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1.What are the experiences of Senior High School Students experiences

with academic procrastination?

1.1. How do you define procrastination?

- Not doing something right away.

1.2. How can you say that procrastination is good?

- Procrastinating is good because you can practice working under pressure.

1.3. Why do you procrastinate?

-because I do not want to do the activity yet.

1.4. How do you feel when your classmate put off tasks that you need completed
right away?
- I feel pressured because I do not have time that I need, especially when the
activity is hard.

1.5. In what experiences does procrastination put you in danger?

-unstable mental health.

1.6. In what way does procrastination affect your academic performance?

-Well… during quizzes I cannot prehend the question easily because I only study
in a short period of time.

1.7. What is your biggest fear when you are procrastinating?

-It may lead to a negative outcome.

2. How do senior high school students handle procrastination in their

academic work?

2.1. What do you think is the most effective way to overcome procrastination?
-By doing the two minutes rule, like to have to rest in two minutes, and do the
things again.

2.2. When procrastinating, how do you manage the small amount of time you
- I organize the task, and do things one step at a time.

2.3. What do you feel when you are procrastinating?

- I feel good because I have a lot of time to do the things I really wanted to do,
and feel bad at the same time because I know I do not have a choice, since I still
have to do the activity.
2.4. How do you maintain your mental health stability when procrastinating?
- Actually I cannot answer this one, because everytime I procrastinate my mind is

2.5. What techniques do you recommend to other students to overcome

-the techniques I recommend to other students to overcome procrastination is the
two minutes rule or just do the things right away.

3. What insights/realizations do senior high school pupils have on


-What I learned about procrastination is that, some people have the ability to do
in a short period of time then still succeed.

- it prevents us from having stress.

-it gives you knowledge about procrastination and gives possible solutions to
avoid it.

-it is not good if you want to have a high grades.

-if you cannot work under pressure, then do not procrastinate.


1. what are senior high school students experiences with academic


1.1. How do you define procrastination?

-Well, I define procrastination is delaying tasks.

1.2 . How can you say that procrastinating is good?

-I cannot say Procrastinating is good. Procrastination is a bad habit to nurture.
1.3 .Why do you procrastinate?
-Because I'm lazy yet smart. To further explain things, I am lazy, but I can do the
task in the last minute.

1.4 How do you feel when your classmates put off tasks that you need completed
right away?
-I would feel angry.

1.5. in what experiences does procrastination put you in danger?

-Well, I was overconfident of my abilities, but when I saw the work to be done, it
was hard and I almost didn't pass it in time.

1.6. In what way does procrastination affect your academic performance?

-As of right now, nothing. Because I can do all my tasks before the deadline.

1.7. What is your biggest fear when you are procrastinating?

-Well, easy. It's the deadline.

2. How do senior high school students handle procrastination in their

academic work?

2.1. What do you think is the most effective way to overcome procrastination?
-Well, to break the habit of procrastinating, that's the easiest way.

2.2. When procrastinating, how do you manage the small amount of time you
-Well, because I'm smart and I'm confident in my abilities.

2.3. What do you feel when you are procrastinating?


2.4. How do you maintain your mental health stability when procrastinating.
-By doing things I love.

2.5. What techniques do you recommend to other students to overcome

-Well, I can recommend the five second rule if and the five second rule is that if
you can do one task in five seconds, then you can do the task.
3. What insights realizations do senior high school pupils have on

3.1. What have you learned about procrastination?

-Well, it's bad and shouldn't be a habit.

3.2. What do you think is the benefits of avoiding procrastination.

-By having more time to work on the project?.

3.3. What is the importance of understanding procrastination?

-The importance of understanding procrastination is to know that procrastination
is bad.

3.4. What can you say about procrastination?

-Procrastination is a bad habit and shouldn't be learned.

3.5. What piece of advice or lesson that you can share to other students?
-Never procrastinate


1. What are the senior high school students experiences with academic
1.1. How do you define procrastination?
-I guess, I define procrastination as doing things at the very last minute.
1.2. How can you say procrastinating is good?
- I suppose, sometimes even procrastinating can be good, like when I am
doing a task I procrastinate, because I am sort of a perfectionist of myself, I put
off task and do it in a very last minute if I am sure that it will be perfect and
successful so I only do it at the very last minute if I am very sure that I will ace
this particular task.
1.3. Why do you procrastinate?
- Well there are many factors that caused me to procrastinate, one of those
would be lack of motivation and plenty of distractions that distract me from my
work and I ended procrastinating it instead of doing it.
1.4. How do you feel when your classmates put off tasks that you need
completed right away?
-well… I feel like a hypocrite, because I always criticized others when they
ended up procrastinating, but well I am a procrastinator myself.
1.5.In what experience does procrastination put you in danger?
- I suppose the one thing that put me in danger would be my health, well
because of procrastinating I constantly sleep deprive, I always do things in the
last minute and I always study in a last minute and I do not get enough sleep
because I want to achieve a high score but I can only study In a very last
-Well it affected my academic performance both ways, for the one hand by
procrastinating I felt like I am not achieving my full academic potential, for the
other hand by procrastinating I do task with such efficiency in a short time frame
that I feel like I am such a perfect person I always give my all in that small time.
- That someday I will fail because I always procrastinate, I feel like I deal this
potential in me that I have been using, its been wasted by endless hours of
procrastination and I feel like that this will comeback to guide me to be behind.

2.How do senior high school students handle procrastination in their

academic performance?

- Lots of determinations and plenty of discipline doing task in a small portion
also, instead of doing your work at once do it in a manageable size so you
can take a break and maximize your efficiency by not feeling burned out and
plenty of motivation to continue your work.

- well I think I manage with efficiency, while I am procrastinating I waste
endless hours but when there is only small amount of time left I am sort of in
a rush where I feel like I can do it and can complete it even with some small
amount of time left.

- I feel constant anxiousness and stress, I am always wondering if all this
work I have done is enough.

- Lots of coffee and energy drink and the confidence boost, I suppose that
even without procrastinating I still get a high score.
-Well like I said earlier, do the task that you need to be doing in manageable
chance and spend your time wisely, always keep in mind the time that you
have so you will not end up in the last minute and procrastinate.

3.What insights/realizations do senior high school pupils have on


-Well I learned that I am lack of discipline to overcome my own
procrastination, but I also learned that it is not so bad to procrastinate, I mean
some people procrastinate in some degree, in some ways procrastinating can
actually be good .

-Well the benefits are you are more mentally and physically healthy, you are
in dis-out of anxiousness, stress and worry, and you are free to spend your
time left and not worried about your work.

- By understanding procrastination we can learn about the ways on how to
overcome it, we can also learn the why’s, like why does procrastinating
happen? Why do people procrastinate?

- Well I can say that even though sometimes I hate myself when I am
procrastinating, I can say we can play confidence because it is not so bad to
procrastinate time to time, procrastinating can be both good and bad but it
just depend on how you procrastinate.

-well I can say to other students to do not hate yourself even if you are a
procrastinator or a professional procrastinator like me, always learn to forgive
yourself, because at the end of the day by forgiving yourself you can learn to
overcome this thing that you called a weakness.


1.What are senior high school students experiences with academic


1.1.How do you define procrastination?

-Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something, and
in students cases it is either delaying to study or make a project.

1.2.How can you say that procrastinating is good?

-For me procrastinating can help give your brain time to mole over a
task or problem and create space for brain greater creativity and
innovative ideas.

1.3.Why do you procrastinate?

-I procrastinate because I intend to, I intentionally avoid facing the
stress and anxiety of doing whatever kind of activities that causes me
to procrastinate.

1.4.How do you feel when your classmates put off tasks that you need
completed right away?
- To be completely honest it stresses me out, I don’t feel good about
my group members or classmates that put off tasks that are especially
on deadline.

1.5.In what experience does procrastination put you in danger

-Those who procrastinate experience higher levels of frustration, guilt,
stress, and anxiety and some cases leading to serious issues like loss
of self-esteem and depression.

1.6.In what way does procrastination affect your academic

-procrastinating can lower quality work, worst exam scores, worst
grades, and increase academic misconduct and dishonesty.

1.7. What is your biggest fear when you’re procrastinating?

-that I’ll never actually finish the task on time which could lead the final
result being not good, and could lead me to self-esteem issues.

2.How do senior high school students handle procrastination in

their academic work?

2.1. What do you think is the most effective way to overcome

-make to do list, prioritize the task that are heavier or requires more
work than others, take needed breaks in-between especially when your
body needs it and don’t overthink it.

2.2. When procrastinating, how do you manage the small amount of

time you have?
-I manage by cramming all the task that needed to be done and finish
them as fast as my body would allow me to.
2.3.What do you feel when you’re procrastinating?
-Uhmm… I mostly feel guilt because of feeling like not being productive
and feeling like I don’t deserve to take a break, I also feel frustration,
sadness, anxiety, and even stress in the most higher sense.

2.4.How do you maintain your mental health stability when

- I make gentle reminders to myself that I need to break that I deserve
to take a rest.

2.5.What techniques do you recommend to other students to overcome

- Its different for others but I would definitely recommend to make a to
do list and prioritizing them.

3.What insights/realizations do senior high school pupils have on


3.1.What have you learned about procrastination?

- I learned that it has a good and bad side of it.

3.2.What do you thin is the benefits of avoiding procrastination?

-finishing the task on-time is a great benefit and it shows
professionalism with other people.

3.3.What is the importance of understanding procrastination?

-For a lot of people aquiring this insights about how procrastination
protects them from feeling like their not able enough, and keeping it in
mind when they are temted to fall into familiar unproductive
procrastinating habits goas a wrong way to solving the problem.

3.4. What can you say about procrastination?

- I can say that it has its good effect and bad effect, but it really it
effects other people, some cases are far worse than others.

3.5. What piece of advice or lesson that you can share to other
-its normal to feel guilt and frustration when procrastinating, but all I
can say is that be gentle to yourself, make gentle reminders that
maybe it’s the break your body and mind needed.

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