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Eto yung ginawa kong possible structure sa defense natinm kasama na din yung possible questions

Introduction: Welcome to our thesis title defense, our title for our quantitative research is the effects of
stress on working students of Noah's Academy.

Q: What is the significance of our study?

A: Our study aims to investigate and identify a student’s experience working while being a student
and the experiences and problems they encounter.

Q: Why did we conduct this study?

A: We conducted this study to learn and comprehend the circumstances of the effects that may
affect the daily life of a working student. We wanted to learn more and analyze the possibilities of
working while studying

Q: What is the benefit of your study?

A: Our study aims to help and understand the difficulties of being a working student and give
solution and awareness to the said problem

Q: Who will be the participants/respondents?

A: The participants or respondents for our research are the students of Noah’s Academy who experience
Q: where will this be conducted?

A: The scope of our research will only be held at the premises of Noah’s Academy

Q: How will you apply quantitative research in your study?

A: Since our study aims to discover the effects of stress on working students, we will collect different
responses from students who are working and measure its differences.
Specific questions

Q: How does stress affect the lifestyle of working students?

A: Being a working student has a big impact on their lifestyle and stress is one of it, stress affects us
when we experience pressure and since working students may have no time for themselves, they
overwork, and it may affect their mental and physical health

Q: What are the challenges of working while studying?

A: There are a lot of unexpected challenges and problems that we can encounter when we are working
while studying, some face problems on working their time management, getting less sleep and being
stressed while learning how to developing time management skills

Q: What are the duties of a working student?

A: Like an average student, working students also have responsibilities except it is a lot more bigger,
they have to provide time for every task they get and organize their time schedule for each unexpected
events they encounter

Q: What are the major factors of students who choose to work while studying?

A: There are a lot of major factors on why a student chooses to work while studying, but it is mainly
because of poverty and the need of financial support for their family’s needs and academic expenses
that they struggle to afford.

Q: What are the benefits of being a working student?

A: Despite the struggles of being a working student there are also some benefits, like having early
Background of the study:

Format of our research title:

nces to improve themselves for future job seeking opportunities.

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