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Roles & Skills

What is the role of a manager?

A manager is expected to lead the entire

organization. This role of leadership is but
one of the many roles expected of a
manager. In management, the formal
positions occupied in the organization
brings with it expected behaviors.
What are the managerial roles?
3 Categories of Roles
Interpersonal Roles Informational Roles Decisional Roles
(Building (Center of
relationships) Communication)
Figurehead Monitor Entrepreneur
Leader Disseminator Disturbance Handler

Liaison Spokesman Resource Allocator

Interpersonal Roles
•It involves building harmonious relationships among members of the organization. As the central
figure of the organization, he connects the organization to its employees and to the outside
community as well.

1. Figurehead. An ability to perform ceremonial and symbolic duties, such as greeting visitors and
signing legal documents.
Other activities: Greeting VIPs that visit the organization, handing out awards to employees, cutting
the ribbon of business openings, and leading in the activities, projects and programs of the

Interpersonal Roles

2. Leader. An ability to direct and motivate subordinates; counsel and communicate with

3. Liaison. An ability to maintain information links both inside and outside the organization
via mail, phone calls, and meetings
❑Acts as the main contact from the organization to the rest of the world. This allows the
creation of opportunities for business partnerships and collaborative projects and ventures.
Informational Roles
In the business community the manager has a role of developing contacts and linkages to
further the reach and influence of the business.

1. Monitor. An ability to collect various data relevant to work performance and then track the
performance to ensure goals and targets are achieved.
2. Disseminator. An ability to forward information to organization members via memos,
reports, and phone calls.
3. Spokesperson. An ability to transmit information to outsiders via reports, memos, and
Decisional Roles
It is the manager that commits the entire organization to a new business plan or a new strategic
direction, like a new project or a new program.

1. Entrepreneur. An ability to initiate improvement projects; identify new ideas and delegate
idea responsibility to others.
•The manager as the entrepreneur brings the organization to the forefront of the business
community as a major player
2. Disturbance handler. An ability to take corrective action during disputes or handler
•The manager must act to protect the entire organization from internal or external pressures
that would compromise its integrity. As manager he strives to contain dissent by promoting
fair labor practices.
3. Resource allocator. An ability to decide who gets resources; prepare allocator budgets;
set schedules and determine priorities.
4. Negotiator. An ability to represent the department during negotiations of union contracts,
sales, purchases, and budgets.
What are the managerial skills?
Managerial Skills

Technical Human Conceptual

Technical Skills
•This skill requires the ability to use special proficiency or expertise to perform particular
•The manager must possesses technical business skills in the various areas of
example: financial management, production processes, supply chain, marketing and
•It allow Managers to understand how things work in the various departments within the
company. Such as understanding financial statements and its implications or investment
Human Skills
•This skill demonstrates the ability to work well in cooperation with others.
•Human skills emerge in the workplace as a spirit of trust, enthusiasm, and
genuine involvement in interpersonal relationships.
•A manager with good human skills has a high degree of self-awareness and
a capacity to understand or empathize with the feelings of others. Some
managers are naturally born with great human skills, while others improve
their skills through classes or experience.
Conceptual Skills
•This skill calls for the ability to think analytically.
•Analytical skills enable managers to break down problems into smaller parts, to
see the relations among the parts, and to recognize the implications of any problem
for others.
•The manager needs conceptual skills to plan, strategize, and think way ahead into
the future given constraints and opportunities in the market.

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