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Senior High School Department

The Effects of Socioeconomic Status in the Academic Performances of Grade 12 Students

of Noah’s Academy Inc.

A Quantitative Research Presented to the

Senior High School Department of
Noah’s Academy Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Academic Track
Practical Research II

Madheline France C. Oco
Kane Lee Banawa
Wabie P. Alim
Daniel Taccad

Arts and Design-201

Grade 12
Senior High School Department

One of the most important elements of human development is education. Students or

learners must obtain the proper knowledge to grow and learn, but not every student can acquire a

proper education because of the hindrances in their economic status.

A particular reason for this is their state of socioeconomic status, this issue greatly

affects an individual's lifestyle which gives them difficulties in achieving one's goals, not only it

can influence their education, but it can also be affected by several factors, which include

students’ learning skills, parental background, peer influence, mental health and learning

infrastructure among others.

A student's performance plays an important role in producing the best quality graduates

who will become great leaders for the country, thus responsible for the country's economic and

social development. Academic achievement is one of the major factors considered by employers

in hiring workers, especially fresh graduates. Hence, students have to put the greatest effort into

their studies to obtain good grades and to prepare themselves for future opportunities in their


Many think that parents' socioeconomic status can have a big impact on how well their

children do in schools. Low socioeconomic level families are less likely to have the financial

means or the free time to give their kids academic resources. The socioeconomic level of the

parents has a big impact on how well their children succeed in school. Students perform

academically at their highest level during face-to-face interactions because they are
Senior High School Department

tremendously engaged. Unlike now, when many of them are experiencing hardships as a result of

their socioeconomic situation. A lot of them were under stress as a result of this issue. They

failed because they were unable to keep up with the demands of their class. Everyone is

struggling to adjust to the new normal. This study aims to determine how students'

socioeconomic situation affects their academic achievement. How do they address this problem?

How did they stay alive in this circumstance? And what are their goals for continuing to achieve

well in school despite their financial hardship? The researcher thinks that the pupils, parents, and

instructors will benefit from this research. Additionally, this study attempts to assist in adjusting

to the new normal. Students, parents, and instructors will have a better understanding of what to

do in this circumstance as a result of this research.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to identify how socioeconomic status affects the academic performances

of grade 12 students of Noah’s Academy Inc.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions;

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the students in terms of;

1.1 age;

1.2 gender; and

1.3 strand;

2. What effects does a student's socioeconomic situation have on their academic performance?
3. How can the higher, middle, and lower classes be distinguished?
4. What are the challenges that they face?
Senior High School Department

Significance of the Study

This study seeks to identify how socioeconomic status affects the academic performance
of grade 12 students of Noah’s Academy Inc.

This study is beneficial for the following;

Students. Since students are the focus of this research, they will gain from it. They would
benefit from being aware of how their socioeconomic situation affects their academic
achievement. They may use this study to assist them in figuring out how to address this issue.

Parents. The parents will also benefit from this study since it will make them more aware of
how their children's socioeconomic situation influences their academic achievement. They could
find this study useful in figuring out how to support their kids' academic endeavors.

Teachers. The present senior high school instructors will also profit from this study. They will
be able to recognize the effect of socioeconomic status on pupils' academic performance thanks
to this study. They will benefit from knowing how they may encourage their students to continue
putting in their best effort.

The Researchers. The researchers will get understanding regarding the effects of socioeconomic
status on education from this study. They can use it to create a research project.

Future Researchers. This study helps future researchers by providing a foundational

understanding of the effects of socioeconomic status on students' academic achievement. They
can investigate this issue with the aid of this research.

Scope and Limitations

This study is centered on the grade 12 students of Noah’s Academy with the use of
simple random as a sampling technique and will only be conducted during the school hours of
the 2nd quarter of the 2022-2023 school year, to analyze and determine the effects between
socio-economic status and academic performance.

Due to some answers of the partakers, this study is limited to the actual data regarding the
accurate state of socioeconomic status of participants, hence it may not grant significant results.
Senior High School Department

Theoretical Framework

The investment theory and the good parent's theory are examined as theoretical

frameworks for the purposes of this research. Investment theory (Becker and Tomes in 1979)

explains how parents’ and children's economic status is the result of parental investments,

with biological and other endowments that parents pass on to their children.

According to the "good parent" theory (Adams & Singh 1980), low-income damages

children not because poor families have less money to spend on their children but rather because

low income makes it harder for parents to be "good parents." Poor parenting, in turn, harms

children's social and emotional development, which limits their educational and social

It is typically assumed that low-income parents raise their children with "dysfunctional" values,

norms, and behaviors in order for them to succeed in the dominant society. Therefore, the

dysfunctional behavior is adopted by their children, decreasing the likelihood of the kids' own

success. This theory is the most relevant to the aims of this study, as it shows the different
Senior High School Department

effects of socioeconomic status on a children’s academic performance.

Figure 1(Casual Loop Diagram)

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework that was used in the study is the Input-Process-Output Model

as shown in Figure 1. The (IPO) framework was used to show the process in socioeconomic

that affects the academic performances of grade 12 Noah’s Academy students.

In the (IPO) model, a process is viewed as a series of boxes connected by inputs and outputs.


researchers want to find out how to analyze and determine the effects between socioeconomic
Senior High School Department

status and the academic performance of Noah’s academy grade 12 students.

Figure 2 (IPO model)

Definition of Terms
To understand whether this study will be effective, the researchers gave the operational
definition of the terms based on the way it was used in determining the relationship between the
socioeconomic status that affects the academic performances of grade 12 Noah’s Academy Inc.
Senior High School Department

Academic Achievement. This refers to academic outcomes of that indicate the extent to
which a student has achieved their learning goals.

Academic Endeavors. This refers to activities in the pursuit, creation, and expression of
knowledge and understanding, regardless of format. This includes methods of teaching, learning,
research, accessing and sharing information, publishing, and participating in professional

Academic Performance. This refers to the extent to which a person has attained their
short or long-term educational goals that are going to be measured in this study.

Behaviors. This is how a person conducts oneself or behaves.

Dysfunctional Behavior. This term refers to the part of a person’s abnormal or impaired
functioning behavior.

Norms. This refers to a law or rule in a society.

Socioeconomic Status. This refers to a person or group which is determined by a

combination of social and economic factors that is going to be measured in this study.

Values. This is a guide for personal behaviors and actions.

1. “Socioeconomic Status Theoretical Background”
3. Gigi Lam (2014) “A theoretical framework of the relation between socioeconomic status and academic
achievement of students”
Senior High School Department

This chapter includes a selection of writings and studies that have been gathered
together to serve as guidelines, references, and instructions for carrying out the research. In order
to find the recognized ideas, concepts, and viewpoints that can support the current study,
Senior High School Department

information from books, journals, and electronic resources was gathered.

Related Literature
According to Wadsworth, Raviv, Reinhard, Wolff, Santiago, and Einhorn (2008),
Wadsworth and Achenbach theorized that kids who have grown up in continuous poverty will
suffer negatively in their physical, psychological, and scholastic health. Poverty-related low
academic attainment is a predictor of teen criminality and violence. Poverty causes a variety of
stresses, including financial hardship, family strife, numerous transfers, life changes,
exposure to prejudice, and other traumatic events that can negatively affect kids' behavior. As
mentioned in Pharrington & Lober's (2000) study, Lipsey and Derzon's meta-analysis revealed
that low socioeconomic status and family poverty were the main causes of juvenile violence.
This stress that pupils face as a result of poverty might result in absenteeism and deviant

Related Studies

Foreign Literature
A student's academic performance can be affected by many possible reasons that may
to different outcomes, such as college and plans. According to, (Sewell and Shah 1967) a
socioeconomic status and intelligence can both influence planning on college, college attendance
, college graduation and educational achievement, which has a great influence on a learner’s
For that reason, increasing amounts of students are dropping out of high school to earn a living
wage due to the low income and students who fail to graduate from high school (Jipguep and
Harrison 2016), it is considered, that a lot of factors cause a change in a student’s environment
Senior High School Department

affects their future planning for a better life.

In this portion of the research, the group is intended on determining how the students’
socioeconomic status and whether this has any direct effect on their academic achievements.
Similarly, a study conducted at the University of Suleyman Demirel where 691 undergraduate
senior students were chosen according to their Weighted Quantitative Composite scores to
participate in the Student Selection Examination. Upon being accepted into their respective
departments, the participants’ overall academic scores, which were the mean scores that the
students have garnered since the beginning of their semester until their final year were collected
and were set as the dependent variables of the papers. Meanwhile, collections of data coming
from parents’ educational attainment, family income, current residence and/or workplace,
number of siblings (if there are any), and any form of educational background the students may
have had before undertaking the Student Selection Examination were taken into account to serve
as the independent variable(s).

The use of different methodologies such as correlation, regression, and two-way variable
analysis, allowed the researchers to formulate the results of the study with the obtained
information from their instruments, wherein the study shows that the type of high school from
which the students have graduated is a key factor for the learners’ scholastic success, but
variables that are connected to familial matters have little to no impact. In addition, students
coming from educational institutions prior to the implementation of the higher education
curriculum and have experience in taking national examinations are said to increase the
homogeneity of the higher education student profile.
In this study, according to (Shah, Mahmood, Atta, Aamir, Quereshi, Muhammad Imran;
Shah Humaira) it views two significant issues. First, it looks at the connection between a family's
socioeconomic status (SES) and the academic performances of its members. Second, it looks into
Senior High School Department

how SES affects the academic performance of children. Eight colleges and two Upper secondary
schools were chosen from the DI Khan District for this study. Twenty individuals were selected
as an example from each institution and school. The analysis has been put to test by using status
correlation and the Chi-Square test. The results obtained a robust and positive association
between children's academic success and SES.

Local Literature
According to a study by Bernardo (2021), using social resources to support and improve

intelligence may be actually required to reap the benefits of a growth mindset, especially in

learning math and science. The study investigated the connection between the growth mindset of

the learners and their socioeconomic status. It found out that there is a positive connection

between the growth mindset and learning among those learners with higher socioeconomic


The study by Alampay and Garcia (2019) found that Filipino parents place a high value on
their kids' education and that kids view academic success as a way to live up to their parents and
their own expectations. Families in the Philippines are so interdependent that choices and actions
related to education have a bigger influence on the well-being of the family than on the well-
of the individual. It talks about the current education system in the Philippines and its problems
connection to the cultural context of the Filipino family, paying special attention to families
from lower socioeconomic classes.
Senior High School Department
Senior High School Department
Senior High School Department

1. Alampay, L. & Garcia, A. (2019). Education and Parenting in the Philippines. Semantic

2. Allan B. I. Bernardo (2021) Socioeconomic status moderates the relationship between

growth mindset and learning in mathematics and science: Evidence from PISA 2018
Philippine data, International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 9:2, 208-222,
DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2020.1832635

3. Ekber, T., & Gökhan, P., (2013). “The Effects of Socioeconomic Characteristics of
Students on Their Academic Achievement in Higher Education.” American Journal of
Educational Research 1, no. 10 (2013): 449-455. doi: 10.12691/education-1-10-7

4. Jipguep, M.C., Harrison, R., Goode, J. (2016) “Trajectories of Substance Use: Academic
Performance and Graduation Differentials Among African American, Hispanic, and
White Secondary School Students” Drug Use Trajectories Among Minority Youth

5. Shah, Mahmood; Atta, Aamir; Qureshi, Muhammad Imran; Shah, Humaira, Gomal
University Journal of Research. Jun2012, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p12-17. 6p.

6. William H. S. and Vimal P. S. (1967) “Socioeconomic Status, Intelligence, and the

Attainment of Higher Education” American Sociological Association Vol. 40, No. 1
Senior High School Department

The research methodology, study subject, and research design are all presented in this
chapter, selection of the sample, the research tool, and statistical analysis of the data.
Research Design
The correlational technique was used in this study to understand the effects of
socioeconomic status on the academic performances of grade 12 students of Noah’s Academy
According to Hassan M. (2022) a researcher and an academic writer, correlational
research is a research that examines connections between variables. Anything that can be
measured, such as attitudes, actions, or even thoughts, can be one of these variables.

Since the primary goal of the study is to determine the effects of socioeconomic status on
the academic performances of grade 12 students at Noah's Academy Inc., this design will be
Subject of the Study
The respondents in this study were the Grade 12 students of Noah’s Academy Inc.
Academic Year 2022-2023.

Research Instrument
The researchers chose a questionnaire checklist for the research instrument needed for
study. Several questions were constructed for the respondents to answer, this questionnaire will
determine the effects of socioeconomic status on one's education.

The checklist included questions about the student respondent's socioeconomic status and how it
affects them in their studies.
Senior High School Department

Part 1, the questionnaire was written on a piece of paper and consisted of questions about -
do you think is the level of your socioeconomic status" and 3 sets of checkboxes.


Part 2 the question was continued with the statement; "Does your socioeconomic status affect
studies? if yes proceed to the next question, If not you may skip"

Part 3 "On a scale of 1 to 5, how much impact does your socioeconomic status affects your
studies?" and a set of 5 checkboxes ranked as:

Always - 5
Often - 4
Sometimes - 3
Rarely - 2
Never - 1
Part 4, "In what way do you think your socioeconomic status affects your studies?"

The questionnaire written on a piece of paper will be handed out to the respondents for the said
Research Procedure
The researchers evaluated and listed different topics that are related and suitable for the
problems that students are encountering in their daily lives within the premises of their school.
They selected a topic that is flexible in everyday situations and can be an excellent source of
research topics for the researchers to analyze.
Senior High School Department

After the researchers selected a topic, they submitted the created title to the adviser of the said
research to assure that it is qualified and appropriate for the study.
Following, the researchers prepared for the title defense that will be conducted, and
different information was accumulated and arranged in a form of a presentation to propose. After
a couple of days of evaluation, the research adviser announced that the approval of the panelist
was met and approved.
Soon after that, the creation of the research paper was taught by the research adviser. The
researchers began to collect data through different methods, thus researching and reviewing past
articles and documents as a reference, then created a survey questionnaire to collect information,
constructing it using Microsoft Word. The question made is a formally stated question intended
to measure the effects of socioeconomic status on the respondents, the researchers covered the
basic concepts in creating a survey questionnaire by creating questions based on the respondent's
experience and problems that are connected to their socioeconomic status and education. The
questionnaire was created on printed paper and handed out to a selected simple random sample
of grade 12 students in Noah's Academy Inc. to produce results. Hence the respondent's answers
were collected and analyzed to use for data. Subsequently, the research paper was submitted for
checking and to analyze for furthermore corrections and adjustments.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The weighted mean method was used in this study to calculate the gathered data for the

researcher to have accurate findings. It would summarize the data as a graph to show the validity

of the data.


WM = weighted mean

X = number of respondents

F = weight given to each respondent

N = number of cases
Senior High School Department


1. Ahmad, Saeed. “Role of Socioeconomic Status and Political Participation in Construction

of Apathy Among Youth.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 25
(2015): 801 - 809.
2. Hassan, M. (2022, October 25). Correlational Research Design - Methods, Types.
Research Method.

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