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G if + present, will + base form (first conditional) Ifwe change

V confusing verbs Unes, this one will

P linking move quicker.


a If you are wa iring to check in ar rhe airpon and you change lines,
whar w ill usually happ en?

bRead rhe firsr rwo paragraphs ofrhe anide and check. \Vho was
M urphy? Whar is his law?
If you are in a check-in line and you change
to another line that is moving more
quickly, what will happen? The line you were in
e Now look ar rhe eighr examp les ofMutphy's Law in rhe anide
befare will suddenly start moving faster. What
and march rhem wirh se JUences A- H.
will happen if you take your umbrella beca use
A your flight will be delayed. you think it's going to rain later? It won't rain, of
B you will spill coffee on it. course. It will only rain if you forget to take your
umbrella. These are examp les of Murphy's Law,
e you wi ll find a parking space righr in front of it. which says, Hlf there is something that can go
O all the traffic I¡ghts wi ll be red. wrong, it wi ll go wrong."
E will have a problem with his or her credit cardo Murphy's Law too k its na me from Captain
F he or she will already have a partn er. Edward Murphy, an American aerospace
G there will be a hyperactive five-year-old in the seat behind yOu. engineer from the 19405. He was trying to
H it will work when the salesperson tries it. improve safety for pi lots flying military planes.
Not surprisingly, he got a reputation fer
d Do any of the se things o r things like thi s often happ en ro you? always thinking of the worst thing that could
happen in every situation. Here are some
more examples of Murphy's Law.
2 GRAMMAR if + present, will + base form AIR TRAVEL
a In pairs, cover A- H and look at 1- 8 in the texto How many ofthe 1 D If you get to the airport early, ...
laws can you remember? 2 D If you want to sleep on the p lane, ...

b Look at the sentences again. What ten se is the verb after if? SHOPPING
What tense is the otber verb? 3 D If you are in a hurry, the pe rson in front of

e >- p.140 Grammar Bank 8B. Lea rn more about the first
conditional and practice it. "~
" 4 D
you ...
If you take something that doesn't work
back to a store, ...
d In pairs, complete tbese M urpby's Laws. DRIVING
1 If you find somethin g in a store thar you really like, ... 5 D If you're late for something importan!,
2 If yo u stop waiting for a bus and sta n walkin g, ... 6 O If you park a long way from a
3 !fyou cal! a telephone company help line, restauran!, ...
4 If you leave your cell phone at home, .. . SOCIAL LlFE
5 If you lose a glove and buy a new pair, .. . 7 O If you are single and you meet somebody
e Co mpare your laws with otber students. at a party who you really like, ...
Do you have th e same (or similar)? 8 O If you wear a new white shirt or dress, ...
p Sound linking
Remember that if a word finishes with a consonant and
the next word begins with a vowel, we usually link the
words together, e.g., we'll eat in a cafe
~ ~ ~

The Svanslrom famiLy

a Listen and repear rhe sentences. Try ro link the
marked words.
ILI see her~I' 1I tell her.
2 We'll go if~t does n'r rain.
3 1(.-1 ger there.....,early, l'IL....order che food.
4 They'IL.....arrive-...-at.....,eight....ifrheir flight 's-...-üll time.
S If you aren'u n---A hurry, \Ve ca n walk.
b 4 ))) Listen and write five more se ntences.


confusing verbs
a What's che difference between know and meet, and
wear and carry? e 46 ») Listen to what happened ro Mr. and Mrs.
Svansrróm. Mark their route on the map. What natural
b . . p,160 VocabuLary Bank Confusing verbs.
disaster happened in each place?
e €!V the right verbo Then ask and answer with a parener.
1 Who do you look ¡look like in your family?
2 Ho\V many classes have you missed f lost this year?
3 What gadgets do you always brilt8/ take with you when
you go on vacati on?
4 D o yOl! think sports people Hlill! eam too ITIlIch ITIoney?
5 What is the best way ro kttoUl I meet new friends?
6 Is it sOl11etil11es OK to say! tell a lie?

. (aims

a With a partner, think of three things rhar could go AUSTRALIA . Brisban.

wrong when you are on vacacion. ' Ar¡d¡'1Id

(hrilldlu,m. NfW
b Match the words to their definitions.
1 lliJ amonsoon /manlsunJ 5 D a blizzard /'bhzJrd/ d Listen again and answer rhe questions.
2 D anearrhquake /\xOkwelk/ 6 D a fLood IflAdl 1 How long did they have to wait at MlInich airporr?
3 D a tsunami /tsu1narni/ 7 D a forest fire 2 \Vhat wearher were they expecting in Bali?
4 D a fj'c1one /'salkloonl /brJst falJr/ 3 \Vhere were the streers full of smoke?
A a very bad srorm with snow and strong winds 4 Where did rhey sleep in Cairns?
B a very strong wind thar 1110ves in a ci rele 5 \Vhy did they fly to Auckland and nar ro Christchurch
C a big fire [hat can desrroy many rrees and houses in New Zeabnd?
D a very Iarge wave in the ocean 6 Whar were [hey doing when rhe Japanese earthquake
E when ir rains very heavily for rhree monrhs or more srr uck?
F when there is too much water in a river ancl it comes 7 \Vhere did they go for the last part oftheir vacation?
onto the streets or yards Oíd anything happen ro them there?
G when the grollnd slldd enly shakes very strongly e Do yo u think they were lucky or unlucky? Why?

Online Practice
G if + past, would + base form (second conditional)
What would
you do if you
P wo rd stress sawa bear?
I'd run away.


a Read the qui z question s and an swers.
Co mplete each que stion with an animal Would you know
from the li st o

bee bull dog jellyfish shark sna ke whattodo?

b Look ar rhe highli ghted verbs and ve rb We alllove seeing animals on TV and
phrases. With a partn er, try ro guess their in zoos. But some animals can be
meaning from the contexto dangerous. If you met one in reallife,
would you know the right thing to
cRead the qui z aga in and@ your do? Read about some common and
an swers, a, b, or c. some less common situations.
Would you know what to do?
d ~ Communication Wou/d you know what
to do? A p.104 B p.107 C p.llO. Read ,he
answers ro one secrion and tell the others.
Did you all choose rhe right answers?

e Have you ever been in any ofrhese

s ituations? What did you do?

if + past, would + base form
a Look at questions 1- 6 again. Are they
ab om a past situation or an imagin ed fmure
s itu atio n? What tense is the ve rb after if?

b . . p.142 Grammar Bank 9A. Learn more

about the second conditional and practice it.

e Co mplete th e sentences so that they are true

for yOll. Compare w ith a partner. In the city
1 1ft had fi ve extra hours every wee k, .. .
What would you do ...
2 1\Vould be very happy if... . .. if a large aggressive _ _ _ ran toward yo u?
3 lfl could live anywhere in the world , .. . a I wouLd shout "down" at it severaL times.
4 1\Vould lea rn English more quickly i f .. . b I wouLd put my hands in my pockets and walk
5 lfl won a lot ofm oney in the lottery,. sLowly backward.
e I wouLd keep completely stilL and look at it in its eyes.
3 VOCABULARV animals 2 What wouLd you do ...
... if you were driving. and a _ _ _ fLew into the car?
a ~ p.161 Vocabulary Bank Anima/s.
a I wouLd open aLl the windows and wait for it to fly out.
b 18 l)) Listen . Which an imals can you hea r? b I wouLd try to kiLl it with a map or a newspaper.
e I wouLd wave my hand to make it go out.
4 PRONUNCIATION word stress

In the country p Stress in words that are similar in other languages

So me words in English, e.g., for animals, are similar to the
3 What would you do . .. same wards in athe r languages, but the st ress is aften in
if a poisonous
o •• bityou on the lego a different place.
and you were more than 30 minutes from the
nearest town? a Look at th e a nimal words below. Can you reme mber
a I would put something very cold on it, like a which syll able is stressed? Underlin e it.
water bottle.
ca lmel cro lco ldile doqphin e lle lphant
b I w ould su ck the bite to get the poison out.
gilraffe kan lga lroo li lon mo lsq uilto
e I would tie something, e.g., a scarf on my leg
aboye the bite.
b 19 ))) Listen and check. A re any oEth ese words sim ilar
4 What would you do . .. in your lan guage? ls t he stress in the same place?
if you were in the middle of a field and a
o ••

____ started running toward you? e In pai rs, ask and an swer the qu esrio ns.
a I wo uld run o 1 W hat's th e mos t dangerous a nima l in your country?
b I would throw something (e.g., a hat or a bag) in 2 lEyou we nt on a saEari , what an imal wou ld you m OS f
another direction. like to see?
e I would shout and wave my arm s . 3 W hat's your favo r ite mov ie abour a n anim a l?
4 \V hat's your Eavorite ca rtoo n anima l?
5 A re there any an imals or in seccs you a re really afraid of?
6 D o you (or did you) have a pet? \Vhat?
7 Are yOl! allergic ro any an imals or in sec rs?
8 lE you coul d be an a nim a l, which a nim a l woul d you
like ro be?

Work in grou ps of t hree. Take tu rns choos ing a
question and ask the ot hers in rhe graup. Then a nswer
it you rself.

What would you do ...

... if you saw a mouse in your kitchen?
... if you saw somebody be ing attacked by a dog?
... if a bird or a bat flew int o your bedroom?
... if you saw a large spider in the bathtub?
... if it was a very hot day and you were on a beach that
In the water was famous for shark attacks?
5 What would you do ... ... if someone offered to buy you a fu r coat ?
o " if you were in the ocean and a _ _ _ stung you? ... if your neighbor's dog barked all night?
a I wo uld rub the sting w ith a towel t o clea n ¡t. if a f riend asked you to look after his or
her cat or dog for the weekend?
b I w ould w ash the sting w ith fre s h water.
e I would wash the sting with vin egar or ocean water. ... if you went to somebody's house for
dinner and he or she gave you ...?
6 What would you do . .. a horse meat b goat e kangaroo
if you were in the ocean near the shore and you
o ••

sawa ?
a I would sw im to the shore as quickly and quietLy
as possible . p Talking about imaginary situations
I thin k I'd (probably) ...
b I w ould fLoat and pretend to be dead.
I (definitely) wou ldn't...
e I w ould shout for heLp.
I don't t hink I'd...

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