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Name: _CHRISTIAN BARUGSAY BALAAN Student’s Number 20-040972Year & Section Bped3-A
Output # ___2_____ Title of Activity: Reflective Journal


From rookie to MVP: My Journey in sports

Playing volleyball has been a significant part of my life for several years now. My first experience with the sport
was when I joined my high school's volleyball team as a freshman. At first, I was hesitant to try out because I had never
played before, but I ended up falling in love with the game. Sir Allan Cayetano told me that I have the potential in
playing volleyball so every after class; I join him to train the basic skills in volleyball. after a month’s of training, they told
me that I have improve a lot and that’s the time when I join the selection and luckily I have my spot. Every now and
then, I join a lot of competition especially in our school. I join the regional level four times and it was indeed a great
experience for me.

I was so happy, motivated and determined to continue my career in playing volleyball. I have gained many
friends and gain also my confidence to interact with other people. It reminds me that I have to engage in sport for me to
become physically fit, not just physically but holistically. It was never been easy to become a student-athlete however, I
manage my time to sports and I maintain my high grades during high school. I have also some challenges while focusing
on sports, like my grandparents got mad at me because im going home late and I have a hard time to bond with my
friends and it’s all part of it. Throughout my time as a volleyball player, I have learned many valuable lessons that have
helped me both on and off the court. One of the most important lessons I have learned is teamwork. Volleyball is a
team sport, and success often depends on how well players work together. I have learned that communication, trust,
and support are essential components of effective teamwork. Another important lesson I have learned is resilience.
Volleyball can be a challenging sport, and it requires players to persevere through difficult moments and setbacks.
Through my experiences playing volleyball, I have developed a strong sense of resilience that has helped me overcome
obstacles in other areas of my life. Furthermore, playing volleyball has also taught me the importance of physical fitness
and a healthy lifestyle. Consistent training and practice have helped me develop greater strength, speed, and agility,
while also promoting overall wellness. The discipline required to maintain a regular training schedule has also translated
into other aspects of my life, such as academics and personal goals. Lastly, playing volleyball has given me the
opportunity to form strong bonds with my teammates. Over the years, I have built deep friendships with my fellow
volleyball players, and these relationships have provided me with a sense of community and support.

Theory can be integrated into the experience of playing volleyball in several ways. Here are a few examples:
first, Biomechanics: Understanding the principles of biomechanics, such as force, velocity, and acceleration, can help
volleyball players better understand how to optimize their movements on the court. For instance, knowledge of proper
arm and hand positioning can help players generate more powerful serves and spikes. Second, Psychology: The mental
aspect of volleyball is just as important as the physical. Applying psychological theories and techniques, such as
visualization and positive self-talk, can help players improve their focus, confidence, and overall performance. Third,
Strategy: Analyzing opponent tactics and developing effective game plans can give teams a competitive advantage.
Applying strategic theories, such as understanding optimal placement of players on the court, can improve team
performance and lead to more victories. Fourth, Training Principles: Applying training principles, such as specificity and
periodization, can help players optimize their workouts and maximize their potential. Understanding the importance of
rest and recovery can also prevent injuries and prolong athletic careers. By integrating theoretical concepts into the
experience of playing volleyball, players can gain a deeper understanding of the sport and improve their performance
on the court.
Faculty-in-charge Student/BPED3-A
Consultation Hours: TTH 4-6PM Consultation Hours: 1:00-2:00
Name: _CHRISTIAN BARUGSAY BALAAN Student’s Number 20-040972Year & Section Bped3-A
Output # ___2_____ Title of Activity: Reflective Journal

In a general sense, playing volleyball can provide individuals with valuable lessons about teamwork, resilience,
physical fitness, and friendship. The sport requires players to work together effectively and overcome challenges
through perseverance and dedication, promoting not only athletic ability but also personal growth. In a specific sense,
analyzing the experience of playing volleyball through the lens of theories such as deliberate practice, self-efficacy,
biomechanics, psychology, and training principles can provide insights into how individuals can improve their skills and
performance on the court. By applying these theoretical concepts in practice, individuals can optimize their training,
increase their confidence and mental focus, and develop effective strategies for success in the game. Overall, playing
volleyball can be a meaningful and enriching experience that offers both personal and athletic growth. The integration
of theory can provide valuable insights and strategies to help individuals maximize their potential and achieve success
on the court. Improved awareness and self-development in playing volleyball can be demonstrated through several
ways: first, Increased understanding of game mechanics: As I continued to play volleyball, I developed a deeper
understanding of the mechanics of the game, such as the importance of footwork, body positioning, and hand
placement. Second, Improved physical fitness: Through consistent training and practice, I was able to improve my
physical fitness and athletic ability, such as increasing my speed, agility, and vertical jump. Third, Mental focus: I learned
the importance of mental focus and concentration when playing volleyball. I worked on improving my mental toughness
by staying positive, visualizing successful plays, and developing a growth mind-set. Lastly, Better teamwork and
communication: I became more aware of the importance of teamwork and communication in volleyball, and I actively
worked on building stronger relationships with my teammates while also honing my communication skills on the court.
Overall, through self-reflection and continuous improvement, I was able to enhance my awareness and development in
playing volleyball, leading to improved performance and greater success on the court.

First, develop a consistent training routine: Consistent practice is essential to improving skills and increasing
performance levels. Setting aside time each day or week to work on specific areas of weakness can help individuals
develop and hone their abilities. Second, focus on mental toughness: Volleyball requires a significant amount of mental
focus and resilience. Developing techniques such as visualization, positive self-talk, and meditation can help individuals
remain mentally tough during games and overcome setbacks. Third, Learn proper technique and positioning:
Understanding proper technique and positioning can significantly improve a player's performance on the court. Attend
coaching clinics or work with an experienced coach to learn the correct techniques. Fourth, implement strategic game
plans: Developing strategic game plans can help teams identify and exploit weaknesses in their opponents while
capitalizing on their own strengths. Analyze opponent tactics and plan ahead accordingly. Fifth, continue to learn and
grow: The world of volleyball is constantly evolving, and there is always room for improvement. Take advantage of
resources such as online tutorials, coaching clinics, and community leagues to continue learning and growing as a player.

Playing volleyball can offer a multitude of benefits, such as promoting teamwork, resilience, physical fitness, and
personal growth. By incorporating theoretical concepts such as deliberate practice, self-efficacy, biomechanics,
psychology, and training principles, individuals can improve their skills and performance on the court. Consistent
training and focus on mental toughness can also lead to improved performance. Furthermore, continually seeking
opportunities for learning and growth can help players stay up-to-date with current trends and techniques. Overall,
playing volleyball can be a rewarding and enriching experience both personally and athletically.


Faculty-in-charge Student/BPED3-A
Consultation Hours: TTH 4-6PM Consultation Hours: 1:00-2:00

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