Barayuga Reflective Journ

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Name: _MARK JAMES BUGARIN BARAYUGA Student’s Number20-040848 M

Year & Section Bped3-A Output # 2 Title of Activity: Reflective Journal

How volleyball changed my life

It all started out when I was in Junior High School. Seeing my seniors play the sport I never knew I would love
made me envious. And as days went by, where every afternoon, they would gather up to form and make two teams.
While playing, I can still remember how happy each and every one of them was. And I wanted to experience that as
well, but the opportunity did not come to me back then.

And as soon as I was about to lose the passion that once ignited within me, it rekindled. The opportunity came
knocking at my door! It was our school’s intramurals, and every school year level was forming teams for every sport,
volleyball included. So the part of me who wanted to experience playing volleyball got excited. And so I tried. Me being
fortunate enough, I got accepted and I was given the chance to represent our year level – Sophomore.And that was
when I started playing volleyball. At first, I was nothing better than an elementary student who did not know how to
pass the ball properly. Much more to pass it to our designated setter to create a play, and end the rally. But that did not
stop me from trying. I strived to be better, and better I became.

Playing this very sport did not only bring me enjoyment inside the court. It also helped me throughout my life
not just as a play, but also as a person. And here are some of the life lessons I learned from playing volleyball.We always
get hurt after saving the ball, we always have bruises after the hard fall. And sometimes, we get scarred, or worse, we
get injured. But only if we play it recklessly, and without giving it a second thought. But for the sake of the game, we still
give our very best, not just to win but also to gain experiences. Just like volleyball, our lives are like that as well. We get
hurt, and every time we do, we learn from it. That is just how life should be, an endless cycle of learning and getting new
experiences.Also, in volleyball, the two teams on each side of the court only have three touches granted for them to
pass the ball over the net and into their opponents. This is a way for the sport to have a moderated rally, but an intense
one at that. The first touch is meant to receive the ball, second is to set it properly. And the last is for either hitting it
hard or not, depending on the situation. That is what the rally in volleyball is like. And life is like that, we are only
granted limited chances to shoot our shot! Thus, proper execution of our actions is badly needed. We can not afford to
lose the chance granted to us.

If ever there is one thing volleyball taught me, it is how to respond to the joy from winning or the knowledge
gained from losing. This sport is not all about winning or losing after all. It is more than that.Sometimes we win, and
sometimes we get new experiences and learned from them. Things do not usually go the way you planned, and it is
normal. It is the beauty of this sport and life in general. Not everything is predictable, and it is our duty to adjust and
cope with the changes. Volleyball after all is more than a sport, it is a platform to share and gain new experiences with

why is volleyball so fun? Volleyball is a fun sport because it is so high paced, and revolves around teamwork .
The energy playing on the court is a completely unique feeling. Nothing better than making a tough pass or getting a kill
and the crowd and your teammates screaming your name in exclamation.Additionally, how does volleyball relate to
your life? Playing the game of volleyball will provide you with confidence that you need during your daily life. Once you
get started with the sport of volleyball, you’ll have to learn basic skills such as serving, setting, blocking, digging, passing,
hitting and many others.
Faculty-in-charge BARAYUGA
Consultation Hours: TTH 4- Student/BPED3-A
Name: _MARK JAMES BUGARIN BARAYUGA Student’s Number20-040848 M
Year & Section Bped3-A Output # 2 Title of Activity: Reflective Journal

It has provided me with countless opportunities to grow, learn, and be inspired. From the camaraderie of the
team to the physical and mental challenge of the game, volleyball has been a major influence in shaping who I am today.
It has shown me that hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude can take me far – both on and off the court. Through
the highs and lows of the game, I have learned invaluable lessons that have stayed with me throughout my life. This is
how volleyball has inspired me. Playing volleyball teaches you a lot of valuable lessons that can be applied to life. It
teaches you that practice makes perfect, and that hard work and determination can lead to success. You learn how to be
a team player, and how to take responsibility for your actions, both on and off the court. You learn the importance of
communication, and how small changes can have a huge impact. It teaches you to stay focused and to never give up,
and to always strive to be your best. Ultimately, volleyball teaches you the power of resilience, and that with the right
attitude and dedication, anything is possible. A sport like volleyball teaches you life lessons that will last your entire life.
If you have a lot of confidence, you should hit the ball. Even if it goes out of bounds or is blocked, you still went down
swinging. You will never fully comprehend what you can do unless you practice what you preach to yourself. Blockers
are the first line of defense in a war. If you do not wish to manage your own life, it is fine to refuse. Listen closely to the
key players, who may be pointing to the ball’s trajectory. The bench is not where the game is taking place. You must
have the confidence to make your own decisions.

it is more than just a sport to use volleyball to improve one’s life. Playing volleyball provides more than just
physical benefits; it can also provide young athletes with life lessons. Effective communication and teamwork abilities,
strategic thinking abilities, and resilience are just a few of the skills children can learn through volleyball. It is similar to
life in that it is difficult to predict what will happen, and it can be difficult to succeed. Players must be capable of pushing
through challenges, learning from their mistakes, and being able to come out on top in the end. Learning from volleyball
can have a positive impact on other aspects of life. It taught me perseverance and never giving up no matter what the
odds are, even when things appear difficult. Furthermore, it has taught me to take risks, make decisions on the fly, and
remain calm and focused under pressure. As a result, when I am in a situation, I will be able to take advantage of any
one of these valuable skills. Volleyball has been an important part of my life for many years, and it has had a significant
impact on me in a variety of ways. It has given me strength and courage to pursue my dreams, and I never give up when
things get difficult. It has also taught me that success is more than just winning; it is also about learning from your
mistakes and growing from them. Playing volleyball has taught me a lot about life, and I am eternally grateful for the
many lessons it has taught me.


Faculty-in-charge BARAYUGA
Consultation Hours: TTH 4- Student/BPED3-A

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