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New York, the ‘Big Apple’, has always had a cosmopolitan

It was discovered by an Italian explorer, Giovanni de Verrazano,
in 1524.
The first settlers were Dutch and they bought Manhattan Island
from the Iroquois Indians for $24 and named it New Amsterdam.
It was a big village with a population of about one thousand
From 1647 to 1664, Peter Stuyvesant was the first governor of
New Amsterdam. Manhattan before the Dutch arrived
In 1664, the British troops took New Amsterdam and named it
New York, in honour of the Duke of York, King Charles II’s
brother. Sp New York was British until 1783, when the United
States became independent.
In 1790 there were 33,000 inhabitants in New York.
During the 19th century, the population grew and grew because
lots of immigrants came from all over the world to settle there.
They came from Italy, China, Russia, Poland, Austria, Sweden,
Ireland etc. Blacks moved in from the South, and later many
Spanish-speaking people came from Puerto Rico and Latin
So the population grew from 60,000 in 1800 to nearly two million Manhattan today
in 1880, and to three and a half million in 1900. Then, the
population doubled again between 1900 and 1930.
Today more than eight million people live in New York City.
They live in one of the five boroughs : Manhattan, Staten Island,
Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens.
New York is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and
certainly one of the most exciting.


Name and nationality of the discoverer : ______________________________________
Nationality of the first immigrants : ___________________________________________
New York’s name before 1664 : _____________________________________________
Population in 1660 : _____________ in 1790 : ______________ in 1800 : _____________
in 1880 : _____________ in 1900 : ______________ in 1930 : ____________
today : ______________________
New York City’s five boroughs : ____________________ ______________________
____________________ _____________________ ______________________

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