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| MEES 102 STATICS OF RIGID BODIES | | 1] ea WANT TN ONO VwVuvVdBv vod vvvvVv vVVV VVVVVVVVVEVETe ee wr PAGE. DATE. Statics = branch of Mechanigs that deals with bodies in rhe state — of _equilieriuen Mechanics = si f hes ot test ox in motion thot are Suyecied 10 she. action of forees = nex face acting upon she body is reco . ficet Low (low of inertia) = An owject ot rect, remain of cest ond an onject in motion yove acted by an yobolanced force — Vevuvevee OVVVVV VINNY TVAVNANAANNS PAGE. a DATE anne A Second Low ( Law of acceleration } —=-Ihe_acceierarion 0 ject i ° ——the_nel_torc€_ond invercely proporsional to the mags of sme ouyect f+ ma +Sealar =a: tive or negative, physical quostity nat can ——bu__compltieiy cpecified oy iis magsitude sx:i mass, distance ¢ peed etc - “Vector — ony pnysical quantity that requires orn a magnitvad naa direction toc i pitite descriesion eX-i weight , displocemens velocity, ete Dvecroc operarions & Necto Multipicarion and Division tp. Scolar ——when_o__vector 16 multipiied py a positive scalar its gnitude increases by that orsous: tne directiond) cence of the vecior SHANTI— SVVSUEEUHLEEDULUVUWUWUU YEW Wee eee —Necsoc Additing —lniangie, baw “when 4wo yectons are represented ag 4 des of the triangle * aN “\é duo vectors con be veprecenied by the two adjacent 7 b + Atawn tom the same point"! 2 s = oP = Re AtB WANT v~vyvvvv vv VV VVUVUUVUVDE VDE VDVVUEVRVVEVBR DD PAGE. Ae Zz. 4 Bot the same sype may ve expcesced o Rs A-b = - + (8) 2 a <8 Ly TK Ry force vectors - is a representation of a force that hac. 4) Givea: F © £ 9 *uUS® Sine Law and Cocine Law Ex sinf* rye @- sin (9) cay P \r/ Ty> Fsin@ to) cose “** —» B= cos' (FAY ¢cy F Vr] Fx* Feos6 ¢d) 3-) Given: Fi E —s_Use Tangent Law and Pythagorean Theorem — pts Fx? ¢ fy? ——y es dey? 4 fy? fey fan O* fy —v + tan' (1) rey rx ve VYVVYUYRYVUVEVYEDEEUDUUBDOUVVVZVZTZZwZwTwr~ PAGE______ DATE _________— Examples: v) Given: magnitude, * 30° po A force * SOON oo 2 aoa Reddi a) Fx } b) Fy forrulaS : aj $X>Fcos _b) ty Tcind —Sotioas. a) tx? F cos b w:) Ty* Fein & = Bob cos 3b” * SdoN sin 30° > soon (F soon (2) Fx = 439.019 W ry? 250 d_with 50N acting upward and 40 the nt_t_an angle they Ne, fecultact and the jO0N Z |= who" “TH WOW Given. Fx” (DON Formulas: - tyr 5oN o-) AV Fx* 4 Ty? = 2txty cos 8 8” 15° seq’ ask 2) 6+ sin® (Tasin® | &) 8 a LNWANTI: v~vvvvvv VV VUUVUEVUVVVVVVVVUEOVED® PAGE DATE Sowtions + Cosine law ——a?: Wac*-2vecas a = kb”? o* #c*- paces *> a*+y*- pan cost a) aides? ty? 2 FxtycoSO 2 (cioo N)? + (GON)? - 2 COON)(GON) (eos 108° ) z{iovon + 9500N = 2 (SpoN (EOS 103°) 2 J vyoxe 189 N R> 122.454 sin Low < ——» 50 122-8s4N sink “ging “eine Sind cin 05° 167 8D Sin 09” a 22. HN va) = 6in'/ son Ceinios') \ 122 -834N WANTi— WOVbbbb PAGE DATE Systems ot forces — - ee eee eae Systems of rorces —————_______Su stems of —_ ——__‘opionax Won-cdplanar / Forces SPANO! Corer s ——_}+—— —— goocurcent | yoa-condurcent _conturcent Non “concurrent Non paraiel Non para er Parole! - - “ Paraiel . Like untive —Colinear_forer$ — The ines of action of ail forces tie along tne, a 3 fe pa 85. Se Ine forets 21, fa, eo, fh and 05 are acting along the came straight ine, A constitute, o collineoe farce system: ———— Ruqmple: forces On O ropY ina tug of wa _ — meni ig tnown ag the goint of concurrency ot the force, » vovvvvubbd oo Va Wa Wp Uo | WVSbbbObHOEDELEELESY AGE Bannastieeece money DATE, aot isthe point of saaoeenneenn wthe forces t.,02,fa, and 4 act and mees or tne, came, common foiniin_the came plane, and constitute a system of coplanar concurcens — ~tAample:—torces ona cod resting against a way “All forces jie on the ca plane out their ii of action -40—not_joss_thrdugh a singie gaint 7 _— +. Zz. cys cw PAGE_______—_ DATE ee Example: forces o0 a srigod carcying a camerg 0 —Non-coplanor and Non -concy trent forces: Al forces do not lie 4h. ame lane, And tneic nes of action do ool mets of o Single bins y 5 J a The forces fi, ¢2, ea, PA and P65 ti ee ——tiifecem plants 1 furtnec, their ine \ ne comrmnn goint txdmple: Forces acting on a moving bus —Coplaner ike and uniike parallel focce Cysreme “he aiff trent forces ina coplanar parallel force cystern tier Ye i ion _parauel 4p eacn other: MAN Ti. 2 a = 3 a a ® ? a ° a ww a 2 a 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 » » PAGE. DATE Furthess G) rye custom is - e ‘i tbe parave spe point in the same direction Gd The systess ic called coplanar yoke, paraner force syste ifthe pavralle: forces point in opposite, direct rs \ em s ; (rene r = ie mr tthe given facce, vector. geprecs she @ecein Cariesian for 7 SA & —feq'di Fx ond Ty, fF in Cartesian for Sovution: te? Foose Fys [Sin 6 Fx= 100 cos go" Ty= 100 sin 40° Fx= 26-603 N fyt_50N. 1 componEnr Tey erporenr 2 compu Tent Fe {86-G09i + Boi FN LWANTi— ia a a Ya Ya , \ \ \e \ \s \; \ \s \; \; \ \, \ \ \ \ \; WN \ POEL wt PAGE. DATE, —hete: £: i we chor. a vee. ea i fa + 2G0N v TOON | ne Figs 200 cos 40° N \ Wx * 200 cio 30" N Fix? =200¢Ing0°N > JOON — Fiy? 200 cos 4p? N * 173-205 NA Fre (loo; + 178-2051 N mph | z tx 200N (45) * 240N > ON Fag? -2G0N (3) 7 -ON = WoONY y= [2adi-i00; JN WANT wvwew ew ee vwew ew ew PAGE. 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The bigger the force, @ 4ON and the resultant is perpendicviac to the mailer forcy find the smauer gorce Tt” SWANTI: “WO Ay Wy Aa Wo Aa Sy Ao Sy Uo Lo So oo oo a Wee O DOD OBB weuvuwwr PAGE___ DATE 740 a rere =i omer eee tovo> Pein ao AON + Foos 120" ao, Be a ffsoss wuttinyy aN + (-4) ? 2 Bie os is 2 > * x 2 y don oP > FP 4 i aon? a? 13° don > AP => P* son 204 Tas - 2 ann, tia =Feos © ey, “= Psigg 6 - ro 20 —aea'd i, Fx = fycose Pur? 24K None 0% Fy + 24KN sin 3ao° PHAN Ti- YPVUVVVUVVVUUUVUUUU PRD VUVVvVUVUWVVVuwewwewweweww PAGE____. — OATE TT Za: trie esa sexe Ace sso"s tense + (omen) J aA cos 80° 4 beng ® - sn feos @ = -2-4 cosdo° 4 RN (rros@ * 2.922 KN)* —T Frecto = 9.598 KHt Zry* russ tyse ey 72:4 oo* + Fsing t 2KN Psinp * 2-4 sing0° - Zen 2 (rein * 792 eN)? > Prsin*® © jo2K kN Theoste 4 ptcn’® > g.5a8un*4 in 2H kN +? (cos? 4 sin?" p7t KN* cos*or sin? 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