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‘Shops and Services llpces are Ise rupees (Rp) Bomb Shop oma 2 ome arom st Bombrateindun wallelmbing timed) 80 one Keg (slots, huge explosion) 120, nk Newt Bigger Wale (bald 255 npees) 100 Rupee storage fre Parcel Delvery shoay of wave! Nem storage 28of value onretieval ar ik (2 beats) 0 Hot Sous (hearts) 20 Frenood (tun) eit ou help chop Abed fr te rght ° Meso ean faghtened, 6 sors) 50 Hore, eaalbags (at rave, 0 sts) 150 Hevk fat clever) 80 Paton Shop Magle Ponder wltadefor of shoons Magi Bears réscioves Reg Paton 8s) 80 Green Paton (5 magic) 80 We ation effect of Red+ Geen) 128 Sacred Bark il acove) 6 Fortuneeling 0 Fishing Hole Fish 2 at Fishing Pole 10 oe 20 solclh ns: Rowbot (eats 46 sits fearied) 250 Curoses Shop Loose Ke (2in6é cance werting) 40 Spingloaed grappling chan, 2511400 Gossips Mask ot haunted) 180 Spt Lanter magi apres spins) $40 Anitem stolen fam yu at #2008 marup General Store Small tool (sears, meta fle ele) 10 Lange tool ope bundle adder ete) 20 Specialy oolfouterty net ple, ete) +508 Torches arcane 2 tums) 5 Lanter (4 tans) 100 Clay fase ra lay ar orebthbag 2 Empty bate 100 Pocket mor 100 Spyglass 00 Weapon (bow sno, boomerang. et) 80 Arows/Bols(sngshot bullets ee) 10 Shild, Woocen| 50 Shel Meta 180 Sun Sead 2 Page intentional et lank Table of Contents Shops and Services Introduction Whats? owt se tis book Dice terminology Playing the Game swes Usage checks Explratin Potion Seanes| Player Principles Create your Champion Ievestory Hearts & Recovery Mage Meter Defeating Monsters Starting Eauipmen: Magic ems ag tem Examples Monsters spats Bulerg Monsters The Overworld Regions Mapping the Overwod Tava ‘vel azards Eroouters Wester The Underworld Dring the Map Monsters Dungeon Desi Advice " " ” a 2 @ 2 a" u 15 6 6 8 Playing asthe GM Aung 2 Single Session Campaign Play Toolkit Using Oe Systems Megadungeon Wards Crete Character Generator Index of Tables Shops and Services Starting Professions Magic tem Creation spoils Bulng Monsters Weather Raglon & Land ssuetues Character Tate » 0 a n 2 n 4 1 ® " 2 “ Fy ‘The Champions have been pt forth by the ope to seal away the Tyrant, an ev ‘sours ward who des behind is amy of monsters. To thi, th champions must ee into dungeons, stuetures spread ‘toughut the and twisted it paling Iain he Tyrant’ el magi. The Tyas sbou fo secure his ule for nate geveatin. Can the champion sole the dungeons a sal aa the Tyrant before his plans comet rutin? What is this? The Dear Lack hind You (TDLBY is adventre game that recreates the puzzle ‘cling exploration focused gameay of various video games. Payers wil each take on he ole o singe character ther Champion ofthe people Par sls favord over the ably of ‘hanpionsin overcoming chalenges (ne player wi lay a5 he Game Master (GM) The GMs response for portraying the norplayr characters (NPCS), the or andthe monsters, a¢ wells eating the pure dungeons the layers vill explore Dungeans ar bul finial raams containing puzele ike encoustes aswell 32 lger puzle tat connec al of the ‘eons Players wll have to solve each room 35 wells thelargermetaguzzein arder to reach the boss monster nated the end ofeach ngeon. Chanpions grow power by collecting en ers an dtenting bast monsters ‘Combat and oar hgh intensity scenarios are handle in fast paces system that favors nacatve description, How to Use This Book ‘As aplge the chapters Playing the Cane, Cate Your Champion and Stops and Services contain ale rules needed to lay. To prepare fora gamete chapters Magic Tams, Monsters, The Overman The Underworld contin procedures for preparing focused on rae stations Torun TOLBY the chapter Paying athe Game Master contain procedutes for runing sessions andfacitatng campaigns. ‘For tinkrers and game designers the caper Toots contains adie for canerting content in this book o other popular ystams,weaking these res, snd buling megedungeon wots. oto ALLcars refer toa table leewherein thebook, nite az Character Physique Notable DetalCething Athlete Bale Sears Ceremonial Buy Bicker Deleste Broken Nose lanky Eyepatch Fashionable Porly Freckles Foal Rugged Gold Tooth outdated Seaway HeterochomiaGversaes Stout Laughs alot Patchwork Tay Pasted Practical Towering Plecings Stained WeatheredRosy Checked Undersized Wiy Tattooed Wor out Generator se stb to qu generate chaater ats by aacsig a en eralingan2 colina, de Kinsfoe 1-2 human, 3 arboreal 4 avian, § piscina, 6 rsk the Speech Bhat Booming ret Draw! Droning Flowery Ferma Mumies Prise ambies shy ue Profession’ Vitue View Adventuer_ Ambitious Arogent cower Cautious Biter Farmer Courteous Crus! Grevedgger Curious eceitul Logger Disciptned easy Merchant Generous Preuleee Monk Honest Reckless Pigim Honorable Rude Sage Loyal Satish Scientist Mereiul Vat Scout Palent—_Vengeful Saldler Serene Wasteful Credits Game Text: eon ove, character Sheet Cenz Delle Doras tem Cade Ben For ‘The oot Lock Behind Yous inueneed by ny exerence as gare maser ne game designer Some gareshathed a dest fnfuance ae follows: > Mauser ty [sac Willams >In the Oda ete Bastinland by his Meow >Mae Rats, an Krave by Ben Mtn >The Perilous Wilds by Jason Lutes >Calm by Yochai Gal >Worl of Dungeons ar Blades inthe Dak John Harper tonal, the fling sources had an Influence on he design of his game: >The Legend of Za videogame series by Shige Miyamoto, Aonuma a > Breaking Convention with Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild presentation at 60€ 2017 ay Hidemaro Fuibayas, Satoru Takzawa anéTakutico Dota > Boss Key ideo essay seis ty Mark Bown wn youtube con/earBrownGMT >BASTIONLAND bog by Chris MeDowal vembestontnd com > Jaquaying the Dungeon ail seis by sti leaner thesierandean net ‘The Ooo Locks Behind You's copyright 2021 feldon Al ats copyrit ofthe respective sts, Soundacks copyright Jesse Myers Muse Dice terminology 16 sgl siesided de 1463 scsided ie roledtogeter 19165 an vide teresa by 2 (1221,3427,56 ‘rin chanel 166 ane fore orower rez terol aurceds, ing =Tor2isa success) What do you need? > 25 players > Character sheets an tem cards foreach layer > atleast? scsied die > twee sided dice ae ured for ome Inspirational tables, but are eque for ‘sion ly You can substitute a olne Ae ols, rut pick an option fram those, ‘What is the Playtest Edition? The Doar Lack hind You ta workin progress This version of he game conta al content necessey tran 8 game of TLBY but lacks same features ‘hat wl be includ inthe nl version of the game such a sample content at, and professor yout, The purpose ofthis versions to uderstand ifthe ga’ text coney its int ley vithou exploratory exams. Htyou would to eubit feedback, please se this Google Form psf e/a sm sabesn te Iryeu are ging a lay this game with the intention of providing feedback please se the nclaed character sheets nd ite cds Playing the Game Play begins wth the GM desring the ‘vinment ard whats happening int. Players wil ak followup questions, leserie what hei charectere eo andthe (OM deserves the eu. fhe outcomes cesta, then the GM may call for a player to make ase, ora sage check, Sone Describe wht your characteris dong and then check tose fhe allowing apy You cmno choose an option more than You begin with 1 n your poo and ad one i > another PC els you entangling theres inthe consequences > your ations ied bya tra > you mark usage on 2 tem the highest ie reds 2 Sora hen youve succeeded 6M, floning he ton ou may bt le fro ther as you see > Hraig eres sic, 285 and angle lowest eeu, Usage checks ‘Alitenshave vee ueage tangles. When lt theiangls are marked the tem is broken or peta To make 2 usage heck ol 146.0214, mark usage The most commen usage checkismace a When fighting wth a shield or melee weapon, usage checks determine POs tate damage fom eneny attacks, 091, stake al iconing camp, cthewise intecelerted On 6 coming damages patie back a the stacker. Ranged projectile cannot be paid. >Anmunton (arrows, bors, stu seeds, ee) mark usage each te use Light Souees mark usage based on ther tee duration, > Bote tems ae cnge ue, Urage aks rete the earn of he catae not he contents, Exploration >Atum's an sbstact measurement of time passage nthe ton, A days 35 One ums spent when the Champions frat vst room inthe dungeon Thi accounts or fully mapping and exploring theron as well as resolving sy pues, >>Revsting 2 room has a 1-6 chance of scouring a wandering monster and expending atu Megadungeon Worlds Teeter emt the rola genre of ‘eolraton focuses puzzle games, you can folw these procedures hat merge the ‘verworl nd Undeewors What Makes Ti ferent? Connecting a of the locations 28 roms tenphaszs the mapping aspect of ply. Having a eit rurber of eons can makelt easier determin ow many dys wll pass ding a campaign, Freirg te overarea 2 sgl dungeon encourages inter-egion ard inter-dangeon ule design. Regions ‘Acolleton of themed cons containg ‘one Bose Monster sats na secton of rooms that operate as 2 dungeon Communities extn safe rooms, re of ronsters Lange rooms tha conta many connections requte 3 tus to ravers Outside of the dungean coms check for ecounes every 2 uns, a you would tring overnottrve taveonmetalhszads snr weather shoul sll used famasphene wenther would et be apropate Reson shoul hae multiple connections to dace epons ‘nea pasages unlockable shortcuts, locks 8 keys and sithes shold be placed inthe ovrworlé they would na ungeon tread thorough exploration, Dungeons Inacessitle without proper equipment, a eyo te activation ofa sch Use the standard procedure forbuling angeons Malle earances con be sedi the dungeon’ region a an saacet region ‘These aerate entrances shoud be sift to get to and reward clever map vaversal seeing Players and GMs shuld map the eke orl as they woul a dungeon When map items fungi shoud reveal an ote eon, nt just the cig, Toolkit Te folloming chapter offers guidance on how o use Te Dor Leck Bein You at stool torun puzle dungeons in ater games aswell a5 how tinker with is system to your ng Running Dungeons in Other Fantasy Role-Playing Games “There are many fantasy olestayng games ‘hat lion a sir stctre. Each paye has character with numer stats anda less. These guidelines ae for norprstig TOLBY dungeons it hose games. Combat ‘Touse he combat sytem from a éferent ‘game ada the necessary tastes to ‘hanpions ard antes, sue as armor, hitplns, attack sores, and soon Variable weapon damage shuld notte used ithout the rules fr het ori points tom anote game. the game usesincvidal ound to tack ‘ine’n combat, then ol for usage a the ‘nd of combat, instead of each tie an item is ued. In order to cargenste fot the decrease in usage ls, mark usage on 4S for tise, Inventory Wisrecormendes that you ize OLB investor syst of slots and usage ‘amor does occupy an inventory slot ales is magiel a patil es. Spel accupy an inventory sla foreach spell prepare, Ateratvely, ech spl sltievel occupies one inventory sot Atl spells or canis ays occupy ane slat, “wosanded weapons require both hands to ie! but oterieeoccunyone eet. Monsters Keep the focus on puzle vented monsters ld halt-damage ovr invert when canvertig monsters. Exploration Tums in TOLBY ae rough equalto turns of bout 4 mites in most ter farasy umes. using ahox ap for overnrl travel one niles equate one turn. This ans you are using 6 ile heres, thre are landmarks lorated onthe vertices and in the center of ech hex, Advancement aintan focus on investors an items cover character cas abies, For most games character levels hough ‘aremos approptit. The lass abies ‘nd spells avalable oS igher level, characters olen take precedence ove investors, Lee seis 2 good capstone thatthe lejers wil ach whan ey t challenge the Tyrants svonglé Avance the characters in eel when hey defeat boss monster. Based onthe length of th canpagn ths maybe every 23boes monsters eo hat the chasers on exceed Sth eve oaks Locpieks are notably absent fom TOLBY Useretaphorial lacks and keys for bln DLBY dungeans ithe system youre sing allows fr ockpickig Youcan il nclue standard locked doors Inyour dungeons hat hide bonuses such as treasure hoards, merchants, o optional shorts. ‘ction Scene Dung ties of nese actin, the normal avcsaton becomes mote sturured to ensue eveyone understands everthing Heat andhas chance to act. CM describes cunt station and what’ about happen, Including enemy actions 1 ‘Allplyers declare ther carports actns. 1 ‘actions oeeursvltaneousy, and any ls resolved 1 lethe scene stil tense? Yes: ten top "No: Convereton resus a nxmal Combats the most common ation sane hen fighting, all attacks though the champions ae usualy abet Dock incoming damage rm oe atacker Monsters regal attack the canpionsin ‘overwhelming numbers to compensate. Player Principles Ask Information is your greatest ol Keep aking clarifying questions url you uly gereand the suation ‘The GM wi alnays give you hfomation or 8 ay find out moe >EBxplore Take notes and map he envionment, tie answet to your puzzle cou be elsewhere and thee’ hel a erent path ‘he GM wi always ensure thet your maps Oraw te map ae aweb diagram dng 8 new node t represent each oom, >Work Together ‘Aw everyone to contbute what hey an, youl aways accomplish more as group than on our own Hold discussions on th best cause of action and make sar everyone is ea > Think Creatively Saves ae lat eso. Clever plnning, teamwork, and centive tem urage work thou the eed for enves Many tens are presented wihout explanation ocontert because the possible ses you wil ome up wth at you table ein ite ‘rest every stustion ata pute tobe soled. >Use what you have. Break items. Pickup new nes. Makeit work Create your Champion ‘You are th Champion of your people. ‘Choose 3 alts ha define your characte. youhave rouble thinking fata, you san usa the carctr generator athe back ot the book Inventory You can cary 1 items toa > Dinyourhands > 3 on your bel, quickly accessible > 6 tredin your pack taking some tine youre carying mare tems than avalabe investor lt your champion is ‘encumbered you ent tun a6 eeryhing you attempt is dangerous, subtract 146 on allsaver. Hears & Recovery You ear mete represents your charpion's hope of victory. You begin wth 3 hess, and can never ave les tha ©. Whenever the champions defeat Boss Monster, ‘hey each inerease thir maximum hers yl Recovering Hearts Champions ean recoveries upto ther ‘uent maxinum by consuming these Apple Theat Mik aheants Soup Staats Rea Paton Bests Fall Recovery ‘Champions ean fly recover ll hears ane allments by taing stores of ape and Aeroism in exchange fr host. Temporary Hearts Hears abo the maximum cant be recovered when lst except by the folowing reas. > Alullnights retina bed recovers al heart 1 temporany > Amagi potion or ahot meal alnays recovers ite fl rou, with any remaining hearts over the vent rmatinur as terporaryheats. bottle val kegp scorers warm for 2 ay, Losing Hearts tacks fom the Tyrants monster subact from your cutentheas you drop to 0 hearts you ae knack atu someone can elp you up afterward you cant cary Your packurti you complet fall recovery. Thi aly makes you encumbered 1 you ae noche out twice before completing 2 fll ecovery you cat carry your bt cite Magic Meter Champions areal tried nthe storage of rape enrgy. Your magie meter begin ith sts, each one representing a age mage item atvatonDiking seen potion esores Slots, 2 magi jar Running a Single Session (One-Shots) Prepare dungeon and sat eer ini or "ight outside of, Jump igh tthe Iyavuse rapes ini place a neu rechant somewhere inthe dungeons that Pleyrs cn shop at. Oterise dot Include apes in pay. Fora24hour gan, iit ungeors oess than 72 ron, To speed up character rato, rt itso Prysique + Beckrcund and do reste camsmriis foreach PC Running a Campaign Start he fie sesh the same way you would tert a aneset. Ask:he players about he community hit champions come rom ad oe rumor from this region, Use these answers to lou te onerwort ater est Place the Tyrants stronghold at east wo regions away fom the starting dungeon vernal monster increase nica snd requeney te closer to thereon the Tyan isin Some regons maybe nacessible unt ey tem is acquired nan accessible tung, ae dungeon willoccugy about thee sessions. One olecate ae tral tot nde 0 ful explre and set The Tyrants Plan Determine what happens shoud the thampions nt intervere inthe Tyrants lon The campaign shoul haves fl state where she Tyrant suceeds in these lens. ‘The Champions questi to seal th Tyrant befor the plan can come ta ft, The mostimpotat decision ifthe chamaion have to vista of the dungeons. ore ae some fetonal commendations {oc what the duagens guar > collect eles of power equesinthe sealing ital Al of the dungeons need to be vised. > awaken power allt ald inthe nal Date against he Tytat The Tras powers unlily tobe matched bythe champion unless they recut this i > estoy abiadng creature tat isan aspect ofthe Tyan Any cet r0t defeated the cungean wl be present hen the Trent is nal challenges. Time Keeping “he Tyrants plan wil succeed Ifthe champions take 10 lang. The ain heat to players ot timein her ques Measurethe Tyrant’ lan in dys, optionally tated wound a unr eee. ep turin mind when designing 2 dangeen. Rooms that need to be revised can nur atu Measre the approximate suber of days dungeon wi take to complete ‘Tack Days Passed since campaign sat. > court upifthe monsters gow more powerful te longer the players ake, > count down te payers have tes time to complete their quest. Give payrs away to buy tine > Addremove days for each Boss Monster defeated > fom players to reese tine st a impact but manageable cot Playing as the Game Master Portray 2 Consistent World ‘As the GM your primary responsi isto poruay the wel ands inhaitans na consistent manne ccaaing tthe ‘greed upon ton Be consistent the reactions and consequences player actions so players can bul informed choices, you decide to change a previous rig let the players know as so0n as posible so slayer ean strategize accordingly, Neuteal Arbitrator Porta te antagonists bt do nat play antagonists, The Tye, onstes, Pos allhavether own goals that you sustportayfathful and witout ias towards the payers. Make rungs an enforce ules wi seatray Make the worl nog Believable place hat moves on wihout he slayer ingut. Final Cll Youhavethe ast word on when theres inet the ftion. Thisincludes what rece 2 when to mark usage of lhe of not an item ecupis an inventory slot ‘Give Out information Frely Describe the envionment honest othe slayer they can make informed choces ‘Answer follow up questions honesty. The slayer not ned tlt ean abut ‘hei cure stuation You should never ‘ithe information about te énvtoament hat the champions coul decor wih a thorugh seach, Ie players ae making stange or obviously poor choices, make sue they fuly understand the cure station before they act. Confirm thatthe payers map ofthe tsgeons accurate othe information they have been provided. they fe ‘rigeon map tem, hand her an unkeyed map of the dungeon Build Towards Choice Dungeons, te orewar and encounters shoul force the players towards an interesting chic. hen possible, make the players choose Iertween he ese of wo els or uh 12 feamtwoboons Siuations wih single solution oter na ‘hoce and rete feeling of “des ploy: Players should alway fel he sctons leave amar on the worl Reward Creativity Ie players have planned well and leverage hel envionment andr egupmenet ther pln hapoen Saves should only be cad for when he Player action doesrt mitigate a meaning teat. Prepare What You Need Make sure you eps setting you up toun Your net session. you prepare a dungeon, prepare a map angoat os wel Use he tables and procedres inthe previous chapters o prepare cram, reactive sulin, ot ed pots Askyour payers what their next moves are ‘a heen of session ad plan seceding, Stating Equipment >awaoten sila >aweapon alight source: LUpht Source Duration 1-3fiewood Tun 4STorh tums 6 Lantem—12tums >abottlullot mk >an empty wal that can hold 100 apees > random tools om one ofthe STARTING Starting Professions ‘Gardener Fisher aagof Manure Bago at Sheas ow ‘ming Hee Sal clath Spade Fishing Pale Rake Net Buttery Net_——_Fishing Spear ook Miner BagofFlowr Bombs Fiying Pan Sledgehammer Rating Pn Prckare Twine Ball Vauting Pole Kitchen ries Gapping Hook MetalTongs Rope Bundle carpenter Toy Maker fagofNails Bagot Marbles wate Wooden at Chisel Bean Bag Crowbar uber Ba saw ite sand on Ceramic Yer0 Defeating Monsters ‘Champions aeallazcomplished wares so thei attacks mays Ward most roles ae defeated none or wot ‘All monster leave being spoil. Fr each monster defeated the payers can decide ich sols made at arc, fetorolon Alls ate Recovery Spoils 2 alnay recovery items. Resupply Spoils are alaaysannvaiton ot magi ‘Treasure pls are usualy rupees, but always valuable ta Pots of ye seksor halk Needless &Thead aw Leather Seaps Seivener case of Stamps ‘ul kc Seating Wax Bone Fld Puchent Untied Map ‘Apothecary Sal Pouch Mortar & Pestle Incense Soothing Soe Acid ils Musrooms Ferager Jaro Bugs et Bune ater Ladestone Horn TrutePig zy) Entertainer Bago ice Feguines Paints rushes Maske ye Rancher Horseshoes Fri’ Kite Bulltip Rng Crop Fasl tii fest) Ocarina Magic Items ‘Some tens ate ated to mall eet, wating abe activated. Anyone can err this magic energy by ensuing & ‘maple ption but only the dscipined ca tore for later -Aatvating 2 magle em requires pacing ‘least onehend ont Mage ken worn on he body must be moved to & tan lotin ore to be activated Making Magi tems When cise a magic item exerts 2 FUNOAMENTAL FORCE and causes an terre. The macicrTam FoR forms how ican be sctieed or tied You ean cxeate these on your awa, oF you can use ‘he tbls tothe right to elp generate iden for anew ane ape tem Farm Weapon 4 Rod 23held § Too! 3Clthing 6 Gemstone FundamentalForce eect Fie 1 Analy Woterce 2 atvact ecicty 3 Capture ‘Win 4 create GromtyDecay 5 Diminsh Lipsnadow 6 Haste ‘Soit'Soul 7 Masipulte Perception & Mulipy Soind 9 Nulify Magnetism 10 Repel Gravy 11Revese Temporal 12ShoW Dungeon Design Advice Irrodce puzzle elements ndualy sad eee that players uly understand thie operation. ule corse ooms nvling mite rl elements ater thee sl been irodoed Suvert the usage of th elements ater theyve been used fer afew rooms to create raw challenges Players must uly understand thelr ‘eveonment raw the map fr them and Consolidate rooms if pssible to create ens, complex envionment fl of Interaction ana ehoee. stead of eesti Inarcannecting roms (staases, caridors, elevators, ramps, te) bul these connections into exiting rooms Design roms fllotwteetng geomet. Interactive elemeats, a pote for Incaresting versa especial the room wil eontain a combat change Bull the coins for itrestng ply to emerge Always ul enough infomation for players to mokea meaningful cole, Give unique esrpas fr multiple exis tam arom. Placelacks ane ey thaupul so Ployrs hve to choose whareto use them Incorporate ops one-way passages, and shortuts nage layouts to condense loyercholee. ub rooms, a canal chamber wih many rooms and pate branching ou ean aay Fayout to uncerstand ane navigate, but can be overwelming to scribe. fa 00m cartains many ext and choices, conier removing any puzzle element rom it Built pul ements and encounters fo ‘the number of champlon ithe pry. Remerbe that monsters ate ol at an aévantage n grater numers han champions. Conse the numberof ampions inthe party when designing and plating the key ite. Imaybe necessary than ou rule, on foreach champion, oust When designing pul eles, keep 6dng one more cetalurt ts sufi nigue andthe there) ‘Add ooms of resiteby incorporating NPCS thatthe pry can itratwth & merenanedelmanste, sont, 0 ‘wapped adventure, ‘Stature 2 howler Cty 12 any ‘Baths Satleet {Botan ofa We 1 caldera 2ataconbs 2a case ‘carer S Clecktower (6 Colossus teri: 1 Forge 2Forvees 232 Gardens 1 bray awension 4aMine AMonastery smuseur Observatory 1 Pion asanewary 53 Sewers 4 3%pyad S Siowresk ‘Temale 1 Theater 2 Teves Hideout 6 Uber ‘creat Tee lterar Vault S Laboratory SLabyrinn Ward Tower Workshop Magic em Examples: Flame bladed Sword (espn, fre eeste) A swore tha always warm othe tue, ‘Aetvat: Blade erupt ito fame ding 3 stale se, Degavssng Shield (sil, magnetism, culty) Copper ols outline this meta shes ‘Aetvate: The shel emits ald of magnet fore tht counters ay ther magnetic forcesin font ft Glove of Holding (eoting tempore capture) ‘base gauntlet th 10 Secon tier ‘enbedes nthe center of the pal, ‘Activate: Grasp a bjt or net, frezing itn space andtime. Ary forces ‘ered anit occu saltaneousy when thetimer as out Wand of Judgement (spn, uty) | alabaster ward with an ezony bane Acta: The target’ personaly is spit ito ‘totals, one good and are el. Bath halves occupy the same body an ght for onto. Iearporal pis are spl in wo True seeing Eye (toot perception amply) ‘hand minor with an embossed ep, Aetate Looking tough the minor aspele allusions for tu em of Recall (gemstone temporal manipulate) Aplce of jel containing a gemstone of amber gen by Te Great Tee, This tam das not cei an neta lt, Aetate:all champions touching 2 Gam of ecalfae instal tleprtest the dungeon ean inthe ovrwol Monsters, Monsters are the magia creations ofthe Tyra, When efeatd thi esence reruns tothe ater in put of mage smake, and they leave bend spells, nation to watever items they were carn. Mundane instincts The Ian nfses his el magi nto abase materi usualy plan animal or fungus, and warp tint armonste. The monster’ ables, speed, and size are rgely determined by this base material and they llhave an impulse to atack anyone hat vould oppose che Tyrant ie Points (HP) Number af tines the champions have to attack a monster to defeat it Determines a monsters base Types ‘monsters te summarize it ree ‘ypestbased on overal teat Cntr have hp and cat use tems. They ines ese the animal ln, fungus they ae bared on. (ruts have 1 hp an cary tes They ae mre huranod an lager thn thei base material abou the se fa man, tes have 2p and ate sino grants, except they alge about 2xthe size af aman, and inuerable 0 ttacks that ort target he weakness, tems monster deals +1 damage when wing 8 weepon and gin 6 hp wien hldng a shel Monsters en use magic items witout the need for magireserves. Behaviors Drawing the Map Monsters behave lerglyneccordance wth Start wh he tems, then ul Key ther bese materi Some monsters wil ty Hem andlor aSwitch. Use these to tofollow sect Acris gien to them brainstorm puzzle elements and monsters by the Tent to stock ne roms. Special Tactics Daw the map placing leks andes 8 Ambush 7 Spedkal fect fas magi item) raedes. Map ou potential pats trough 2eurow Stak the geon and check forint abae 3 Sau progression aswel as dead ends and 4 Eapode 10 Target Richest Staple ther adjust as needed. Corsldate rooms with Ranged 12 Throw Foes Ine interaction to rst hy ami, remoabl reoutes Introduce puzzle elements in soat evieanments before bulng to 8 came, climatic encounter fate purl eerses Spas Players can chase wich spas tablet ro ‘Dungeon Map item fon butife upto the GM deterine what ving the layers man of the dngeon a te peg tobe hese tates. ‘reward can help them tay oreted, Tie tame topped by meters alvayshave © secialitem shoul nly have information shou the placement of cons in laton to each ote, and nt the locaton of usage marked, egtdes of how they were used bythe monster seaplept ts treautes, locked dors, eye, et Recover Spots (248 2-6 pple (1 het 7-8 Mustoom (heats) 9-11 Rais (Sheets) 12 ace Bar(llrestore) Resa Spoils (146 12 drone S413 Somas 5-6 12 Magle te Treasure (263) 22 1Riee 4 SAupees 5 1oRupees © Gemvaliec a 142125 Rupees Monsters Usethe dangeors themes to bulé monsters that equre he Key em tobe detested Wandering Monster Format 1-2 tat dul to defeat without the key ter 2-5 Grnttat pases a serious teat without th kay item ‘Bite hae easier o dea with the key ite, but always poses a serious teat Bote Monsters ‘he climatic encounter ofthe dungeon, Defeating a bass monster gran al champions on atonal maximum heart Bost monsters are always a serous thet, usualy havea tack that ea strike all ‘plans simultaneously, sunman enter, anus he encanta & weapon, Immune 0 any attack not targeting ther weak point Boss monsters ae fought in phases, each phase hast own HP ang each phase ‘vanton create an excalation of danger. ‘The Underworld ante forests, subterranean eaves, long Torgtten temples, and heels of gargantuan beasts al seve asthe lis of ‘the Tyrants minions, olecvly own 25 the vernal hen the Iatrose to power simple infested hese existing stucures, ung ‘hem nto purzing mares. These are the {oridéen dungeons thatthe Crampons srust venture ina inode to compete ther quest Athe heat ofeach ests a Boss Monster a pariculay vie eeaion af the Tyat Dungeons atthe primar leton or advent, and most sessions revohe around the explain of ne. reptng ‘hese dungeons le he responsi of the GM. Some ey terms usedin the creston af dungeons ae a follows: Theme Ties together the dungeos varius ements and norms players of what 1 expect and what might be possible Theme ‘soften bated rom the ncion the ungeanisin, as wll 2s the sreucruRe thatthe dungeon was converted frm. FUNDAMENTAL FORCES cu also Serve a8 & theme. Puzzle Elemente Interactive dangerous, with common sense loge The majority of what the players wil beuncaverng an sling thoughout the dungeon teresting woversal or movement amapc tect fundamental free or specie monster tactics, lied tothe unger thee socks ‘eying that blocks passage and has 2 single soln, the ey Mast fen tis i oor that is bare wth a pacock. oy of the mary small lett inthe dungeon wil lck these doors, Tap Aeyhng that ester he champion bt ties a reward and has multiple ot operendedsoktons. Tape ae aways interactive ad her éangeisteleraphes before the Champion ate caught int Key ten ‘tol or magi iam that functions asa key within the dungeon, unlocking doors and isablog raps. The Switch A spec, togleable element that ars the lajut ofthe egeor, allowing passage oe roams whl lacking out others. The Sich is lay ina eiferent rom fom the pl element ofthe dungeon tars, Theres slays mare than ne state thatthe svete ean Bein and moving trough rulplestatesisequited ofl taverse the cngeon the shiteh on need tobe moved once tenis note site tis sta fey oom ary oom inthe dungeon marks 2 turn when the Champion fst enter it and every room contains at east one puzzle element The layout might equi the existence of rooms that don contain anying tine with sue candor, starcaes, amps ot elevators. Forte purposes of tine keeping Aer count hase spaces 38 roms Building Monsters Cites rol 82 Grunts and ites ola an ontionaliy ‘once on Maes 1 Animal (1) ‘Terretial2 eral 3 Aquatic Last dat Beaver 2ipe Bee Cham ten ected 4 Bom Chicken Crocoie 5 Bul Crow Eel § liad Oragonty Fog 7 Mole Gootelsh 8 ot Masguto Masta Ray 9 Soa Ow etapus 10 Snake Parrot Share 11 Sper Palean Tate 12 Wo Vultute Whale Plant 3Fungus 4 Matai 1 Bramble ely GlassiGen 28 Lichen lee 2 cache Mold Lave 44 Flower Slime Rockne 5 Tee Spore SandiSal 6 Vine Toadstool TarMud SObject ———_SIncorporeal Vawmacport — Eletey 2 CorpselSheleton Fre 3 Stave hosuspint 4 Teo! Lighishacom 5 pLanrpert Light (WaterAid) (6 WespaniArmor Wind Modifiers 1 Armered #1 hppa pice of amar Invalerble nt amore moved ‘Shomer the more pices of armor its wearing 2edlssus 1 damage 26th sie ofa rman, waks a2 fst a2 men can ru, bt with huge steps ‘Construct invuerable o het and pyle tacks, does nee to beat, talherable a letra and explosions 4Fying gains wings. Rez ifitcan already ‘Hybrid ol tice forthe base an contine theresuks ‘Possessed shambles at speed gets backup wit fllap ext un nless sprit feremoves ‘The Overworld Wile the fds all mst people wil ever ko, champlons and adventurers are ‘requeny concerned withthe sxteranean ward of the Tyrants monsters For them evehing eli the overwot Regions The an conta a vaey of goographic repions each wth ads theme Landmarks aehow vavelers, mechan, ard cours navigate th lan. From each landmark atleast to hers canbe sen. ifn natural tndak fits tis eter, the people wil bul and maintain one Communities sr found in ach agin. A 9004 place tofind shops, gather rumors, or ge ectins. Most people do ot ‘etre fr beyond the protection of communes because of the wandenng rmoneers eet ou fom he Tyrants stronghold. Can be permanent or treant. ‘Mapping the Overwortd ‘organize landmars commutes, and dungeons by elon, Note the numberof ‘umn equited to move between each locaton, Build encounter tables for ech region appropriate its there ‘ne region contains the Tyrant strong the owes of al of he wandering monsters. More and stonger monsters are {ound he loser tothe stonghole you gt. ‘The lcatons of dngeons ae often iden, Satering rumors, slung rides ot esl exploring a region maybe requves tolocate te entace ‘Themap ony needs tobe detaled enough to come is information. tentimes, we dlagramis enough facta pla. overwork Travel Distance messed athe tive takes 0 travel route, and most landmarks are 2 turns apart, he distare ote horizon coer attri wile waking What tne The people refer tothe postion ofthe sun orthe moon mark thetimein the day. anduse the follwing terms asa quckhand to coun he hours Youcan use this to quick check what tine of day ti based an the curentt. ght Hours: ‘urn 2/0 Dayresk» 6 Midday» 12 Dusk ack Howe: 16 Nigh» 24 Wiig» 30 Wee hows Travel Hazards Some regions contain passive hazards such ss exter emeratveshazarcous teal or impassable obstacles that requ spacial equipment or spp Check far encounters every turns. Rll 46 ing the ight hours, and 148 cing the dtu ‘Warning then Encounter forrest af the day 26 Mester ‘ravle Encounter Monsters often camp inthe wires, wating a harats unsuspecting velar Combine te fllowing exarisle tables reat namic encounter. Monster Aetity Traveller 1 crite Rsing Merchant 2 oetter Seowting Mecha 2 unis RArues Wateng Forager 4 Guts RBrutes Hunting. Courier 5 Grunts Kruse Ambushing Acvertre: S egonal Menace leeag Pilgrim Weather (246) Natal Dicater, et Hazardous 5-7 inclement 8-11 calnng 2suddery Calm Weather exclates rom Clm to nelement to Hazardous. I yourolinlement several times eat to hazardous. I the weathers cael hazardous nd you a calming, de-seaate to clement. Calm weather shoul bea respite forthe ‘champion. The could be des sunny shies ina temperate pain cloudy shade in sna esr o steady winds inthe tection of ravel onthe open ose, Inclement weather crests elevant, deacvantage. Rain makes the round lick and mu, fog or dust clouds obscure azardous weathers dangerous to anyone caught ouside of hee. pking Storms strike foated revellers, beards freee monsters inthe aks, vleanoes Tavsenptoclste debis sural issters give no frewaring and affect everthing caught in the path artnquakes, muses, omar, urieanes, snow-spouts, tsunamis, nd sinkholes areal examples of vaal sates, Region & Landmark Inspiration Tables Use he folowing tables generateldeas {oxnen regions andthe ndmars you can ind wii the Region Common Special Coastean 1 Glaiel Desert 2 Hountes Forest 3 Inthe Sy Mowsains A Underwater Phaine § Volare Welards 6 Wastand Landmarks T Acleat Tee 1 Meglth ‘oul File 2 Mi 12aute 42 Muroom Rack Acabin Peak Sin Pond camp SallLine vou 1 Ravine 2cater Rive 23 crosing 5. River Conux ‘Dolnen 4 Rondhouse Scayser Rock Stack clan Stump 6 Ruins (sraucrune p17) 1 Grave Marker 1 Sine 2610 sae 3HotSprngs 6 3 Thicket, ‘laand aor Sta Watchtower take 6 Waterfall

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