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Appendix 1

Members of the Family.

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(Reference: Learner’s Materials in English page 149)

Appendix 2

Group 1- Assemble the jigsaw puzzle and tell something

about the responsibilities at home.

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Appendix 3

Group 2 – Grouping Pictures

Direction: Group the pictures according to shapes
and foods.

Shapes Foods

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Appendix 4

Group 3- Grouping Words

Direction: Group the words according to colors, shapes
and foods.

red square bread oblong

yellow guava
blue circle pancit
heart pink fried chicken

Colors Shapes Foods

Appendix 5

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Direction: Color the shapes with red, color the fruits with
orange and the vegetables with green.

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Appendix 6

Parts of a book.
1. Cover
2. Title Page
3. Preface
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4. Table of Contents
5. Body of the Book
Appendix 7


“My Mother”

It was a holiday. Mother wakes up early.

First, she cooks breakfast; second, she sets the table for

the family.

Then she calls us to eat our breakfast.

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Lastly, she cleans our kitchen.
Appendix 8

Tell the feelings of the person in the picture.

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Appendix 9

Direction: Arrange the pictures and retell the story.

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Reference: Learners Materials in Grade 2 p. 161

Appendix 10

Direction: Sequence the story using the word strip.

Lastly, she cleans our kitchen.

Then, she calls us to eat our breakfast.

Second, she sets the table.

First, she cooks breakfast.

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Appendix 11

Read the paragraph then number the sentences as they

happened in the story.

This morning, Mela.’s class went on a trip to the

park. Then, they ate lunch. After lunch, they went to the
zoo. Lastly, they went back to school.

They went back to school

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They went to the zoo.

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They went to the park.

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They ate lunch.

Reference: Learners Materials in English Grade 2 p. 61

Appendix 12

Write the missing letters in the Filipino Alphabet.

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Aa Bb _____ Dd

Ee _____ Gg Hh

Ii _____ Kk Ll

Mm _____ _____ _____

Oo Pp Qq Rr

_____ _____ Uu Vv

_____ Xx _____ Zz

Appendix 13

Direction: Encircle the letters that are not found in the

Mother Tongue Alphabet

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Appendix 14

Direction: Underline the action word in the sentence.

1. The family cleans the house together.

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2. Father sweeps the yard.

3. Lito helps father in the yard.

4. Gina scrubs the floor.

5. Mother washes the dishes.

Appendix 15

Direction: Read the story and then encircle all the action
words found in it.

A Visit to Lola

We visit Lola’s house on Sundays. We go to a picnic at

lunch time. We eat together on a table with banana leaves.

Lola tells us funny stories. When it’s night time, we come

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home and get almost ready for Mondays.
Reference: Learners Materials in English Grade 2 p. 122

Appendix 16

Direction: Perform the action written in a flashcard.



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Appendix 17

Direction: Underline the verb that will make the sentence


Father found a mango seed. He said, “I

shall (plant, cook) this in the yard. Lito said,

‘’May I (go, help) you father? “Yes, go and

(change, wash) your clothes.

Page 36 of 37 ‘Father (went,

want) to change his clothes, too. Then they went

to the yard. They (watered, planted) the seed in

Reference: learners Materials in English Grade 2 p. 151

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