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Schedule of the Test Series:

Dates Topics
1 June 11th, 2023 G.S I - History
2 July 02nd, 2023 G.S I – Geography, Indian Society
3 July 23rd, 2023 G.S II - Polity and Constitution, International Relations
4 August 13th, 2023 G.S II - Governance, Social Justice
5 September 03rd, 2023 G.S III - Economy and Agriculture, Internal Security
G.S III - Science & Tech, Environment, Ecology and Biodiversity,
6 September 24th, 2023
Disaster Mgmt.
G.S IV – Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude (Philosophy & Social
7 October 15th, 2023
Psychology), Case studies
G.S IV - Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude (Ethics in governance),
8 November 05th, 2023
Case studies
9 November 26th, 2023 Comprehensive G.S I
10 December 17th, 2023 Comprehensive G.S II
11 January 07th, 2024 Comprehensive G.S III
12 January 28th, 2024 Comprehensive G.S IV

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