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Apple - Mac OS X Directory Services v10.

5 24/02/09 4:46 PM

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Mac OS X Directory Services v10.5 (Leopard 301)

To Register
Course Description Check the course schedule for a list of
This four-day course focuses on both Mac OS X as a directory service client, courses available for registration at Apple
and Mac OS X Server as a directory server. Cross platform solutions are Authorized Training Centers worldwide.
emphasized in both instances. In working with Mac OS X, students learn how
to use network accounts and Kerberos authentication with any common
Build Credibility. Get Certified.
directory service, such as Apple's Open Directory, Microsoft's Active
This course covers a portion of the knowledge
Directory, or an industry-standard LDAP server.
necessary to become an Apple Certified System
Administrator 10.5. ACSA certification is granted
In working with Mac OS X Server, students learn how to run a robust, scalable directory system using
upon successful completion of the Mac OS X
Apple's Open Directory server. Students also learn how to use Mac OS X Server to augment an
Directory Services v10.5, Mac OS X Deployment
existing directory service infrastructure. The course is a combination of lecture and hands-on case
v10.5, and Mac OS X Advanced System
study exercises that provide practical real-world experience.
Administration v10.5 exam. Apple Authorized
Training Centers offer this exam either as part
Who Should Attend
of the course or separately.
This course is designed for system administrators and IT professionals who need to gain specific
knowledge about directory services, how to effectively configure Mac OS X computers to access
This certification counts as an elective that can
directory services, and configure Mac OS X Server to provide directory services in a mixed-platform
count towards Apple Certified Media
Administrator certification, which verifies in-
depth knowledge of Xsan architecture, including
an ability to install and configure systems,
Students should have the following prerequisite knowledge prior to attending the course:
architect and maintain networks, customize and
troubleshoot services, and integrate Mac OS X,
Basic troubleshooting experience or Mac OS X Support Essentials v10.5
Final Cut Server, and other Apple technologies
Basic Mac OS X Server experience or Mac OS X Server Essentials v10.5
within an Xsan installation.
Understanding of basic IP networking, including IP address, subnet masks, ports, and protocols
Experience using the command-line interface with Mac OS X

Course Outline

Topic Description

Accessing the Local Directory Creating and editing local users; creating and editing local
Service groups; troubleshooting login issues

Configuring Mac OS X client computer to log in using an Open

Accessing an Open Directory
Directory master; configuring Directory Services search paths;
troubleshooting binding issues; troubleshooting login issues

Populating an LDAP server with information required by Mac OS X

Accessing an LDAP Server for network login; configuring Mac OS X client computer to log in
using a standard LDAP server; troubleshooting login issues

Configuring Mac OS X client computer to log in using an Active

Accessing an Active Directory
Directory system; troubleshooting binding issues; troubleshooting
login issues

Configuring Mac OS X Server as an Open Directory master;

configuring Mac OS X Server as a Primary Domain Controller;
Configuring Open Directory
managing data stored in an Open Directory master;
troubleshooting issues promoting Mac OS X Server to an Open
Directory master

Configuring Open Directory Configuring Mac OS X Server as an Open Directory replica;

Replicas troubleshooting Open Directory replication

Configuring a Mac OS X Server to connect to an existing Open

Connecting Mac OS X Server Directory server; configuring a service to use an Open Directory
to an Open Directory System network user or group; troubleshooting binding issues;
troubleshooting authentication issues

Configuring Mac OS X Server to supplement directory data

provided by a third-party server; configuring Mac OS X Server
Integrating Mac OS X Server
services to authenticate in a third-party Kerberos realm;
with Other Systems
configuring a third-party server to authenticate using an Open
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