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Title of the Activity Benchmarking on Policy Development and Research on

Agriculture and Agrarian Reform
Source of Funds Regional Office
No. of participants Fifteen (15)
Venue Federal Land Development Authority of Malaya and Federal
Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authotiy of Malaya
Target date August 5-12

Division/Section LEGAL
Budgetary Requirements Php 1,500,000.00


The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform under the Bangsamoro Administrative Code
shall formulate a policyt framework conducive to increase public investments and climate-resilient
integrated support services under the direction of the Bangsamoro Government, to make land and water
resources profitable to ensure food security through appropriate technologies and intensive promotion
of agri-aqua-based enterprises towards the development of farmers and fisherfolks. It shall ensure the
availability, adequacy, accessibility, and affordability of food supplies at all times in the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region.
It is the Ministry that gives advice to the Chief Minister and concerned councils or bodies on the
promulgation of executive and administrative orders, other regualtion issuances and legislative proposals
designed to strenghten agrarian reform, and protect the interest of the beneficiaries thereof

One of the powers of the Ministry is to establish and promulgate operatioanl policies, rules and
regulations and priorities for agrarian reform implementation in the BARMM in accordance with existing
laws. It is the agency within the BARMM that has the exclusive autjority to approves or disapprove
conversion of agricultural lands for residential, commercial, industrial, and other land uses as may be
provided for by law.

Further, the Ministry is responsible for the approval of charter contracts, issues permits for special
commercial fishing boats and licenses for commercial fishing vessels and gears to operate within the
territorial waters of BARMM in acordance with national and regioanl laws.

The Ministry purusant to its mandates, powers and functions granted under the Bangsamoro
Administarive Code, has drafted Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform Code that will serve as the
law that will guide the Bangsamoro Government in the strengthening of the agriculture, fisheries and
agrarian reform, particularly the allevation of the socio-economic stations of the Bangsamoro farmers
and fisherfolk.

To produce a quality and comprehensive law and policies in connection to the mandates, powers and
functions of the ministry, the MAFAR will be conducting a training on policy development and research
on agriculture, fisheries, and agrarian reform. This aims to generate a learning platform in the
institutionalization and operationalization of the Ministry by capacitating its personnel, particularly the
lawyers in the policy-formulation, benchmarking on innovation mechanism, approaches and reliable
practices in policy development.

This activity will generate a learning platform that aims for the effective and efficient institutionalization
and operationalization of the Ministry by capacitating the personnel in the policy-making and
implementing of its mandates within the Bangsamoro Region, benchmarking on innovative mechanism,
approaches and mirroring the practices in policy development. Specifically, it hopes:

To ensure the integration of policy development in all activities, projects and programs of the Ministry
To appreciate policy process as a complex theory and practice;]
To capacitate the personnel, specially the lawyers in the formulation of policies, legislation, and rule
making processes; and
To identify policies to be prioritized for a long-year research agenda and strategies for the Ministry.

The one (1) day seminar will be conducted thru below approaches:

Lecture – Introduction to policy-making

Workshop on the different types techniques and good pratices in the implementation of policies
Site visitation.

Course Content

Different services of Legal Division.

Salient feature of RA 8550 as amended by RA 10654 its sections and penalties.
Introduction to Illana bay (Kapatagan).
Negative impact of IUUF in Fisheries ecosystem.
Workshop on different existing Fishing gear in the area:
Different type of Fishing gear in the area
Fishing Gear use in Responsible fishing.
Illegal Fishing Gear

Expected Output


Budgetary Requirements


Chief, Legal – MAFAR LDS

Reviewed by:
Chief, Legal – MAFAR SULU

Recommending Approval:

Chief, LEGAL SERVICES- Regional Office



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