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50 errores en inglés
"typical Spanish"

Amigos Ingleses

1 ¡Te invito yo!

DON'T SAY: I invite you!
SAY: It’s my treat!

2 ¿Te gusta el tenis? Sí, me gusta.

DON'T SAY: Do you like the tennis? Yes, I like.
SAY: Do you like tennis? Yes, I do.

3 ¿Cómo se llama esto en inglés?

DON'T SAY: How do you call this in English?
SAY: What do you call this in English?

4 ¿Quieres tomar algo?

DON'T SAY: Do you want to take a drink?
SAY: Do you want to have a drink?

5 Cometo muchos errores.

DON'T SAY: I do a lot of mistakes.
SAY: I make a lot of mistakes.

6 Llevo una hora aquí.

DON'T SAY: I’m here since one hour.
SAY: I’ve been here for an hour.

7 Explícamelo, por favor.

DON'T SAY: Please, explain to me.
SAY: Please, explain it to me.

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses


8 ¿Quieres una tostada?

DON'T SAY: Would you like a toast?
SAY: Would you like a piece / a slice / some of toast?

9 Tengo una mala noticia.

DON'T SAY: I have a bad new.
SAY: I have some bad news.

10 ¿Me puedes dar un consejo?

DON'T SAY: Can you give me an advice?
SAY: Can you give me some advice?

11 Estoy de acuerdo contigo.

DON'T SAY: I am agree with you.
SAY: I agree with you.

12 Tengo 27 años.
DON'T SAY: I have 27 years.
SAY: I am 27 (years old).

13 Cuéntame una historia.

DON'T SAY: Tell me a history.
SAY: Tell me a story.

14 La fiesta fue muy divertida.

DON'T SAY: The party was very funny.
SAY: The party was a lot of fun.

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses


15 No fui a la universidad.
DON'T SAY: I didn’t went to university.
SAY: I didn’t go to university.

16 Me aburro.
DON'T SAY: I am boring.
SAY: I am bored.

17 Te gusta la cerveza, ¿no?

DON'T SAY: You like beer, no?
SAY: You like beer, don’t you?

18 Estoy constipado, no paro de estornudar.

DON'T SAY: I’m constipated, I can’t stop sneezing.
SAY: I have a cold, I can’t stop sneezing.

19 No te preocupes, está bien.

DON'T SAY: Don’t worry, is fine.
SAY: Don’t worry, it’s fine.

20 La gente está loca.

DON'T SAY: People is crazy.
SAY: People are crazy.

21 Casi pierdo el autobús.

DON'T SAY: I nearly lost the bus.
SAY: I nearly missed the bus.

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses


22 No puedo asistir a la conferencia.

DON'T SAY: I can’t assist to the conference.
SAY: I can’t attend the conference.

23 Fue una gran decepción.

DON'T SAY: It was a huge deception.
SAY: It was a huge disappointment.

24 Creo que sí.

DON'T SAY: I think yes.
SAY: I think so.

25 Sé nadar.
DON'T SAY: I know to swim.
SAY: I know how to swim. / I can swim.

26 (Por teléfono) Hola, soy Isabel…

DON'T SAY: (On the phone) Hi, I’m Isabel…
SAY: (On the phone) Hi, it’s / this is Isabel…

27 A partir de ahora, seré mejor persona.

DON'T SAY: Since now, I’ll be a better person.
SAY: From now on, I’ll be a better person.

28 Somos 20 en clase.
DON'T SAY: We are 20 in class.
SAY: There are 20 of us in class.

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses


29 A los italianos les gusta mucho la pizza.

DON'T SAY: Italians like a lot pizza.
SAY: Italians like pizza a lot.

30 Depende de lo que quieras decir.

DON'T SAY: It depends of what you mean.
SAY: It depends on what you mean.

31 Estoy casada con un británico.

DON'T SAY: I’m married with a British.
SAY: I’m married to a British person.

32 ¡Hagamos una fiesta!

DON'T SAY: Let’s make a party!
SAY: Let’s have a party!

33 Gana mucho dinero.

DON'T SAY: He wins a lot of money.
SAY: He makes a lot of money.

34 Me gusta pasar tiempo contigo.

DON'T SAY: I like passing time with you.
SAY: I like spending time with you.

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses


35 No estás diciendo la verdad.

DON'T SAY: You’re not saying the truth.
SAY: You’re not telling the truth.

36 Me gusta bañarme cuando voy a la playa.

DON'T SAY: I like to take a bath when I go to the beach.
SAY: I like to go for a swim when I go to the beach.

37 Me gustaría que me llamaras.

DON'T SAY: I would like that you call me.
SAY: I would like you to call me.

38 El problema principal es tu inglés.

DON'T SAY: The principal problem is your English.
SAY: The main problem is your English.

39 ¿Se te ha averiado el coche? No te preocupes, voy a recogerte.

DON'T SAY: Your car broke down?
No problem, I’m going to pick you up.
SAY: Your car broke down? No problem, I’ll pick you up.

40 No me gusta perder el tiempo.

DON'T SAY: I don’t like losing time.
SAY: I don’t like wasting time.

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses


41 Odio hablar inglés por teléfono.

DON'T SAY: I hate speaking English by phone.
SAY: I hate speaking English on the phone.

42 Me duele la cabeza.
DON'T SAY: My head hurts.
SAY: I have a headache.

43 ¿Cuál es tu trabajo?
DON'T SAY: What is your work?
SAY: What is your job?

44 ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas trabajando aquí?

DON'T SAY: For how much time do you work here?
SAY: How long have you worked here?

45 Cada vez hay más anuncios en Youtube.

DON'T SAY: Each time there are more ads on YouTube.
SAY: There are more and more ads on YouTube.

46 El año pasado fui a Tailandia.

DON'T SAY: The last year, I went to Thailand.
SAY: Last year, I went to Thailand.

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses


47 Vivo en Reino Unido.

DON'T SAY: I live in UK.
SAY: I live in the UK.

48 Anoche soñé contigo.

DON'T SAY: Last night, I dreamt with you.
SAY: Last night, I dreamt of you.

49 Soy arquitecto.
DON'T SAY: I am architect.
SAY: I am an architect.

50 ¿Me puedes decir cómo llegar al museo?

DON'T SAY: Can you say me how to get to the museum?
SAY: Can you tell me how to get to the museum?

50 Mistakes in English | Super English Pack © Amigos Ingleses

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