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One method of solving equations is to guess and check many values. Spreadsheets are an ideal tool for
making dozens of calculations quickly. In these tasks, you will use a spreadsheet to check various
possible values in an equation to find the one that solves it. This technique is particularly useful when
the equation is very complex and cannot be solved easily using conventional methods.

TASK 1 Solve 3(y + 2) + 2(y – 5) = 11

Open a new spreadsheet and save it using an appropriate name.
Label the columns as shown.
Note: You can widen columns by dragging the right edge of
the top of the column.
Column B has been left empty to make the spreadsheet easier
to read.
Use the following steps to create values from 1 to 10 that will be substituted for y in the equation.
o In cell A2, enter 1
o In cell A3, enter =A2+1
o Hold the cursor on the right-hand bottom corner of cell A3: + should appear. Drag down to cell
A11. The numbers from 1 to 10 should appear in column A.
In cell C2 type =3*(A2+2)+2*(A2-5) [Note: This enters the left-hand side of the equation as
a formula, replacing y with the value in A2.]
Cell C2 should now contain the number 1, ie the answer to 3 × (1 + 2) + 2 × (1 – 5)
Copy this formula down from C2 into cells C3 to C11 by dragging the bottom corner of cell C2.
The numbers in column C represent the value of 3(y + 2) + 2(y – 5) using the different values for y
in column A.
SAVE, if you haven’t done so.
Compare the results in column C with the equation 3(a + 2) + 2(a − 5) = 11
Which value of y solves the equation? _______

TASK 2 Solve 34 − 8m = 2m − 26
If there are algebraic terms on both sides of the equation, create a column for each side.
Open a new sheet of your spreadsheet using the tabs
at the bottom.
Label the columns A, C and D as shown.

In column A, create a list of numbers to use for m (see above in task 1).
In cell C2 enter a formula for the left-hand side of the equation and copy this formula down.
In cell D2 enter a formula for the right-hand side of the equation and copy down.
Compare the results in the two columns, C and D.

The solution is m = ______.

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