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What does it takes to be a leader? Can you do the


1. List down 4 qualities of a good leader in the column of 'Qualities of a good

2. Put yourself in the position of a leader. Then ask, do I have these qualities? Rate
yourself by checking the appropriate column. If the quality is present in you, check
under Present, if not check under Absent. If you have some qualities, but it needs
to be enhanced by more training, then, check under Needs to be developed.
Share your thoughts in the class. And reflect, how can anybody become a good

Qualities of a good leader Present Absent Needs to be

Definition and
functions of
Why study

Answer: Management is used to

effectively and efficiently achieve
organizational goals. To perform
your duties and responsibilities as a
manager, you need to study the 5
Management Functions .
What is

Management is a set of
It refers to the five management
activities directed at an
functions which include planning,
organization's resources to
organizing, staffing, leading, and
achieve organizational goals
controlling .
efficiently and effectively.
What is a Efficiency
manager's role? - a measure of how well or
productively resources are used to
achieve a goal
- is doing things right and getting the
most output for the least input
A manager is someone whose primary
responsibility is to carry out the Effectiveness
management functions. The job of a - is a measure of the appropriateness
manager is to direct management of the goals being pursued and the
functions in an efficient and effective way degree to which these goals are
of handling an organization's resources achieved
- ensuring the correct tasks are done
(such as human, financial, physical, etc.)
to achieve the goals set by the
aimed at achieving organizational goals. management or managers
Okay. Management is a set of
activities directed at an
organization's resources to achieve
organizational goals efficiently and
effectively. So how do we perform

Functions of management

Planning Organizing Staffing Leading Controlling

- involves determining the organization's goals or performance
objectives, defining strategic actions that must be done to accomplish
them, and developing coordination and integration of activities.

Steps involved in planning are:

• Collecting information
• Fixing the range objectives
• Developing policies, procedures, rules
• Evaluate the action patterns

- demands to assign tasks, setting aside funds, and bringing

harmonious relations among the individuals and workgroups or
teams in the organization.

The purpose of organizing is to guide, direct, arrange, coordinate,

and control the activities related to production.

Steps of Organizing:
a. Identifying the work to be performed.
b. Classifying the work.
c. Assigning the group of the individuals to work.
d. Delegating authority and fixing responsibilities
- indicates filling in the different job positions in the organization's
structure; the factors that influence this function include; the size of
the organization, types of jobs, numbers of individuals to be
recruited, and some internal or external pressures.

Staffing is the key to the efficient performance of other functions of

management. Without a capable personnel an organization cannot
perform the management functions,

Activities involve in staffing are:

1. Utilizes manpower.
2. Selecting and recruiting suitable personnel.
3. Placement of manpower development.
4. Training and development of employees.

- entails influencing or motivating subordinates to do their

best so that they would be able to help the organizations’
endeavor to attain their goals.

Activities involve in leading are:

• Leadership
• Communication
• Motivation
• Supervision

- involves evaluating and, if necessary, correcting the

performance of the individuals or workgroups or teams to
ensure that they are all working toward the previously set
goals and plans of the organization.
Selected planning tools for managers
and commanding officers:

1. Simple Frequency The simple frequency count may be

Count likened to an election tally, where the
candidate with the highest votes gets
chosen by the voting public. As a
planning tool, the simple frequency
count identifies the issues that receive
the most number of votes as the main or
priority issues.

w w w. re a l l y g re a t si t e . c o m
Simple frequency count example:

-The number of occurrences of a trait

on each part was indicated.

- Notice that if you just tracked the

number of defects, you may not
realize that Wrong Color has the
highest frequency of occurrence.

w w w. re a l l y g re a t si t e . c o m
Selected planning tools for managers
and commanding officers:

2. Flow chart

A tool that puts key processes in

symbolic patterns that are easy to
understand. The symbol represents
relationship sequences between and
among different tasks.

w w w. re a l l y g re a t si t e . c o m
Selected planning tools for managers
and commanding officers:

3. GANTT chart

Are useful for scheduling and

planning projects. The chart may be
considered a visual tool for the
action plan.

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Selected planning tools for managers
and commanding officers:

4. Activity Network
Diagram (AND)

A planning tool used to diagram

activities in sequence from the start
to finish.

w w w. re a l l y g re a t si t e . c o m
Selected planning tools for managers
and commanding officers:

5. Plan-Do-Check-Act
(PDCA) cycle

A problem solving model. It is also

called as the Improvement Story

w w w. re a l l y g re a t si t e . c o m

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