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LAW OF PUBLIC OFFICERS of a superior power other than the law,
unless they be of those of an inferior or
I. General Principles subordinate office created or authorized
by the legislature, and by it placed
What is Public Office? under the general control of a superior
office or body; and
Public office is public trust. (Sec. 1, Art. XI,
1987 Constitution) It is the right, authority, e. Must have permanence or continuity.
conferred by law, by which, for a given period,
either fixed by law or enduring at pleasure of the
creating power, and individual is invested with How is public office created?
some portion of sovereign functions of the
government, to be exercised to benefit the public. Public offices are created:
(Laurel v. Desierto, 381 SCRA 48, April 12,
2002) a. By the Constitution; (e.g. Office of the
The right, authority, and duty, created and
conferred by law, by which, for a given period b. By valid statutory enactments;(e.g. Office of
either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure of the Insurance Commissioner) and
the creating power, an individual is invested with
some portion of the sovereign functions of c. By authority of law. (e.g. Davide
government, to be exercised by that individual Commission)
for the benefit of the public. [Fernandez v. Sto.
Tomas, G.R. No. 116418, March 07, 1995; Characteristics of a Public Office
Appari vs.
Court of Appeals, 127 SCRA 231 (1984); Characteristics of a public office include
Oliveros v. Villaluz, 57 SCRA 163 (1974)] delegation of sovereign functions, its creation by
law and not by contract, an oath, salary,
Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, which continuance of the position, scope of duties, and
states that "public office is a public trust," is an designation of the position as an office.
overarching reminder that every instrumentality (Laurel v. Desierto)
of government should exercise their official
functions only in accordance with the principles Delegation of sovereign functions.
of the Constitution which embodies the
parameters of the people's trust. The notion of Delegation to the individual of some
public trust connotes accountability. sovereign functions of government is the most
(Ombudsman important characteristic in determining whether a
v. Vergara, G.R. No. 216871, December 6, position is a public office or not. (Laurel v.
2017) Desierto)

Elements of Public Office Sovereign functions refer to either

legislative, executive, or judicial functions
a. Created by law or by authority of law; exercised for public benefit, either directly
or indirectly.
b. Possess a delegation of a portion of the
sovereign powers of government to be Illustration:
exercised for the benefit of the public;
Administration of a state university by a
c. Powers conferred and duties imposed government scholar in her capacity as student
must be defined, directly or impliedly, by regent is a sovereign function as she performs
the legislature or by legislative authority; legitimate government function by providing
advanced instruction in literature, philoshopy,
d. Duties must be performed independently sciences, and arts and giving professional and
and without the control technical training. (UP v. CIR, 107 Phil. 848
[1960]; Serana v.

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 162059, Jan. 22, to enter into the position be conserved plenary
2008) and complete. Until then, he or she has none at
all, and for as long as he or she has not qualified,
Promotion of continuing book publishing the holdover officer is the rightful occupant.
industry development throught active (Lecaroz .v Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 130872,
participation of the private sector to ensure March 25, 1996)
adequate supply of affordable, quality- produced
books for domestic, and export market is a A public officer who fails to take oath to
sovereign function. (Javier v. Sandiganbayan, signify his or her acceptance of the office and the
G.R. Nos. 147026-27, Sept. 11, 2009) undertaking to execute the trust confided in him
or her cannot assume office. (State v. Boyd, 48
Creation by law N.W. 739, 751, 31, Neb. 682)
Payment of Salary
The legislature creates the office, defines its
powers, limits its duration, annexes Compensation is not an essential element of
compensation. This done, legislative power public office. At most, it is merely incidental to
ceases. (Myers v. US [1926], 272 U.S. 52; it. (Laurel v. Desierto)
Government of the Philippine Islands v. Spinger,
G.R. No. L-26979, April 1, 1927) A salary is a usual but not a necessary
criterion to determine nature of position. It is not
The creation and abolition of public offices conclusive. Salary is mere incident and forms no
are primarily legislative functions. Congress may part of the office.
abolish any office it creates without impairing
officer’s right to continue in the position held Continuance of position
and that such power may be exercise for
various reasons, such as lack of funds or in the The element of continuance or permanency is
interest of economy. not indispensable. If other elements a re present,
it can make no difference, whether there be but
For abolition to be valid, it must be made in one act or a series of acts to be done, whether the
good faith, not for political or personal reasons, office expires as soon as the act is done, or is
or in order to circumvent constitutional security to be held for years or during good behavior.
of tenure of civil service employees. (Laurel v. Desierto)
(Canonizado v. Aguirre, 380 Phil. 280, 286
[2000]) Scope of duties

Not by contract; exception In order that acts may be done within the
scope of official authority, it is not necessary that
Public office is not created by concreated by they be prescribed by statute, or be specifically
contract does not necessarily preclude directed or requested by a superior officer. It is
contractual government employment. It merely sufficient if they are done by an officer in
emphasizes legislative authority to create public relation to matters committed by law to his or her
office. control or supervision, or that they have more or
less connection with such matters, or that they
A person may hold any public office in are governed by a lawful requirement of the
government by virtue of a contract. (Sec.1[a], department under whose authority the officer
R.A. 7080) acts. (PASI v. Lichauco, G.R. No. 142362, May
3, 2006)
Oath of office
Designation of position as an office
An oath of office is a qualifying requirement
for a public office and a prerequisite to full Where the National Internal Revenue Code
investiture of the office. (Chairman Chavez v. does not authorize the Bureau of Internal
Ronidel, 607 Phil. 76, Revenue to designate a private individual as
83 [2009]) Only when the public officer stratifies custodian of distrained
this prerequisite can his or her right

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
property, such designation does not make him a Is public office a property right?
public officer. The power to authorize a private
person to act as custodian does not include power It is not a property within the sense of
to appoint as public officer. (Azarcon v. constitutional guarantees of due process, but is a
Sandiganbayan, 268 SCRA 747) process, but is a public agency. In a popular
representative government, officers are mere
Modes of acquiring title to public office agents and not rulers of the people, where no one
has proprietary or contractual right to an office,
a. Election - In our jurisdiction, an election but where every officer accepts office pursuant
means the choice or selection of candidates to law and holds it in trust for the people.
to public office by popular vote through the (Cornejo v. Gabriel, G.R. No. L-16887, Nov 17,
use of the ballot, and the elected officials 1920)
which are determined through the will of the
electorate. An election is the embodiment of It is personal to the incumbent and is not a
the popular will, the expression of the property that passes to his heirs. When protestee
sovereign power of the people. (Rulloda v. dies during dependency of election protest, his
COMELEC, G.R. No. 154198, January 20, widows, cannot substitute him to continue his
2003) counterclaim for damages. (Abeja v. Tañada,
G.R. No. 110272, Aug. 30 1994)
b. Appointment - Appointment may be defined
as the selection, by the authority vested with Although public office is not property under
the power, of an individual who is to exercise Section 1 of the Bill of Rights of the
the functions of a given office. When Constitution, and one cannot acquire a vested
completed, usually with its confirmation, the right to public office, it is, nevertheless, a
appointment results in security of tenure for protected right. (Bince, Jr. v. COMELEC, G.R.
the person chosen unless he is replaceable at Nos. 111624-25, March 9,
pleasure because of the nature of his office. 1995)
(Binamira v. Garrucho, Jr., G.R. No. 92008,
July 30, 1990) Who is a Public officer?

c. Designation - Designation, on the other hand, Several laws define who a public officers is.
connotes merely the imposition by law of To wit;
additional duties on an incumbent official.
Designation may also be loosely defined as Any person holding any public office in
an appointment because it likewise involves government by virtue of an appointment,
the naming of a particular person to a election, or contract. (Sec.1, R.A. 7080)
specified public office. That is the common
understanding of the term. However, where Any person who, by direct provision of law,
the person is merely designated and not popular election or appointment by competent
appointed, the implication is that he shall authority, takes part in performance of public
hold the office only in a temporary capacity functions in government, or performs in it or any
and may be replaced at will by the appointing of its branches, public duties as an employee,
authority. In this sense, the designation is agent, or subordinate official, of any rank or
considered only an acting or temporary class. (Art. 203, Revised Penal Code)
appointment, which does not confer security
of tenure on the person named. (Binamira v. “Public Officials” includes elective and
Garrucho, Jr.) appointive officials and employees, permanent or
temporary, whether in the career or non-career
d. Succession - when the office to which one service, including military and police personnel,
succeeds is legally vacated. (e.g. succession whether or not they receive compensation,
under the Local Government Code) regardless of amount. (Sec. 3[b], R.A. 6713)

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without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
In layman’s term, a public officer is a person Service Board, all of whom are appointed by the
who holds a public office. President;

The most important characteristic which (4) Career officers, other than those in the
distinguishes office from employment or contract Career Executive Service, who are appointed by
is that the creation and conferring of an office the President, such as the Foreign Service
involves delegation to individual of some Officers in the Department of Foreign Affairs;
sovereign functions of government, either
legislative, executive, or judicial, attaches, for (5) Commissioned officers and enlisted men of
the time being, to be exercised to benefit the the Armed Forces which shall maintain a
public. separate merit system;

Classification of civil service positions (6) Personnel of government-owned or

controlled corporations whether performing
Career service positions are classified into governmental or proprietary functions, who do
either career service or noncareer service not fall under the non-career service; and
positions. (E.O. 292, Book V Title, Title I,
Subtitle A, Chapter 2 Sec. 6(2), cited in CSC v. (7) Permanent laborers, whether skilled, semi-
Javier, G.R. No. 173264, Feb. 22, 2008) skilled or unskilled. (Sec. 7(2), Chapter 2, Title
I(A), Book V, E.O. 292, cited in CSC
Career service positions, characteristics v. Pilila Water District, G.R. No. 190147, March
5, 2013)
Career service positions are characterized by
entrance based on merit and fitness to be Subclassification
determined as far as practicable by competitive
examinations, (Sec.2[2], Art. IX (B) 1987 Career positions are subclassified according
Philippine Constitution) or based on highly to nature of appointment, divided into permanent
technical qualifications, opportunity for and temporary status.
advancement to higher positions, and security of
tenure. (Sec. 7, Chapter 2, Title I(A), Book V, Permanent appointment – a permanent
E.O. 292) appointment is issued to a person who meets all
requirements for the position to which he or she
Career service positions is being appointed, including appropriate
eligibility prescribed, in accordance with
(1) Open Career positions for appointment to provisions of law and promulgated rules and
which prior qualification in an appropriate standards.
examination is required;
Temporary appointment – a temporary
(2) Closed Career positions which are appointment is issued, in the absence of
scientific, or highly technical in nature; these appropriate eligible individuals and when it
include the faculty and academic staff of state becomes necessary in the public interest to fill a
colleges and universities, and scientific and vacancy, to a person who meets all requirements
technical positions in scientific or research for the position to which he or she is being
institutions which shall establish and maintain appointed except appropriate civil service
their own merit systems; eligibility, provided such temporary appointment
does not exceed twelve months and appointee
(3) Positions in the Career Executive Service; may be replaced sooner if a qualified civil
namely, Undersecretary, Assistant Secretary, service eligible becomes available. (Sec. 27,
Bureau Director, Assistant Bureau Director, Chapter 5, Title I(A), Book V, E.O. 292,)
Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director,
Chief of Department Service and other officers Elements of a Valid Appointment:
of equivalent rank as may be identified by the
Career Executive The following elements should always concur
in the making of a valid (which should be

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
understood as both complete and effective) the appointing authority or subject to his or her
appointment: pleasure, or which is limited to duration of a
particular project for which purpose employment
(1) authority to appoint and evidence of the was made. (Sec. 9, Chapter 2, Title I(A), Book
exercise of the authority; V, E.O. 292)

(2) transmittal of the appointment paper and Noncareer service positions

evidence of the transmittal;
(1) Elective officials and their personal
(3) a vacant position at the time of or confidential staff;
appointment; and
(2) Secretaries and other officials of
(4) receipt of the appointment paper and Cabinet rank who hold their positions at
acceptance of the appointment by the appointee the pleasure of the President and their
who possesses all the qualifications and none of personal or confidential staff(s);
the disqualifications.
(3) Chairman and members of
The concurrence of all these elements should commissions and boards with fixed terms
always apply, regardless of when the of office and their personal or
appointment is made, whether outside, just confidential staff;
before, or during the appointment ban. These
steps in the appointment process should always (4) Contractual personnel or those
concur and operate as a single process. There is whose employment in the government is
no valid appointment if the process lacks even in accordance with a special contract to
one step. And, unlike the dissent’s proposal, undertake a specific work or job,
there is no need to further distinguish between an requiring special or technical skills not
effective and an ineffective appointment when an available in the employing agency, to be
appointment is valid. (Atty. Velicaria-Garafil v. accomplished within a specific period,
Office of the President, 760 Phil. 410 [2015]) which in no case shall exceed one year,
and performs or accomplishes the
Appointment is an essentially discretionary specific work or job, under his own
power and must be performed by the officer in responsibility with a minimum of
which it is vested according to his best lights, the direction and supervision from the hiring
only condition being that the appointee should agency; and
possess the qualifications required by law. If he
does, then the appointment cannot be faulted on (5) Emergency and seasonal
the ground that there are others better qualified personnel. (Sec. 9, Chapter 2, Title I(A),
who should have been preferred. This is a Book V, E.O. 292)
political question involving considerations of
wisdom which only the appointing authority can
decide. (Luego v. CSC, 143 SCRA 327[1986]) The constitutional mandate that appointments
in the civil service are made only according to merit
Noncareer service positions and fitness to be determined, as far as practicable, by
competent examination, (Sec. 2(2), Art. IX(B), 1987
Positions that do not fall under career service Phil Consti) applies only to career service positions.
are considered noncareer positions characterized It does not apply to noncareer service positions that
by entrance on bases other than those of the are policy determining, primarily confidential or
usual tests of merit and fitness utilized for career highly technical as they are excluded from the merit
service, and, tenure which is limited to a period system and officers and employees appointed in it
specified by law, or which is co-terminus with may be dismissed at pleasure. These positions
that of involved the highest degree of confidence, or are
closely bound out with and dependent on other
positions to which they are subordinate, or are
temporary in nature.

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without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
(De Los Santos v. Mallare, G.R. No. L-3881, matters. (Borres v. CA, G.R. No. L- 36845,
August 31, 1950) August 21, 1987; CSC v Javier)

The primary purpose in declaring a position Examples

as policy-determining, primarily confidential or a. PNB Chief Legal Counsel; (Besa v. PNB,
highly technical is to exempt the categories from 144 Phil. 282[1970])
competitive examination as a means to determine
merit and fitness. These positions are covered by b. Confidential Agent;
security of tenure, although they are considered non-
competitive only in the sense that appointees thereto c. Office of the GSIS Auditor; (Salazar v.
do not have to undergo competitive examinations for Mathay, 165 Phil. 256[1976])
purposes of determining merit and fitness. (CSC v.
Salas, G.R. No. 123708, June 19, 1997) d. Sangguniang Bayan Secretary; (Cortez v.
Bartolome, G.R. No. L- 46629, Sept. 11,
Policy determining position 1980)

It is one charged with duty to formulate a e. Senior Security and Security Guard;
method of action for government or any of
its subdivisions. A city engineer does not f. Office of the Vice Mayor; (Borres v. CA)
occupy a policy-determining position as his
job is to execute policy, not make it. (De Los g. Secretary to the Board of a government
Santos v. Mallare) corporation; (Gray v. De Vera, 138 Phil.
279 [1969])
Primarily confidential position
h. City Legal Counsel, City Legal Officer or
In classifying a position as primarily City Attorney; (Hilario v. CSC, 312 Phil.
confidential, its functions must be not 1157[1995])
routine, ordinary and day-to-day in character.
(Tria v. Sto. Tomas, G.R. No. 85670, July i. Private Secretary; (Ingles v. Mutuc)
31,1991; Ingles v. Mutuc, 135
Phil. 177 [1968]) j. Board of Secretary of a state college; and
(Gloria v. De Guzman, 319 Phil.
Proximity rule 217[1995])

Every appointment implies k. Corporate Secretary of the GSIS Board

confidence, but much more than ordinary of Trustees. (CSC v. Javier)
confidence is reposed in the occupant of a
position that is primarily confidential. The Highly technical position
latter phrase denotes not only confidence in
the aptitude of the appointee for the duties of Highly technical means something beyond
the office but primarily close intimacy which ordinary requirements of the profession.
insures freedom of intercourse without (CSC v. Salas) It requires the occupant to
embarrassment or freedom from misgivings possess a technical skill or training in the
of betrayals of personal trust or confidential supreme or superior degree.
matters of state. (De Los Santos v. Mallare)
A position is considered to be It refers to closed career positions that
primarily confidential when there is a are scientific, or highly technical in nature. It
primarily close intimacy between the includes faculty and academic staff of state
appointing authority and the appointee, colleges and universities, and scientific and
which ensures the highest degree of trust and technical positions in scientific or research
unfettered communication and discussion on institutions that establish and maintain their
the most confidential of own merit systems. (Sec. 7(2), Chapter 2m
Title I(A), Book V, E.O. 292)

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without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.

Are public officers liable to injury or Qualifications for public office, whether
damage caused during the elective or not, are continuing requirements.
performance of their duties? They must be possessed not only at the time of
appointment or election, or assumption to office,
As a rule, a public officer is not
but during officer’s entire tenure. (Maquiling v.
personally liable to one injured in
Comelec, 696 SCRA 420[2013] Once any of the
consequence of an act performed within
required qualifications is lost, his title may be
scope of his or her official authority, and in
seasonably challenged. (Mitra v. COMELEC,
line of official duty. (PASI v. Lichauco) A
622 SCRA 744[2010])
public officer is not liable for damages that a
person may suffering arising from just Qualifications for public office are
performance of official duties and within continuing requirements and must be possessed
scope of assigned tasks (PASI v. Lichauco) not only at the time of appointment or election or
as it would virtually be a charge against the assumption of office but during the officer's
Republic, which is not amenable to judgment entire tenure. Once any of the required
for monetary claims without its consent. qualifications is lost, his title may be seasonably
(Vinzons- Chato v. Fortune Tobacco Corp., challenged. (Frivaldo v. COMELEC, 174 SCRA
G.R. No. 141309, June 19, 2017) 245[1989])
However, a public officer is by law
Qualifications for Elective officers
not immune from damages in his or her
personal capacity for acts done in bad faith
President and Vice President
which, being outside scope of authority are
no longer protected by the mantle of
No person may be elected President or Vice
immunity for official actions. (Vinzons- President unless he is a natural-born citizen of
Chato v. Fortune Tobacco Corp.)
the Philippines, a registered voter, able to read
and write, at least forty years of age on the day of
II. Eligibility, Qualifications, and
the election, and a resident of the Philippines for
Disqualifications to Public Office
at least ten years immediately preceding such
election. (Secs.
Who has the authority to prescribe?
2 and 3, Art. VII of the 1987 Phil. Constitution)
It is inarguable that Congress has plenary
authority to prescribe qualifications to a public
office. It may not however prescribe
No person shall be a Senator unless he is a
qualifications such that the President is entirely
natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, on the
stripped of discretion, thus converting
day of the election, is at least thirty-five years of
appointment to a mere ministerial act. (Flores v.
age, able to read and write, a registered voter,
Drilon, G.R. No. 104732, June 22, 1993)
and a resident of the Philippines for not less than
two years immediately preceding the day of the
election. (Sec. 3, Art. VI, 1987 Phil.
1. May refer to endowments, qualities or
attributes which make an individual eligible
Member , House of Representative
for public office, e.g., Citizenship; or
The House of Representatives shall be
2. May refer to the act of entering into the
composed of not more than two hundred and
performance of functions of a public office,
fifty members, unless otherwise fixed by law,
e.g., taking the oath of office.
who shall be elected from legislative districts
apportioned among the provinces, cities, and the
Qualifications, when possessed
Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with
the number of their

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a mayor or member of the Sangguniang
uniform and progressive ratio, and those who, as Panlungsod of highly urbanized cities must be at
provided by law, shall be elected through a least twenty-three (23) years of age on election
party-list system of registered national, regional, day. (Sec. 39(b), Local Government Code of
and sectoral parties or organizations. (Sec. 5(1), 1991)
Art. VI, 1987 Phil. Constitution)
Candidates for the position of Mayor or vice-
District Representative mayor of independent component cities,
component cities, municipalities must be at least
No person shall be a Member of the House of twenty-one (21) years of age on election day.
Representatives unless he is a natural-born (Sec. 39(c), Local Government Code of 1991)
citizen of the Philippines and, on the day of the
election, is at least twenty- five years of age, able Candidates for the position of member of the
to read and write, and, except the party-list Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang bayan
representatives, a registered voter in the district must be at least eighteen (18) years of age on
in which he shall be elected, and a resident election day. (Sec. 39(d), Local Government
thereof for a period of not less than one year Code of 1991)
immediately preceding the day of the election.
(Sec. 6, Art. VI, 1987 Phil. Constitution) Candidates for the position of Punong
Barangay or member of the Sangguniang
Party-List Representative Barangay must be at least eighteen (18) years of
age on election day. (Sec. 39(e), Local
No person shall be nominated as party- list Government Code of 1991)
representative unless he is a natural-born citizen
of the Philippines, a registered voter, a resident An official of the Sangguniang Kabataan,
of the Philippines for a period of not less than either elective or appointee, must be a citizen of
one (1)year immediately preceding the day of the the Philippines, a qualified voter of the
election, able to read and write, a bona fide Katipunan ng Kabataan, a resident of the
member of the party or organization which he barangay for not less than one (1) year
seeks to represent for at least ninety (90) days immediately preceding the day of the elections,
preceding the day of the election, and is at least at least eighteen (18) years but not more than
twenty-five (25) years of age on the day of the twenty-four (24) years of age on the day of the
election. (Sec. 9 R.A. 7941) elections, able to read and write Filipino,
English, or the local dialect, must not be related
Local elective officials within the second civil degree of consanguinity
or affinity to any incumbent elected national
An elective local official must be a citizen of official or to any incumbent elected regional,
the Philippines; a registered voter in the provincial, city, municipal, or barangay official,
Barangay, municipality, city, or province or, in in the locality where he or she seeks to be
the case of a member of the Sangguniang elected, and must not have been convicted by
Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panlungsod, or final judgment of any crime involving moral
Sanggunian bayan, the district where he intends turpitude. (Sec. 10, R.A. 10472)
to be elected; a resident therein for at least one
(1) year immediately preceding the day of the Disqualifications of Public Officers
election; and able to read and write
Filipino or any other local language or dialect. Constitutional Inhibitions
(Sec. 39(a), Local Government Code of 1991)
A. No candidate who has lost in any election
Candidates for the position of governor, vice- shall, within one year after such election, be
governor or member of the Sangguniang appointed to any office in the Government or
Panlalawigan, or Mayor, vice- any government-owned or controlled
corporations or in any of their subsidiaries.
[Sec. 6, Art. IX-B]

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without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
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Presidential Electoral Tribunal, Senate
B. No elective official shall be eligible for Electoral Tribunal or House of
appointment or designation in any capacity to Representatives Electoral Tribunal.
any public office or position during his
tenure. [Sec. 7(1), Art. IX-B]
C. Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the COMMISSION shall, during his tenure, hold
primary functions of his position, no any other office or employment. Neither shall
appointive official shall hold any other office he engage in the practice of any profession or
or employment in the Government or any in the active management or control of any
subdivision, agency or instrumentality business which in any way may be affected
thereof, including government-owned or by the functions of his office, nor shall he be
controlled corporations or their subsidiaries. financially interested, directly or indirectly,
[Sec. 7 (2), Art. IX-B] in any contract with, or in any franchise or
privilege granted by the Government, any of
its subdivisions, agencies, or
D. The President, Vice-President, the Members instrumentalities, including government-
of the Cabinet, and their deputies or owned or controlled corporations or their
assistants shall not, unless otherwise subsidiaries. [Sec. 2, Article IX-A] The same
provided in this Constitution, hold any other disqualification applies to the Ombudsman
office or employment during their tenure. and his Deputies. [Sec. 8, Article XI]
They shall not, during said tenure, directly or
indirectly, practice any other profession,
participate in any business, or be financially H. No SENATOR OR MEMBER OF THE
interested in any contract with, or in any HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES may
franchise, or special privilege granted by the personally appear as counsel before any court
Government or any subdivision, agency, or of justice or before the Electoral Tribunals,
instrumentality thereof, including or quasi-judicial and other administrative
government-owned or controlled bodies. Neither shall he, directly or
corporations or their subsidiaries. They shall indirectly, be interested financially in any
strictly avoid conflict of interest in the contract with, or in any franchise or special
conduct of their office. [Sec. 13, Art. VII] privilege granted by the Government, or any
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
E. No Senator or Member of the House of thereof, including any government-owned or
Representatives may hold any other office or controlled corporation, or its subsidiary,
employment in the Government, or any during his term of office. He shall not
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality intervene in any matter before any office of
thereof, including government-owned or the Government for his pecuniary benefit or
controlled corporations or their subsidiaries, where he may be called upon to act on
during his term without forfeiting his seat. account of his office. [Sec. 14, Art. VI]
Neither shall he be appointed to any office
which may have been created or the I. No elective or appointive public officer or
emoluments thereof increased during the employee shall receive additional, double, or
term for which he was elected. [Sec.12 , Art. indirect compensation, unless specifically
VI] authorized by law, nor accept without the
consent of the Congress, any present,
F. The Members of the Supreme Court and of emolument, office, or title of any kind from
other courts established by law shall not be any foreign government. Pensions or
designated to any agency performing gratuities shall not be considered as
quasi-judicial or administrative additional, double, or indirect compensation.
functions. (Sec. 6, Art. VIII) Exception: [Sec. 8, Art. IX-B]
Designation to the

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
J. No loan, guaranty, or other form of financial III. Collect any fee for their
accommodation for any business purpose appearance in administrative
may be granted, directly or indirectly, by any proceedings involving the local
government- owned or controlled bank or government unit of which he is an
financial institution to the President, the official; and
Vice- President, the Members of the Cabinet,
the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the
Constitutional Commissions, the IV.Use property and personnel of the
Ombudsman, or to any firm or entity in government except when the
which they have controlling interest, during sanggunian member concerned is
their tenure. [Sec. 16, Art. XI) defending the interest of the

K. No officer or employee in the civil service 3.) Doctor of Medicine may practice their
shall engage, directly or indirectly, in any profession even during official hours
electioneering or partisan political campaign. of work only on occasions of
[Sec. 2(4), Art. IX-B] emergency: Provided, That the
officials concerned do not derive
Statutory Inhibitions monetary compensation therefrom.
[Sec. 90, LGC]
A. Prohibition under the Local Government
B. Appointive officers under the
Civil Service Rules:
1.) All governors, city and municipal mayors
No officer shall engage directly in
are prohibited from practicing their
any private business, vocation, or profession
profession or engaging in any
or be connected with any commercial, credit,
occupation other than the exercise of
agricultural, or industrial undertaking without
their functions as local chief
a written permission from the head of the
department. This prohibition will be absolute
2.) Sanggunian members may practice in the case of those officers and employees
their professions, engage in any whose duties and responsibilities require that
occupation, or teach in schools except their entire time be at the disposal of the
during session hours: Provided, That Government (e.g., mayors).
sanggunian members who are also
Exception: If an employee is granted
members of the Bar shall not:
permission to engage, in outside activities,
the time so devoted outside of office hours
I. Appear as counsel before any
should be fixed by the chief of the agency to
court in any civil case wherein a
the end that it will not impair in any way the
local government unit or any
efficiency of the officer or employee.
office, agency, or
instrumentality of the government
Exception to Exception: No
is the adverse party;
permission is necessary in the case of
investments, made by an officer or employee,
II. Appear as counsel in any criminal
which do not involve any real or apparent
case wherein an officer or
conflict between his private interests and
employee of the national or local
public duties, or in any way influence him in
government is accused of an
the discharge of his duties, and he shall not
offense committed in relation to
take part in the management of the enterprise
his office.
or become an officer or member of the board

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
directors [Sec. 12, Rule XVIII, Revised Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 185224, July 29,
Civil Service Rules]. 2015)

C. Nepotism De facto doctrine

Under the foregoing definition, one Elements:

is guilty of nepotism if an appointment is
issued in favor of a relative within the third 1. There must be a de jure office;
civil degree of consanguinity or affinity of
any of the following: (a) appointing 2. There must be a color of right or general
authority; (b) recommending authority; (c) acquiescence by the public; and
chief of the bureau or office; and (d) person
exercising immediate supervision over the 3. There must be actual physical possession of
appointee. (Bagaoisan vs. Ombudsman, G.R. the office in good faith. (Tuanda v.
No. 242005, June 26, Sandiganbayan, 319 Phil. 460, 472[1995];
2019) Laud v. People, G.R. No. 199032, November
19, 2014)
Jurisprudence has it that for the
purpose of determining nepotism, there The expanse of the de facto doctrine was
should be no distinction between established early in the development of our
appointment and designation; otherwise, the jurisprudence. In Luna v. Rodriguez, 371 Phil.
prohibition on nepotism would be 192, the doctrine was established to contemplate
meaningless and toothless. Any appointing situations where the duties of the office were
authority may circumvent it by merely exercised:
designating, and not appointing, a relative
within the prohibited degree to a vacant A. Without a known appointment or election,
position in the career service. Indeed, what but under such circumstances of reputation or
cannot be done directly cannot be done acquiescence as were calculated to induce
indirectly. (Bagaoisan v. Ombudsman) people, without inquiry, to submit to or
invoke his action, supposing him to be the
III. De Facto Officers officer he assumes to be;

Who is a De Facto Officer? B. Under color of a known or valid appointment

or election, where the officer has failed to
One who has the reputation of being the conform to some precedent requirement or
officer that he assumes to be, and yet is not a condition, for example, a failure to take the
good officer in point of law (Torres v. Ribo, 81 oath or give a bond, or similar defect;
Phil. 44)
C. Under color of a known election or
A de facto officer is one who is in possession appointment, void because the officer was
of an office and who openly exercises its not eligible, or because there was a want of
functions under color of an appointment or power in the electing or appointing body, or
election, even though such appointment or by reason of some defect or irregularity in its
election may be irregular. (General Manager, exercise, such ineligibility, want of power or
Philippine Port Authority v. Monserate, 381 defect being unknown to the public; and
SCRA 200, 213[2002]) It
is likewise defined as one who is in possession D. Under color of an election, or appointment,
of an office, and is discharging its duties under by or pursuant to a public unconstitutional
color of authority, by which is meant authority law, before the same is adjudged to be such.
derived from an appointment, however irregular (A. M. No. 13-04- 03-SC, December 10,
or informal, so that the incumbent be not a mere 2013)
volunteer. (Dimaandal v. Commission on Audit,
353 Phil. 525, 534 [1998]; Zoleta v.

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.
Are the acts of a de facto officer valid? De facto officer and usurper, distinguished.

The acts of a de facto officer are just as valid He is distinguished from a mere usurper or
for all purposes as those of a de jure officer, in so intruder by the fact that the former holds by some
far as the public or third persons who are color of right or title while the latter intrudes upon
interested therein are concerned. (Funa v. Agra, the office and assumes to exercise its functions
G.R. No. 191644, February 19, 2013) without either the legal title or color of right to such
office. (Codilla v. Martinez)
The treatment of a de facto officer’s acts is
premised on the reality that third persons cannot As against a mere usurper, "it is the color of
always investigate the right of one assuming to authority, not the color of title that distinguishes an
hold an important office and, as such, have a officer de facto from a usurper." Thus, a mere
right to assume that officials apparently qualified usurper is one "who takes possession of [an] office
and in office are legally such. (Re: Nomination and undertakes to act officially without any color of
of Atty. Lynda Chaguile, IBP Ifugao President, right or authority, either actual or apparent." A
as Replacement for IBP Governor for Northern usurper is no officer at all. (A.M. No. 13-04-03-SC
Luzon, Dennis B. Habawel, A.M. No. 13-04- 03- [2013])
SC, December 10, 2013)
Are De Facto officers entitled to salary?
The de facto doctrine has been formulated,
not for the protection of the de facto officer A de facto officer is entitled to be paid for
principally, but rather for the protection of the actual services rendered, except where there is a
public and individuals who get involved in the sitting de jure officer. (Sampayan v. Daza, G.R. No.
official acts of persons discharging the duties of 103903, September 11, 1992)
an office without being lawful officers. (Monroy
v. CA, 20 SCRA 520[1967])

De facto and de jure officer, distinguished.

An officer de facto is to be distinguished

from an officer de jure, and is one who has the
reputation or appearance of being the officer he
assumes to be but who, in fact, under the law, has no
right or title to the office he assumes to hold.
(Codilla v. Martinez, G.R. No. L-14569, November
23, 1960)

The difference between the basis of the

authority of a de jure officer and that of a de facto
officer is that one rests on right, the other on
reputation. It may be likened to the difference
between character and reputation. One is the truth of
a man, the other is what is thought of him. (CSC v.
Joson, 473 Phil. 859[2004])

Simply put, a DE FACTO OFFICER

exercises his or her authority under a color of an
appointment or an election, while a DE JURE
OFFICER is legally appointed or elected, and
possesses all qualifications to the office.

The author reserves exclusive right over this material. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior consent from the author. This material is exclusively for the use of PHINMA-University of Pangasinan 4 th Year Political Science
Students (Block 1 and 2) currently enrolled in BAM 193 A.Y. 2023-2024.

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