizations/ traditions / ways of life.


2) Develop the groups of words or phrases – given in order- into coherent

sentences. Add any missing words and put the verbs in the appropriate
tense / form.

a. Tunisia / be / one of / visited countries / Africa.

b. It / be / attractive / destination / tourists / since / beginning / 1960s.
c. Among Tunisia / tourist attractions / be / ancient ruins / Carthage, / Muslim /
Jewish quarters / Djerba, / coastal resorts outside sousse / Hammamet /
d. According / The New York Times, Tunisia / be / know / gold / beaches,/ sun /
weather / afford / luxuries


Free Writing
Topic: People in the past had different holiday activities from people nowadays.
Write a short paragraph to compare between them. The chart below may help you.

Holidays in the past Holidays nowadays

• Stay at home / warmth of • With friends / have fun

family / relatives
• Practice activities: swimming /
• Read books / drink tea / tell wind surfing /sunbathing /
• Go to the gym
• Plough the fields / sow seeds /
water plants and trees • Attend shows /festivals /

• Give helping hands / parents / • Go abroad / visit foreign

neighbours / times of need countries / experience new
traditions / civilizations / cultures
• Surf the net / watch videos / play
• Take part time job / extra money

I/ Introduction :
It’s the first paragraph whose purpose is to give the reader a general idea of the
subject of the composition . It should attract the reader so that s/he wants to
continue reading.

Complete the introduction with suitable words.

Holidaying is very ………………………………… in life. It is useful to forget the

……………………….. and the ………………………….. of the day. But, holidaying
nowadays is ……………………………..from holidaying in the past.


II/ Main body :

It usually consists of two or more paragraphs and its purpose is to develop points
related to the subject of the composition. The number of paragraphs and the way
you divide them depend on the specific topics. Each paragraph should deal with
points related to the same topic.

Linkers :
➢ Additional comments or ideas: additionally / in addition / added to that /
moreover / besides / furthermore /

➢ Contrasting ideas: However / on the other hand / in contrast / on the


People used to spend their holidays …………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………… . They would spend
their holidays ………………………

Unlike in the past, people nowadays,


III/ Conclusion :
The conclusion is a short final paragraph in which you summarize the main idea of
the subject, restate your opinion in different words, make general comments,
express your feelings ,etc…

Transitional expressions: Finally / Finally, it may be concluded… / in a word / in

brief / briefly / in conclusion / to conclude / to summarize / to sum up / Last but
not least…

Complete the conclusion with suitable words

As I have shown, holidaying nowadays is not …………………… holidaying in

the past. I believe that young people try to make their holidays ………………..and
more ……………………..than in the past.

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