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Grade 1 to 12 School ROSARIO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade level SEVEN


July 1-6, 2018/ 7- 7:55 Felipe/ 7:55- 8:50
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST
Felipe/ 9:20-10:20 Campos/ Mojica- 1:55-2:40

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN7RC-I-c-7.1: Read
Intensively to find answers
Objectives (Write the LC Code for to specific questions EN7RC-I-a-3.11: Observe
correct production of
each) EN7V-I-c-1-.2; Use the vowels and consonants EN7V-I-c-1-.2; Use the
appropriate idiomatic sounds appropriate idiomatic EN7LT-I-a-1: Discover
expressions in a variety of expressions in a variety of literature as means of
basic interpersonal basic interpersonal connecting to a significant
communicative situations. EN7LC-I-a-5.1: Listen for communicative situations. past
important points signaled
by volume, projection,
ENVC-I-c-3.1.3: Give the pitch, stress, intonation, ENVC-I-c-3.1.3: Give the EN7LT-I-a-2: Describe the
meaning of the given signs juncture, and rate of meaning of the given signs different literary genres
and symbols (road signs, speech and symbols (road signs, during pre-colonial period
prohibited signs etc.) prohibited signs etc.)
EN7LT-I-a-2.1: Identify the
distinguishing features of
proverbs, myths and

Pedagogical Approach The Integrative Approach The Constructivist Integrative Approach The Integrative Approach The Constructivism
Approach Approach
Strategies Scaffold Knowledge Activity Based Content-Based Scaffold Knowledge Thinking Skills
Integration Integration
Activity The 4As Activity The 3 As Activity 4 As Activity The 4As Activity The RMFD Activity
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson,
the students should be
At the end of the lesson, able to;
the students should be able At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson,
a. pronounce the pair of the students should be
to; students should be able to;
a. determine the meaning At the end of the lesson, words with proper a. determine the meaning of able to;
of the given idiomatic the students should be able blending and the given idiomatic a. recall the past by
expressions; to; expressions; determining the different
a. demonstrate in-depth production of vowel expressions used during
b. use the given idiomatic reading to answer the sound; b. use the given idiomatic the pre-colonial period;
expressions figuratively; specific questions;and b. read words, phrase or expressions figuratively; and
and b. use restatement as a b. determine the different
type of context clues. clause using correct features of proverbs; and
production of c.recognize different road
c.recognize different road signs and symbols
signs and symbols consonants sounds; c. use some proverbs in
and expressing their feelings
c. express love for
environment through
reciting a poem.

Deducing the Meaning of Demonstrating In-Depth “For the Young Yearning A Deducing the Meaning of Knowing Your Roots:
Idiomatic Expressions: Reading: In Spring It is Song of Green (Production Idiomatic Expressions: The Story of Lam-Ang
II. CONTENT (Giving the Meanings of Dawn of Consonant and Vowel (Giving the Meanings of *Proverbs
Signs and Symbols and Sounds) Signs and Symbols and
Evaluating their Evaluating their Meanings)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide v.2016 Curriculum Guide v.2016 Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide v.2016 Curriculum Guide
v.2016 v.2016
2. Learner’s Materials pages English Arts I, p. 148-150 English Expressways pp. English Arts I, p. 218 English Arts I, p. 148-150 English Arts 2-5
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Daily Routine Daily Routine Daily Routine Daily Routine Daily Routine
presenting the new lesson *Prayer *Prayer *Prayer *Prayer *Prayer
*Greetings *Greetings *Greetings *Greetings *Greetings
*Checking of Attendance *Checking of Attendance *Checking of *Checking of Attendance *Checking of
*Review the previous *Review the previous Attendance *Review the previous Attendance
lesson lesson about SKIMMING *Review the previous lesson *Review the previous
and SCANNING lesson about intonation lesson

Speech Improvement: Presenting the new lesson

*Let the student read
*What do you notice
this tongue twister:
about the trees in your
community? Are they
becoming fewer or are
there more trees now?

*Have you experienced to

engrave your name? How
did you feel?

B. Establishing a purpose for the (ACTIVITY- Build on (ACTIVITY- Build on Pre-activity (ACTIVITY- Build on (RECALL- past
lesson students’ ideas) students’ ideas) Speech students’ ideas) experiences)
Match the idiomatic Let the students tell the Improvement Match the idiomatic
expressions (phrasal meaning of the following Practice saying the expressions (phrasal 1. Can you still
verbs) in column A with words or phrases following words as one verbs) in column A with remember the lives of
their meanings in word their meanings in column our ancestors during
column B. 1. The children shoo or B. the Pre-Hispanic
COLUMN A drive away the birds drinkit tothemarket COLUMN A Period?
1. Care for 2. The farmer tried to acupoftea 7. Care for
2. Carry out scare--- to frighten – sayit onthetable 8. Carry out 2. What Are the
3. Go on the birds aheapofdirt 9. Go on cultures and tradition
4. Take Part 3. He had a wary look, callher inanhour 10. Take Part we already had before
5. Take pity pale and weak. apinchofsalt 11. Take pity the Spaniards came?
6. Win Over 4. The birds stayed, 12. Win Over
COLUMN B that is, they would COLUMN B
1. To show likeness or not fly away. 7. To show likeness or
fondness fondness
2. To do, to practice 8. To do, to practice
3. To continue 9. To continue
4. To participate 10. To participate
5. To show compassion 11. To show compassion
or kindness for or kindness for
6. To gain support 12. To gain support

C. Presenting examples/ instances (ANALYSIS- Make (ANALYSIS- Make ACTIVITY (ANALYSIS- Make thinking (MODEL- Follow
thinking visible) thinking visible) Key point / visible) Procedures/Steps)
Let the students read the Explicitation
Questions to ponder: passage entitled, “In Speaking English Questions to ponder: Present the proverbs
1. Is it easy to find the Spring It is Dawn”. correctly does not mean 3. Is it easy to find the used during the Pre-
meaning of those pronunciation each meaning of those Hispanic Era:
idioms without Let them answer the word distinctly and idioms without putting
putting it into following questions: separately. The sounds it into sentences? *Walang ligaya sa lupa
sentences? 1. What are four are connected from the 4. What do you think is ang hindi dinilig ng luha
2. What do you think is seasons mentioned word to another or idiom all about? (There is no earthly joy
idiom all about? in the article? blended together to that is not watered with
2. What specific details make the meaning tears)
does Sei Shonagon clear.
use to describe each *Walang utang na di
of the four seasons? Read the phrases pinagbayaran
3. Does the author below observing proper (No debt remains
show preference for blending and correct unpaid)
a particular season? production of
Prove your answer. vowel and consonant
4. Based on the sounds
author’s description, 1. A glass of water
which season do you 2. Night or wrong
prefer? 3. In favor of it
5. State the topic or 4. As cool as the
main idea of the wind
article. 5. As sharp as a
D. Discussing new concepts and (ABSTRACTION- (ABSTRACTION- ANALYSIS (ABSTRACTION- Encourage (FAMILIAR-Repeat the
practicing new skills #1 Encourage Listening to Encourage Listening to 1. First reading of Listening to others) performance/scaffoldin
others) others) the poem by the g)
teacher. Idiomatic expressions are
Idiomatic expressions are * In-depth Reading/ not found in the dictionary. Different Features of
not found in the Intensive Reading- calls 2. Second reading It is an expression that Proverbs
dictionary. It is an for gaining and of the poem by the cannot be taken literally *Proverbs expressing
expression that cannot understanding accurate students in chorus. but it is understood general attitude
be taken literally but it is information and ideas, 3. Ask these questions: figuratively. *Ethical proverbs
understood figuratively. recognizing the recommending certain
organization of ideas, 1.To whom is the poem Context refers to the virtues and condemning
Context refers to the and interpreting what addressed? sentence or paragraph in certain
sentence or paragraph in you are reading 2.What is the which you find a word. *Proverbs expressing a
which you find a word. significance of the line Sometimes, you can find system values.
Sometimes, you can find *In-depth reading is to “Never tell the children clues in the context. *Proverbs expressing
clues in the context. look for topic sentence trees are numb”? general truths and
or main idea 3.Is it right for people to observations about life
carve their names on and human nature
the bark of trees? *Humorous proverbs
Explain *Miscellaneous
4.What vowel sound can proverbs
you produce with the
highlighted words?
E. Discussing new concepts and ABSTRACTION- (ABSTRACTION- ABSTRACTION (ABSTRACTION- Encourage (DECIDE-Form a
practicing new skills #2 Encourage Listening to Encourage Listening to Using contrasting Listening to others) conclusion)
others) others) sounds of /e/ and /e/ *Do you think these
. 1. The teacher will Discuss further the proverbs are still useful
Discuss further the A main idea is important model the correct idiomatic expressions and today?
idiomatic expressions information that tells pronunciation first supply more examples *Why did our ancestors
and supply more more about the /e/ use these proverbs in
examples overall idea of a Feel Weal Let them look at the expressing their
paragraph or section of a Bead Each pictures presented: feelings/desires?
Let them look at the text. Seat Beater
pictures presented: **Picture of road signs and
Using Restatement as a /e/ symbols**
**Picture of road signs Type of Context Clues Fell Well
and symbols** Bed etch 6. Keep right
1. The word “or” Set better 7. No loitering
1. Keep right 2. A dash or pair of 8. Silence!
2. No loitering dashes 9. Exit
3. Silence! 3. A comma or a 10. Entrance
4. Exit pair of commas
5. Entrance 4. The phrases in
other words, that
is, also known as,
and sometimes
F. Developing mastery (APPLICATION- Promote (APPLICATION- Promote APPLICATION (APPLICATION- Promote Group Activity
(Leads to Formative Assessment 2) autonomy/lifelong autonomy/lifelong Group 1 (Add some autonomy/lifelong Group 1- Create
learning) learning) events in this poem and learning) humorous proverbs and
recite it in front) present it through
Individual Exercise: Elsie Marley’s grown so Individual Exercise: singing
Let them draw a symbol fine, Let them draw a symbol Group 2- Create Ethical
which may be useful in She won’t get up to feed which may be useful in proverbs through acting
their school and in the swine. their school and in Group 3- Create
community. Instruct But lies in bed ’til eight community. Instruct them humorous proverbs
them to provide or nine, to provide explanation through talk show
explanation through the And surely she does through the use of phrasal Group 4- Create
use of phrasal verbs or take her time. verbs or idiomatic proverbs expressing
idiomatic expressions expressions system of values
Group 2 (Present this through a short
through a rhyme) dialogue. (Radio
Do your ears hang low? Broadcast)
Do they wobble to and
Can you tie them in a
Can you tie them in a
Can you throw them
o’er your shoulder
Like a continental
Do your ears hang low?
Group 3 (Present it
through broadcasting)
Ben and Jen
Have a big fast hen
That big fat hen
Is in a pen!
Ken has a hen
No, he has a ten!
Ken, Ben and Jen

Group 4 (Present this

through narration with
Fred looked for his net.
He and Jen want to go
“I bet I can catch ten
Said Fred. Jen and Fred
went to the boat
And met four men. “ Do
not get wet in the
boat”, said the men,
Fred and Jen got the
nets and started to
catch a fish
G. Finding practical applications of Ask this question to Ask this question to Ask these question: Ask this question to Ask this question to
concepts and skills in daily living students: students: Why is it students: students:
1. Is it important for us 1. Why is it important to important to properly 1. Is it important for us to 1. Why is it important
to know these road signs read intensively? produce long /e/ and know these road signs and to know our roots?
and symbols? Why? short /e/ sounds? symbols? Why?
How can you
distinguish the two
sounds? Explain
H. Making generalizations and Again, what is idiomatic Again, how do we know Again, what is idiomatic Again, what are the
abstractions about the lesson expressions? the meaning of the Again, what are the two expressions? different features of
What are the road signs words without the use of vowel sounds that we What are the road signs proverbs?
and symbols found in dictionary? learned today? and symbols found in
Rosario? What is the message of Rosario?
the poem presented?

I. Evaluating learning Give the meaning of the Write /e/ and /e/. . Locate information in
italicized words 1. Neat the text to determine
1. The independent 2. Net whether each
farmers grow millet 3. Mean statement is TRUE or
and plantains – fruit 4. Men FALSE
like green bananas 5. Sell 1.Only few people work
2. At the time of this on compiling literature
story there was a 2.Proverbs and other
drought or a forms of folk literature
prolonged absence were introduced by the
of rain. Spaniards
3. The food was scarce, 3.All proverbs are poetic
insufficient. and figurative in nature
4. They planted millet, 4. If proverbs can
cereal plant bearing instruct, they can
small nutritious definitely prescribe
seeds, for their daily 5.Our proverbs reflect a
needs. lot of things about our
5. The wife saw all the culture
birds hop or spring
with both feet at
once around the
J. Additional activities for none None Instruct the students none For the students’
application about the additional assignment:
Give more examples of Write other examples of
the two vowel sounds proverbs
we discussed

A. No. of learners who earned 80% ____ out of 172 earned 80% in the evaulation.
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require ___ learners were required for additional activities for remediation/enhancement.
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up Yes. There are ____ who caught up the lesson.
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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