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Siliman University Senior High School General Biology 2 3 Quarter Performance Task Group members: Ruining (a Section: 12 STEM - 1 Date Performed: Date submitted: FROG DISSECTION: EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL External Anatomy, 1. Observe the dorsal and ventral sides of the frog. Dorsal side color_daik ‘awn Ventral side color_yedlish lama 2. Examine the hind legs. How many toes are present on each foot? _{ Are they webbed? _Yus ‘3, Examine the forelegs. How many toes are present?_4__Are the toes webbed? _ Mp 4, Use a ruler to measure your frog from the tip of the head to the end of the frog's backbone, ‘Compare the length of your frog to other frogs. ‘ha m2 ras rw i wt 5. Locate the fogs eyes, the nctiating membrane isa clear membrane that attached to the bottom ofthe eye. Use tweezers to carefuly remove the ncttating membrane. You may also remove the eyeball What is the color ofthe nicitating membrane? clea Whats the color ofthe eyebal? Wagk onl ‘eles 6. Just behind the eyes on the frog's head is a circular structure called the tympanic: membrane. The tympanic membrane is used for hearing. Measure the diameter (distance across the eee) ofthe tympanic membrane Diameter of tympanic membrane = 7 Feel the frogs skin Isit scaly or isit simy? scaly Anatomy of the Froa's Mouth Pry the frog's mouth open and use scissors to cut the angles of the frog's jaws open. Cut deeply 50 thatthe frog's mouth opens wide enough to view the structures inside. em 1. Locate the tongue. Play with the tongue. ‘Does it attach to the front or the back of the mouth? _Y& ‘You may remove the tongue. Draw a sketch of the tongue, paying altention to its shape. 2. In the center of the mouth, toward the back is a single round opening, the ‘esophagus. This tube leads to the stomach. Use a probe to poke into the esophagus. 3. Close tothe angles ofthe jaw are two openings, one on each side. These ae the Eustachian tubes, They are used to equalize pressure in the inner ear while the fog 'is swimming, Insert a probe into the Eustachian tube. Towhat src deste Eusactian ie atch? The tpic_ ebay 4, Just behind the tongue, and before you each the esophagus is sit ike opening (You may need to use your probe to get itto open). ‘This sit isthe glottis, and itis the opering to the lungs. The fog breathes and vocalzes with the gots, Use your probe o open the glois and compare that opening to the esophagus 5. The fog has two sels of teeth, The vomerine teeth are found on the roof of the mouth. The maxillary feeth are found around the edge ofthe mouth. Both are used {or holding prey, fogs swalow ther meals whole and do NOT chew. Run you finger cover bath sets of teeth and note the differences between them. 6. On the roof ofthe mouth, you wl ind the two tiny openings ofthe nostrils, if you ‘But your probe into those openings, you wil ind they exit onthe outside of he frog. 7. Label each ofthe structures underined above, Sar, yy by tg He is sh tw of woh DOE oe Tn be back of te thioat Twit sod vipettns Tn the middle cor Beith adn hue hoi Tae lay. Speai —_O0L uty he dh “sit it tain ad Frog Dissection: Itomal Anatom Dissection Instructions 1, Place the frog in the dissecting pan ventral sid@ UP vty. cut 079 2 Unessesonte te dornal rss f= boty the midine ofthe body tothe forelimbs. ‘3, Make transverse (horizontal) cuts near! 4 Lite fas ofthe body wal and pin the arms and le9S- the body may be filed wit €098 ‘You may need {0 you found the organs ‘structu bright orange or yellow shaped sucs at bcies may need 10 De ‘spider ke membrane that covers many fe FANS: OL [2] 2 Pertonaum spe Pe eneiy exe get 2 ear ew 15. Lver-The largest structure ofthe body cay ‘This brown colored organ is er te lobes. The rot be, te fe antrr Ie, me the left a of teers ot prmarty an organ of digestion, does secrete & ie called bil. Bile is needed forthe proper digestion ofa. 4 Hear nguar structure. The left and ‘sian canbe turd a the top ofthe heat. single venice located at a Se of the heat. The large vessel exiending out from the heart isthe conus aerosus. at the top ofthe ver, the heart isa ta o 5. Lungs - Locate the lugs by looking undemeath and behind the heart an lve ‘They are two spongy organs. 6, Gall Bladder -Li the lobes othe iver, thee wil be a smal green sae under the liver. Tiss the gallbladder, which stores bie. ‘Hint: it kind of looks lke a booger) 7. Stomach-Curvng from undemeath the Wer isthe stomach. The Smee the first major site of chemical digestion. Frogs swallow their meals whole. Follow the stomach to where it tums into the ‘small intestine. The pyloric ‘sphincter valve regulates the exit of digested food from the stomach to the ‘small intestine 8 at mcine-Lecig ton the stomach. The wat sah Tin Oy the leu The Heum is held together by a membrane called the mesentery ‘Note the blood vessels runing trough the mesente 5 Tunring though fon of digested mun occurs nthe sal nese 9. Intestine—As {otow the small intestine down, it wil widen into 1 Large Lara nating efi leads oe coac, weh Is ewe lagers, The as icgg. and une ext te fogs body. (The word te.spien-Retun the ols fhe sera, his dark red sper cbt ‘serves as a holding area for blood. 1" zophagus-Reurto the stomach an flow upward, wher oes Soe, Caeermarmring of the exophagus. The esophagus is the tubs Wat ads from the frog's mouth tothe stomach. ‘Open the frog's mouth and find the esophagus, poke your probe into and see where it leads. syounsave not located each ofthe organs above, donot continue fo he next sections! Removal of the Stomach: cute stomach out of the rog and open it up. You may find what remains ofthe fay’ last meal in tere Lok tthe texture of the stomach onthe inside What dd you find inthe stomach? Tha. shat wash Measuring the Small intestine: Remove the smal intestine fom the Body cavity and weaealyceparae the meseiery rom i Sretch the smalintestine out and measure it Now measure your fog. Record the measurements below in centimeter. Froglengtr: 24 om Intestine engn_A__ em Urogenital System “The tog’ reproductive and excret ry systemis combined into one system called te See oe ‘You will need to know the structures for both cna and QO 12.Kidneys - fattened bean shaped organs located at the lower back of he 1 rear tye spine, They are often a dark colo. The Kidneys titer wastes 0% 09 blood. Often the top of the kidneys have yellowish stringy fat bodies attached. +18-Testes -in male fogs, these organs are located at the top ofthe Kanes, they are pale colored and round. 4 & «4.oviducts females donot have testes though you may 568 211 ST Ovid etaide of te Key, these ae the oviucts. OVLSS Me where that look simiiar but serve nO ‘in males, they are called vestigial oviduct. ae produced. Males can nave stucues sesual purpose. [E]__1s.Blader- An emety coated athe lowes Bladder stores une "semen again as pat ofthe urogenital sytem =e: P= a part of the body cavity. THe POST LAB QUESTIONS 41. The membrane holds the cols ofthe smal intestine together:_Mecyitefy _ 2:This organ found under the ver, stores le: Gallbladder ——_ 3, Name the 3 lobes ofthe liver if tat _—— caudate, 4, The organ that is the first major site of chemical digestion: _ show td A, 5. 9s, spem, urine and wastes al empty to tissue: __badslur _ 6.Thesmalintestneleadstothe:___Lnoe_ fest, —_ 7.The evophagueleadstothe:__ stomach 8. Yeliowish structures that serve as an energy reserve: _Aipase_fssuts 9. The frst par ofthe sma intestine (staght part);_Duodeityw_ 10, Ate food passes through the stomach tentersthe: _Swall _esfive, —_ 11. Aweb-ike membrane that covers the organs: —nesetler +2 Regulates te eo of patiy digested food om he stomacr:__fyli, since — 48, The large intestine leads tothe_ fecha 14. organ found win the mesentery hat stores blood: sgleen 15. The ages organ inthe body avy wr 16 Label the dogram Exercise 1 LABORATORY ACTIVITY DOCUMENTAION (atleast 10 procedural photos performed by your group)

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