Algebra Formulas and Equation (+) +. (+) - +, (-) - (-)

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1. Algebra formulas and equation (+) +. (+). = +, (-). - (-).


Alright, let's imagine you have a friend named Positive Pete and another friend
named Negative Nancy.

When Positive Pete adds something to his collection, he gets even more excited
and happy, so we use the symbol "+" to represent that.

Now, Negative Nancy is a bit different. Whenever she has something taken
away from her collection, she becomes sad and upset, so we use the symbol "-"
to show that.

Now, let's see why (+) + (+) = +:

When Positive Pete adds something to his collection (+) and then he adds
another thing (+), he ends up with even more items, which makes him even
happier! So, when we add two positives together, we get a big positive result!

For example, if Positive Pete has 3 candies (+3) and then he gets 2 more
candies (+2), he will have 3 + 2 = 5 candies (+5). Yay for Positive Pete!
1. Algebra formulas and equation (+) +. (+). = +, (-). - (-).

Now, let's see why (-) - (-) = +:

Remember Negative Nancy? Well, she starts with some items in her collection,
but when something is taken away from her collection (-), she becomes less
sad because she has more things now.

Now, imagine that Negative Nancy has lost 3 marbles (-3) and then she loses 2
more marbles (-2). Well, she might still be a bit sad, but she realizes that she
lost fewer marbles this time, so she feels a bit better. When we subtract a
negative from another negative, it's like taking away sadness, and it ends up
making a positive result!

So, (-3) - (-2) means she lost 3 marbles and then lost 2 more marbles, which is
the same as saying (-3) + (+2). In the end, she actually only lost 1 marble (-1)!
That's why (-) - (-) gives us a positive result!

Remember, Positive Pete (+) + (+) gives us a big positive, and Negative Nancy (-)
- (-) gives us a positive result too, because taking away sadness is a good thing!
Keep up the good work, and math will become even more fun as you learn

more! 😊

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