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1. Do you think the church should intervene in scienFfic acFviFes why or why not?
- I firmly believe that church has a big impact on scien7fic ac7vi7es and it should
intercede on some scien7fic ac7vi7es. As individual who raised as a bornagain Chris7an,
I do consider the individuality of science and the bible but we also need to remember
that some of the famous scien7st also believe in the word of God. Hence, the church
could have a great impact on discovering things in scien7fic ac7vi7es. I know many will
not agree on my statement but yes, church should intervene in scien7fic ac7vity not to
gain credits or anything but to help understand reason behind these anomalies or
scien7fic discoveries because s7ll, science is made by Him.

2. Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy among
people will or has contributed to the growth of our economy?
- Yes, because science literacy introduced technology and lead to have a great impact on
our economy. Also technology is one of the basis if the economy of a country is growing
or not. Another widely accepted characteris7c of the human resource that can
significantly contribute to the economic and technical growth of any na7on is scien7fic
literacy. Researchers have discovered issues with factory efficiency, exchange rates,
investment types, and transporta7on networks through scien7fic, rigorous tests and
study. Finding fresh approaches to these problems will enable economic networks to
func7on more effec7vely.

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