Unit 4 - Session 3: Design An Ad

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Unit 4 | Session 3

Design an ad
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Design an ad for a product
Unit 4 | Session 3
Design an ad
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Design an ad for a product

Lesson overview

1 GET STARTED: Advertising techniques

2 RESEARCH: Advertising techniques
3 DECIDE: Decide on the main idea, image, and technique for an ad
4 DISCUSS: Discuss the ideas for your ad
5 PREPARE: Refine and improve your ad
6 PRESENT: Present your ad
7 AGREE: Choose the best ad
9 UNIT 5 PREVIEW: True stories
Advertising techniques
Read about some advertising techniques.
How could they be used to sell the hamburger in the photo?

Endorsement: a respected expert or celebrity supports the product

(for example, a movie star does commercials for a brand of shampoo,
a famous soccer player puts his name on a new cologne for men)

Association of ideas: the product “The camera never lies”: the product
is connected to a particular idea looks visually attractive or appealing
(for example, cars = freedom) (for example, the perfect burger)

Technology: the product is (or uses) the Guilt: the ad makes the customer feel bad
latest and best technology (for example, for not having the product already (for
the latest generation smartphone) example, a safer car seat for children)
The ad for . . . uses . . .
Advertising techniques in ads Ads for . . . often have . . . . So that’s . . .
The people in the ad look like they . . .
Ads for . . . make me feel . . .
With a partner, think of types of products (toothpaste,
running shoes, medicine, etc.) and discuss which
techniques are typically used in their ads.

Endorsement: a respected expert or celebrity supports the product

(for example, a movie star does commercials for a brand of shampoo,
a famous soccer player puts his name on a new cologne for men)

Association of ideas: the product “The camera never lies”: the product
is connected to a particular idea looks visually attractive or appealing
(for example, cars = freedom) (for example, the perfect burger)

Technology: the product is (or uses) the Guilt: the ad makes the customer feel bad
latest and best technology (for example, for not having the product already (for
the latest generation smartphone) example, a safer car seat for children)
Decide on the main idea, image, and technique for an ad
Work in a group to design an ad for a product.
Choose one of the products from the box or think of another one.
car cosmetics food product jewelry sports equipment TV show

Decide on the central idea or main image for your ad and also the
technique(s) that would be best to sell your product.
Endorsement Association of ideas The camera never lies Technology Guilt

You can draw it or write a brief plan for it.

Our product is jeans. We could use a DJ
How about a food product?
in a club where people are dancing. The
Let’s use the . . . technique.
technique might be association of ideas.
We could use images of . . .
Discuss the ideas for your ad
Explain your group’s idea to a student from another group.
Ask for their feedback and take notes.

Our product is jeans. We are planning to

use a DJ in a club where people are
dancing. The technique we plan to use is
association of ideas. What do you think?

That’s a good idea!

Are you going to use someone
famous, as endorsement?

The central idea of our ad is . . .
We are planning to use an image of . . .
The advertising technique we plan to use is . . .
Refine and improve your ad
Rejoin your group and share all the feedback.
Work with your group to refine and improve your ad.
Be sure your final ad includes the following:
• a main image (or an idea for one)
• a slogan and/or a short text to accompany the ad
Prepare to present your ad to the class.

The jeans for all your right


DJ Jeans
Present your ad
Present your ad to the class and explain the
technique(s) you chose to use.
Watch the other presentations and take notes.
You are going to choose the most effective
and original ad later.

The jeans for all your right


DJ Jeans
Choose the best ad
Discuss and decide which ad is
the most effective and original.
Explain your opinion.

The jeans for all your right


DJ Jeans
Unit 4
Now I can . . . Prove it!
 use specific words to talk about Choose a product and discuss its brand and the different
ads and advertising. ways it is advertised.
 make different types of Write and share five sentences about something uncertain
speculations using modals. using different modal verbs for degrees of possibility.
 talk about different people in the Talk about some recent viral news or a celebrity of current
media. interest.
 use pronouns in subject and Talk about a few celebrities and describe who they are and
object relative clauses. what they do using relative clauses.
 exchange and discuss opinions. Give your opinion about a current movie and then
emphatically disagree with it.
 debate a topic. Write an argument for and against using a same ad for a
product all over the world.
True stories
Unit 5 objectives
• discuss different types of stories
• talk about plans and changes to plans in the past
• react to problems and disappointing news
• write a formal apology
• tell a story about a chance meeting
True stories
Look at the photo. Discuss the questions.
1. What kind of story do you think the woman is
telling? How do you know?

2. When was the last time you heard a good story?

What was it about? Who told it to you?

3. Who is the best storyteller you know?

What kind of stories do they tell?
Unit 4 | Session 3
Design an ad
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Design an ad for a product

Thank you!

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