Confined Space G3

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Hazards associated with confined

Definition of a Confined Space spaces includes:
A confined space can be defined as any space
Oxygen Deficient
of an enclosed nature which;
(1) – The space is large enough and so 19.5% - Minimum acceptable
configured that an employee can oxygen level.
bodily enter and perform assigned 15 - 19% - Decreased ability to
work work strenuously. Impair
o The employee can fit entirely coordination. Early symptoms.
inside the space 12-14% - Respiration increases.
o The standard is only intended to Poor judgment.
apply to spaces large enough 10-12% - Respiration increases.
and configured so the entire Lips blue.
body of an employee to enter 8-10% - Mental failure. Fainting.
Nausea. Unconsciousness.
(2) – The space has limited or restricted Vomiting.
means for entry or exit 6-8% - 8 minutes - fatal,
o Does NOT mean “only way in or 6 minutes - 50% fatal 4-5
out” minutes - possible recovery.
o Means “an entrant’s ability to 4-6% - Coma in 40 seconds.
escape in an emergency would Death.
be hindered”
o Any space where an occupant
must crawl, climb, twist, be Oxygen Enriched
constrained in a narrow Atmospheres
opening, follow a lengthy path
• Oxygen level above 21%.
or otherwise exert unusual
• Causes flammable and
effort to enter or leave, or where
combustible materials to
the entrance may become
burn violently when ignited.
sealed or secured against
• Hair, clothing, materials,
opening from inside
• Oil soaked clothing and
(3) – The space is NOT designed for
continuous employee accountancy
• Never use pure oxygen to
Examples of Confined Spaces includes: • Never store or place
compressed tanks in a
 Boiler, Degreaser, Furnace confined space.
 Pipeline, Pit, Pumping Station
 Reaction or Process Vessel, Mills
 Septic Tank, Sewage Digestor
 Silo, Storage Tank, Barges
 Sewer, Utility Vault, Manhole
 Trenches, Shafts, Caissons
Flammable Atmospheres Temperature Extremes
• 2 Critical Factors: • Extremely hot or cold
 Oxygen content in the air. temperatures.
 Presence of a flammable gas, • Steam cleaning of confined
or vapor spaces.
 Presence of dust (visibility of 5’ • Humidity factors.
or less) • Extremely cold liquids.
• Proper air/gas mixture can lead to • Work processes inside the
explosion confined space can increase
• Typical Ignition Sources: temperature extremes.
 Sparking or electric tool. • Personal protective equipment.
 Welding / cutting operations.
 Smoking
Engulfment Hazards
• Loose, granular materials stored
in bins and hoppers - grain,
Toxic Atmospheres
sand, coal, etc.
• Product stored in a confined space:
• Crusting and bridging below a
 Gases released when
• Flooding of confined space.
 Materials absorbed into
• Water or sewage flow.
walls of confined space.
 Decomposition of
materials in the Other Hazards
confined space. • Noise
• Work performed in a confined
space:  Amplified due to acoustics
 Welding, cutting, within the space.
brazing, soldering.
 Painting, scraping,  Damaged hearing, affect
sanding, degreasing. communication
 Sealing, bonding, • Slick/Wet Surfaces
• Areas adjacent to a confined  Slips and Falls
 Increased chance of electric

• Falling objects

 Topside openings expose

workers inside confined space
to falling objects.
Risk Assessment Confined Space Hazards Controls
Risk assessment is an essential requirement
of the Confined Spaces Regulations and must The traditional hazard control methods
be done so that a safe system of work may be found in regular worksites can be
determined. effective in a confined space. These
include engineering controls,
The risk assessment must be done by a administrative controls and personal
competent person and will form the basis of a protective equipment. Engineering
safe system of work. controls are designed to remove the
hazard while administrative controls
In risk assessment, the following should be
and personal protective equipment try
to minimize the contact with the hazard.
 Determine whether the work can only
Engineering controls
be done in the confined space.
 If the work must be carried out in the  Mechanical Ventilation
confined space, Hazard Identification Ventilation is a way to make
must be carried out prior to the work sure employees have access to
commencing. In Hazard Identification, enough breathable air.
the following should be examined and Mechanical ventilation is
investigated; o any contents and usually used to keep the
previous contents in the confined space concentration of any explosive
o any residues that have been left or flammable hazardous
in the confined space, for substance less than 10% of its
example sludge, rust or scale, Lower Explosive Limit, and
and details of gases or vapours make sure that the oxygen
which may be generated if content in the confined space is
these substances are disturbed not enriched. Oxygen content
o any contamination which may should be less than 23% but
arise from adjacent plant, maintained at levels greater
processes, services, pipes or than 19.5%.
surrounding land, soil or strata
o any oxygen  Illumination
deficiency and Additional lighting provided in
enrichment confined spaces must not
o the physical dimensions and exceed 12 volts in damp
layout of the space since these conditions and will be equipped
can affect air quality with a ground fault circuit
o any sources of ignition for interrupter. In hazardous
flammable dusts, gases, atmospheres, explosion-proof
vapours, plastics and the like lighting will be required.
o activities outside the confined
space that might pose a risk
during the proposed work
 Assess the risks and determine suitable
controls to address the risks.
o A hazardous atmosphere (toxic
Administrative Controls gases, flammable atmosphere)
 Confined Space Entry Training is not present.
Workers should be trained and o Ventilation equipment is
qualified to enter and work in confined operating properly.
space. Air testing is often ongoing, depending
on the nature of the potential hazards
 Entry Permit System and the nature of the work. Conditions
This assures safety during entry in can change while workers are inside
confined spaces with known hazards or the confined space and sometimes a
with unknown or potentially hazardous hazardous atmosphere is created by
atmospheres. the work activities in the confined
 Confined Space Attendant
An attendant should be stationed  Barricade the area with warning
outside to monitor the authorized signs board
entrants, guards the space against
unauthorized entry, warns the entrants
of any unusual conditions and Personal Protective Equipment
summons rescue personnel if needed.
 Full safety suit - suits are required
 Gas Testing or Air Quality Testing when around hazardous materials
The air within the confined space and substances such as chemicals,
should be tested from outside of the biological agents, and radioactive
confined space before entry into the materials.
confined space. Care should be taken  Safety helmet - Hard hats will
to ensure that air is tested throughout protect you from physical hazards, such
the confined space - side-to-side and as falling objects. It’s always important
top to bottom. Continuous monitoring to find the right fit and to continually
should be considered in situations inspect them for damages that can
where a worker is in a space where interfere with protecting your head and
atmospheric conditions have the causing head injuries.
potential to change (e.g., broken or  Safety gloves - Workers in confined
leaking pipes or vessels, work activities spaces and hazardous locations are
create a hazardous environment, always working with their hands. Safety
isolation of a substance is not possible). gloves aren’t universal over every
industry, so knowing the elements of
A trained worker using detection
the atmosphere will help determine
equipment which has remote probes
what type of glove is needed.
and sampling lines should do the air
 Safety shoes - Safety shoes should
quality testing. Always ensure the
never be overlooked. Every
testing equipment is properly calibrated
environment is different, but it is
and maintained. The sampling should
probably safe to say slip-resistant and
show that:
steel-toed shoes should be worn at all
o The oxygen content is within times. Depending on the area, heat and
safe limits - not too little and not chemical resistant shoes may be
too much. required.
plans must include details of rescue
 Earplugs - In many industrial sites, the teams together with individual
noise level can be so over-barring that responsibilities;
it will cause permanent hearing  the contact names and telephone
damage. Wearing ear plugs or ear numbers of the local emergency
muffs can help prevent hearing loss. services;
 Safety goggles - Safety goggles/  the details of the communication
glasses are required in occupations like arrangements from inside the
manufacturing, construction, confined space;
woodworking, laboratories, welding,
 the provision and maintenance of
auto industry, etc. All these industries
the rescue and resuscitation
come across molten sparks, chemical equipment;
splashes, dust, debris, radiation, and
 raising the alarm, alerting the rescue
more. So, choosing the proper material
team and maintaining close
needs to be considered.
supervision of the workforce inside
 Safety harness - Many workplaces
the confined space;
require rope to obtain access. And,
 the size of access openings to
having the proper gear essential. Each
permit rescue with full breathing
workplace is different, but full-body
apparatus, harnesses, fall arrest
harness plus another anchor that
gear and lifelines, which is the
serves as a lifeline are required in many
normal suitable respiratory
confined spaces.
protection and rescue equipment for
 Full-face respirator mask - Confined confined spaces
spaces that are vulnerable to
poisonous gasses or oxygen deficiency Emergency Rescue Equipment
require a face respirator mask. A face
 Stretcher
respirator mask can protect workers
from these airborne contaminants that  Rescue Harness
can potentially cause cancer, lung  Winches or self-retractable
impairments, and even death. And, lanyards with a retrieval
when working at a hazardous location, mechanism
it is important to use a full-face  Tripods
respirator mask.  First aid kit
 Gas Detector - helps maintain the gas Conclusion
levels of the atmosphere and will alert
workers when the air is toxic. Many factors need to be evaluated
when looking for hazards in a confined
Emergency Arrangements space. There is smaller margin for
Before people enter a confined space, suitable error. An error in identifying or
and sufficient emergency and rescue evaluating potential hazards can have
arrangements must be in place. more serious consequences. In some
cases, the conditions in a confined
For the emergency arrangements to be space are always extremely
suitable and sufficient, they must incorporate hazardous. In other cases, conditions
the following: are life threatening under an unusual
 contingency plans to deal with an combination of circumstances. This
emergency in the confined space. Such variability and unpredictability are why
the process of hazard and risk
identification and assessment is
extremely important and must be taken
very seriously each and every time one
is done.

Many workers are injured and killed

each year while working in confined
spaces. An estimated 60% of the
fatalities have been among the would-
be rescuers. A confined space can be
more hazardous than regular
workspaces for many reasons. To
effectively control the risks associated
with working in a confined space, a
confined space hazard assessment
and control program should be
implemented for your workplace.
Before putting together this program,
make sure to review the specific
regulations that apply to your

“If the confined space cannot be

made safe for the worker by taking
precautions then workers should
NOT enter the confined space until it
is made safe to enter by additional

All confined spaces should be

considered hazardous unless a
competent person has determined
otherwise through a risk assessment.

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